
1 review

The Killing of Mindi Quintana
by Jeffrey A. Cohen

Published: 2010-05-16
Hardcover : 288 pages
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A killer with a book... A lawyer pushed too far... Freddy Builder kills Mindi Quintana and is writing the book about their relationship everybody wants--it's a lying rewrite of her life and of their miserably thin involvement. Excerpts appearing to acclaim, a televised trial is in the offing, and a ...
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A killer with a book... A lawyer pushed too far... Freddy Builder kills Mindi Quintana and is writing the book about their relationship everybody wants--it's a lying rewrite of her life and of their miserably thin involvement. Excerpts appearing to acclaim, a televised trial is in the offing, and a new celebrity killer takes the stage--the iconic poet-murderer, a jailhouse literary sensation. Freddy's attorney, Philip, plays his sworn role as advocate; but as Freddy builds his fame with the bones of his victim, Philip finds himself dreaming of justice. For a killer with a book. Justice is served.

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Holmesburg Prison

Later that day, Philip was brought through sliding barred gates, connect¬ing corridors, and corresponding frisks that he knew when to expect through experience. He opened his jacket and lifted his arms, he spread his legs by rote, and the equally perfunctory hands slid over him, not really checking. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

From the author:

What do you think about America’s fascination with killers and our willingness to turn them into celebrities?

What would you do if you had the opportunity to stop a killer from becoming a celebrity, but in order to do so, you would have to face a moral and ethical dilemma?

In your opinion, must attorneys always remain responsible to the integrity of the system even if they know it will create an injustice? Is it ever right to make a personal ethical decision that is in contradiction to an oath you took to uphold the law?

What do you think about media figures who romanticize killers and criminals? What’s behind their fascination with these monsters? Why do viewers respond so favorably to them?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

A note from the author:

The spark for my novel The Killing of Mindi Quintana was the true-life story of convicted murderer Jack Henry Abbott. Abbot became a cultural icon and literary shooting star when his book of prison letters, In the Belly of the Beast, was published in 1981.

One irony of the Abbott case is that this evil man’s letters, irrationally justifying his lifetime of violent crime, resulted in public sympathy, literary acclaim, and even his parole. Another irony, tragic, is that within six weeks of his release Abbott killed again, the night before a laudatory review of his book. A final irony is that Richard Adan, the 22 year-old waiter Abbott stabbed in the heart for refusing him use of an employees-only restroom, was pursuing his dream of becoming a writer himself.

The Killing of Mindi Quintana deals with the injustice of fame and acclaim through murder. It takes issue with our attribution to our violent criminals of special talents, bravery, charisma and charm. In Mindi, a frustrated department store clerk kills and his little life turns big. He pens the book about his victim everybody wants, and drags her through the mud. A new celebrity murderer takes the stage. A comeuppance is in order.

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  "The Killing of Mindi Quintana"by Kim M. (see profile) 07/21/10

The reader already knows from the title that a known character will be killed, which is a wide plot twist departure from most mysteries & crime novels. I didn't think I'd like the new patter... (read more)

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