A Cut Above (Shop-Til-U-Drop, Book 3)
by Ginny Aiken

Published: 2008-10-01
Paperback : 267 pages
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At the behest of her boss Mona, Andie Adams is on her way to Colombia to broker a deal on some emeralds (despite her negligible negotiating skills) and she is going alone. It's just too much trouble traveling with the whole S.T.U.D. entourage. Maybe this time she can get in and get back without any ...
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At the behest of her boss Mona, Andie Adams is on her way to Colombia to broker a deal on some emeralds (despite her negligible negotiating skills) and she is going alone. It's just too much trouble traveling with the whole S.T.U.D. entourage. Maybe this time she can get in and get back without any major drama. But before she even gets close to the mines, everything turns Twilight-Zone-weird. The guide who is supposed to meet her at the airport doesn't. Her high-school Spanish goes AWOL. And her taxi driver gives her an unwanted tour of Bogotá. But that's nothing compared to what awaits her the next day. Can her cute co-star Max get her out of there alive? And what will this trip mean for their reluctant romance? Hold on to your seats for another adventure-filled ride with A Cut Above.

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Louisville, Kentucky

With both fists, I pummel my knight in gravel-encrusted

summer-wear. The blows don't even begin to faze him. “Put

me down, you great big jerk.”

What does the great big jerk do? Put me down and help

me inside? No. Not Max Matthews. He stuns the breath out

of me. Again.

He laughs. And then he kisses me.

Long and hard.

On the lips.

Oh my . . .

Over the electric buzzing in my head, I hear the sweet,

tender strains of “Stranger in Paradise.” Again. As I've heard

them a time or two since Max barreled into my life about a

year ago.

“Dum-de-dummm . . . dum-de-dum-de-dum-dum-dedummm

. . . ”

How can this be? These warm lips belong to Max Mat-

thews, the California surfer-boy gem-dunce . . . and he's kissing

me! He showed up, ruined my TV shopping channel-

hosting gig, and I couldn't stand him . . . but then he did

save my life . . .

He eases me to the ground again. But only my feet touch


Max . . . I learned to tolerate him . . . he saved my life one

more time, and now this . . . a kiss . . . an incredible, dizzying,

Hollywood musical-worthy kiss . . .

Cue in the violins.

Oh yeah! This does tilt my world, all right. Swirls of light

and color dance across my eyelids, and my heart seems to

grow to the bursting point. I float through reality, clinging

only to the warmth of Max's touch, the tenderness and sweet

passion of his kiss. Max . . . view abbreviated excerpt only...

Discussion Questions

book begins with Andie and Max's budding relationship. However, Andrea and Max still have their share of disagreements, as seen throughout the story. What do you think is at the heart of their combative relationship? Do you think Andrea's pride is to blame? Who's the most difficult person you've ever had to deal with?

2. When Andie first meets Mr. Cruz they have a few disagreements, and she does not completely trust him. However, she soon learns that Mr. Cruz is a good and trustworthy man. Why do you think she did not initially trust him? What do you see in Mr. Cruz that warrants those feelings? Have you ever met someone whom you felt was untrustworthy, but soon found out the opposite?

3. When Mona wants Andie to go to Columbia, Andie is cautious because of her past travel adventures. Do you think Andie was right to go to Columbia despite her uncertainties? Would you have gone?

4. Max is very unwilling to let Andie take a trip to Columbia so easily. What is Andie's reaction to Max's concern? What would your reaction be to Max?
5. Andie's travel to Columbia, car ride to the hotel, and time at the hotel proved to be very eventful. Does this beginning set the tone for the rest of Andie's trip? Have you ever had a really bad start to any of your travels? How did this affect the rest of your trip?

6. When Max arrives to help Andie out, it seems that his coming has been the plan all along. Andie is frustrated by Max's alleged “babysitting”. Do you think that Max is justified in coming to help? Would you be frustrated or happy to see Max?

7. Max and Andie's escape from Dona Rosario brought them to a small farm with some very special people. After seeing the poverty of this farm and town, Andie convinces the US embassy in Columbia to become active in helping this area. Have you ever been inspired to become active in a specific cause? How did you become involved? Why?

8. Andie's love and concern for Aunty Weeby and Mona is more evident when they are kidnapped. While they are missing, Andie is worried for their safety, and questions if she will ever see them again. Have you ever been away from a loved one for a long time? How did that affect your feelings? Did you feel like you grew to love them more?

9. Max breaks down many of Andie's reservations about entering a relationship, and helps her to increase her trust in him. As they enter into a relationship, do you think Andie will have trouble trusting Max? Have you ever had reservations about entering into a relationship? Why?

10. Faith in God is a prevalent theme throughout the book. Andie learns to trust God for Aunt Weeby and Mona's rescue, in getting herself out of a sticky situation, and in her relationship with Max. How do you see yourself having faith and trusting in God on a regular basis? Do you find it hard to live out faith everyday? Why?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Most people, and especially women, love to buy nice, new things. Often, we use the shopping experience and those things we acquire to avoid more difficult thoughts. Andie, the heroine of the Shop-Til-U-Drop Collection, loves jewelry, gemstones, and designer handbags--shoes, too. And clothes. Well, you get the picture. A job hosting a TV shopping network's jewelry and gemstone feature seems like the perfect way to escape the New York City rat race, and to avoid thinking about her sharp tongue and occasionally judgemental attitude. But God's got her number, and on the co-host's chair at her side he puts the perfect man to bring Andie to repentance. I hope you enjoy the read, and if the Lord speaks to you about an issue you've been avoiding...well, just know he does the same to me with every book I write!

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