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Name : Vickie B.
Gender : Female
Occupation : Chick-fil-A Corporate

My Reviews

The Paris Wife: A Novel by Paula Mclain
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Insightful

The Perfume Collector: A Novel by Kathleen Tessaro
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dramatic, Insightful

A Paris Apartment: A Novel by Michelle Gable
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Addictive
The Paris Apartment

The book was fantastic. It reads well and I can't imagine a reader that wouldn't enjoy it. Can't wait to see the movie.

Book Club Recommended
The Dwelling Place

Good book but really need to read "The Swan House" before reading this one. The mother in the book grew up in the book "The Swan House" so it gives you a better understanding of the current life between the mother and daughter.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Insightful

The Aviator's Wife: A Novel by Melanie Benjamin
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
The Aviator's Wife

I like her and hated him. He was a very selfish man. Sad that the world didn't see her and documentaries made on her achievements instead of his selfish ones. He was also a Nazi and that truly disturbed me as America hailed him.

Slow, Interesting, Difficult
The Other Daughter

The book started good, didn't put a lot of emphasis on the dad at the end of book and left that whole family not tied up. Like the book started and she got tired of writing the end so just finished. Should have been longer more detailed.

Radio Girls by Sarah-Jane Stratford
Slow, Boring, Pointless
The Radio Girls

IT was very slow and didn't impress me at all. The last two chapters were the only good in the book. Could have been a very good book if written more actively.

Fortune's Rocks: A Novel by Anita Shreve
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Graphic, Dramatic

Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Dramatic, Adventurous
The Woman in Cabin 10

Boring, Poorly Written
Dixie Chicks

This book was silly, but easy to read. Not much entertainment.

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Adventurous
The Age of Desire

Loved getting to know Edith Wharton. Interesting author and person.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Dramatic
The Art of Crash Landing

This book started slow, though she was just another troubled young adult, but the middle and finish were awesome. I couldn't put it down.

Adventurous, Romantic, Unconvincing

Boring, Pointless
Domestic affairs

Very silly.

Dramatic, Addictive, Slow
The Goldfinch

Very Dark, couldn't finish the book.

Lost Boy Found (Deckle Edge) by Alexander Kirsten
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Life Changing
Lost Boy Found

Love reading early 1900 settings. They are so informative of the world during that time. A time where we though all were honest and fair and not really among all of the rich as is today.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Persuasive, Insightful
The Summer I Met Jack

I knew a lot about John/Jack Kennedy but never as much as i learned about how manipulative his father was. Sad he was not in control of his own life.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Slow, Insightful
Eleanor Oliphant

The book started slow and you knew it was about mental illness immediately. I really like the book as it showed kindness of people and mental illness issues.

The Current: A Novel by Tim Johnston
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Addictive, Dramatic
The Current: A Novel

This book was really, really good. Keeps you questioning even till the end.

Book Club Recommended
Life Changing, Insightful, Inspiring
A Quiet Strength: The Life and Legacy of Jeannette Cathy

Excellent book if you are a believer and want to know the prior generation and how they think. I loved it because her ways were the way I was taught and it's not being taught this way in the current generation. Others first, yourself last.

Book Club Recommended
Life Changing, Inspiring
One Word

This book would be great for the December meeting where you only need something small to read. It's only 100 pages and it will truly get you ready for the new year.


This book has a one way view by the author. He seems to be very sure of himself and wants others to push forward with this thinking.

A Good Neighborhood by Therese Anne Fowler
Dramatic, Dark, Boring
A Good Neighbor

This book was so slow to read, also it brought to mind that all races are racist, not just white but black also. Also, when someone sues someone else, they always have alterative motives to do with the money they sue for. Such a shame.

The Chicken Sisters by KJ Dell'Antonia
The Chicken Sisters

I felt like I was in high school with the Food War. Too much drama.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Boring
The Judges List

Thought it was a fast read and good. First of this author's books I have read.

The Pink Suit: A Novel by Nicole Mary Kelby
Slow, Informative, Unconvincing

The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty
Interesting, Dramatic, Addictive

The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd
Informative, Insightful, Inspiring

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Difficult
My Dear Hamilton

I thought this was wonderful. I learned so much that I had forgotten and a lot that I didn't know.

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