The Book of Goose: A Novel
by Yiyun Li

Published: 2022-09-20T00:0
Hardcover : 368 pages
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Long-listed for the 2023 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction
A New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice

A magnificent, beguiling tale winding from the postwar rural provinces to Paris, from an English boarding school to the quiet Pennsylvania home where a woman can ...

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Long-listed for the 2023 Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Fiction
A New York Times Book Review Editors’ Choice

A magnificent, beguiling tale winding from the postwar rural provinces to Paris, from an English boarding school to the quiet Pennsylvania home where a woman can live without her past, The Book of Goose is a story of disturbing intimacy and obsession, of exploitation and strength of will, by the celebrated author Yiyun Li.

Fabienne is dead. Her childhood best friend, Agnès, receives the news in America, far from the French countryside where the two girls were raised?the place that Fabienne helped Agnès escape ten years ago. Now Agnès is free to tell her story.

As children in a war-ravaged backwater town, they’d built a private world, invisible to everyone but themselves?until Fabienne hatched the plan that would change everything, launching Agnès on an epic trajectory through fame, fortune, and terrible loss.

Editorial Review

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Discussion Questions

Here are some general discussion questions:

1. What was your favorite part of the book?
2. What was your least favorite?
3. Did you race to the end, or was it more of a slow burn?
4. Which scene has stuck with you the most?
5. What did you think of the writing? Are there any standout sentences?
6. Did you reread any passages? If so, which ones?
7. Would you want to read another book by this author?
8. Did reading the book impact your mood? If yes, how so?
9. What surprised you most about the book?
10. How did your opinion of the book change as you read it?
11. If you could ask the author anything, what would it be?
12. How does the book's title work in relation to the book's contents? If you could give the book a new title, what would it be?
13. Is this book overrated or underrated?
14. Did this book remind you of any other books?
15. How did it impact you? Do you think you'll remember it in a few months or years?
16. Would you ever consider re-reading it? Why or why not?
17. Who do you most want to read this book?
18. Are there lingering questions from the book you're still thinking about?
19. Did the book strike you as original?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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Overall rating:
by Kimberly F. (see profile) 08/23/23

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