The Haunting of Hecate Cavendish: A Novel (The Hecate Cavendish Series, 1)
by Paula Brackston

Published: 2024-07-23T00:0
Hardcover : 368 pages
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The Haunting of Hecate Cavendish is book one in New York Times bestselling author Paula Brackston's new, magic-infused series about Hecate Cavendish, an eccentric and feisty young woman who can see ghosts.

England, 1881. Hereford cathedral stands sentinel over the city, keeping its ...

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The Haunting of Hecate Cavendish is book one in New York Times bestselling author Paula Brackston's new, magic-infused series about Hecate Cavendish, an eccentric and feisty young woman who can see ghosts.

England, 1881. Hereford cathedral stands sentinel over the city, keeping its secrets, holding long forgotten souls in its stony embrace. Hecate Cavendish speeds through the cobbled streets on her bicycle, skirts hitched daringly high, heading for her new life as Assistant Librarian. But this is no ordinary collection of books. The cathedral houses an ancient chained library, wisdom guarded for centuries, mysteries and stories locked onto its worn, humble shelves. The most prized artifact, however, is the medieval world map which hangs next to Hecate’s desk. Little does she know how much the curious people and mythical creatures depicted on it will come to mean to her. Nor does she suspect that there are lost souls waiting for her in the haunted cathedral. Some will become her dearest friends. Some will seek her help in finding peace. Others will put her in great peril, and, as she quickly learns, threaten the lives of everyone she loves.

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For more than three hundred years the ancient tomb had housed the remains of its occupant without threat of disturbance. Even the hungry rats and slithering worms had been deterred by its impenetrable walls, so that the cadaver within had, over the long, lonely centuries, quietly and gently turned to nothing more than dry bones. On the outer surface of the sarcophagus, generations of spiders had spun their webs, weaving away in the darkness, their layer of gossamer an external shroud for the long-deceased, long-forgotten person within. For so many years, all had been silent as a grave should be. Untroubled as a soul at peaceful slumber. Dark as the deepwater moment before dawn. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

From the publisher:

1. Hecate is just becoming a woman and fighting for her independence. An example of this is the awful ball gown her mother gives her to wear. She doesn’t feel she can object, because a new one would be costly. What do you think it was like for her going to such an occasion feeling unattractive and ridiculous? What does the way she coped with the situation say about her character? Have you ever had a similar experience?

2. Much of the action takes place in the cathedral. Did you enjoy learning about this ancient building and the people who lived and worked there? How do you feel about stories set in a religious place?

3. Hecate was named after a goddess. In the book I use the spelling “Hekate” for the ancient deity. What did you think about the parts of the story that gradually reveal Hecate’s connection with her namesake and the talents and gifts she has? How do you imagine Hecate using the goddess’s magic in the future?

4. Beatrice Cavendish grew up in a very different time from her daughter and struggles to see why she will not settle down and accept life as a wife and mother. This is often a point of conflict between her and Hecate. Do you think Hecate sometimes judges her mother harshly for her traditional views? Do you have sympathy for Beatrice’s position? Do you think there might be an element of jealousy in how her mother views Hecate’s possible freedom?

5. The Essedene curse has terrifying power and has unleashed death and destruction on the quiet city of Hereford. I wanted to explore the idea of people being taken over and losing themselves and their control to another soul. How did you react when the Resurgent Spirit attacked Charlie? Where you shocked by the way events unfolded? Do you think Hecate and Edward could have done anything else that might have resulted in a different outcome?

6. Hecate is fortunate in having family, friends, and allies who support and help her in different ways. Inspector Winter quickly sees how intelligent she is, and their partnership is set to strengthen through the series. She also has her father and Mr. Sadiki to help her. Which of these three men is your favorite, and who do you think will prove the most useful to her as she continues to battle the Essedenes?

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