Silent in the Sanctuary
by Deanna Raybourn

Published: 2008-01-01
Paperback : 552 pages
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Fresh from a six-month sojourn in Italy, Lady Julia returns home to Sussex to find her father's estate crowded with family and friends— but dark deeds are afoot at the deconsecrated abbey, and a murderer roams the ancient cloisters. Much to her surprise, the one man she had hoped to forget—the ...
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Fresh from a six-month sojourn in Italy, Lady Julia returns home to Sussex to find her father's estate crowded with family and friends— but dark deeds are afoot at the deconsecrated abbey, and a murderer roams the ancient cloisters. Much to her surprise, the one man she had hoped to forget—the enigmatic and compelling Nicholas Brisbane—is among her father's houseguests… and he is not alone. Not to be outdone, Julia shows him that two can play at flirtation and promptly introduces him to her devoted, younger, titled Italian count. But the homecoming celebrations quickly take a ghastly turn when one of the guests is found brutally murdered in the chapel, and a member of Lady Julia's own family confesses to the crime. Certain of her cousin's innocence, Lady Julia resumes her unlikely and deliciously intriguing partnership with Nicholas Brisbane, setting out to unravel a tangle of deceit before the killer can strike again. When a sudden snowstorm blankets the abbey like a shroud, it falls to Lady Julia and Nicholas Brisbane to answer the shriek of murder most foul.

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Lady Julia Grey has enjoyed her six-month sojourn in Italy immensely. But now her father is demanding that she and her brothers come home to England for the Christmas holiday. The thought of her home land is appealing, but can Lady Julia return to the scene of so much heartache?

Italy, 1887

Travelers must be content.

As You Like It

“Well, I suppose that settles it. Either we all go home to England for Christmas or we hurl ourselves into Lake Como to atone for our sins.”

I threw my elder brother a repressive look. “Do not be so morose, Plum. Father’s only really angry with Lysander,” I pointed out, brandishing the letter from England with my fingertips. The paper fairly scorched my skin. Father’s temper was a force of nature. Unable to rant at Lysander directly, he had applied himself to written chastisement with great vigour.

“The rest of us can go home easily enough,” I said. “Just think of it – Christmas in England! Plum pudding and snapdragon, mistletoe and wassail — ”

“Chilblains and damp beds, fogs so thick you cannot set foot out of doors,” Plum put in, his expression sour. “Someone sobbing in the linen cupboard; Father locking himself in the study after threatening to drown the lot of us in the moat.”

“I know,” I said, my excitement rising. “Won’t it be wonderful?”

Plum’s face cracked into a thin, wistful smile. “It will, actually. I have rather missed the old pile – and the family as well. But I shall be sorry to leave Italy. It has been an adventure I shall not soon forget.”

On that point we were in complete agreement. Italy had been a balm to me, soothing and stimulating at once. I had joined two of my brothers, Lysander and Eglamour – Plum to the family — after suffering the loss of my husband and later my home, and very nearly my own life. I had arrived in Italy with my health almost broken and my spirit in a sorrier state. Four months in a warm, sunny climate with the company of my brothers had restored me. And though the weather had lately grown chill and the seasons were turning inward, I had no wish to leave Italy yet. Still, the lure of family and home, particularly at Christmas, was strong.

“Well, who is to say we must return permanently? Italy shall always be here. We can go to England for Christmas and still be in Venice in time for Carnevale.”

Plum’s smile deepened. “That is terribly cunning of you, Julia. I think living amongst Italians has developed a latent talent in you for intrigue.”

It was a jest, but the barb struck too close to home, and I lowered my head over my needlework. I had engaged in an intrigue in England although I had never discussed it with my brothers. There had been an investigation into my husband’s death, a private investigation conducted by an inquiry agent. I had assisted him and unmasked the killer myself. It had been dangerous, nasty work, and I told myself I was happy to be done with it.

But even as I plunged my needle into the canvas, trailing a train of luscious scarlet silk behind it, I felt a pang of regret _– regret that my days were occupied with nothing more purposeful than those of any other lady of society. I had had a glimpse of what it meant to be useful, and it stung now to be merely decorative. I longed for something more important than the embroidering of cushions or the pouring of tea to sustain me.

Of my other regrets, I would not let myself think. I yanked at the needle, snarling the thread.

“Blast,” I muttered, rummaging in my work basket for my scissors.

“We are a deceptively domestic pair,” Plum said suddenly.

I snapped the threads loose and peered at him. “Whatever do you mean?”

He waved a hand. “This lovely villa, the fireside, both of us in slippers. I, reading my paper from England whilst you ply your needle. We might be any couple, by any fireside, placidly whiling away the darkening hours of an autumn eve.”

I glanced about. The rented villa was comfortably, even luxuriously appointed. The long windows of the drawing room overlooked Lake Como, although the heavy velvet draperies had long since been drawn against the gathering dark. “I suppose, but—”

What I had been about to say next was lost. Morag, my maid, entered the drawing room to announce a visitor.

“The Count of Four-not-cheese.”

I gave her an evil look and tossed my needlework aside. Plum dashed his newspaper to the floor and jumped to his feet.

“Alessandro!” he cried. “You are a welcome sight! We did not expect you until Saturday.”

Morag did not move, and our visitor stepped neatly around her, doffing his hat and cape. They were speckled with raindrops that glittered in the firelight. He held them out to Morag who looked at him as though he had just offered her a dead animal. I rushed to take them.

“Alessandro, how lovely to see you.” I thrust the cape and hat at Morag. “Take these and brush them well,” I instructed. “And his name is Fornacci,” I hissed at her.

She gave me a shrug and a curl of the lip and departed, dragging the tail of Alessandro’s beautiful coat on the marble floor as she went.

I turned to him, smiling brightly. “Do come in and get warm by the fire. It has turned beastly out there and you must be chilled to the bone.”

He gave me a look rich with gratitude, and something rather more as well. Plum and I bustled about, plumping cushions and making him comfortable with a chair by the fire and a glass of good Irish whiskey. Alessandro had never tasted whiskey until making the acquaintance of my brothers, but had become something of a connoisseur in the months he had known them. To begin with, he no longer made the mistake of tossing his head back and drinking the entire glass at one gulp.

After a few minutes by the fire he had thawed sufficiently to speak. “It is so good to see you again,” he said, careful to look at Plum as well as myself when he spoke. “I am very much looking forward to spending Christmas with you here.” His English was terribly fluent, very much better than my Italian, but there was a formality that lingered in his speech. I found it charming.

Plum, who had poured himself a steady glass of spirits, took a deep draught. “I am afraid there has been a change in plans, old man.”

“Old man” was his favourite nickname for Alessandro, no doubt for its incongruity. Alessandro was younger than either of us by some years.

The young man’s face clouded a little and he looked from Plum to me, his silky dark brows knitting in concern. “I am not invited for Christmas? Shall I return to Firenze then?”

I slapped Plum lightly on the knee. “Don’t be vile. You have made Alessandro feel unwelcome.” It had been arranged that Alessandro would come to us in November, and we would all spend the holiday together before making a leisurely journey to Venice in time for Carnevale. There was no hope of such a scheme now. I turned to Alessandro, admiring for a moment the way the firelight licked at his hair. I had thought it black, but his curls shone amber and copper in their depths. I wondered how difficult it would be to persuade Plum to paint him.

“You see, Alessandro,” I explained, “we have received a letter from our father, the Earl March. He is displeased with our brother, Lysander, and wishes us all to return to England at once. We shall spend Christmas there.”

“Ah. How can one argue with the call of family? If you must return, my friends, you must return. But know that you will always carry with you the highest regard of Alessandro Fornacci.”

This handsome speech was accompanied by a courtly little bow from the neck and a noble, if pained, expression that would have done a Caesar proud.

“I have a better idea, and a very good notion it is,” Plum said slowly. “What if we bring Alessandro with us?”

I had just taken a sip of my own whiskey and I choked lightly. “I beg your pardon, Plum?”

Alessandro raised his hands in a gesture I had seen many Italians employ, as if warding something off. “No, my friend, I must not. If your father is truly angry, he will not welcome an intruder at this time.”

“Are you mad? This is precisely the time to bring someone outside the family into the fold. It will keep him from killing Lysander outright. He will behave himself if we cart you back to England with us. The old man has peculiar ideas, but he is appallingly hospitable.”

“Plum, kindly do not refer to Father as ‘the old man.’ It is disrespectful,” I admonished.

Alessandro was shaking his head. “But I have not been invited. It would be a great discourtesy.”

“It would be a far greater discourtesy for Father to kill his own son,” Plum pointed out tartly. “And you have been invited. By us. Now I must warn you, the family seat is rather old-fashioned. Father doesn’t hold with new ideas, at least not for country houses. You’ll find no steam heat or even gaslights. I’m afraid it’s all coal fires and candles, but it really is a rather special old place. You always said you wanted to see England, and Bellmont Abbey is as English as it gets, dear boy.”

Alessandro hesitated. “If I may be so bold, why is his lordship so angry with Lysander? Surely it is not—“

“It is,” Plum and I chorused.

Just at that moment, sounds of a quarrel began to echo from upstairs. There was a shout and the unmistakable crash of breaking crockery.

“But the earl, he cannot object to Lysander’s marriage to so noble and lovely a lady as Violante,” Alessandro put in, quite diplomatically, I thought.

Something landed with a great thud on the floor above our heads, shivering the ceiling and causing the chandelier above our heads to sway gently.

“Do you suppose that was one of them?” Plum inquired lightly.

“Don’t jest. If it was, we shall have to deal with the body,” I reminded him. Violante began to shriek, punctuating her words with tiny stamps of her heel from the sound of it.

“I wonder what she is calling him. It cannot be very nice,” I mused.

Alessandro gave an elegant shrug. “I regret, my understanding of Napolitana, it is imperfect.” He dropped his eyes, and I wondered if he understood more than politeness would allow him to admit.

“Probably for the best,” Plum remarked, draining the last of his whiskey.

“Do not finish off the decanter,” I warned him. “Lysander will want a glass or two when they have finished for the evening.”

“Or seven,” Plum countered with a twitch of his lip. I gave him a disapproving look. Lysander’s marital woes were not a source of amusement to me. I had endured enough of my own connubial difficulties to be sympathetic. Plum, however, wore a bachelor’s indifference. He had never said so, but I suspected his favourite brother’s defection to the married state had rankled him. They had traveled the Continent together for years, roaming wherever their interests and their acquaintance had directed them, exploring museums and opera houses and ruined castles. They wrote poetry and concertos and painted murals on the walls of ancient abbeys. They had been the staunchest companions until Lysander, having left his thirtieth birthday some years past, had spotted Violante sitting serenely in her uncle’s box at la Fenice. It was, as the Tuscans say, un colpo di fulmine, a bolt of lightning.

It was also a bit misleading. Upon further investigation, Lysander discovered Violante was Neapolitan, not Venetian, and there was quite simply nothing about her that was serene. She carried in her blood all the warmth and passion and raw-boned energy of her native city. Violante was Naples, and for a cool-blooded, cool-headed Englishman like Lysander the effect was intoxicating. He married her within a month, and presented Plum and I with a fait accompli, a sister-in-law who smothered us in kisses and heady jasmine perfumes. For my part, I found her charming, wholly unaffected if somewhat exhausting. Plum, on the other hand, was perfectly cordial and cordially perfect. Whenever Violante stepped from a carriage or shivered from the cold, Plum would offer her a hand or his greatcoat, bowing and murmuring a graciously-phrased response to her effusive thanks. And yet always he watched her with the cool detachment one usually reserves for specimens at the zoological garden. I often thought there might be real fondness there if he could unbend a little and forgive her for coming so precipitously into our lives.

But Plum was nothing if not stubborn, and I knew a straightforward approach would only cause him to dig his heels into the ground like a recalcitrant pony. So I endeavored to distract him with little whims and treats, cajoling him into good temper in spite of himself.

And then we met Alessandro, or to be accurate, I met Alessandro, for he was a friend of my brothers of some years’ duration. Rome had been too hot, too noisy, altogether too much for my delicate state when I first arrived in Italy. My brothers immediately decided to quit the city and embark on a leisurely tour to the north, lingering for a few days or even weeks in any particularly engaging spot, but always pushing on toward Florence. We settled comfortably in a tiny palazzo there, and I began to recover. My fire-roughened voice smoothed again, never quite as it had been, but not noticeably damaged. My lungs were strengthened and my spirits raised. Lysander felt comfortable enough to leave us to accept an invitation for a brief trip to Venice to celebrate the debut of a friend’s opera. Plum pledged to watch over me, and Lysander departed, to return a month later after endless delays and a secret wedding, his voluble bride in tow.

Alessandro had kept us company while Lysander was away, guiding us to hidden piazzi, revealing secret gardens and galleries no tourists ever crowded. He drove us to Fiesole in a beribboned pony cart, stopping to point out the most breathtaking views in that enchanted hilltop town, and introduced us to inns in whose flower-drenched courtyards we were served food so delicious it must have been bewitched. Plum always seemed to wander off, sketchbook in hand to capture a row of cypresses, stalwart and straight as a regiment, or the elegant curve of a signorina’s cheek, distinctive as a goddess out of myth. Alessandro did not seem to mind. He talked to me of history and culture and we practiced our languages with each other, learning to speak of everything and nothing at all.

They were the most peaceful and serene weeks of my life, and they ended only when Lysander returned with Violante, bursting with pride, his chin held a trifle higher from defiance as much as happiness. With his native courtesy, Alessandro withdrew at once, leaving us to our privacy as a newly reformed family. There were flinty discussions verging on quarrels, where we all went quite white about the lips and I could feel the heat rising in my face. Lysander had no wish to inform Father of his marriage, thinking instead to make a trip to England sometime in the summer, bringing his surprise bride with him then. Plum and I argued forcefully against this, reminding him of his duty, his obligation, his name. And more to the point, his allowance. If Father was made to look foolish, angered too far, he could easily slash Ly’s allowance to ribbons or halt it altogether. Lysander was an accomplished musician, but he was a conductor manqué, a dabbler. He had no serious reputation upon which to build a career, and without a formal education, without proper connections, his situation was impossible. He relented finally, with bad grace, and Plum penned the letter to Father, writing in Lysander’s name to tell him there was a new addition to the family.

The reaction had been swift—a summons to Lysander to bring his bride home at once. Lysander, in a too typical gambit of avoidance, rented the villa at Lake Como, insisting we could not go home before Carnevale season and that we might as well spend Christmas in the lake country. But he had underestimated Father. The second letter had been forceful, specific, and brutal. We were expected, all of us now, to return home immediately. Lysander had masked his dread with defiance, dropping the letter on the mantelpiece and shrugging before stalking from the room. Violante had followed him, accusing him of being embarrassed of her, if I translated correctly. The Napolitana dialect had defeated me almost entirely from the beginning, and I think our inability to understand one another most of the time explained why Violante and I had learned to get on so well.

Suddenly, Plum cocked his head. “Listen to the silence. Do you suppose one of them has finally done the other a mischief?”

“Your slang is appalling,” I told him, taking up my needlework again. “And no, I do not think one of them has done murder. I think they have decided to discuss the matter rationally, in a mature, adult fashion.”

Plum snorted, and Alessandro pretended not to notice, sipping quietly at his whiskey. “Adult? Mature? My dear girl, you have lived with them some weeks now. Have you ever seen them discuss anything in a mature, adult fashion? No, and they will not, not so long as they both enjoy the fillip of excitement that a brisk argument lends to a marriage.”

I blinked at him. “They are newlyweds. They are in love. I hardly think they need to hurl plates at one another’s heads to enjoy themselves.”

“Don’t you? Our dear Violante is a southerner, who doubtless took in screaming with her mother’s milk. And Lysander is a fool who has read too much poetry. He mistakes the volume of a raised voice for true depth of feeling. I despair of him.”

“Do not worry, Lady Julia,” Alessandro put in gently. Giulia, he said, drawing out the syllables like poetry. “To speak loudly, it is simply the way of the southerners. They are very different from those of us bred in the north. We are cooler and more temperate, like the climate.”

He flashed me a dazzling smile, and I made a feeble effort to return it. “Still, it has gone too quiet,” I commented. “Do you suppose they have made up?”

“They have not,” came Ly’s voice, thick with bitterness. He was standing in the doorway, his hair untidy, his colour high with righteous anger, his back stiff with resentment. It was a familiar posture for him these days. “Violante is insisting we obey Father’s summons. She wants to see England and to ‘meet her dear papa,’ she says.” He flung himself into the chair next to Plum’s, his expression sour. view abbreviated excerpt only...

Discussion Questions

1. Deanna Raybourn has an amazing gift when it comes to creating unusual and imaginative characters. Discuss your favorite character and explain what it is about him or her that captured your attention.

2. The relationship between Lady Julia Grey and Nicholas Brisbane is unconventional by Victorian standards. What are their long term prospects for happiness? Will society allow them to succeed?

3. The relationship between sisters is an important one, and most sisters would agree that their feelings toward one another can go from loving kindness to plain old nastiness in a matter of moments. Does this accurately summarize the relationships between Julia and Portia – and Emma and Lucy? Discuss their sisterly behavior and the reasons behind it.

4. Nature or nurture? Emma and Lucy were raised poor on the fringes of the wealthy, noble March family. How has this perspective shaped their characters? Would they have been different people had they enjoyed a more privileged life?

5. A reversal of fortune can have important repercussions on a person’s character. Discuss the ways in which Lucy, Ludlow, Sir Cedric, and Lucian Snow changed as a result of their revised circumstances. Were these changes positive?

6. Alessandro Fornacci offers Julia a different life than the one she is currently leading. What do you think originally attracted Alessandro to Julia? Could she be happy accepting his proposal?

7. The relationship between Julia and Morag is colorful to say the very least. Which of the two women is the more conventional? Discuss why. Could or should Julia replace Morag with someone else?

8. The story of Mariah Young gives the reader greater insight into Nicholas Brisbane’s early life. How has this relationship shaped his life?

9. Julia makes an unexpected, generous gift to Magda that some might describe as impulsive. Why did she do this? Was it the right thing to do?

10. Was there something about this story that took you by surprise? Discuss.

11. Titled, moneyed people of this time tended to remain inside their own social circle. It appears as if Lord March and Nicholas Brisbane ventured beyond the social bounds of the day. How do you describe the nature of the relationship between them?

12. Even for a family as unconventional as the Marches, the situations that played out in Silent in the Sanctuary are unusual. Would you agree that Lord March may finally want to settle into a more placid and quiet life? Did the events of this story take a toll on him?

13. Villains come in all shapes and sizes – and from all walks of life. Who among the various villains in Silent in the Sanctuary has the most for which to atone?

We hope this reading guide has enhanced your enjoyment of this wonderful novel. Deanna Raybourn's third book in the Lady Julia Grey series, Silent on the Moor, will be available in early 2009.

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

1. What is the central idea of the new book?

In Silent in the Sanctuary, I wanted to set the book in a classic English snowbound situation in which a murder happens and the house is full of suspects. I wanted to see if I could write it, because it’s a tricky thing to do – and I think I made it more so by having someone immediately confess to the crime. It poses then not one but two questions for the reader: Why was the person killed? And why did someone confess?

3. Tell us a little about the story:

The story opens with Julia and two of her brothers summoned home by their from a six-month spell in Italy. Joined by her brother Lysander’s new bride and an Italian bachelor with eyes only for Lady Julia, they arrive at the family home – a deconsecrated abbey in Sussex – to an estate brimming with houseguests.

Among the relatives and townspeople in attendance is the enigmatic Nicholas Brisbane with whom Julia collaborated in Silent in the Grave to solve her husband’s murder and with whom she had hoped to collaborate on something even more personal upon returning home … only to learn Brisbane has brought a fiancé to the festivities.

The homecoming takes an even more ghastly turn when one of the guests turns up dead, and the most unexpected of Julia’s relatives claims to have done the killing.

When a snowstorm shrouds the countryside in white, it falls to Lady Julia and Brisbane to sift through the clues – and the guests – before murder comes again to the isolated abbey.

4. What do you want readers to take away with them after reading the book?

I have a two-fold objective: I want them to have had a wonderful time, and I want them to be absolutely incensed that they don’t have their hands already on the next book. I hope they will love – as I do – the nice, twisty plot. I get it just where I want it, and then I twist the screw again. It’s much more fun that way.

Author Q&A:

Q. What kind of books do you write?

A. Historical fiction with a mystery slant. I say this because I hate to trot out the word “romance,” which creates very specific expectations, and not be able to then fulfill that expectation. The same could be said for mystery fans. That said, I think a lot of romance and mystery readers will find something they’ll enjoy in my books.

Q. Do you do anything in particular to keep your reader turning pages?

A. One of the things I try to do – and it’s very, very cruel – is try to end chapters where the reader doesn’t want to put the book down. I like nothing better than getting an e-mail from a reader saying, “I staggered into work ‘cause I was up ‘til 4 a.m. – it’s your fault! You did it on purpose, didn’t you?” Yes, I did.

Q. How does Lady Julia change in this book?

A. In Sanctuary, Julia continues on with a lot of changes she was making in her life in the first book. She is coming into her own more as an independent, self-determined woman. She’s figuring out what she wants out of life.

Q. Is Julia based on you?

A. My books are hugely autobiographical. Everyone who knows me and reads the books, says: “‘Oh, my god, this is you talking on the page.” It’s not like I have a lot in common with Julia (on the surface): I’m not actually English aristocracy. I’m not wealthy. I’m not a widow (I actually have a very nice marriage to a very lovely man). But when you compare our perspective of the world, my world view is not that different. Julia’s default emotion is optimism, as is mine. She would prefer to look at the bright side and have a laugh, than linger under the duvet. She would rather get on with things. She likes adventure but appreciates the support and security of her family. I think her values are similar to mine: you treat people decently because it’s the right thing to do.

Q. What is the purpose of her large family?

A. I really wanted a large cast of characters who can pop in and out of each book. No one will be in all the books – except for Julia, Brisbane and Julia’s older sister Portia. Brisbane, because readers would literally kill me if he wasn’t. (You wouldn’t believe how much time my readers spend trying to figure out who would play Brisbane in a movie version of the book. I ask them, “Who should play Julia?” They couldn’t care less, because they all see themselves as Julia.)

As for Portia, I didn’t plan to have her in every book, but so far she has turned up in all three, including my next Lady Julia Grey novel, Silent in the Moor. She’s quite the bossy sister; she loves to manage everyone – and they let her.

And here’s a little trivia about the March family name: I wanted to be able to use “mad as a March hare,” and I did a little research and learned that it was not something Lewis Carroll invented for Alice in Wonderland but rather comes from a 13th century proverb. I realized it could have been about my Marches, and I loved that. Their heraldic badge is a hare.

My Marches are crazy, but they have a good solid name that has pleasant connotations to people who love literature.

That’s it! Thanks!


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