Kendra Kandlestar and the Box of Whispers
by Lee Edward Fodi

Published: 2005-10
Paperback : 225 pages
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Children’s Fantasy for readers aged 8 and up
240 pages, with over 100 b&w illustrations

For over a thousand years, the Box of Whispers has guarded the most precious treasure in the Land of Een. But when the box is suddenly stolen, young Kendra Kandlestar finds herself swept away on ...

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Children’s Fantasy for readers aged 8 and up
240 pages, with over 100 b&w illustrations

For over a thousand years, the Box of Whispers has guarded the most precious treasure in the Land of Een. But when the box is suddenly stolen, young Kendra Kandlestar finds herself swept away on a magical adventure where doors speak in riddles, plants cast dangerous spells, and strange creatures lurk in every shadow. With only a handful of enchanted carrot seeds to help her, will Kendra be able to face these dangers and find the fabled chest? There's only one way to find out: peer inside the Box of Whispers, and enter a world of magic, monsters, and mystery. . . .

Come join Kendra Kandlestar as she learns about loyalty, friendship, prejudice, and the power of facing your fears.

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A Dark Shadow

It is entirely possible that you have heard stories like this one before. You know the type: tales of high adventure, where you read about little folk with brave hearts seeking some magic treasure in lands treacherous and unknown. Here danger lurks around every crook and bend in the trail. Here creatures more fierce than your darkest nightmare prowl amidst even darker shadows. And here, they say, sometimes heroes are born. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. In Chapter 2, we learn that Elder Brown thinks that Kendra is strange. Why does he think this? What, in his opinion, makes her strange? Who does he compare her to?

2. In Chapter 5, Winter Woodsong calls forth the magic orb, which chooses five characters to go in hunt of the Box of Whispers. Which characters are chosen? According to the orb, why has it chosen these characters?

3. When Kendra first encounters the creature, Trooogul, her first instinct is to run away, but then she decides to help him. Why? Given the fact that Trooogul’s band has just attacked the Eens, do you agree with Kendra’s decision?

4. After helping Trooogul, Kendra decides to keep it a secret. What begins to happen to Kendra as a result of this secret?

5. In Chapter 15, who do Kendra and the rest of the company meet in the marshlands? What is he obsessed with? What words best describe this character?

6. What does Oki always think of when he’s scared? How does this eventually get him into trouble?

7. Throughout the book, Captain Jinx constantly makes fun of Professor Bumblebean’s name. Why do you think this is? What doesn’t she like about the professor?

8. What happens when Kendra first finds the Box of Whispers? What is she tempted to do? What happens when she picks up the box?

9. In Chapter 21, what do we learn about the Box of Whispers? What is the most precious thing, according to Uncle Griffinskitch, that is guarded by the box?

10. Rumor the Red Dragon claims that the box is rightfully his, and that he didn’t steal it. In fact, we soon learn that he thinks of it as his parent! Do you blame Rumor for wanting to have the box?

11.In Chapter 23, Kendra goes before Rumor. What does she learn about Rumor’s birth? How did he get his name? What does she discover about the box that is particularly frightening to her?

12. In Chapter 24, what happens to Kendra when she gives into the fear about her secret? How does Kendra finally conquer her secret? Why is it important that Oki is present?

13. By the end of the book, Kendra has learned that fear has become—literally—a dragon in Een society. What are some “dragons” that you think exist in our society?

14. In Chapter 26, Uncle Griffinskitch says that Kendra helped Trooogul “because she felt it was the right thing to do.” Do you agree with this statement? Did Kendra do what was right?

15. Heroes often leave their homes in fantasy novels to complete a quest or a mission. They often change their character. How has Kendra changed since she left the land of Een?

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