Love in 90 Days: The Essential Guide to Finding Your Own True Love
by Diana Kirschner

Published: 2009-01-02
Hardcover : 336 pages
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Diana Kirschner, PhD, knows the questions single women everywhere face: "Why am I attracted to the wrong kind of guys?" "Why is he just not that into me?" "Why can't I seem to find the One?" In LOVE IN 90 DAYS, Dr. Diana reveals the secrets to finding Mr. Right and the crucial steps single women ...
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Diana Kirschner, PhD, knows the questions single women everywhere face: "Why am I attracted to the wrong kind of guys?" "Why is he just not that into me?" "Why can't I seem to find the One?" In LOVE IN 90 DAYS, Dr. Diana reveals the secrets to finding Mr. Right and the crucial steps single women can take to create fulfilling love that lasts. Most singles unconsciously make the same mistakes over and over again in love, regardless of age, work success, or the type of man they are dating. Using her unique four-pronged approach, Dr. Diana pulls no punches. She outlines a program that gets women on the path to smash through their self-sabotage and forge a healthy love relationship.

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Dating Three to Find the One: Part One
Dr. Diana Kirschner
Love moderately: long love doth so;
Too swift arrives as tardy as too slow.

When it comes to dating, the Bard got it right. Moderation is key. It keeps you from moving too quickly or too slowly when you're getting to know new men and what they bring to your table. And the most powerful way to achieve moderation is by using the Dating Program of Three. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Is it really possible to find love in just 90 days?
2. What is the single biggest mistake singles make in dating?
3. In LOVE in 90 DAYS, Dr. Diana describes the Program of Three where women date three men at the same time. Most women have a hard time finding one man. How do they find three?
4. What three things can women do TODAY to increase their chances of getting into a great relationship?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

What if it were possible to meet the man of your dreams - in just 90 days?

I'm Dr. Diana Kirschner and over the past 25 years I've helped thousands of women find, attract, date and marry terrific men. You may have seen me as a guest psychologist on the Today Show or running the 90 Day Love Challenge on Fox's Morning Show with Mike & Juliet. Now you can have my step-by-step approach to creating love in my bestselling book, LOVE IN 90 DAYS: THE ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO FINDING YOUR OWN TRUE LOVE. It is the first dating book that is the basis of a PBS Pledge Special, Finding Your Own True Love, currently airing in over 70 cities nationwide.

In LOVE IN 90 DAYS you'll learn how to: avoid the number one dating mistake single women make; break through Deadly Dating Patterns that ruin any chance of lasting love; separate the 'DUDs' from the 'STUDs'; bust through shyness and bring out your charisma; and date lots of successful, caring men. Plus, special sections focus on single mothers, African-Americans, successful women and those 45 .

Forget your dating past, gather your girlfriends together, and learn how to create the love you want now. I can't wait for you to get started!

Wishing you love,

Dr. Diana

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