A Good Day and Other (Mostly) Humorous Stories and Lists
by Radu Guiasu

Published: 2024-11-26T00:0
Hardcover : 222 pages
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Growing up under a dictatorship and the toil of academic life don't seem like laughing matters, but the lighthearted stories in A Good Day and Other (Mostly) Humorous Stories and Lists find humour in all corners. Radu Guiasu draws on his own experiences of academia, research, teaching, ...
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Growing up under a dictatorship and the toil of academic life don't seem like laughing matters, but the lighthearted stories in A Good Day and Other (Mostly) Humorous Stories and Lists find humour in all corners. Radu Guiasu draws on his own experiences of academia, research, teaching, exploring nature, and growing up in Romania as inspiration for thirty-six short pieces that offer an entertaining escape from the mundane.

A Good Day and Other (Mostly) Humorous Stories and Lists is a wide-ranging collection that includes prose fiction as well as more inventive literary forms, such as lists, all-dialogue stories, and hermit-crab pieces such as a fake rejection letter. Full of clean, intelligent humour, this collection is unified by Radu Guiasu's wry, satirical voice, sure to put a smile on your face.


“Guiasu offers a collection of funny tales and lists that tackle a vast array of subjects … Overall, there’s much to like about this congenial, diverting, and agreeable collection. Sharp writing that showcases a delightful sense of humor.” –Kirkus Reviews

“Celebrating idiosyncratic lives with satire and wit, A Good Day is a diverse and enjoyable short story collection … The book’s humor is at various times subtle, dark, quippy, and laugh-out-loud funny, but its cleverness is consistent … In the whimsical short story collection A Good Day, peculiar characters live in heightened states amid the challenges of the contemporary world.” –Natalie Wollenzien, Foreword Clarion Reviews

(5 stars) “Guiasu’s reflections on the trials of academic life are both hilarious and achingly relatable. With its wry humor, intelligent yet accessible language, and sharp observations, this book is not only a joy to read but also strikes a chord with anyone who has navigated the peculiarities of graduate student life. A Good Day and Other (Mostly) Humorous Stories and Lists is a delightful, memorable collection.” –Literary Titan (Winner of the Literary Titan Gold Book Award)

“A Good Day is a witty collection of 36 short stories dealing with topics ranging from the everyday to the more surreal. Guiasu's vignettes are sharp and convincing, with a fair amount of honest and thought-provoking personal observations. Guiasu's text is confidently written and his everyday observations are rendered in a clear, concise, and often satirical manner. The short stories are simple, effective, easy to read, and benefit from a likable and engaging writing style … Guiasu's consistently witty and wry sense of humor is endearing and enjoyable. The variety of characters contained in this collection of short stories are vividly realized and relatable. Guiasu's charisma shines through in many of these tales, and his observations on life at educational establishments in particular is impressively realized.” –BookLife Prize

“At the heart of Guiasu’s work is a free-spirited nature that is meshed with a penchant for humor en route to tackling pertinent topics. An academic through and through, the author has included works that span the spectrum of his educational journey from elementary school to his doctoral experiences and professorship … Ultimately, Guiasu’s extensive experience communicating within various academic settings has allowed him to be unafraid to use his voice. More importantly, he knows exactly how to utilize comedic timing to hold important and meaningful conversations in a lighthearted setting while ensuring his message gets across. This uncanny ability is to the delight of readers as the compilation is both entertaining and introspective, letting readers look inside and outside and simply absorb what Guiasu has to say.” –Mihir Shah, The US Review of Books

“The writing is rich with satire and wit, delivering laugh-out-loud moments and eccentric characters who jump from the page … ?Eclectic, entertaining collection that probes life’s lighter moments.” –BookLife Reviews

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The date
Radu Guiasu

She leaned forward ever so slightly and casually flipped a wayward blue-streaked lock off her forehead.
Then she said: “I might as well tell you up front that I don’t like guys who brag too much.”
“There is no danger of that here. I have nothing to brag about.”
“So, how are you planning to impress me?”
“Oh, I am afraid I have no such plans. I am really not that impressive in any noticeable way.”
“How come?”
“Well, I suppose I realized early on that with a lot of work, I might be able to aspire to total mediocrity one day. The trouble is, I am also quite lazy. So, I had to settle for a level or two below straightforward mediocrity. In fact, I was often called a total loser, but that was probably too kind.” ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

From the author:

1. How does the author's background, growing up under dictatorship, influence the stories he writes and the brand of humor he uses? Is there a possible connection between growing up under the rule of a communist dictatorship in Eastern Europe, and some of the topics chosen by the author and the type of subversive humor the author applies even to some stories and lists which are not autobiographical?

2. How is the author's academic background, as a biologist and university professor, influencing his stories and his take on issues related to education, the environment, popular entertainment and related topics?

3. Is there a clear contrarian point of view reflected in enough of the stories in this collection to make this a trend or a notable feature of the writing?

4. Is the author striving for ultimate freedom of thought and independence in many of these stories - even some of the ones that seem on the surface to be written purely for fun?

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