Tea & Chemo: Fighting Cancer, Living Life
by Jackie Buxton

Published: 2016-02-01
Paperback : 240 pages
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Jackie Buxton's blog, "Agenthood and Submissionville", started life as a peek into the world of chasing agents and waiting to hear back from publishers. But while Jackie was studying her in-box every couple of minutes and lamenting the writer's lament, bizarre things began to happen. There was the ...
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Jackie Buxton's blog, "Agenthood and Submissionville", started life as a peek into the world of chasing agents and waiting to hear back from publishers. But while Jackie was studying her in-box every couple of minutes and lamenting the writer's lament, bizarre things began to happen. There was the call from actor Andrew Bernard (the real one, not the character in The Office), rather hoping to reach his own agent but instead finding himself on Jackie's telephone line; the killer date swallowing incident - not advisable when you work alone; and the fraud of the bogus writers' website host (would she ever learn?). Quickly Jackie's blog evolved into a collection of the quirky, humorous and sometimes poignant tales of the strange and often humiliating things which happen while she's minding her own business and trying to be a 'normal' mother, wife and writer. But then strange took a full scale leap to serious. Jackie was diagnosed with cancer in December 2013 and suddenly it looked like the writer would be demoted to patient and sufferer. Jackie however quickly realised that even with cancer, life was far from bad.Never known for her scientific prowess, Jackie nonetheless became a 'bit of an expert' - at least in the field of hair loss, water retention and Rich Tea biscuits - and decided to use her blog and her writing to share her experience and observations to help others recognise you don't have to be defined by your cancer. Jackie finished 2014 a year from diagnosis and tentatively celebrating her 'Cancerversary'. She isn't complacent about her future but she is optimistic. She hopes that her forthcoming book, Tea and Chemo, inspired by her experiences and the very personal words of her inspirational blog, will help cancer patients and their loved ones who may be facing the life challenges that cancer inevitably brings. All proceeds from the sale of Tea and Chemo will go to two incredibly important charities, whose compassionate care and professionalism make the difference to so many lives: 1. The Haven (breast cancer support centres): http://thehaven.org.uk/about-us/ 2. The Robert Ogden Macmillan Centre, Harrogate Hospital: http://www.hdft.nhs.uk/

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by Kmc M. (see profile) 10/25/17

I thought this book is an excellent read for anyone supporting someone with cancer, to help them understand life as a cancer person. I have also read the people who have cancer also praise this book because... (read more)

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