The President Was A Good Man
by Murl Edward Gwynn

Published: 2008-12-31
Hardcover : 216 pages
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The president didn’t know that his dark dealings with the hearts of others would lead to death and disaster. When he planned the theft of millions from the United States Treasury, he started the beginning of the end for himself. He wife was fascinated by the occult and his daughter was ...
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The president didn’t know that his dark dealings with the hearts of others would lead to death and disaster. When he planned the theft of millions from the United States Treasury, he started the beginning of the end for himself. He wife was fascinated by the occult and his daughter was demon-possessed, but his son stood alone as the bearer of light.

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The sardonic laughter of the unseen beings could be heard just above the fading echoes of gun shots. Although their form could not be realized in the small, one bulb lit room, they were there nevertheless. After the shots that ripped through flesh, shattered bone, and ended a life, the demons were pleased with their convincing demands on open minds of madness. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. What would you do if faced with the possibility of demon activity around you?
2. How long would you let injustice go on if you had it within your power to correct it?
3. Human love can be fickle and we must guard our heart against false emotions; with whom and to what degree should we seek advice about love.

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

This fiction novel came after I finished my first book “Anything for Acceptance – One’s Man Journey From Bondage To Wholeness”; Which is a book about my life story of finding freedom from self loathing. I realized that I loved writing “Anything for Acceptance” and felt like I had more within me.

After six years of thinking and toying with the idea of another book I sat down one day and began to write the first thing that came to my mind. It was odd, but the idea of a murder mystery thriller with a Christian twist came to mind. It just flowed out of me for about six chapters and then stopped.

I let the book, which by now had the title “The President Was A Good Man”, sit for another two years until one day I had the impression that I must finish it. Again, it flowed and I finished it in November of 2008.

Now, after writing two books I find that I have three others in me. Two books will be fictional in nature. One is a sequel to “The President Was A Good Man”, the other has an accurate historical bent to it, and the other is the factual account of our son-in-laws life and death as a soldier in Iraq.

Writing is fun; it challenges my right brain and gives vent to the artist within me.

If you think you have a “book” within you, sit down and release it through your fingers!

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