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Stuck in the Middle (Sister-to-Sister, Book 1)
by Virginia Smith

Published: 2008-02-01
Paperback : 336 pages
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Joan Sanderson's life is stuck. Her older sister, Allie, is starting a family and her younger sister, Tori, has a budding career. Meanwhile, Joan is living at home with Mom and looking after her aging grandmother. Not exactly a recipe for excitement. That is, until a hunky young doctor moves in ...
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(Joan Sanderson's life is stuck. Her older sister, Allie, is starting a family and her younger sister, Tori, has a budding career. Meanwhile, Joan is living at home with Mom and looking after her aging grandmother. Not exactly a recipe for excitement. That is, until a hunky young doctor moves in next door. Suddenly Joan has a goal--to get a date. But it won't be easy. Pretty Tori flirts relentlessly with him and Joan is sure that she can't compete. But with a little help from God, Allie, and an enormous mutt with bad manners, maybe Joan can find her way out of this rut. Book 1 of the Sister-to-Sister series, Stuck in the Middle combines budding romance, spiritual searching, and a healthy dose of sibling rivalry.

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Brrring. Brrring.

From the desk behind the sales counter in the rear of the showroom, Joan Sanderson scanned the empty store. Fluorescent ceiling lights cast a harsh glow that reflected off the polished wooden surfaces of the furniture artfully arranged for display. Where was . . . oh, yes. Rosa would be a couple of hours late this morning, after her daughter’s doctor appointment. She reached for the phone and punched the button for the first line. “Good morning, Abernathy Sales and Rental.” ... view entire excerpt...

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Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Dear Reader,

Sister (SIS-ter; noun): a special gift from God that you’re not allowed to get rid of.

I have two of the most awesome sisters in the world. And they’re absolutely loaded with funny quirks and habits, which I have freely used in creating the Sister-to-Sister Series. I’m allowed, because my sisters can’t sue me or I’ll sic Mom on them.

Sisters share everything—trials and triumphs, laughter and tears, even boyfriends on occasion. When we were teenagers my sister and I fought over a guy once (I won), and that incident fueled the feud between Joan and Tori in Stuck in the Middle. But in the end we learned, as the Sanderson sisters learn, that no matter what happens between you, nobody loves you like a sister.

To promote my new book, I’m giving away a $500 shopping spree! Visit my website to get the scoop on how you can win! www.VirginiaSmith.org

When you’ve read Stuck in the Middle, I hope you’ll let me know what you think of the Sanderson sisters. Email me at [email protected].

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  "stuck in middle"by chris h. (see profile) 05/15/12

Light reading for Christian audience. Joan is a twenty- five year old heroine who still lives at home with mom and grandma. She is bored with her job, struggling with inferiority compared to her sisters,... (read more)

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