Wind Blows in Sleeping Grass
by Katie Powner

Published: 2023-09-26T00:0
Paperback : 368 pages
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For the first time in his life, Pete has everything to lose.

After years of drifting, fifty-year-old Pete Ryman has settled down with his potbellied pig, Pearl, in the small Montana town of Sleeping Grass--a place he never expected to see again. It's not the life he dreamed of, but ...

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For the first time in his life, Pete has everything to lose.

After years of drifting, fifty-year-old Pete Ryman has settled down with his potbellied pig, Pearl, in the small Montana town of Sleeping Grass--a place he never expected to see again. It's not the life he dreamed of, but there aren't many prospects for a high-school dropout like him.

Elderly widow Wilma Jacobsen carries a burden of guilt over her part in events that led to Pete leaving Sleeping Grass decades ago. Now that he's back, she's been praying for the chance to make things right, but she never expected God's answer to leave her flat on her face--literally--and up to her ears in meddling.

When the younger sister Pete was separated from as a child shows up in Sleeping Grass with her eleven-year-old son, Pete is forced to face a past he buried long ago, and Wilma discovers her long-awaited chance at redemption may come at a higher cost than she's willing to pay.

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Discussion Questions

From the author:

1. In the book, Pete has a potbellied pig as a pet. Have you ever had or wanted to have an unusual pet?

2. Pete’s abandonment as a child still impacts his life decades later. What events from your childhood are still influencing your life today?

3. Windy Ray tells Pete that everything God makes has value, but we must choose whether to see it. Talk about a time you’ve seen this wisdom play out in your life.

4. Wilma is carrying a heavy burden of guilt. Talk about a time guilt has impacted your choices.

5. How does Pete’s nephew Braedon help Pete gain new perspective?

6. Who was your favorite character and why?

7. Have you ever thought about what your neighborhood looks like from your garbageman’s perspective?

8. Wilma wonders if she made the right choice by not taking Pete and Dani. What do you think? How would you go about making such a life-altering decision?

9. Pete, Wilma, Windy Ray, and Lily all become good friends even though they’re all very different. Talk about how getting to know people different than you has impacted your life.

10. The story’s conclusion is pretty open-ended. What do you think happens next?

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