
2 reviews

The Gods Themselves
by Isaac Asimov

Published: 1990-09-04
Mass Market Paperback : 304 pages
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Only a few know the terrifying truth--an outcast Earth scientist, a rebellious alien inhabitant of a dying planet, a lunar-born human intuitionist who senses the imminent annihilation of the Sun.  They know the truth--but who will listen?  They have foreseen the cost of abundant ...
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(Only a few know the terrifying truth--an outcast Earth scientist, a rebellious alien inhabitant of a dying planet, a lunar-born human intuitionist who senses the imminent annihilation of the Sun.  They know the truth--but who will listen?  They have foreseen the cost of abundant energy--but who will believe?  These few beings, human and alien, hold the key to the Earth's survival.

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Discussion Questions

Suggested by Members

Is it dangerous to harness great scientific advancements as quickly as they did in this book?
Was the second section inadvertently confusing or do you think it was done that way on purpose?
Who's predicament do you think is worse if the pump continues earth or the paramen?
by Rainyh (see profile) 05/09/10

How is this genre like or unlike other books read in your club?
Of the three sections, which is most interesting and why?
by e.c.newton (see profile) 07/29/09

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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Book Club Recommendations

Questions our book group used
by Rainyh (see profile) 05/09/10
Written by Brian H. Section 1 "Against Stupidity..." (This is the earthling section) 1. Do you think that in todays media environment an investigator such as Peter Lamont would pursue his investigation in quite the same way as it was portrayed in 1972 when this book was first published? 2. Do you believe that its realistic for a major scientific find that was not understood at all were to actually occur a "Hallam" would stand up and try to take credit? 3. Is it dangerous to harness great scientific advancements as quickly as they did in this book? Section 2 "The Gods Themselves..." (The Paramen Section) 4. Was this section inadvertently confusing or do you think it was done that way on purpose? 5. How is the Paramen communication different then our own and how is it the same? 6. Do you think that the hard ones are human (or human-like)? 7. Who's predicament do you think is worse if the pump continues earth or the paramen?

Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "A Science Sci-Fi Novel"by Lorraine H. (see profile) 05/09/10

This book may not have fast action but the members of our group appreciated the way this book stayed true to the scientific aspects that were described. What seems more like three stories in one, this... (read more)

  "The Gods Themselves - A Unique Sci-Fi Novel"by Erin N. (see profile) 07/29/09

This book was unlike all other science fiction novels I have ever read. It needs to be explained up-front that it is three novellas in one with a common background but not with a strong plot to connect... (read more)

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