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Name : | Jerry P. |
My Reviews
Lasting Contribution is a multi-faceted diamond: *A Russian doll, one intriguing idea within another *Alexander the Great cutting the Gordian Knot, dispatching long-standing problems with ease *A Swiss Army Knife, full of useful tools. *Alice going down the rabbit hole, confronting wonderful new ways of seeing things *Mapquest showing you how to get from where you are to leaving a legacy The Dummies readers will enjoy the diamond's sparkle -- Oprah's shoes and bedding a muse. The pinky-raising crowd will savor the diamond's subtle blending of color -- the philosophy of interpretation with information theory, emergent properties, and pragmatism. Everybody will appreciate the care with which this diamond is constructed. Lasting Contribution is must read for all those who would like to think themselves intelligent. Besides, it has moments of true humor.
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