
4 reviews

The Racketeer
by John Grisham

Published: 2012-10-23
Hardcover : 352 pages
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Given the importance of what they do, and the controversies that often surround them, and the violent people they sometimes confront, it is remarkable that in the history of this country only four active federal judges have been murdered.

Judge Raymond Fawcett has just become number ...
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Given the importance of what they do, and the controversies that often surround them, and the violent people they sometimes confront, it is remarkable that in the history of this country only four active federal judges have been murdered.

Judge Raymond Fawcett has just become number five.

Who is the Racketeer? And what does he have to do with the judge’s untimely demise? His name, for the moment, is Malcolm Bannister. Job status? Former attorney. Current residence? The Federal Prison Camp near Frostburg, Maryland.

On paper, Malcolm’s situation isn’t looking too good these days, but he’s got an ace up his sleeve. He knows who killed Judge Fawcett, and he knows why. The judge’s body was found in his remote lakeside cabin. There was no forced entry, no struggle, just two dead bodies: Judge Fawcett and his young secretary. And one large, state-of-the-art, extremely secure safe, opened and emptied.

What was in the safe? The FBI would love to know. And Malcolm Bannister would love to tell them. But everything has a price—especially information as explosive as the sequence of events that led to Judge Fawcett’s death. And the Racketeer wasn’t born yesterday . . .

Nothing is as it seems and everything’s fair game in this wickedly clever new novel from John Grisham, the undisputed master of the legal thriller.

Editorial Review

The Racketeer  was one of Amazon's mystery/thriller Best Books of the Month picks for October. A Q&A with the author:

Grisham3Describe The Racketeer in one sentence. 

A federal judge is murdered, and our hero in prison knows who did it, and why.

What's on your nightstand/bedside table/Kindle?

Ian McEwanâ??s latest novel, Sweet Tooth; a friendâ??s manuscript; and a Kindle Fire loaded with daily newspapers, magazines, and about three dozen books.

Top 3-5 favorite books of all time?

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; A Confederacy of Dunces; The Grapes of Wrath; Little Drummer Girl

Important book you never read?

There are so many. Atlas Shrugged, though Iâ??ve been told for the past 30 years that itâ??s unreadable.

Book that made you want to become a writer?

To Kill a Mockingbird made me question race for the first time in my young, insulated, white life. It also inspired me to try and write something great.

Memorable author moment?

I received a note from Harper Lee, along with an autographed first edition of To Kill A Mockingbird.

What's your most prized/treasured possession?

A first edition of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, signed by the author.

Pen envy - book you wish you'd written?

Harry Potter â?? heâ??s the only dude I canâ??t outsell.

Author crush - who's your current author crush?

Iâ??m 57 years old.  Crushes are for sophomores.

What's favorite method of procrastination? Temptation? Vice?

Donâ??t get me started. I can waste enormous amounts of time, and with no guilt whatsoever. Currently, Iâ??m doing so on the golf course, playing a game that I took up only four years ago and is driving me nuts.

What do you collect?

First editions, primarily Faulkner, Hemingway, and Steinbeck.

Best piece of fan mail you ever got?

The letter began: â??As the newly elected President of the Arkansas Bar Association, it is incumbent upon me to suggest various topics for your future novelsâ?¦â?¦â?? I donâ??t think I finished reading the letter.

What's next for you?

Iâ??m hard at work on Theo 4 -  â??Theodore Boone, The Activist.â??

>See all of John Grisham's books.

>Read a New York Times review of The Racketeer

(author photo by Bob Krasner)


No Excerpt Currently Available

Discussion Questions

Suggested by Members

Is personal revenge ever right?
What lengths would you go if there was a life-changing injustice done to you?
What lengths would you go if there was a life-changing injustice done to a friend?
by rapntoto2 (see profile) 01/02/13

Witness protection program. white collar crime, the innocence project
by [email protected] (see profile) 12/17/12

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

No notes at this time.

Book Club Recommendations

Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "The Racketeer"by Margit K. (see profile) 03/29/14

This was not a typical John Grisham book. our group for the most part really liked this book for many reasons. One was the way the story flowed. Another was the way Grisham kept some of th... (read more)

  "The Racketter"by Ruth P. (see profile) 01/02/13

I like the legal aspect of John Grisham's books. This book is intriguing and also disturbing at the same time. Perhaps the far-reaching power that one gets when they are "in charge" scares me in that they... (read more)

  "Dealing with the feds is a challenge"by Becky H. (see profile) 12/17/12

THE RACKETEER by John Grisham

This vintage Grisham mystery will appeal to fans and new readers as well. The Racketeer is the tale of an innocent (and now former) lawyer who is out to

... (read more)

  "The Racketeer"by Karla A. (see profile) 11/15/12

Correction to the Bookmovement's introduction: the judge's name is Raymond Fawcett.
Weak ending.

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