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Name : | Cathy S. |
My Reviews
Out of the 10 of us in our book club, only 3 read the entire book. Many felt that it bogged down in spots. Some felt that the story line was dull. Those that liked the book, felt that it was good, but definitely not one of their favorites.
The book is written as 2 books, in one. The 2 books come together at the end, revealing the main connection between them. There are many historical characters throughout, which make the book fun, as well as challenging to the brain, as you try to remember your high school world history courses. Adventure takes you from continent to continent, as the secret to "The Eight" is unraveled.
You find yourself relating to all of the women in this book, when you start thinking back over your life experiences. We loved the historical events that were mentioned in it. It brought back memories for all of us, and we are a variety of ages. It's a great book to bring women together.
A fun book, full of English wit and humor. The author mixes military words and scenarios throughout her writing, making it very easy for the reader to see the story. A wonderful love story about 2 people from different cultures.
This story primarily takes place at Masada, which is the fortress King Herod build. The Jews escaped there after they revolted against the Romans, and the Temple was burned. The story has 4 parts and is told my 4 women who play instrumental roles in the book. It is a wonderful piece of historical fiction, that sheds light on a little known event. If you like historical fiction, and/or books about women this is a must read.
Way too long, for the story it told. Every dysfunctional aspect of society was covered. Most of our group did not finish it, yet we all got the same message out of it. Another Oprah book that just wasn't great.
Our group loved this book. The author's style did a wonderful job telling the story of this family, and the similarities in their lives and the Kennedys.
Very thought provoking. I would recommend it to anyone who has served in the military, or knows someone who is in.
Very insightful into the foster care system. I never knew that each flower had a meaning.
The author had a first hand experience writing this book, as she went to Mumbai and interviewed, and observed the lives of many Indians. The corruption in the city officials was upsetting. A definite read if you are thinking of traveling to Mumbai.
This is one of the least enjoyable books I've ever read.
The genocide in Rwanda wasn't widely publicized in the 1990s. This book opens your eyes to the tragic events that almost wiped out an entire group of people. The author's faith in God delivers her and the group of women from the killers many, many times. The novel is informative, yet inspiring. We had a great discussion.
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