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Name : | Laura G. |
My Reviews
Our Book club read it as a Halloween read. It was scary, but the content did not afford a discussion at the meeting.
The book was very detailed and historic. It was interesting and engaging. A longer read, but well worth staying with. I was caught up in the battles, lifestyles and the history of the Incas, and the Spanish conquistadors who came to "Serve God, The King and get rich!"
Our book club meeting included Peruvian national dishes, desserts and Pisco Sour drinks. We had a call in from the author Kim MacQuarrie which was excellent. We were able to gain more insight into his experience and knowledge.
It was an excellent mix of history and fiction, bringing the past forward. Very interesting to learn the background on LDS and Polygamy. I found it to be very engaging!
It is a light book about a woman, JUne, who kills a passenger in a car accident. She finds the woman's list of things to do before she turns 25, and June decides to honor her by completing the items.
Not a great discussion book, but it can certainly open up some discussion about your Bucket List.
It was a light story about a woman who completes the TO DO LIST of a passenger that died in her car following accident. It is inspiring and funny.
The background story of a boy who grows up with the circus. It gets behind the sparkle and glamour of the circus.
I loved this book! Our club had a lot to discuss and we all felt it was one of our favorite books.
A poorly written novel based on the life of a self proclaimed "Saint" who leaves his home country and family to help terrorists instead of finding needy sould here.
I did not find the book to be as Inspirational as it was touted as. It is a fictional story of one man's glimpse into heaven. I was troubled by some of ideals that did not mesh with my ideas of God's plans. It was boring and would not be a good discussion book.
Very thought provoking and great discussion book!
The bond two women in a desperate life share threads them through tough times in Afganistan.
Interesting to enter into the private world of Florence Wolfson, and step back in time to NYC's flapper days, but not a topic for discussion.
Sad drama of a child with disabilities being removed from her family and the toll it takes on the dynamics. What if..............
The intense friendships we had in our teens that don't last, have an impact on the future of our lives. How many times have we looked back and remembered but never caught back up with this book you have the chance.....
Another of Picoult's dramas with many twist and turns. A lot of angles to discuss.
She weaves the stories of her characters beautifully. I loved this book!
The story went back and forth being narrated by 2 sisters. It was confusing and choppy at times. I enjoyed her other 2 books, but felt let down after reading this one.
Our Book club won this book here on the Book Movement site. It was not the kind of book we would have gravitated towards and picked, but the club was surprised. Everyone loved this book! The storyline was fascinating and the characters were well developed. It led to an interesting discussion at our Book Club Meeting that we held with a "Viennse" theme. We plan to read the previous book by the same author, "The Reincarnist."
Our club LOVED this much to discuss. Historical fiction that goes beyond the storybook tales of royalty.
The "true" story of Frank Lloyd Wright. His illicit love affair and the shocking ending. Very interesting book..with an interesting look into Frank's life.
A teenager who really tries to find himself/herself!
This book poses so many questions...and the discussions can just go round and round. What would you do to save your child? Will anyone who is not in that situation ever be able to honestly answer?
The ultimate fantasy to run away from it all when things get tough. Elizabeth has the luxury to do just that and traipse accross the world in pursuit of what her life if about and along the way she discovers instead of running away..she was found.
The book was an easy breezy read, but I was disappointed in how predictable it was!
The story was inspired by Laura Bush's life, but very loose story with fictious events and themes, but a fun look at being the Woman behind the Man!
There are so many angles to approach this. This short book can open the door for much discussion. I read it on my own and will encourage my Book Club to pick it up to discuss!
The love between the family members connected them through hard times.
The story sweeps you in and captures every emotion.
The book was long and in some spots slow, but the background and culture was very interesting. The sad story is not a happy one...but I overall I did enjoy the book!
The story poses questions about aborting a disabled child. It was not a fun book by any means.
The idea of the book was brillant, unfortunately, it took too long to get to the ending! It was very interesting and mysterious, but slow moving!
Luanne Rice's usual easy to reading, hard to put down book! This one was about the dynamics of sisters, and how that special bond keeps families together and apart.
A sad little story about growing up and learning what life's treasures really are.
This was a summer read..heavy to carry to the beach..but I became swept away with it. A lot of history, drama and adventure!
I loved it! This was the first book in the 2 part series. The set in the 12th century. It is the story of the building of Kingsborough Cathedral. The drama involves royalty, religious leaders, townspeople. peasants and children.
The stories span hundreds of years, but the theme and the adventure are the same story. I was hooked and read both very long books back to back.
A Love Story that captures you with all drama...a love triangle, heartache and finally the triumph of true love realized!
Our Book Club enjoyed this book and found a lot to discuss. It was a fast and easy read, and everyone had an opinion on the ending!
Our club had a hard time getting into this book. A few put it down and did not finish. The premise of telling the story through letters was a great idea, however, the story was slow moving and so typical. It was too unbelievable to think a stranger meets neighbors of a town and visits them, takes one of their children as an adoptee and falls in love in the span of a few weeks.
I read MJ Rose's The Memorist before I read this book, and found as much as I enjoyed that one, The Reincarnist become my favorite of the two. It's a great read with suspense, romance, mystery and history.
Tales of 4 Mothers and their individual life battles, and the thread that weaves them together. It is a light read.
Two girls with nothing in common--one from the midwest and one from California, dorm together and share their lives. The story takes them through marriage, divorces, parenthood, drama and death.
A group of Southern college "girls" take a raft trip down the Mississipi in the late stages of their life. They revist their memories of the original Mississippi River Trip and reflect on their life's progress and growth.
A story of a young woman who thinks she has it all figured out, when she is called to come home to nurse her terminally ill mother. The story is bittersweet as the bond deepens and changes.
It ended where I wanted it to start! I plan to read the sequel!
The story of the power behind the veil.
It was pretty predictable and very slow reading. The story and the characters were not deep enough to hold my interest. I muddled through reading this book.
Amy Tan brings her characters to life through historical settings that make you keep turning pages to read through to the end! I loved this story1
Loved it! A behind the scenes story of the rich elite Hollywood and Fashion celebrities hob nobbing amound a driven businessman bent on "destroying worlds" to show his x-wife the power of his love for her.
Adriana Trigiani is one of my favorite authors. I love to read her stories of Italian Family values and traditions, with a few recipes sprinkled in.
A story about two boys born on the same day, one into poverty and one into a wealthy bankers family. The twists and turns that have them entering each others lives over and over keeps you hooked. The ending was not what I had hoped.
Our Bookclub loved this book. We held our meeting with fried chicken and yes....Chocolate Pie! We were trusting and did sample it!
A sappy love story with some mystery. It was an easy light read.
A young couple travel to Africa and embark on a dangerous adventure with an outcome that threatens their marriage. A very interesting book in an exotic setting.
A hysterical fun book.
for a story of friendship, family and choices
The author keeps the humor on every page of her dysfunctional childhood. I laughed out loud and couldn't put it down!
A historical fiction book based on General John Bell Hood, of the Confederate Army in the years after the Civil War. It is a story about how this Historical Man settles in New Orleans, builds a family and comes to terms with his immortality. Hicks tells this tale with side by side diaries of Hood and his wife. It was an exciting moving story.
It was a fun book to read, however it was a book club discussion book.
This story personalized the Holocaust for me and made me cry. The story was well written and the side by side contrast to present day kept me interested.
There were so many different levels of drama going on...where to begin! It is a page turner and a great discussion book!
I want my night back that I spent reading this nonsense!
Sophia escapes a labor camp in Siberia to begin a new life.
I was looking forward to a more relaxed happy summer reading. The story line was somewhat dark and troubling. Not a favorite of our book club
A Westside story relationship involving two unlikely lovers, one Chinese native and one young Russian girl. Kate Furnivall weaves the story with Russian references and phrases. I was transformed and hooked to the last page.
Susannah travels to France to the French Camargue, to discover the famous white horses and learn about her family's mysterious saint. She finds mystery and romance.
As other reviewers have noted, the beginning is slow, but stay with it. It starts to move fast and sweep you along. I am not a mystery reader but I became unable to put this book down! The ending was not all I hoped for, but this was an intriguing read!
Very interesting book with an inside look at a different culture's traditions and family ties. I really enjoyed it!
A great Bookclub read. One of my favorite books.
I think we all would like to skip the Christmas work of decorating, shopping and running around, but in the end the Holiday Season takes over and we are in the Spirit!
A personal account of life in a small village during the plague. I enjoyed reading the book, that was written in old English dialogue.
The story was an interesting theme, but the content was slow and predictible.
The beginning is a little slow, but once you get into it, you cannot put it down! Our club loved this book! And we are looking forward to the sequel!
I did not enjoy reading True Confections. The storyline was flat and it was told as a narration through the voice of an employee that married into the family business. It was slow moving and choppy. I would not recommend this as a Book Club read or a personal read.
An interesting read about a Good Ole Southern man of privilege, as he turns 30 and finds himself.
It was a familiar story set in a new setting in Barcelona. It was a slow start, but it soon turned into a story I could not put down! Our Book Club loved this book and we celebrated with a Spanish Theme meeting with Tapas, Spanish Wine and a lot of discussion.
I didn't read this with my Bookclub, but it would be a great Bookclub read with alot of issues to discuss. It was an easy, fast read and I enjoyed it.
Dan Brown has done it again. Another page turning, nail biting story that you CANNOT put down!
Easy fun read about 3 sisters
An inside look at First Generation Female Chinese Immigrants and their American daughters. The book places their stories with their dreams and hardhips side by side.
We have read other books by Scottoline and were a little disappointed. This was a fast easy read but it was unconvincing and somewhat silly. The buried alive passages were hard to read!!!
Brunonia's second book, not a sequel but a few of her characters make a cameo in the story set in Salem.
It is another great read with lots of twists, and turns. I was hooked from beginning to end! It was not a Book Club Read, but I will recommend it to my group.
It was the typical female bonding story of a group of housewives who abandoned their dreams to raise their families, with hearfelt stories of hardships endured and memories shared. I loved this book!
It was entertaining, but not as breezy or beachy as I had hoped. He is not an author, but a storyteller.
After reading so many WWII novels, I wasnt sure there was more to read, but this was a new twist. The author portrayed the effects of the war to personal families in a small New England town and foiled it against an American radio commentator in Europe, and then tied it all up together. It was an enlightening read.
It was a collection of short essays from Lisa Scottoline. We got to meet her personally and get to know her as a friend by reading her essays. There were funny and easy to read.
Our bookclub enjoyed reading this book since it takes place here on Long Island. One member realized at the end of the book that she knew some of the characters. It made for a fun discussion and meeting where we served "bar food"
A historical fiction book on the woman behind the Spanish conquistador who conquered and settled Chile and the love they shared.
A historical fiction book about the Creole people who were their own class in New Orleans. Anne Rice tells the story of a family of mixed culture with all their hopes, dreams and limitations. I really enjoyed travelling down the streets of the French Quarter and hearing the history behind the landmarks.
I was swept up in the story and could not put it down until I finished it! It was a moving story with a lot to discuss. The story is told through narration from both woman. I really enjoyed this book.
This was not my usual book pick. It was difficult to get into, as it started slow and dragged, but once I was into the story, I enjoyed it. Don't give gets better!
I love Adriana Trigiani's books and this one did not disappoint. Another tale of family, tradition, Italy visits and LOVE!
This is not a thought provoking novel, but an enjoyable easy breezy beach read. I enjoyed it!
A historical novel on ancient Egypt narrated through the Queen turned Pharaoh Nefertiti. It was a page turning book that kept me up reading all night! I became transformed to the ancient cities and became immersed in the story.
I highly recommend this book for an interesting book club selection.
We found this book hard to put down and very easy to read! It sparked a renewed interest in Roman times.
This was the sequel to Nerftiti. It was an amazing love story with all the historic details you come to expect from Michelle Moran.
Not my favorite read, luckily it was short!
A wonderful gold coast love story gone wrong.
This summer my bookclub did read Gatsby, so I had to recommend this to the group! It is a fun light beach read that incorporates the Gatsby story with the Hamptons! I loved it!
I loved the dynamics in the family. Wonderful tale.
I am slowly checking them off!
This was an interesting read, albeit a confusing read. I found myself re-reading passages and then flipping back a few chapters to review. All in all an interesting theme for a story with the twin dynamic spun in.
Our Book Club has expected so much more from a Sue Monk Kidd book, unfortunately it did not hold up.
Parents try to protect their children,but is it always right to let them shirk responsibility?
A nostaglic story of star crossed lovers with a WWII backdrop. It was an easy engaging read.
An easy interesting read. It could serve as Book Club pick with a discussion on the ethical and personal issues of what would you do.
I love Adriana's books, romantic fun read with a seasoning of family.
I love Adriana's books---this was another fun romantic family story.
The story of how two spinster women find fossils that change the science world's outlook on creation, and the hardships and rewards that come with it.
I loved this book and the preface from the author, Tracy Chevalier, pulled it together. The author had owned a print of the picture and was facinated by the Girl with the Pearl Earring. The author brought her and the story of the painting to life. My copy had photos of pieces of the painter, Veneer's Art to refence, which were described with their own stories as well.
It was a sad story that made me appreciate the Christmas Memories I can give my children.
It was very slow in the beginning and I had a hard time getting into it, once I did it was still slow moving. It was an interesting look into the Vietnam War, a love story it was not.
It was very slow in the beginning and I had a hard time getting into it, once I did it was still slow moving. It was an interesting look into the Vietnam War, a love story it was not.
Our bookclub had some great discussion about the book. We were impressed with Ma's ability to transform the small room into a home for her son.
Another fun easy read from Jennifer Weiner. A great beach read for lazy days in the sun.
Everyone has their dark secrets, even the Amish. It was an interesting look into their strange world.
Our Book club really enjoyed reading this book. Some of us thought it was one of the best books we have read. We had a great meeting discussing the characters, plot and author inspiration. It was a great book club read.
An amazing story of love lost, hardships and triumphs. I loved the story, the characters and enjoyed the Ethiopian history.
A great story of family and Southern Charm.
An Antibellum story from the slaves' point of view. It was told as a narration from two characters---one white enslaved girl and one half white half slave. The story flowed and was so engaging I found it hard to put down and was sorry to finish.
Pearl's daughter, Joy decides to drop her Imperial ideals and join communist china to build her heritage. Pearl follows her back to try to bring her home.
WW2 and the Old South meet head on and narrated in the characters own words. The prejudices and relationships that bound the soliders and the family members left behind made for a powerful story.
A great historical fictitious read narrated by a woman who was Erroll Flynn's Jamaican daughter.
This was such an interesting--can't put down read. The French Revolution from the back rooms of a wax museum artist. Marie straddled both sides of the political arena by befriending the Royals and housing the revolutionaries. An excellent story with history and characters that had depth.
A classic read by Hemingway
I loved this book. I was well written and the characters became familiar friends. I did not read it with my book club but recommend it as a Book Club read since it would be a wonderful book to discuss.
Oub Book Club spent a wonderful evening thoroughly discussing this book and dining on Asian appetizers, desserts and drinking Plum Wine.
I found the historic story of the African culture very interesting and learned a lot I did not know. It was an enlightening look into their lifestyles and ideals.Who knew they themselves owned slaves and were slave traders?
The details of a child's visit to heaven told by his father.
I did not feel the characters were developed enough. I never felt a connection to any of them or or their stories and felt they were not connected to each other. Not a favorite of our bookclub.
Its a quirky love story. A fun book that makes you think and wonder---what if...
...but with a friend like Noel , who needs enemies. It was an easy book that had so many subplots and twists and turns. Our bookclub spent while discussing all the details and felt this could be a miniseriers turned soap opera.
The book read like a textbook. Most of us stopped reading this before the middle of the book. He has just an interesting history and lifestory but the book did not captivate us. Poorly written.
Our Book club read all three books and became hooked! We had a great discussion night with some fun "themed" edibles and decorations. It was a very...interesting night.
A well written novel on another angle of the Holocaust. Our Book Club agreed that this was one of the best books we have written and we could not put it down.
This was a great summer read that was fun and easy to read.
This book generated a lot of deep discussions at our Book Club meeting about the afterlife. It was interesting to compare this to other books we have read on the subject.
It was an interesting love story, but slow moving in some parts
We read the book and then saw the Movie. The book was a better story---
We enjoyed discussing the details of the book and the relationships.
Our book club loved this short read. It was a heavy discussion book and we spent a lot of time discussing. We had a New Zealand Kiwi Party to round out the theme.
The book was interesting and moved along well. Our book club spent our meeting in deep discussion, however we all felt the abrupt ending left alot out. We felt the ending was rushed.
Slow, boring book that I did not enjoy at all. Dates, details and endless stories that inflated the author\\\\\\\'s ego did not make a book club book we could have a discussion about.
I could not put this book down at first--in some spots it dragged but overall I really enjoyed this book. A lot to cover and a lot to discuss. Loved the NYC neighborhoods, restaurants.
The story was an interesting topic, however it was hard to read at times, very textbook like.
Interesting premise, but the book was just too long--too many characters to keep track of and too many plots. If the book was shorter, it may have been a better read. Our Book Club did prepare many of the English dishes to try and we held a good discussion.
This was a very interesting take on the historic version we have all come to believe. It was really insightful to learn about the woman behind the traitor. The story was an easy read and the period theme was great for our book club meeting. We prepared some of the food they ate in the book and drank wine.
This was the sequel to her first book Baby Grand. It was just as adventurous and romance is in the air. Cant wait for the follow up to thi.
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