Lowcountry Stranger (Sweeney Sisters Series) (Volume 2)
by Ashley Farley

Published: 2016-05-28
Paperback : 282 pages
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Family Drama, Southern Style. There's a stranger in town. And it’s no coincidence when she shows up uninvited at a Sweeney family wedding. All eyes are drawn to this urchin who seems to have washed in with the tide. Before the night is over, the doe-eyed waif charms young and old with her street ...
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Family Drama, Southern Style. There's a stranger in town. And it’s no coincidence when she shows up uninvited at a Sweeney family wedding. All eyes are drawn to this urchin who seems to have washed in with the tide. Before the night is over, the doe-eyed waif charms young and old with her street smarts and spunky personality. For better or worse, Annie Dawn is here to stay. The memorable Sweeney sisters from Her Sister’s Shoes have returned with more suspense and family drama to hold you spellbound until the dramatic conclusion. As she approaches the next stage of her life as an empty nester, Jackie is torn between expanding her fledgling design business and spending these last precious months with her boys before they fly the coop. Her own worst enemy, Sam is terrified of making a commitment to Eli Marshall, handsome police officer, true love of her life. Her resolve is tested when a ghost from her past shows up after nearly two decades. Faith nurtures her seven-year-old daughter who is recovering from the trauma of her abusive father. Is the threat in the past, or is there more danger on the horizon? The sisters seek guidance from their mother, Lovie, a true Southern matriarch who shows them how to respond to adversity with grace and dignity. Things are heating up in the Lowcountry. The Sweeney sisters remind us, once again, that being a part of a family is about more than sharing the same DNA.

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A gentle breeze in the late afternoon of an early June day rustled the Spanish moss draped from the live oak trees, bringing with it the smell of the salty marsh to those gathered on the lawn for the wedding of the youngest of the Sweeney sisters. Women tugged their shawls tighter around their shoulders, thankful they'd remembered to bring a wrap for what promised to be a chilly evening ahead. The sun shimmered off the high tide on the inlet, casting Moss Creek Farm in a pale glow. The white-frame antebellum plantation house—with its green-black shutters, large columns, and wraparound porches—stood like a grand old dame, proud and dignified and handsome. A sailcloth tent with wooden poles and pennant flags waving from its peaks graced the upper lawn, encompassing the terraced area adjacent to the house. Servers dressed in tuxedo shirts and bow ties stood ready to pass trays of hors d’oeuvres and champagne-filled flutes. Their instruments in position, the four-member bluegrass band waited onstage for the minister’s signal to begin the recessional music. A picture-perfect evening for Faith and Mike to begin their new lives together. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

Spoiler Alert!

1. Because of the traumatic ending to her relationship with Jamie’s father, Sam is terrified of making a commitment to Eli. What events in your life have prompted the decisions you've made about your future?

2. I know from experience how addiction can affect the whole family. But it is sometimes the hardest on siblings. Why? Perhaps because siblings share a closer relationship, bonded by their childhood experiences. Faith and Jackie watch Sam fall off her wagon. Do you have a sibling who struggles with addiction? How are you able to help them cope?

3. Jackie is torn between growing her interior design firm and spending time with her boys before they head off to college. As working women, how do you juggle your responsibilities at work and home?

4. Faith nurtures her daughter, Bitsy, as she copes with the fallout from her abusive father. When Bitsy shows signs of improvement, Faith must tighten the reins. Being a parent requires us to wear many different hats. Discuss how, as a mother, you know when to wear which hat.

5. Jackie has good intentions, but her self-centeredness often gets in the way. Sam’s stubbornness has led her to make bad choices. And Faith is often afraid of her own shadow. What character trait is your own worst enemy?

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by Jennifer G. (see profile) 02/22/18

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