Blazing China
by R.F. Whong

Published: 2023-07-31T00:0
Paperback : 275 pages
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For Fans of Amy Tan and Francine Rivers, Blazing China takes you on an extraordinary journey of a family, facing adversity and persecution with unyielding courage.

Live or believe? God or survival?

Ordinary Christians. Extraordinary circumstances. Beliefs under siege outside and ...

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For Fans of Amy Tan and Francine Rivers, Blazing China takes you on an extraordinary journey of a family, facing adversity and persecution with unyielding courage.

Live or believe? God or survival?

Ordinary Christians. Extraordinary circumstances. Beliefs under siege outside and conflicts within. Where do these women stand?

Leesan wants to produce heirs to carry on the Lee family name and manage their enormous estates. When she delivers identical twin girls, Ann-Ann and May-May, just before the Cultural Revolution in China, she cannot imagine how much their world is about to change. Now, with her husband dead, their land forfeited to the government, and their lives in jeopardy, Leesan, her mother-in-law, Su-Ann, and her daughters must surrender all that’s left of the past, even as they struggle to hold on to their Christian faith.

As the persecution intensifies, Red Guards murder those caught attending their home church, and the survivors are scattered in different directions. From Beijing to Inner Mongolia, from Hong Kong to California, hardship and the clash between ideologies challenge their faith, love, and loyalty.

Should they choose survival over God?

Note: Although the author follows the “less is more” principle, readers sensitive to sexual situations may find this book unsuitable, as it contains scenes intended to portray characters' attitudes towards sexual morality.

Editorial Review

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Wang Leesan grows up in a wealthy Christian family and marries her childhood sweetheart, Lee Rong, a communist. They both attend Ohio State University. After the communist takeover of China, the couple relocates back to Beijing. Leesan gives birth to identical twin girls, Ann-Ann and May-May. With the rise to power of the working class under communism, when Rong dies unexpectedly, Leesan finds herself the target of sexual harassment by a local scoundrel. Aware that the authorities will not protect someone in her class, she seeks assistance from Rong’s friend, Liang Duan. Duan secures two passes for Leesan and one of her daughters to flee to Hong Kong. Devastated by leaving one daughter behind, and tainted by her encounter with the scoundrel, Leesan turns away from God. Through the guidance of her landlady, she eventually returns to God’s family. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

From the author:

(1) How does the Communist takeover of China impact the lives of the characters, particularly in relation to their faith and personal relationships?

(2) Discuss the theme of sacrifice in the novel. How do the characters demonstrate selflessness and resilience in the face of adversity?

(3) Examine the pivotal role of decision-making in shaping individuals’ lives. Evaluate the transformative impact of each character’s choices on their personal odyssey.

(4) Discuss the significance of the setting, from Beijing to Inner Mongolia, Hong Kong, and California. How do these locations shape the characters’ experiences and the overall themes of the novel?

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