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Name : | Kathy H. |
My Reviews
A different way of looking at the lack of history and historical information about women in our country. The book was very well researched. The especially stark sentence that lets us know no one knows where Jane Franklin is buried brings it all together and resonated with this reader.
A very readable book. The "f-bomb" is dropped 467 times (give or take a few!) but its use is indicative of and helps to illustrate the character. The book has a heartwarming message...something I've often thought, but Matthew Quick has put into a novel.
This book is not the psychological thriller it is touted as being. I found I could not find any of the characters likeable, or interesting enough to care about.
I've read her other fiction, but not this first novel until now. Brooks knows how to tell a good story, from a bit of historical fact. I would recommend her to any friend who enjoys reading historical fiction.
Well written, but left me wanting more from the story and the characters. When I read fiction I like for there to be some issue to solve, or something to intrigue me. I just wasn't feeling like there was enough here to do that, and I wanted more from the author about her characters.
Our book club loved this book. We hope the author will consider a sequel to follow up on the two main characters!
I think I am well past the age where I would have appreciated this novel. I would however, highly recommend Charles FInch's mystery series on Charles Lenox...I buy and enjoy those mysteries very much.
Dramatic and suspenseful, I am going to continue to read other books by this author. I read it in one day, and in 2 sittings...interrupted by dinner!
In light of the Corona virus food supply/distribution issues this country is having now, we all need to think locally, and help those who live in food deserts.
Lovely slice of WWII England.
I wanted a bit more of a travelogue with this one. Have read other Sue Monk Kidd books, this has been my least favorite.
Macmillan never disappoints! A fast paced read and the 2nd in the Jim Clemo series, but you can still read without buying #1, although I would recommend that you do, because Macmillan's books are not to be missed!
Woodson writes with lyrical, spare prose about August, growing up after losing her mother and moving from Tennessee to Brooklyn, New York. August and three other friends navigate their world in the seventies while growing up with their own crosses to bear. A small gem of a book. If you have not read Woodson's books for young adult/middle grade readers, do, as you won't be disappointed.
I really loved this book, and was amazed at the research the male author put into childbirth and breast -feeding. Our group read this during the George Floyd protests that are now sweeping the country. We hope discuss more at length when not limited to a 40 minute Zoom session. However, I was not satisfied with the ending...hence my 4 stars instead of five.
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