
2 reviews

The Choice (Lancaster County Secrets, Book 1)
by Suzanne Woods Fisher

Published: 2010-01-01
Kindle Edition : 308 pages
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With a vibrant, fresh style Suzanne Woods Fisher brings readers into the world of a young Amish woman torn between following the man she loves--or joining the community of faith that sustains her, even as she questions some of the decisions of her elders. Her choice begins a torrent of ...
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With a vibrant, fresh style Suzanne Woods Fisher brings readers into the world of a young Amish woman torn between following the man she loves--or joining the community of faith that sustains her, even as she questions some of the decisions of her elders. Her choice begins a torrent of change for her and her family, including a marriage of convenience to silent Daniel Miller. Both bring broken hearts into their arrangement--and secrets that have been held too long.
Filled with gentle romance, The Choice opens the world of the Amish--their strong communities, their simple life, and their willingness to put each other first. Combined with Fisher's exceptional gift for character development, this novel, the first in a series, is a welcome reminder that it is never too late to find your way back to God.

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Chapter 1

Carrie Weaver tucked a loose curl into her cap as she glanced up at the bell tower in Lancaster's Central Market. The clock had struck 2:00 p.m. more than ten minutes ago, and an English couple was haggling with her stepsister Emma over the price of a crate of strawberries. After all, the man was saying, the market was closing for the weekend. "Certainly, you Plain folks wouldn't want this fruit to go to waste now, would you? Tomorrow being Sunday and all?" He rested his hands on his round belly and fixed his gaze on Emma, a satisfied look on his red face-as red and ripe as a late summer tomato-as he waited for her to buckle. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. On the surface, Carrie appeared to be a person who wasn't firmly grounded. Describe the changes she underwent.

2. Aside from providing Carrie with a home, what did Daniel give to her? What did she give to him?

3. How did Carrie's perceptions of faith and prayer change? At what point did she have a sense of her own self? What caused that growth?

4. Jacob Weaver, Carrie's father, never wanted Solomon Riehl to marry Carrie. He said, "I won't let my daughter marry a man who takes care of himself first." Was his opinion of Sol too harsh? Why or why not?

5. What kind of a person was Esther Weaver? What compels her to adhere so strictly to the laws and traditions of the Amish faith?

6. What core beliefs did Mattie have that allowed her to be a loyal friend to Carrie despite loving Sol?

7. Did it surprise you when you read that Mattie and Sol had become engaged? Did you think Sol loved her? Or needed her? Or both?

8. How would you describe Carrie and Abel's relationship? What drew them together?

9. Why did Emma choose eloping with Steelhead over being Amish? What kind of future do you see for them?

10. Did it bother you that Carrie had evidence to pin arson charges on Veronica McCall but chose not to? The Amish prefer to suffer injustice rather than to instigate legal suits. Do you think Carrie stood her ground? Or did Veronica McCall get the upper hand?

11. If you had to identify yourself with just one of the characters in this novel, who would it be? Why?

12. Did you learn anything new about the Amish life in reading this novel?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Dear Readers:

Has your life turned out the way you thought it would? Ever felt as if you wanted to wave a white flag of surrender and shout, "Hey! I didn't sign up for this!"

But who hasn't felt that way at one time or another? Life throws us curve balls. It's how we respond to those curve balls that makes a difference.

So how would a young Amish woman respond to getting thrown a curve ball? Take Carrie Weaver. She had life pretty well mapped out-she was in love with the man of her dreams with plans to marry him-until one swift moment when everything changed. All of Carrie's plans fell apart.

There's a saying among the Amish, "When you get to the end of your wits, you'll find God there." And that's just what happened to Carrie.

The same has been true for me, and can be true for you.


Suzanne Woods Fisher


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Overall rating:
  "THE CHOICE by Suzanne Woods Fisher"by Becky H. (see profile) 12/30/13

Much better written than many novels in the “Christian Lit” genre, THE CHOICE presents the life of an Amish community with an emphasis on the helpfulness and “family” feel of the mem... (read more)

  "Realistic view of Amish life"by Karen M. (see profile) 02/22/10

I really enjoyed this book. But, interesting, my Amish cleaning help has also read it and said that this book has the most realistic depiction of Amish life that she has read in a work of fiction.

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