
2 reviews

When Smiles Fade
by Paige Dearth

Published: 2013-01-23
Paperback : 464 pages
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Emma was unloved from the moment she was born. Her earliest memory is being severely beaten by her father, Pepper Murphy, when she was just eight-yearsold. Seething with resentment over the sacrifice of his dreams for a woman he cares little about and children he never wanted, Pepper chooses to ...
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Emma was unloved from the moment she was born. Her earliest memory is being severely beaten by her father, Pepper Murphy, when she was just eight-yearsold. Seething with resentment over the sacrifice of his dreams for a woman he cares little about and children he never wanted, Pepper chooses to blame his older daughter. Her mother, Valerie, makes matters worse with her verbal abuse, leaving Emma isolated with a man that had no boundaries in punishing his daughter, taking his abuse to unimaginable levels. Emma’s father’s coldblooded beatings and the ultimate abuse to which he subjects her, lays the foundation of the person she becomes. As she matures into a resourceful teenager, she is unwilling and unable to stifle her desire for revenge. Reaching her breaking point she can no longer control the impulse to fight back and finally takes matters into her own hands. Having learned the art of hatred from her father and the mastery of manipulation from her mother, young Emma now sets out to make a better life for herself, leaving the memory of the abused child she had once been behind her. Hardened by the heartless brutality she encounters and the dangerous situations she must overcome in the course of her journey, she faces every challenge that comes her way in her quest for a normal life for herself and for those she loves. Finally a person emerges from within that guides her toward a better life until she learns of a secret that sets her on the path of ultimate redemption.

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Discussion Questions

1. Do you think Emma did the right thing with Salvatore after finding out about his secret?

2. What was the one thing that Emma did through her journey that she could have done differently?

3. How do you feel about the ending of the novel? Was it justifiable and if you were Emma would you have done the same?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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Member Reviews

Overall rating:
by Debbie G. (see profile) 06/21/17

  "Horrifying Reality"by Kim A. (see profile) 08/17/16

Our bookclub won this book through Goodreads and had a wonderful, yet horrifying insighful chat with the author, Paige Dearth about the reality of human trafficking. Be aware...this story is not for the... (read more)

  "Difficult to read but insightful"by Cathy K. (see profile) 10/26/15

It is admirable that the author may be writing novels as a method of working on difficult memories and to communicate hope to readers with similar struggles. We can never underestimate the damage done... (read more)

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