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Name : Mariana D.

My Reviews

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Informative
Very dramatic............can't put it down!

This book was very moving to truly showed the struggle of this poor Mexican couple..and the difference in the lives of these two couples...I think it is definitely worth the read...great discussion book

Once in a Blue Moon by Eileen Goudge
Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Unconvincing, Interesting
an ok read...if there's nothing else

I thought this book was just OK....Characters were good, plot was good, but the unfolding story was just OK.....Two sisters who were seperated as children and grew up very of course the good road, and the other bad...they come together after 25 years and with the "bad" sister needing help....of course they both have struggles and problems and end up working together in the end........My problem is that everything is a happy ending...which is ok..but there are no real twists in probably can guess the ending without finishing the book....definitely not Jodi Piccoult-like which I have read in other revies

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Inspiring, Optimistic
Fun quick read

I really liked was a fun read.

The Lace Reader: A Novel by Brunonia Barry
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dramatic, Confusing
Great Book for Discussion

I loved this book, it was one of my favorites for book club...I however listened to it on cd...and must admit there were times I wish I had the book to go back at parts...looking forward to the sequal!

Trans-Sister Radio by Chris Bohjalian
Insightful, Graphic, Interesting
Not my cup of Tea...

a little graphic and too much information for me....surprising ending...

Cranberry Queen by Kathleen De Marco
Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Informative, Dramatic
This is a touching book!

I really enjoyed reading this book, you just felt so much for the main character, Diana. I kept putting myself in her shoes and it made me feel so sad...I could not imagine losing my family like that and having no one...Having lost my mother, I knew exactly how she felt talking about hers...It was a sad book, but not depressingly sad (if that makes sense) Also the character Louisa that she made friends with is interesting and I would have like to have found out a little more about her..And it was a nice ending....I think you will enjoy this book, I did.

Still Alice by Lisa Genova
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Interesting

This was wonderfully written in the perspective of an Early Onset Alzheimers was heartbreaking and tearjerking..definitely a worthwhile book for a book club

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Interesting
Really Interesting

I liked this book a lot because it explained the Orthodox culture and customs, and interpreted the Hebrew words and saying. It is very insightful and really makes you wonder how people live like that and the sacrifices these families make. It was a great story line about the sisters struggles with marriage and relationships and how each handled it differently. Definitely worth the read.

City of Dragons by Kelli Stanley
Slow, Pointless, Boring
The Entire Book Group did not like it!

Sorry....but we could not get through this one, I don't think anyone actually even got close to the end....dissappointing.

The Crying Tree: A Novel by Naseem Rakha
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Dramatic, Inspiring
A good discussion book.

I actually listened to this book on cd and thoroughly enjoyed it, as a matter of fact listened to it once months ago and then again for our book club. I think it is very insightful and leads to good discussions, regarding this family, lies and forgiveness.

The Mammy (Agnes Browne Series) by Brendan O'Carroll
Book Club Recommended
Funny! You don't want to put this down!

This is a funny book, 1st in a series of 3! Highly recommend all three! The Mammy The Chisellers and The Granny...and now the author just came out with the Prequel....The Young Wan

Book Club Recommended
A Good Mystery

A good murder turner and a pretty quick read..had a good story line..about a teenage prostitution ring..Main character is an ex-cop PI...and does a good investigation.

Bird in Hand: A Novel by Christina Baker Kline
Book Club Recommended
Slow, Unconvincing, Gloomy
Book has some discussion value...2 and a half stars for me really

This was an OK story...I think it could have been a lot first it was interesting and a quick read with the car accident..but after that it went did not touch upon things it should have, like the friendship between Allison and Claire...Also the accident could have played a bigger part, but it did not pan out like it could have...There definitely is discussion in the relationships of all the characters and how they ended up.

The False Friend by Myla Goldberg
Pointless, Slow, Unconvincing
Don't Bother!

Although it had an okay basis for the storyline, the book was pointless and went nowhere. There was a major disconnect between Celias boyfriend and the whole story I believe. Although a quick read, not really worth your time

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Unconvincing
A "made for TV Movie" type book

This was actually a fast read because of the short quick chapters, it was ok, a little far fetched for me to the point of being ridiculous.........but made for a fun book chat I suppose.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
Great Book Club Read!!

I had to read the ending 2X! Great story and characters..makes for great conversation!

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Interesting, Informative
Loved it!

Although I thought the story line was slow in the beginning, the rest was so good! It made you want to reach in and help Budo and Max! It made me laugh and it made me cry!

Book Club Recommended
Confusing, Interesting, Beautiful

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Beautiful
great book

What a great story....loved every moment of it...great for discussion

Jephte's Daughter by Naomi Ragen
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Interesting, Insightful
Great Discussions

This book has a lot to discuss and it is interesting on learning some of the culture of the Hassidum ..Good story line and characters

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Addictive, Dramatic

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