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Name : Debby C.

My Reviews

Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting
Vety good read

Enjoyed the story and characters. Not much for the circus, but this gave new insight.

Slow, Boring, Dramatic
Leif Enger does it again!

Peace like a River is one of the clubs all time favorites and many of the members enjoyed "So Brave, Young and Handsome". The characters were well developed. You knew them by the time the book was finished. Many were surprised that they enjoyed a book that smacked of being a western.

Different for Dean

Diverse group of readers, some new to Dean Koontz. Like the story, felt it was a little over the top and could have been condensed into a rousing and to the point 250 to 300 pages. There were some very memorable lines and moral truths. Overall we gave it an average of a 6.5 based on a scale of 1 to 10 being the highest. Glad we read it.

Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
Adventurous, Interesting, Graphic
We gave it a 5 out of 10

Reading science fiction was out of the norm for our group, but we have been striving to expand our reading selections to be more rounded. We choose this book because it was on the top of the best all time Sci Fi list. Our group has come to the conclusion that just because it is on the best list doesn't mean it’s going to be for us. The group was looking for something more expansive and wished they had read a classic like "Stranger in a Strange land." Over all, the consensus was that we would read a Sci Fi choice again.

Good discussion

There was good discussion on this. The club like the way the characters were developed. The main negative was that it was a slow starter, most everyone agreed. Very appropriate with election that we chose a book with political themes. Lively discussion between differing view points, no bodily harm.

Interesting, Pointless, Informative
Gave it a 7 out of 10

This club enjoyed the reference to literature and appreciated the freedoms that we have to enjoy reading.
The re-education process in the early 70's was not something that many were familiar with and it was a large part of the discussion. Very good meeting and good book.

Dramatic, Interesting, Dark
Not for the emotionally whimpy...

I found sticking with this one challenging, but worth the effort. Book club liked it over all. Great discussion. Lots of questions and 50/50 didn't like the ending.

Adventurous, Slow, Confusing
Generated Good Discussion

Slow starter, but most seemed to enjoy the book. Good characters and some good discussion. Different setting appealed to several. We rate on 1 to 10 scale 10 being the best. 1 - 9 , several 8's and a 3 - 3, they couldn't get into it.

Enjoyed it.

Confusing, Informative, Insightful
We like Wally, We didn't care for this book...

Lot's of disfunctional characters that you just could not get into. We love Mr. Lambs others, but felt this one would not be high on our list of recommendations.

Whistling In the Dark by Lesley Kagen
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Optimistic, Interesting
Whistling in the Dark

Many of the women in our group grew up in this era. It evoked many joyful memories and some not so joyful. It lead to good discussion.

The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Interesting
One of our all time favorite books....

The Help inspired some great discussion. There were so many wonderful characters and so many layers to explore. After 8 years of meeting we all agreed, this was one of our favorites. Everyone in the club gave this book the highest marks. We would recommend with out a doubt.

Difficult, Slow, Dark
Not our favorite read

This author had some interesting writing, but failed to engage readers until 2/3 of the way through the book. Many of the members didn't make it. Characters were unlikeable and dark.

Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
Book Club Recommended
Slow, Brilliant, Insightful
Long..... we get the point Ayn.

Many of our club members read this book for the 2nd or 3rd time after 30 years. Most agreed that as a young person, we really consumed the book, almost with a passion, but on the second reading after 30 years.. Most found it repetitive and flat. Very 2 dimensional. It was agreed that some of the concept were revelant to today's environment.

Dark, Gloomy, Difficult
Not one of our top picks

There are so many great choices. We had not read a Joyce Carol Oates, but the group decided that this one was not one of her best. Dark and depressing, but I liked the ending. Very low scores on a scale of 1 to 10. 1 being low the average was 2.5

My Name Is Russell Fink by Michael Snyder
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Inspiring
Russell Fink - We loved Sonny

The characters in the book including Sonny were quite enjoyable. Loaded with humor and more than one chuckle out loud, many of the readers for the club liked the book, but felt it a bit unsatisfying. Read it and find out for yourself.

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Fun, Insightful
A great read

Our bookclub gave the highest marks to this book. The story was interesting, exploring many relationships with insight and keeping the story line interesting. We liked the characters and enjoyed the British backround.

City of Thieves: A Novel by David Benioff
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting
Enjoyed this book alot

What an adventure! I liked the characters and enjoyed this book very much!

Any Human Heart by William Boyd
Book Club Recommended
Epic, Adventurous, Addictive
Overly introspective

An interesting life, but oye yoy..William Boyd's intimate details of young boy from puberty to senior, just more information than I needed.

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