Yeshua: The Young Jesus of Nazareth
by Peter Jaksa, Ph.D.

Published: 2024-07-16T00:0
Paperback : 249 pages
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“Compelling … for both religious readers and others who want to learn more about one of the most well-known historical figures of all time. Thorough research animates an important part of pre-biblical history. Our verdict: Get it"—Kirkus Reviews

In ancient Galilee, his mother ...

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“Compelling … for both religious readers and others who want to learn more about one of the most well-known historical figures of all time. Thorough research animates an important part of pre-biblical history. Our verdict: Get it"—Kirkus Reviews

In ancient Galilee, his mother Mary called him Yeshua.

Yeshua: The Young Jesus of Nazareth tells the story of the early years (3—28 C.E.) in the life of Jesus. We follow his growth through childhood, family life before and after the death of Joseph, teen years, and young adulthood as the head of his family. Later chapters cover meeting John the Baptizer, and the beginning stages of his ministry in Capernaum. The novel brings history to life — people, culture, religion, and events of Jesus’ time — based on historical studies, ancient pre-gospel writings of the early Christian church, and recent religious literature.

This book offers new insights to understand the person called Yeshua and those closest to him: his parents, four brothers, two sisters, relatives from the families of Clopas and Zebedee, and his fellow Nazarenes. In the fishing village of Capernaum, the mature Yeshua assembles a group of disciples and supporters. Key among them are the twelve apostles, and also many influential women, including Mary Magdalene and Joanna. This novel portrays their lives with candor, respect, and affection.

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Chapter 1
A Very Kind Boy
Village of Nazareth, Galilee, Summer 3 C.E.

(joined in progress)
Yeshua was only a boy of eight the first time we had a conversation. Our families in Nazareth knew each other well, as is common in small villages. His kindly parents, Yosef and Mary, asked that I take him along on my rounds. That was the first day of Yeshua’s training in tending sheep. I was his teenaged sheepherding tutor. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

From the author:

1. What made Yeshua (Jesus) an unusual and precocious child?
2. How did the strongly devout Jewish religious faith of Joseph and Mary influence the young Yeshua in his religious and moral development?
3. How did the death of Joseph impact Yeshua in his growth and maturity as a young adult? How did it form his relationships with his four brothers and two sisters?
4. What social and political factors drove the young Yeshua to develop a passionate desire to help the poor and afflicted people of Galilee? How did it strengthen his devotion to the reign of God?
5. How did meeting John the Baptizer influence Yeshua to start his own religious ministry? In what ways did Yeshua design his ministry to be different from that of John?
6. What were the methods used by Yeshua to recruit and train his earliest disciples in Capernaum, including the 12 apostles? What were the most critical lessons he instilled in his disciples?

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