The Intern: A Novel
by Michele Campbell

Published: 2023-10-03T00:0
Hardcover : 384 pages
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A young Harvard law student falls under the spell of a charismatic judge in this timely and thrilling novel about class, ambition, family and murder.

Madison Rivera lands the internship of a lifetime working for Judge Kathryn Conroy. But Madison has a secret that could destroy her ...

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A young Harvard law student falls under the spell of a charismatic judge in this timely and thrilling novel about class, ambition, family and murder.

Madison Rivera lands the internship of a lifetime working for Judge Kathryn Conroy. But Madison has a secret that could destroy her career. Her troubled younger brother Danny has been arrested, and Conroy is the judge on his case.

When Danny goes missing after accusing the judge of corruption, Madison’s quest for answers brings her deep into the judge’s glamorous world. Is Kathryn Conroy a mentor, a victim, or a criminal? Is she trying to help Madison or use her as a pawn? And why is somebody trying to kill her?

As the two women circle each other in a dangerous cat-and-mouse game, will they save each other, or will betrayal leave one of them dead?

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Part One



Cambridge, Massachusetts

She loved the way her professor moved. The swish of auburn hair. The grace of her gestures. The nervous energy as she paced behind the podium. Madison had admired Kathryn Conroy since she’d heard her speak at a high school career day years before. A thousand times, she’d imagined herself following in Conroy’s footsteps. Having a career like hers. Starting out as a crusading prosecutor, taking on the mob, the drug cartels. Holding press conferences, appearing on TV, looking amazing doing it. Then getting appointed to the bench, presiding over high-profile cases, writing opinions that were read across the land. Becoming so renowned that she’d be invited back to teach, with students hanging spellbound on her every word the way she did with Conroy now. Such a future was within the realm of possibility for Madison. She was one of the stars of her year. Top grades. Law review. A summer clerkship at one of the most prestigious law firms in Boston. On top of that, the special sparkle that came from her looks, her way with words, her confidence in the face of a challenge. Call it charisma, whatever—she had it. Coming out of Harvard Law, her opportunities were limitless. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

From the publisher:

1. Kathryn grew up in difficult circumstances, not just financially, but emotionally. What scars does she carry from her dysfunctional childhood? How does her past influence her actions in the present?

2. The novel opens with Madison describing her admiration for Judge Conroy. How do you think this admiration affected her relationship with the judge? How did it change throughout the novel??
3. What did you think of Ray as a character? Did he have a moral compass, or was he motivated solely by power and greed? What was the source of his
appeal to Kathryn? To her mother? Did you like him? Did your view of him change over the course of the novel?

4. The theme of trust is explored throughout the novel. Why do you think Madison ultimately trusted Kathryn? What do you think was the pivotal moment that secured her trust? How do you decide who you can trust? What does it take for you to trust someone?

5. The theme of family, both found and blood-related, is discussed throughout the novel. What makes someone family? Is it simply blood relation or more than that? What do you think someone’s responsibility to their family is?

6. Discuss Madison’s role in her family as the older daughter and as a first-generation college student. How do you think this impacted her decisions?

7. Madison’s responsibility to her family at times conflicts with her law school responsibilities. Similarly, Kathryn’s responsibilities to Ray and Charlie affect her ability to fulfill her duties as a federal judge. Think about a time your personal and professional life conflicted. How did you handle it?

8. Discuss Kathryn and Sylvia’s relationship. Do you think Sylvia was a good mother? How do you think it will affect Kathryn’s relationship with her own daughter?

9. The novel explores the tension between law and justice. For example, Danny was arrested over drugs that weren’t his even though he was found with them. Do you believe there are cases where the law gets it wrong?

10. Did you see the ending coming? If yes, when did you start to figure it out? If not, what did you think was going to happen?

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