The Milk Lady of Bangalore: An Unexpected Adventure
by Shoba Narayan

Published: 2019-01-15
Paperback : 288 pages
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The elevator door opens. A cow stands inside, angled diagonally to fit. It doesn’t look uncomfortable, merely impatient. “It is for the housewarming ceremony on the third floor,” explains the woman who stands behind the cow, holding it loosely with a rope. She has the sheepish look ...
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The elevator door opens. A cow stands inside, angled diagonally to fit. It doesn’t look uncomfortable, merely impatient. “It is for the housewarming ceremony on the third floor,” explains the woman who stands behind the cow, holding it loosely with a rope. She has the sheepish look of a person caught in a strange situation who is trying to act as normal as possible. She introduces herself as Sarala and smiles reassuringly. The door closes. I shake my head and suppress a grin. It is good to be back.

When Shoba Narayan—who has just returned to India with her husband and two daughters after years in the United States—asks whether said cow might bless her apartment next, it is the beginning of a beautiful friendship between our author and Sarala, who also sells fresh milk right across the street from that thoroughly modern apartment building. The two women connect over not only cows but also family, food, and life. When Shoba agrees to buy Sarala a new cow, they set off looking for just the right heifer, and what was at first a simple economic transaction becomes something much deeper, though never without a hint of slapstick.

The Milk Lady of Bangalore immerses us in the culture, customs, myths, religion, sights, and sounds of a city in which the twenty-first century and the ancient past coexist like nowhere else in the world. It’s a true story of bridging divides, of understanding other ways of looking at the world, and of human connections and animal connections, and it’s an irresistible adventure of two strong women and the animals they love.

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Why is milk considered sacred in several cultures, not just in Indian culture? Is it because we begin our lives with milk? The Greek goddess Hera spilled her breast milk and created not a wardrobe malfunction, but the Milky Way. When her husband Zeus lusted after a beautiful maiden called Europa, a jealous Hera turned Europa into a white cow and drove her into the continent that bears that name and made the term cow into an epithet to be forever used by jealous women and angry men. Not a woman to be trifled with, our Hera. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

Shoba and Sarala’s friendship is unexpected in many ways. What do you think makes them connect? Or disconnect? How does their friendship relate to ones in your own life?

What struck you about the city of Bangalore (or Bengaluru as it is now officially called), as Shoba describes it, with thousands of years of tradition brushed up against cutting-edge technology? How does this seem to affect the day-to-day life of the people there? Their relationships with each other?

Shoba’s initial response to Sarala and her passion for all things bovine was skepticism, but by the end of the book, she writes, “I have fallen in love . . . with cows.” Have you fallen in love with cows, too? Why or why not?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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by Leonor d. (see profile) 09/19/18

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