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Name : | Ann M. |
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I actually wish I had time to share how important I feel this book is. If your club reads chic lit this might not be for you but if you want to talk about the major issues of our society, this is a perfect selection.
This is a great book for clubs who like to explore current topics. Kim's insight into the lives of people in North Korea is a unique and singular work. I might be years before another opportunity for a journelist presents itself. While the book had some issues in Kim's writing and parts left less filled out then others, the book offers so much in the way of discussion, particularly about the ethics of her publishing this, the possible repercussions to the students and the part it plays in world politics.
A beautifully written book that explores the choices made at the end of ones life and what is meaningful. Additionally provides a very informative insiders view into our current medical system, it's strengths and flaws. discussions ranged from our medical system, to personal values, weather to donate your body and how to let go of judging others choices.
On top of being an absolutely important story the author did an amazing job of combining the personal with the universal. If the Story of Nicole cannot garner empathy and understand then you have no heart. It was also thoughtfully laid out, alternating the personal with the scientific and the really giving the reader a complete education on what Transgender are right now.
As we witness the 45th President of the United States consolidate power while trying to divide us, reading Trevor Noah's personal story should be a chilling wake up call to save our democracy/republic. While very personal, tragic and at many times entertaining, he lived through a very dark time and his story is so worth telling and listening to.
Loved this book. I was not familiar with Suzan-Lori Parks but learning she is mainly a playwright made total sense as the multiple POV's and the consise use of words harkens to the theater.
In what could have been a confusing mess in a lesser writers pen, Parks shifts narrators with each chapter but the story flows so seamlessly, you remain caught up in the narrative. The plot builds steadily, this is a quick read, as the main cast move on an emotionally epic journey to "treasure", the meaning of which depends on the POV.
The book, set in 1963 is relevant to so many issues today; race, abortion, transgender acceptance, poverty, etc. What I love about Parks writing abilities is that with few words and through amazing character development she is able to convey so much about so many issues. This same ability translated well in somehow painting an entire setting for all the scenes in my mind that was so fully formed and yet came through writing that contained very little flowery descriptions. I loved it.
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