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Name : Marilyn C.

My Reviews

Eragon (Inheritance, Book 1) by Christopher Paolini
Interesting, Fun, Adventurous
Interesting characters and good triumphs in the end.........for now.

I enjoyed figuring out the symbolism and the idea of the fable or parable elements in this story of Eargon's journey as he discovers himself and the good and the evil of his world.

Dark, Interesting, Confusing
Many levels and many opinions are found in discussion of this book, Interesting discussion.

After listening to the multiple ideas and views on this book at my group, I must read it again to see all that I missed the first time.

Dark, Dramatic, Difficult
Interesting book but with a weak ending

The description of the lake, a major character in the book, is well written and you can feel the cold air and hear the lake sad or terrified or threatening. Going back and forth between the present and twenty years ago you are involved in the story or the myth of the school and the lake. Unfortunately, it is like the author got bored or hurried at the end and tacked on an ending that was not worthy of the rest of the story. Seemed hurried and an afterthought. Overall a satisfactory read for the most part.

Fun, Inspiring, Optimistic
The subject matter lead to great group discussion

Epic, Dramatic, Adventurous
Very long. Interesting but you need time to read and understand all the historical references and detail. Must enjoy history.

Farenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Wonderful classic that has worn well

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
Dramatic, Interesting, Dark
Lots of twists and gothic plot surprises

Whistling In the Dark by Lesley Kagen
Fun, Optimistic, Interesting
Very well written and a book that appealed to me as a baby boomer.

I loved the rememberance of what is remembered by me as a time of innocence and imagination and a time when we all felt so safe in absolutes as the end of the 50's. I loved the first person account of an imaginative and bright and loving little girl that was naive and knowing at the same time. Loved the story and the character development.
Would highly recommend this for a book club or just a personal read.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Beautiful
the book thief

Death narrates the story of a German neighborhood during the Third Riech........

Palace Council by Stephen L. Carter
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Adventurous, Confusing
palace council

Finally it all pulls together at the very end but can be a bit confusing with all the characters and plot twists until the final few pages. We had a good discussion on it in our book group.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Pointless, Insightful
The View from Mount Joy

Many in my group found this a fun and good summer time read and others found it pointless. They found no plot or point to the book. So our group was divided on liking it and not even finishing it.
I found it a nice light read for summer and it seemed as if the characters were the Minnesota version of a Fannie Flagg type story.

Hunting and Gathering by Anna Gavalda
Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Interesting, Insightful
Romantic without the sacchrine.

The Brief History of the Dead by Kevin Brockmeier
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dark, Difficult
A Short Story Made Long

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer, Annie Barrows
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Fun, Interesting
I never knew that....

I never knew that the Nazis had occupied any British soil. I never knew there was an island named Guernsey and I never knew that Gr Britian had islands in the English Channel with close ties to France. Very interesting book but also romantic too. I had trouble getting into it but then couldn't put it down. Glad I kept reading.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Dark, Difficult
Very different

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Adventurous, Dramatic
clan of the cave bear

Seemed a bit contrived at times and some parts where interesting. Interesting ideas on what might have been and what might have happened. Parts seemed unbelievable at times.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Informative

The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Interesting
Great discussion book

Our group had a great discussion on this book. It was well written and pulled you into these women's lives and a very volitale and a time of shame and quiet bravery. I cared about all the characters.

The Seamstress: A Novel by Frances De Pontes Peebles
Book Club Recommended
Difficult, Slow, Interesting
sThe Seamstress

Interesting book and interesting characters, time and culture.

Moloka'i: A Novel by Alan Brennert
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Inspiring, Interesting
History in a personal and interesting presentation

The Dead Travel Fast by Deanna Raybourn
Book Club Recommended
Gloomy, Dark, Romantic
interesting ending....

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Adventurous
Interesting book

When you read and then if you see the movie you keep getting different levels of insight into complex characters. Good mystery and story that holds your interest until the end and makes you want to read the sequel. You care about Lisbeth despite all her flaws...

Among the Hidden (Shadow Children) by Margaret Peterson Haddix
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Fun, Adventurous
Interesting and a very good book for young readers. Lots of discussion can be generated.

Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Dramatic, Insightful
Sarah's Key

Very interesting when Sarah's "voice" was used. Kind of lost focus after Sarah chapters left and then the current life of Julia took the stage. Covers a period not well known in French history.

The 19th Wife: A Novel by David Ebershoff
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
Informative, historical and mystery

All three elements in one book.

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Informative, Beautiful
Good read

Loved the characters and the plot. I guess I am just an old romantic. Also loved learning about the history of the Japanese Americans during WWII and also about the beginning of the Seattle jazz. Good book for group discussion on many levels.

Driftless by David Rhodes
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Beautiful, Interesting
Care about the characters

Wonderfully real but eccentric characters in Wisconsin. Big story about the little people of the midwest.

A Secret Kept by Tatiana de Rosnay
Gloomy, Boring, Unconvincing
A Secret Kept

Sarah's Key was a much more interesting story. The characters in this book especially the main character was a very unsympathic person, shallow, self absorbed. The mortician was a too good to be true and unrealistic. Only finished because it was a book group choice. Expected more after Sarah's Key but didn't get it with this book

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Inspiring, Boring
Some good points

Interesting winter read. Some of material seemed to be a rehash of other books and resources that I have heard before in the last 30 years. She was smart enough to write them up and then shrewdly market them in a book she could sell. Also she had the resources and the luxury to try them.
Some good some mundane but a nice happiness refresher course for winter time reading.

Commune of Women by Suzan Still
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dramatic, Insightful
Commune of Women

Interesting concept of a group of diverse women trapped in an airport by an attack . Their survival and growth individually is the story. They evolve and grow as they share their stories and lives.

Jayber Crow by Wendell Berry
Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Inspiring, Boring
Slow read

Read slowly and carefully so none of Jayber's wisdom and observations escape you. Funny, sad, insightful and just a good read overall. You learn about the people of Jayber's world and care.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Dramatic, Informative

A book that I wouldn't have picked up on my own to read but did because it was a book group pick I did read it. Very informative book about the American POWs in Japan during WWII. Interesting about their lives before the war, and the lives they had after the war. It also makes a point about how PTSD wasn't a new malady of current war veterans. Glad I read it though not an enjoyable book.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Adventurous, Slow
Nothing Daunted

A warm and informed story of author's grandmother's year of adventure in early Colorado. Insightful about the hardships and community of the turn of the century Coloradians as seen by two adventuresome Eastern society girls that came to teach there for one year. Their observations and the pictures in book tell the legacy of independent women and ingenious homesteaders.

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Beautiful, Brilliant
The Moonflower Vine

This is the second time that I have read this book. I liked it the first time I read it and this time I loved it. Her way of describing relationships, events and people are insightful. Her scene descriptions are great also. You come to see the complexities of each character as you read. The sections of the book that tell each character's story adds to the layers of the story of this turn of the century Missouri family as they go into the midfifties of century. This is a great read.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Confusing, Dramatic
The Last Bridge

This book explores very dark themes of incest, additions, violence and sexual abuse. There were some characters that needed more development and depth. The ending was open ended on the fate of some of the characters and that was actually a good ending. Many in my group read this in one night and found it very absorbing.

Night Road: A Novel by Kristin Hannah
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Interesting
night road

At times it seemed that the author needed an editor.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Inspiring, Interesting
Well written

Several of us in our group found that the writing was good but we just did not like the author. Appeared overly self involved and not the kind of person that we would like to know. She was very open and acknowledged her weaknesses but ......
Seemed like the whole adventure was goaled toward writing a book in the future.

Insightful, Beautiful, Dramatic
world with out you

This story has been told before and better.

The Hunger Games (Book 1) by Suzanne Collins
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting

It drew me in as I read and I really did care about the characters. Very good read and can see why it was a hit with young adult readers since it was well written and with a great story line that is almost mythical.

Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful

Good reading interlacing the past and present of two people and their lives.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Interesting
invisible wall

Read this book before when it first came out and I liked it so well that recommended and read again for book club. Good discussion book and informative book about \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'the good old days\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\' that weren\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'t all that good or free of distrust or heartbreak and stubborn destructive traditions for both sides.

The Death of Bees: A Novel by Lisa O'Donnell
Book Club Recommended
Gloomy, Dark
dark comedy

Chapters by different characters that give different points of view of the same information or incident. Dark but interesting and quick read.

Pointless, Unconvincing, Romantic

I knew how it would end and every plot ending since it was very formula romance novel. Did leave one cliché out.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Inspiring, Dramatic
boys in the boat

You will learn more about this sport and the Berlin Olympics than you knew was possible. It helped that two members had rowed and coached. Different perspective on book than I had read.

Fun, Pointless, Slow

Dislikable characters, pointless plot and ...

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Epic

History and current adventure combine for a great book.

Remember Me Like This: A Novel by Bret Anthony Johnston
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Interesting, Dramatic
Difficult topic

Well written but dark topic. Showed numerous points of view and complex characters.

Remember me

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