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Name : Ann H.

My Reviews

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
Romantic, Interesting, Beautiful
Good book needed a better editor

This was a great read and an enjoyable story. Ms. Niffenegger's attention to detail keeps the book interesting. My only criticism of the book is that it needed better editing. Some of the more interesting characters never get developed and some of the characters that you meet over and over again remain one-dimensional. The first half of the book was long and slow and could have been shorter but the second half was much more exciting and flew by. All in all, it didn't change my life, it wasn't the best book I ever read but it was a good story that had me thinking about my family and my destiny in a different way.

a good book for lively discussion

I personally thought this book was great and I enjoyed reading most of it. It's an interesting experiment and, although I'm glad I didn't have to do it, I'm glad the authors did! It got me thinking about how my family eats and where my food comes from. Some others in our club didn't like the book at all, saw it as overly political and didn't agree with the authors so there was lively discussion. In all, we had a very good discussion and got to know each other much better.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Brilliant, Insightful, Inspiring
One of the best books ever written

How can you sum up the power of this book in one review? I was amazed that there were some in our group who hadn't read this book. My Dad taught writing and I read this when I was in high school. I found it a powerful read then but the experience of reading it again, this time as a parent, changed the book for me. Instead of reading this book through the eyes of the children, I was more interested in the adults and how they act/react to what is happening in their small town. Characters I didn't remember from when I read this as a child opened my eyes and made me see my world and myself in a new light. This book is timely, even today, when we look at all kinds of prejudice as wrong.

Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting
I liked this story quite a bit!

I thought this book was good. It wasn't my favorite book of all time but the characters were terrific and the story telling was really vivid. It was a great escape to a place I would never want to go! I didn't think that there was a ton here for discussion, I felt the story was pretty straight forward, but it was fun to see into the lives of these people during such an informative time in America's history.

Insightful, Interesting, Dramatic
What an awesome wonderful tale of redemption!

This is, now, one of my all time favorite books! The writing is so descriptive and vivid I felt like I was right there. I wheezed right along with Rubin and wrapped myself in a blanket to stave off the cold during the blizzard. This is an excellent book with lots of potential for discussion. Jeremiah Land is a compelling father figure, on par with Atticus Finch from "To Kill a Mockingbird" and the storytelling is similar. Do yourself a favor and read this book, it's excellent!

Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Adventurous, Interesting, Brilliant
It was a good book but wouldn't turn an athiest into a believer

Now, I didn't finish the book but I skimmed to the end. The beginning of the book was wonderful, his life in India was lovingly described in great detail and all that detail came back as symbolism while he was shipwrecked. The second part of the book, while he was a castaway, really dragged on and on and I, frankly, got bored. It was a good book and it sparked some really good discussion with our book club. If you are comfortable talking about religion, your club will benefit from talking about this book. It will be beneficial for your group to have a bible scholar in your group as well.

An excellent set of essays looking at the overlooked

This book was a wonderful read. The essays, for the most part, are short and autobiographical. They follow the movements of the author from childhood through adulthood on the many travels she takes with her family and husband. She tells of travels to visit family in Palestine and of her childhood working in the family store. She describes all her colorful neighbors in Texas so vividly, it made me feel like I was living there again. This book will prompt some good discussion and some laughs. It will make you remember a time in your life, perhaps, when you had more time and weren't in such a hurry!

Little Women by Louisa May Alcott
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Optimistic, Insightful
Loved this book and didn't think I would!

This book is so interesting to read as a mother of two small children. I found Mrs March to be such an inspiration, albeit a unattainable one. I loved reading about the lives of these women at a time when they had so many more restrictions than we do now. Their lives were rich and full and interesting in a way that I would not have imagined and made me long for a simpler way of living.

We had a good discussion on women's issues as well as the relative term "poverty". We had just read Pride and Prejudice so this was a nice companion to that.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Dramatic
Thank goodness I'm done so I can get some sleep!!

We actually won signed copies of this book from Book Movement (Thanks!) and when it came time to read it I didn't think I was going to like it. I was totally wrong. This book was impossible to put down. The characters came to life so vividly and knowing they were actual people from history made the book fascinating. I learned a lot about the history of Rome and the customs of that time and thought her added details were undetectable. We had a very good discussion about this book.

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