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Name : | Michele R. |
My Reviews
The book' strengths are in the details about how hard it is to find housing, decent food, and self-respect for those trying to survive on a minimum wage salary. It stimulated lots of discussion about member's horror stories doing this type of work, either paid or as a volunteer.
Compelling story about relationship between a middle and lower class family in Bombay. The two women share an employer/servant official relation but suffer many of the same problems.
A quick, engaging read with elements of a mystery,romance and ghost story set in Kansas. Everyone in our group liked it and would recommend it.
Our group loved the characters in Guernsey and didn't want the book to end.A great book about the life-changing possibilities of books and a community sharing their love of reading.
Generated a lot of discussion, although most found the emotional wallop of the 9/11 and aftermath story to be very hard to read. The characters are not likeable per se, but their interactions force you to think about things differently.
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