
2 reviews

The Porcelain Maker: A Novel
by Sarah Freethy

Published: 2023-11-07T00:0
Hardcover : 384 pages
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An epic story of love, betrayal, and art that spans decades, through the horrors of World War II to 21st century America, inspired by an actual porcelain factory in Dachau.

Two lovers caught at the crossroads of history.
A daughter’s search for the truth.

Germany, 1929. At a ...

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An epic story of love, betrayal, and art that spans decades, through the horrors of World War II to 21st century America, inspired by an actual porcelain factory in Dachau.

Two lovers caught at the crossroads of history.
A daughter’s search for the truth.

Germany, 1929. At a festive gathering of young bohemians in Weimar, two young artists, Max, a skilled Jewish architect, and Bettina, a celebrated avant-garde painter, are drawn to each other and begin a whirlwind romance. Their respective talents transport them to the dazzling lights of Berlin, but this bright beginning is quickly dimmed by the rising threat of Nazism. Max is arrested and sent to the concentration camp at Dachau where only his talent at making exquisite porcelain figures stands between him and seemingly certain death. Desperate to save her lover, Bettina risks everything to rescue him and escape Germany.

America, 1993. Clara, Bettina’s daughter, embarks on a journey to trace her roots and determine the identity of her father, a secret her mother has kept from her for reasons she’s never understood. Clara’s quest to piece together the puzzle of her origins transports us back in time to the darkness of Nazi Germany, where life is lived on a razor’s edge and deception and death lurk around every corner. Survival depends on strength, loyalty, and knowing true friend from hidden foe. And as Clara digs further, she begins to question why her mother was so determined to leave the truth of her harrowing past behind...

The Porcelain Maker is a powerful novel of enduring love and courage in the face of appalling brutality as a daughter seeks to unlock the mystery of her past.

Editorial Review

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Discussion Questions

From the publisher:

1) Bettina and Max are ordinary people living in extraordinary times, though they can’t know it in the moment. How do you think we will view this current period of history in the future?

2) Do you think Bettina is right, that it is kinder not to tell her daughter the truth and so expose her to the terrible loss she has suffered?

3) Rabbits and hares feature in numerous guises, throughout the novel; which ones feel significant and what do you believe they represent?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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Member Reviews

Overall rating:
by Allison H. (see profile) 03/03/24

  "The Porcelain Maker"by Ronna A. (see profile) 02/02/24

The story is very interesting as I learned a lot about how the Germans used art as influence during the war. It was also a very good love story. I found the book a little slow to get started but after... (read more)

  "Do not miss it!!"by Elizabeth P. (see profile) 11/08/23

WOW!! Fabulous read!!

Why wouldn't Clara's mother ever tell her who her father was?

Now that her mother Bettina has passed and she has a daughter of her own, Clara is on a search to

... (read more)

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