Amanda's Rib
by Cyndia Depre

Published: 2005-01-11
Paperback : 248 pages
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Is Amanda Winslow a grieving widow or a cold-blooded killer? Attorney Jack Lindsey has mixed feelings about Carlisle, Illinois', newest resident. When he discovers Amanda was recently acquitted of murdering her husband, he thinks that is the cause of his unease. Is Mandy a killer? Mandy. He never ...
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Is Amanda Winslow a grieving widow or a cold-blooded killer? Attorney Jack Lindsey has mixed feelings about Carlisle, Illinois', newest resident. When he discovers Amanda was recently acquitted of murdering her husband, he thinks that is the cause of his unease. Is Mandy a killer? Mandy. He never has nicknames for people, so why does he always think of her as Mandy? Why does he think of her at all? She's not his type. Still, the killing has piqued his interest. He wants to learn more, even if that means frequent contact with Amanda. Jack delves into the murder and trial. His actions set off a shattering string of events, putting his and Amanda's lives in danger and resulting in the death of another. Jack is forced to question his strict beliefs. Is murder ever justified?

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Chapter One

If Amanda Winslow had been an only child, she'd be dead.
She traced a fingernail along a vein in her wrist. Suicide often tempted her, but Amanda knew her death would destroy her sister. Pushing those thoughts aside, she sat on the edge of the metal cot and covered her face with her hands. Images and voices of lawyers swirled in her mind, blending together to become one. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

(1) Is it understandable how and why Amanda found herself stuck in a destructive relationship?
(2) Given the times (hopefully things have changed) how else could she have handled her marriage to Gregg?
(3) Are the conflicts between Amanda and Jack (including their ambiguity about their feelings) realistic?
(4) Did Jack's reaction when he learned about Gregg seem to be enough? What else could he have done?
(5) Did Wade lighten the mood when needed?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

The glimmer of an idea for Amanda’s Rib came to me while watching Oprah. This episode was about a woman in a dreadful situation. The audience was less than sympathetic, and I felt horrible for her. My mind wandered to other programs like this, and it seemed the audience reaction followed a common pattern. Blame the victim.


‘What if’ questions kept popping up in my mind. What if I wrote the story of a woman who feels trapped and helpless? What if the tale took a few twists and turns? Would I be able to write a convincing victim? People often say what they’d do under certain conditions. But would they really do as they think? I’m not so sure. What if I wrote a novel showing how it’s possible to be smart, yet vulnerable? Independent, yet cornered?


Amanda Winslow is brave. She has a loving family and no money worries. But she becomes a victim, powerless to change her circumstances. Amanda’s Rib is my attempt to illustrate how anyone can be altered forever by something outside their control.

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