Love on the Byline: A Plays and Players Novel
by Xio Axelrod

Published: 2023-08-29T00:0
Paperback : 292 pages
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Blake Dillon isn’t exactly living the dream. She longs to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps and make a difference in the world as a journalist. Unfortunately, her current job has her paying-off hotel staff for celebrity gossip. Tasked with shadowing a film star for an in-depth ...
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Blake Dillon isn’t exactly living the dream. She longs to follow in her grandfather’s footsteps and make a difference in the world as a journalist. Unfortunately, her current job has her paying-off hotel staff for celebrity gossip. Tasked with shadowing a film star for an in-depth profile, Blake sees it as a chance to finally prove her worth. She never expected the interview to reconnect her with her old college crush.

Oliver Benjamin agrees to move to Los Angeles to work as the executive assistant to his best friend, a rising star. He hopes it will give him some direction. However, he soon discovers the only difference between being a frat boy and a Hollywood heartthrob is the amount of free stuff and the level of media attention. Ollie spends most of his time putting out fires, leaving little time for anything else. When Blake is sent to chronicle their lives, he finds himself face-to-face with the one that got away.

Blake and Ollie are smart enough to recognize the signs—there are enough sparks between them to melt glass—but they agree to put a lid on it until the article is finished. Much easier said than done when they’re forced to spend more time together than apart. There’s more going on than a simple interview, but they’re both professionals. They must resist temptation or risk unraveling both their lives.

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“It’s impossible.” Blake Dillon sat back in her chair, dark eyes flashing with irritation as she stared down Professor Crosby. “And, to me, it seems to be rooted in privilege.”
Ollie’s heart beat hard with unnamed emotion, as it always did when he was near her, especially when she was fired up about something she believed in.
At the front of the room, Professor Crosby leaned against his desk, his arms folded, and regarded Blake with his steely gaze. “Ms. Dillon, a true journalist will remain impartial because it is impossible to convey a story fairly and accurately when operating under bias.” ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

From the author:

1. Blake looks up to her grandfather and hopes to follow in his footsteps. How difficult do you think it is for a young woman of color to advance in investigative journalism?

2. What do you think Blake and Oliver saw in each other during college that formed so strong a bond that it withstood the test of time and distance?

3. Ollie and Bran also have a special connection, with Bran often acting as a protector for young Ollie. How do you think that has manifested itself in their working relationship? Do you think their friendship would be as strong without the shared trauma of Ollie’s history?

4. Blake investigates a shady entertainment company that preys on the underprivileged. Why might someone sign a contract with such an infamous organization? Is it the promise of fame or simply a chance to better their situation?

5. Ollie’s love language is caring for people. He handles practically everything for Bran to make his life run smoothly and constantly feeds Blake and makes sure she’s taking care of herself. What is your love language?

6. Blake doesn’t hide that she loathes her current assignment on the celebrity beat. So why do you think she stayed at the Gazette rather than take a position at her grandfather’s old paper?

7. Ollie is, in turn, both insecure and confident about his writing talent. What do you think feeds his insecurities?

8. Do you think Blake and Bran will come to be friends?

9. Do you think Ollie will ever finish his novel?

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