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Name : Deborah K.

My Reviews

September Ends by Hunter S. Jones, An Anonymous English Poet
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Beautiful, Dramatic

Gorgeous and romantic. A brilliant book with exceptional writing!

Book Club Recommended
Scary, Romantic, Adventurous

When Bill Anderson loses his job, he is forced to move his wife Karen and their twin daughters to Mateguas Island. Bill's aunt left him a home on the island, but Karen prefers city life and is not looking forward to the move. The novel starts off as the story of a family going through a huge life change. Once you've started to identify with this family and their strengths and weaknesses, the terror begins.

The author brilliantly builds the tension of the plot. This is a fascinating mix of literary fiction and horror; I enjoyed the subtle creepiness of this story. Linda Watkins is a talented author who creates believable characters and fascinating plots and sub-plots.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Adventurous, Epic
Exciting Read!

The two words that describe the way I feel about this novel are engrossing and thought provoking. I came to know the character Jonathan Harkon, during the course of this thrilling novel. I am a huge fan of Science Fiction and was eager to read this based on the reviews. I was not disappointed. The storyline is believable and the use of first person in this book was also very well done.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Insightful, Dramatic
Intriguing Political Thriller

I’ve read a few spy thrillers by Ken Follett and John le Carré, and wondered if this book would hold up in comparison to these authors. Before I go any further I want to tell you yes, Khalid Muhammad writes as well as any of them!

Being able to understand a different world perspective is what interested me most about this book. The author lives in Pakistan and writes about that region with authority. The main character Kamal Khan changes during the course of this novel from a soldier to an action hero. His journey is exciting and intriguing. The plot is compelling, keeping me interested throughout.

Book Club Recommended
Brilliant, Dramatic, Inspiring
Mercy, Mercy

This novel reminded me of the writing of Charles Dickens. The story is complex, tragic, uplifting, and enthralling. The author has a wonderful way of writing that draws the readers into the world she has created. Although there is sadness in this story, I never felt overwhelmed by it. Instead, I was engrossed in the plot and found myself hoping for a good outcome.

The main character was named Mercy because of the circumstances of her birth. Her poor mother suffered greatly and shouted, “Mercy” over and over. With such a start to her life, it seems she will be cursed to suffer. The question is, will Mercy Carver rise above the awful circumstances of her beginnings? You need to read and find out. This is a gem of a book.

Shadow Over Avalon by C.N Lesley
Book Club Recommended
Brilliant, Epic, Addictive
Beautiful and Imaginative!

I am an avid fan of all things King Arthur, so was excited to read author C.N. Lesley’s version of the legend. She took a familiar story and made it her own. Her imaginative plot, vivid descriptions, and strong characters made this novel a pleasure to read. I knew from the start this would be something to savor and not rush through.

I also enjoyed the masterful way the author was able to blend two genres. It isn’t easy to make fantasy and science fiction work together; in this case it was a success! I know I will re-read this novel in the future and look forward to more works from this brilliant writer.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Epic, Brilliant
Love and Murder

This novel tells the story of Maria Brooks, also known as coyote. Her fiancé Jordan Kramer gave her that nickname when he met her in Provence in an earlier book. Maria was hiding in France accused of killing her husband. Jordan assures her it’s safe to return to Los Angeles but while attempting to go through customs Maria is arrested for the murder of her husband.

The author creates an interesting tale, weaving in the details of Maria’s time in jail and her trial. What makes the story even better is the private investigator, Slade Kelly. He is full of contradictions. He dresses shabbily and pretends not to be well educated, when in fact he has a Masters Degree in Criminology. Slade pretends to be just scraping by yet he collects art and glass worth a fortune. He leads two lives on purpose. This is a nice blend of mystery and romance with well-written characters and a compelling plot. Although this can be read as a stand-a-lone book, I suggest you get all three novels in the trilogy.

Book Club Recommended
Epic, Dramatic, Scary

Book Club Recommended
Brilliant, Fantastic, Epic
Engrossing Historical Tale

I don’t want to give away any part of this novel, but I will say I thought the character Celia Dobbs was superbly written. The author’s writing style is clear and uncluttered, yet conveys the feel of the settings and characters very well. You will find yourself caring about the various characters and wanting to know what happens to them. The storylines are very compelling.

I haven’t read historical fiction for a long time and find myself drawn once again to this genre because of this book.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Fantastic, Adventurous
Laugh Out Loud!

A fun read!

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Adventurous, Epic

Great read!

A House Without Windows by Stevie Turner
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Brilliant, Scary

The author tells the story of the horrifying events of a kidnapping from different characters\' perspectives. This story telling device makes for excellent pacing. The novel contains an unusual mix of romance and suspense, which work together quite well. Each character was carefully written in a manner that makes their thoughts and actions believable. I felt empathy for the kidnap victims and their struggle to survive their tormentor. This book is a wild emotional ride that left me in awe of the writer’s skill.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Inspiring

If you want to format your own books this is the guide for you!

September First (September Stories Book 4) by An Anonymous English Poet, Hunter S. Jones
Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Inspiring, Brilliant
Poetry and Passion

Another beautiful book by author Hunter S. Jones. This is the prequel to the best selling book, September Ends. After reading this treasure, I now understand more about Jack O. Savage and his poet lover Indie Shadwick. This is a compelling short dramatic read that addresses mental illness, love, and obsession.

The Horoscope Writer by Elodie Parkes
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Beautiful, Fantastic

Very romantic story!

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Epic, Dramatic

Well-written, thought provoking.

Book Club Recommended
Epic, Adventurous, Interesting

Masquerade: A Ra Jones Anthology by C.P. Mandara, Alisa Easton, Paige Matthews, Glenda Horsfall, Gale Stanley, Kayla Lords, Dakota Skye, Hunter S. Jones
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Addictive, Fantastic

Exciting, sexy, romantic read.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Insightful, Fun

Nice story

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Addictive
In Trouble Again!

Detective Brett Cornell is in trouble again in the second book of this enjoyable series. He is a sexist, non-politically correct man who says and does pretty much whatever he wants. These attributes make for an entertaining story that at times had me laughing out loud.

Dog Days of Summer by PJ Fiala
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Addictive, Adventurous
Steamy Bikers

The main characters Joci and Dog are mature single parents that meet while planning a charity motorcycle ride for Veterans. A refreshingly different type of romance novel that had me hooked immediately. I enjoyed the way the relationships were portrayed and found myself caring about the characters. This is a steamy well-written book, the first in a new series.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Beautiful, Fantastic
Turmoil Before Christmas!

Author Stephany Tullis has written a lovely story just in time for Christmas. In this tale of a small town at odds with one another, she moves us from problems to solutions. The Mayor, Luke Evans, wants to throw a Christmas extravaganza to rival if not beat the ones in larger cities. In order to achieve this ambitious plan, he asks for help from the local minister, Reverend Woody Jones.

The Reverend offers advice to the Mayor, “Luke, have you ever really wanted something…badly? So badly that your thinking became befuddled? So befuddled that you dropkicked your common sense?”

Once Luke understands this advice things begin to fall into place. If you’re not in the Christmas spirit before reading this charming book, you will be when you finish it.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Adventurous, Dramatic

Great historical read.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Adventurous, Informative
Intriguing Political Thriller

I’ve read a few spy thrillers by Ken Follett and John le Carré, and wondered if this book would hold up in comparison to these authors. Before I go any further I want to tell you yes, Khalid Muhammad writes as well as any of them!

Being able to understand a different world perspective is what interested me most about this book. The author lives in Pakistan and writes about that region with authority. The main character Kamal Khan changes during the course of this novel from a soldier to an action hero. His journey is exciting and intriguing. The plot is compelling, keeping me interested throughout.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Adventurous, Epic
Mercy, Mercy

This novel reminded me of the writing of Charles Dickens. The story is complex, tragic, uplifting, and enthralling. The author has a wonderful way of writing that draws the readers into the world she has created. Although there is sadness in this story, I never felt overwhelmed by it. Instead, I was engrossed in the plot and found myself hoping for a good outcome.

The main character was named Mercy because of the circumstances of her birth. Her poor mother suffered greatly and shouted, “Mercy” over and over. With such a start to her life, it seems she will be cursed to suffer. The question is, will Mercy Carver rise above the awful circumstances of her beginnings? You need to read and find out. This is a gem of a book.

The Deadly Caress by O. N. Stefan
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Addictive, Adventurous

Great well-written, scary read!

Book Club Recommended
Brilliant, Beautiful, Fantastic
Intriguing Short Stories

Brief glimpses into the lives of flawed characters.

Dog Days of Summer by PJ Fiala
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Addictive, Adventurous
Steamy Bikers!

The main characters Joci and Dog are mature single parents that meet while planning a charity motorcycle ride for Veterans. A refreshingly different type of romance novel that had me hooked immediately. I enjoyed the way the relationships were portrayed and found myself caring about the characters. This is a steamy well-written book, the first in a new series.

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Romantic, Brilliant

A beautiful romantic read with wonderful characters.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Insightful, Inspiring
The Good Old Days

This is a sweet book about a fifth grade boy and his family. The brother's are Bobo and Smiley. They have what I think is a typical sibling relationship; they love each other but are competitive and love to play. The addition of photos throughout this charming little book adds to the fun of getting to know Bobo and his family.

My favorite chapter is, Donuts and Cartoons. A quote from this chapter: “Saturday mornings are always special!!! It means that there are glazed or assorted donuts on the table, and the Super Friends cartoon comes on at 9 am.”

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Brilliant, Romantic
Romance Lives!

A beautifully written romance story that will touch your heart. If you love Country Western music, your enjoyment of this book will increase!

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Fantastic, Fun
Great Chick Lit

A romance with a twist!

Black Magic Man by Ju Ephraime
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Brilliant, Romantic
Love & Lust in the Caribbean

This sensuous tale takes place on the exotic island of St. Lucia. Part of the culture there involves Voodoo, Black Magic, and Obeah. The author weaves these practices into a story about love, obsession, and good versus evil.

The main characters are Solange, her husband Rupert, and the Black Magic Man, Jean Louis. On one of his infrequent trips into the town to get supplies, Jean Louis notices Solange and immediately becomes obsessed with having her. His pursuit is constantly thwarted until he calls on his Master.

The love scenes between Solange and Rupert are beautifully written. The pacing of the story is perfect. Take a trip to St. Lucia via this story and experience a sexy, exciting story.

Shadow of the Redeemer by Anthony Hulse
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Adventurous, Addictive

Excellent murder mystery.

A Rather Unusual Romance by Stevie Turner
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Romantic, Beautiful
Second Chance

Divorced with two sons doesn't mean life is over!

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Informative, Adventurous
Travel Fun

Great book for kids!

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