Life Cycles
by Neil Killion

Published: 2008-08-08
Paperback : 228 pages
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Finalist Best New Age Non-Fiction USA Book News 2008 The book is about a whole new way to interpret your life. It is a brand new esoteric theory with it's own concepts and terminology. It is meant to stand alongside other systems like astrology, numerology, palmistry etc. This is territory ...
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Finalist Best New Age Non-Fiction USA Book News 2008 The book is about a whole new way to interpret your life. It is a brand new esoteric theory with it's own concepts and terminology. It is meant to stand alongside other systems like astrology, numerology, palmistry etc. This is territory never before explored, yet it is based on a weight of evidence. The whole book uses the metaphor of a train taking a journey and stopping at certain stations. This image is presented as the ultimate enigma. I was led to write this book over many years, as certain key observations were made in my work as a career counsellor. I am thus not so much someone who went to the top of the mountain for inspiration, but who built things slowly as more bits of the puzzle came to me. I understood at age 55 that I was meant to write this book as I explain in detail. If I can't back up what I say and make my theory relevant to everyone, then it won't deserve a place. All readers are thus pioneers and I hope you will never look at your life the same way again when you finish. The implications of Life Cycles being correct are enormous.

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There is a popular saying, that in its polite form is:- “misfortune happens”. No one can deny that this is true. It is also true in reverse, that fortune happens as well. In the great poker game of life we have all experienced some lucky breaks, along with some really bad beats. This is the area I will be exploring in this book. Only I will be exploring it in a totally specific way. I will be looking at what fortune and misfortune occur in just a few key years. Now I don't deny for a minute that this is selective and that fortune and misfortune happen all the time in a seemingly random way. Except I don't see the really big events in your life happening totally randomly. This is new territory and I am inviting you to explore it with me. You see the niche that my theory Life Cycles occupies is unique. It is best described as simply a brand new way to analyse your life. But of course it is a lot more than that. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. What conclusions can you make regarding this entirely new system of knowledge?

2. Does Life Cycles apply to your own life or others you know well?

3. What do you think of the claim that the statistical evidence is the strongest for any esoteric theory?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

1. What is 'Life Cycles' all about?

It's a book about a brand new theory on how we live our lives. It says that we live in symbolically repeatable 12 year cycles. There are two important years out of the 12 and this is where we see fate take a hand in unusual ways.

2. What do you mean by “symbolically repeatable 12 year cycles”?

I mean that you don't just replicate events from one cycle to the next, but that in the two important years your actions will symbolise the same theme each time.

3. What are these “important years”?

The first is the year of Revolution at the beginning of the cycle. Thus the years 12, 24,36,48 all bring major change, which sets the theme for the next twelve years. Then seven years later the year of Broken Pathways brings more changes. This is at the years 19,31,43, 55 etc.

4. I've never heard these terms before.

You're right, that's because they are brand new, along with new icons and descriptions of all of the 12 years.

5. Where in heaven's name did all this come from?

Well this is the interesting part. This theory is the result of many years of interviewing thousands of people about their careers and lives in my role as a management consultant. It is based on case history evidence. The book is not like a typical 'Mind Body Spirit' book. It is more like a populist examination of many short biographies.

6. You say it's different to all other 'Mind Body Spirit' theories. Why is that?

Well that's because without solid evidence there is no theory. I examine 40 obituaries written by others and come up with the most amazing statistical correlations with my theory. You would be hard pressed to dismiss it after you read them. All other esoteric theories concentrate on inspiration from the Cosmos, interpreted by “the expert”. I cannot believe that my findings have literally been “right under our noses” all along.

7. Who do you talk about in the book?

It's everyone from Aristotle to Pope John Paul 11. I am able to show Life Cycles evidence for all:-including Alexander the Great, Hannibal, Julius Caesar, Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, Napoleon, Winston Churchill, Hitler, JFK, Neil Armstrong and celebrities like Brad Pitt and Tom Cruise and of course criminals from Al Capone down. I concentrate on Life Charts for the very famous such as George W. Bush, Nelson Mandella and Princess Diana.

8. What is a “Life Chart”?

It is a table that summarises all the evidence available on the years of Revolution and years of Broken Pathway and then works out a phrase describing the common symbolic meanings. This is called the “Life Script”.

9. What about “the man in the street”? is it only the famous who get a mention?

No there is a whole chapter taken from an anonymous survey of my friends and associates' lives. I am able to show how the findings will affect everyone's life.

10. I've heard about seven year cycles before and what about the 12 animals in each year in the Eastern zodiac. What makes your theory different or better?

Well I don't concentrate on personality at all and I don't say we get new luck or new developmental stages every seven years. What I say is we go around a 12 year track like a train and it's the same track each time. There has never been an attempt to cover this area before.

11. Is this why you call it controversial?

Yes it's the first time anyone has said that we literally reincarnate within our lifetime and begin the exact same cycle again. It asks some difficult questions about the meaning of life and the meaning of time, but does it in a very easy to understand way.

12. Where does this leave “free will”?

Well believe it or not I'm all in favour of free will. As I say in the book:- “you do your damnedest every single day“. No-one can know what exactly will happen in the future, but I have a brand new way of finding out when it happens. Most people I talk to about it in their own lives end up by saying:- “Gee that's spooky”.

Could anything this entertaining, straightforward and totally new be featured anywhere else? Taken at its fullest it's just like the “new Astrology”. I guarantee you'll start to use it straight away and it will definitely change how you look at your life.

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