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Name : Liz B.

My Reviews

Slow, Gloomy, Dark
Wuthering Heights

It is not a relaxing read. I only got though half of it, then I must admit I read the summary on Wikipedia!

Dramatic, Interesting, Informative
Handle With Care

I think the author has a wonderful way of putting thoughts on paper.At times would stop and refect on the wriiten words. Other than that I can't say I enjoyed the story in this book. I guess the setting in New Hampshire reflects what it says on their license plates "Live Free or Die.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Adventurous
The Girl With the Dragon Tatoo

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Optimistic, Interesting
Town House has great characters

I enjoyed getting to know the people in this book

The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Interesting
The Help starts off in 1 direction and takes you to another!

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Inspiring, Insightful
Read this book

Fun, Interesting, Inspiring
save the calories don't bother with "... Eating Bon Bons"

2 1/2 stars. I liked it but I didn't like it. The first chapter intoduced too many people at once. After a while the stories held my interest but I was never truly sure about whom the chapter was about as it related to the first chapter. But I liked it enought to stick with it to the end.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Inspiring, Insightful
Friday Night Knitting Club

Friday Night Knitting Club will make you realize the importance of having a hobby..a common interest brings interesting friends together!

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Interesting, Dark
Love Thy Neighbour

This book keeps you guessing right to the end. A great easy to read who-done-it

The Catcher in the Rye by J.D. Salinger
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Gloomy, Dark
JD Salinger can write.

The Catcher and Rye is written in such a way to allow you to feel the thoughts of the main character.

Room: A Novel by Emma Donoghue
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
Reading "Room"

Written from a child's perspective makes it easy reading!This was the first book that I read on my new Kobo , so I did not feel how many pages I left to read...I could not believe it ended when it ended! I thought I must have been having technical difficulties! It left me wanting more.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting
I Still Dream About You Honey is Quirky

I liked the quirkiness of this book....How it was all over the place...kind of like me and my life now...but I have not plans like Maggie...

The Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson
Book Club Recommended
Graphic, Interesting, Adventurous
The Gargoyle keeps you guessing

This book gives allot of insight into a recovering burn victim. It also brings you through points of history that make you think.

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Dramatic, Interesting
Cutting for Stone should not be missed

This historical fictional story has wonderful characters whom I loved to get to know

the Glass Lake by Maeve Binchy
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Dark, Insightful
typical Maeve Glass Lake

Enjoy reading about family's coping positive.

Book Club Recommended
Epic, Dramatic, Adventurous
Pillars of the Earth Hold strong

Loved everything about this book, story, characters, history, writing....

Book Club Recommended
I Don't Know How she Does it is funny

I liked the book and its setting in England. I don't know how the movie could be set in NYC. Read the book.

The Hunger Games (Book 1) by Suzanne Collins
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting
The Hunger Games left my family hungry

Not my usual type of read; written in a future time and place...BUT I LOVED IT. I neglected grocery shopping and cooking over the weekend I read it!

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Informative, Beautiful
You learn alot at "The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet"

This story taught me about how people lived in the US during WW II. I loved the characters and their love and respect for each other and all things diffidently the same. LOVE IS LOVE.

Beautiful, Interesting, Brilliant
What the Heck...The Night Circus?

What the heck was that about?

Book Club Recommended
Poorly Written, Graphic, Romantic
50 Shades of Soft Porn

I have read volumes 1 & 2 and need to take a break before I tackle volume 3! ,The sex was great but it got in the way of the story at times.If you have read the likes of Johanna Lindsay or Judy Garwood you might be less shocked by things.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Inspiring, Optimistic
The Next Thing on my List will make you write your own list...

Although it starts off slowly, it picks up pace towards the middle and sprints to a great ending!

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dramatic, Dark
Before I go to Sleep kept me awake too

The way this book kept changing I kept turning the pages never know what I'd read next. The ending? Well...more details please!

Guilty Wives by James Patterson, David Ellis
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Unconvincing, Interesting

This book starts you thinking it will be about the troubles of ''poor little rich girls''. But woa, is it not!

Gone Girl: A Novel by Gillian Flynn
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Dark, Interesting
Gone Girl changes alot

I can't believe the twists in this book. Usually, I am not thrilled when books are written in two points of view, but because of Amy's diary aspect, it works. I could not put it down!

The Paris Wife: A Novel by Paula Mclain
Interesting, Informative, Insightful
The Paris Wife- Unless you have been there and done that, don't bother

I liked this book, I could see where McLain wanted to take us with it and it is well written. But I have never been to Paris, nor have I read any of Hemingway's works. So I could not see the second level that I am sure exists in this book. Readers having been to Paris, or having read Hemingway, go ahead. The others, maybe not.

Gold: A Novel by Chris Cleave
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Graphic
Gold by Chirs Cleave is good but not award winning.

I liked this book but I can't say that I loved it. I enjoyed learning about the Olympic strategies, and all that goes with the hard training. The side story of pediatric illness was hard to read at times, but put it all in perspective.The story line held my interest as did Cleave's writing style, telling the tale from different points of view.

Interesting, Insightful, Dramatic
Rules of Civility

It helped me sleep at night. May cause drowsiness.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
The Light Between the Oceans is tragic

Although I liked this book in general, it was so sad. The writing was great, the history was good to learn and the characters were interesting. WW1 devastated families around the globe even in the the most remote corners of the world. Definitely not a pick-me-up.

Poorly Written, Confusing, Boring
She\\\'s Gotta Be Mine...You Gotta Be Kidding!

This book was poorly written and confusing. I had trouble following the story line as it was written from different points of view. \\\'\\\'Murder She Wrote?\\\'\\\' \\\'\\\'Harlequin?\\\'\\\' WOW

Ru: A Novel by Kim Thúy
Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Pointless, Beautiful
RU is a great read!

This book says allot with few words and pages. It stops and make you think

Defending Jacob: A Novel by William Landay
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
In Defense of Defending Jacob

This book is good because you never know...Read it and you will (or will not) know what I mean...

SECRET: A Novel by L. Marie Adeline
S.e.c.r.e.t. is silly

I read it in about two days, It was alright, but silly. It held my attention.

Touch & Go by Lisa Gardner
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Scary
Touch and Go will keep you guessing

This is a great mystery novel! It is a well written who-done-it. Lisa Gardner\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\'s characters are believable and her story holds your interest.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Beautiful
The Book Thief is not to be missed

This book comes at you from all angles. It has a calming effect on you and allows you to reflect on the words and on their meaning. The story is great.

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Optimistic
You will likely like The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry

This book was easy to read and fun to discuss at book club.

The Husband's Secret by Liane Moriarty
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dramatic, Addictive
The Husband\'s Secret is interesting

All characters in this book have a secret.It starts off slow, if not dull but It is an easy read, and soon pulls you in to an enjoyable story. Perhaps a bit too coincidental, but it does take place in a small community.

Book Club Recommended
The Innocent is a good who dunnit

Good for Baldacci fans old and new. The mystery is good and not tooo complicated with tooo many characters ans story lines.

The Language of Flowers: A Novel by Vanessa Diffenbaugh
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Beautiful, Interesting
The Language of Flowers is universal

The writing, the story, the characters, the messages, the language, the love, the Clear your agenda before you pick up this book! I started it on a Saturday afternoon and finished it a Monday evening.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Dramatic
The Mountains Echoed where when?

Although in the end I liked this book, I found it confusing because of the ''I'' point of view changes. I enjoy historical fiction, this one included.

The Painted Girls: A Novel by Cathy Marie Buchanan
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Insightful
The Painted Girls is OK

Not being a dancer or someone who appreciates art, this book still managed to hold my interest.

Missing You by Harlan Coben
Interesting, Dramatic, Scary
Won\'t Miss You

The writing of this book is adolescent at best. I trudged through it to learn the end of the mystery. I don\'t think I will read Harlan Coben again.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Pointless, Unconvincing
The Silence of Bonaventure Arrow is not quiet

I enjoyed this book from start to finish! The writing from all perspectives, the way it flows from different points in time, the way the author shares thoughts and feelings makes up for the lack of Bonaventure's words.

Book Club Recommended
Gone Tomorrow is a good who-dunnit

Good Lee Childs. Up there with his others

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Inspiring, Romantic
Don't Miss The Fault in Our Stars

This book is all about love and relationships, never mind the diagnosis. If you want to see the movie, read the book first.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Romantic, Addictive
Tripwire is Jack Reacher

Enjoy Lee Child's descriptions of Jack Reacher during this well paced who done-it

Insurgent (Divergent) by Veronica Roth
Adventurous, Addictive, Insightful
Insurgent is more of nothing

Violence and a plot with too many holes.

Book Club Recommended
Scary, Fantastic, Addictive
Die Trying is a page turner

This book is a real thriller from start to finish. The kind of Lee Child's Jack Reacher story you cannot put down. GREAT BUT after you learn the truth at the end, the decision was a disappointing for an independent woman.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Scary, Interesting
Running Blind is another good one!

I guessed the who but not the how! Good ol\\\' Jack Reacher makes me smile! But there was a loose end to the story with Harper, but don\\\'t let that stop you from reading and really liking this book!

Dewey the Library Cat: A True Story by Vicki Myron, Bret Witter
Book Club Recommended
Dewey the Cat

Dewey is a great book that takes you though the personal stories of small town community. I liked how the cat is the centre of the circle, the community the state and American history is written.

Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
The Orphan Train will take you places...

Being from the East Coast of Canada I frequently heard the name Wabanaki among others like Algonquin, Iroquois alike. I like how the story of the Canoe portage pulls all the story lines together; similar to trains...

The Dinner by Herman Koch
Book Club Recommended
Dark, Interesting, Gloomy
The Dinner is cold

What the heck was that? No tip. Although, ultamately I liked this book and it was well translated, so it must be well written in dutch, what a downer of a book. It is not like Gone Girl, as some reviews state, I say it is more like Defending Jacob.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dramatic, Fantastic
The Birth House will keep you at home

This book kept me at home because I enjoyed the story, the theme the characters, THE WOMEN, the scenery so much I could not put it down.

Fall from Grace: A Novel by Richard North Patterson
Unconvincing, Confusing, Boring
How can you FALL FROM GRACE when you were never there?

I love a good who-done-it, but this was a don't-care-who...The story line did not hold my interest at all. The author must have had a Thesaurus beside him when he wrote and and thought this would improve his style. Don't bother...

Adventurous, Fun
Echo Burning is OK

Lee Child has created a great hero in his Jack Reacher mysteries. Echo Burning is a good story, but not my favorite.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Addictive
ONE SHOT READ THE BOOK, Don\\\\\\\'t see the movie

The book is a great read from start to finish. Lee Child\\\'s Jack Reacher is great.

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
Adventurous, Romantic, Addictive
Outlander, Really?

I don\'t understand what all the hype is about. This jumpy story, going from present to past to past perfect did not keep me interested. I read about 75% then gave up and then went to Wikipedia to end it quickly.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Adventurous, Addictive
The Burning Room is Michael Connelly at his best.

The burning room is a quick paced fun filled mystery with interesting twists and turns. Harry Bosch has gotten older like we all have!

Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Brilliant, Fantastic
The Escape is worth reading

The Escape is a page turner from start to finish. The Puller brothers are interesting characters I enjoyed getting to know. Not being a military person, I found the abbreviations frustrating at first, but I made myself an abbreviation dictionary.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Addictive

Adventurous, Romantic
Too many Malorys in this stormy persuasion

I am usually a big Johanna Lindsey fan, but this story had too much Malory family to go around. I liked the romance between the singles, I followed their love from start to finish, but I could have done with out the rest.

Big Little Lies by Liane Moriarty
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Addictive, Dramatic
Big Little Lies is good on many levels

I am not lying when I say this book is worth reading. Firstly, the description of 'kindy' moms is spot on. Secondly it is interestingly well written. Thirdly the characters are likable and hate-able. Fourthly, the mystery is unveiled slowly. Fifthly, it ends well. Sixthly, ....find out for yourself...

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Insightful, Dramatic
All The Light We Cannot See is as good as it sounds!

Doerr has a way with words. Red, yellow, green, blue, violet; as with the colours of the rainbow, this story will take you from one end of the emotional spectrum to the other. The short chapters give you time to breath.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Addictive
Be gunned to read Persuader!

Like Lee Child? Like Jack Reacher? You will like this mystery.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Addictive
Jack Reacher is Jack Reacher

Bad luck and trouble has all the elements of other Jack Reacher stories. Fans will love it.

Zero Day by David Baldacci
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Addictive, Fun
ZERO DAY is a good place to meet John Puller

This book is the John Puller's character's first book. It is a good military mystery set in Cole mining country West Virginia.

Dark, Slow, Interesting
The Goldfinch lessons the meaning of winning A Pulitzer

The only thing going for The Goldfinch is the prose. It is a beautifully written boring depressing, book. It is not a happy.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Addictive
angels flight is good from all angles

If you like Harry Bosch you know you will like this mystery.

Heart of Thunder by Johanna Lindsey
Pointless, Romantic, Fun
this is a silly romance

This is a stupid, silly romance. The acts of so called love are too close to rape to be desire. Skip this Johanna Lindsay. Her others are better

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Beautiful, Dramatic
all perks

What a lovely, although difficult to read at times, great book. All the characters are interesting.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Fun
Nothing to lose will find you wanting to read

Jack Reached kicks but between Hope and Despair. Another great mystery.

The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Interesting, Informative
The Chaperone is a good read

The Chaperone is a good story of Cora's life from NYC to Wichita Kansas. Cora grows and ages interestingly.

Wildfire In His Arms by Johanna Lindsey
Poorly Written, Confusing, Fun
Stay away from the \\\'Wildfire In His Arms\\\'

This was poorly written and confusing. I have read almost all of what Johanna Lindsey has written, and this must be her worst. Whomever took over her pen,does not know how to form a proper sentence. Too bad this might fishtail her career.

Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Adventurous
if you like a good mystery, you will like this. Harry Bosch is good.

Real page turner. Great mystery.

Dark, Difficult, Interesting
memory man is forgettable

Very well written, good mystery that has far too much going on. Football injury,mass murderer, school shooting, savants, two gendered people. ...

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Addictive, Interesting
girl on a train Is a page turner

It takes a while too figure out where it is going but once clear, it rolls like a great mystery.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Insightful
the Rosie Project should be on your to do list

One of the best books I have read in a long time. Funny sad comical I Loved the writing the cast of characters. ...can't wait to start the next one;too bad I have to go to a party now!????

The Rosie Effect: A Novel by Graeme Simsion
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Romantic
the rosie effect is a good project

.almost as Good as the first but not quite. S still a must read

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Adventurous, Addictive
61 hours of adventure

Great story to keep you turnin the page. Love jack reacher

The Replacement Wife by Eileen Goudge
Unconvincing, Poorly Written
THe Replacement Wife should be replaced

I could not get through this boring poorly written story.

The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Inspiring
the invention of wings flies all over the place, but lands safely.

The story of slaves in the south and the abolishionists in the north, is an interesting one as told through both perspectives. The overlapping of fictional characters with real ones is fun to read.I was happy to sort all out after in the author's notes.

Stone Cold by David Baldacci
Adventurous, Confusing, Persuasive
cold stone is slow in the Centre

Third in a series, it is ok as far as mysteries go. There are two plots that don't really jell, but an ok read none the less.

Unconvincing, Boring, Addictive
as Devine justice is part of a collection, you should read it.

If you read the rest of the series you might as well read this book too.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Fun, Insightful
mr fikry is a great person

This is a nice story that reads well. It makes you chuckle and bring tears to your eyes. I liked the references to other books. The tone of this story is upbeat for some of the plot lines.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Adventurous, Addictive
Without Fail, Does not fail

Jack Reacher is up to his usual routine, throwing out clothes and buying new ones in a new town. AND contributing to solving a mystery and saving lives with his skills.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Confusing, Informative
the imposter bride is well written ...

...but hard to follow in some chapters. Although interesting, it was easy to get lost in the storyline. I would have preferred a more linear tale. The story is captivating none the less. Set in Montréal, knowing Montréal it is fun to move with the family from street to street.

Rogue Lawyer by John Grisham
Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Gloomy, Insightful
The Rogue Lawyer can help solve crimes BUT warning!

If you like mysteries and John Grisham, you should like this book. It is like reading a collection of short stories. But be warned, Grisham's women in this book are stereotypical;a bitchy ex-wife and a sexy school teacher (really, John?) and add little to the story.

The Nightingale: A Novel by Kristin Hannah
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Informative, Inspiring
The Nightingale is a great read.

The Nightingale, is a Rossignol in French I like how the story is set in the present, but most of the chapters are written in the past. The sisters Vianne and Isabelle are both such strong women,and the writer uses their strengths to bring the story along. Such love of life...

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Beautiful
me before you or you before me

What came first? Lovely story well written about autonomy and life. Great characters, almost too good. 2nd half better than the 1st,

Book Club Recommended
Gloomy, Adventurous, Addictive
Jack Reacher is Jack Reacher

In this book, Jack starts off drinking coffee and ends up solving a kidnapping mystery. All is well, don't worry with Jack.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Optimistic, Insightful

What? If you think about it you will get it. The main story is interesting,and cleverly written. The kids and this driver make a good read. The gap chapters make the reader stall. I guess the author was trying to show us thrbook he might have written about these kids if he hadn't written about the bus.

The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Fantastic, Beautiful
The little prince is ok

I guess I don't get it an afternoon read povides much thought

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Adventurous, Addictive
the last mile is a mystery

The last mile is a mystery, that keeps you interested, but not greatly. The premise is far fetched, the main character being pulled of death row, being pardoned 20 yrs later. And he was a NFL draftee? Hard to believe.

The Nest by Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Fun, Dramatic
The Nest is a well woven story

Great story! But beware, not only is this family tightly woven, but so is the way it is written. The chapters so not follow sequentially, but rather winder the reader in and out of the lives of its characters. Some sentences were so long, you have to search for the period on the page.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Addictive, Interesting
The Lake House although beautiful might lull you to sleep.

Ever been to a great cottage only to be bored while visiting? Beautifully written, but painfully slow and too many things happening at once, yet the outcome was easy to guess.

The Drop (A Harry Bosch Novel) by Michael Connelly
Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Graphic, Dark
the drop is ok

the drop is ok. Harry Bosch is a better detective than Michael Connally is a writer in this case.

Pointless, Poorly Written, Unconvincing
no choice but to skip pages

dumb boring stupid story. as much as one can love Joanna lindsey, this is a dumb book. very disappointed

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Insightful, Beautiful
End of your life bookclub is just ok.

The end of your book club is ok. It starts off with a bounce in its step and then leads into just list of events and lists. Like a to do list. As I write this it occurs to me that this might have been the author's intention....but is ok

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Adventurous, Unconvincing
The Girl With No Past, has a past, she just doesn't tell us

The Girl With No Past, has a past, she just doesn't tell us about it. The title of this book is misleading, and it bothered me through out. The characters in the present part story are simply not believable, for some one who is supposedly such an introvert the people in her life, as written should not have been trusted.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Inspiring
The Midwife is a must read

The memoirs of Jennifer Worth draw on the beauties of the east end of 1950s London, not the hardships. It is wonderful, we can learn from its history today

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Beautiful, Brilliant
Crossing to safety is safe to read

This book, can jump fromac time to time. As a whole the characters are likable and the shared experiences in site full. I will need someone to explain the ending to me though. Anyone, anyone?

Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Dramatic, Adventurous
Nothing Much in Cabin 10

This mystery kept me reading but it wasn't too believable. Laura's character was hard to get to know, so when the events occurred, I took them all with a grain of salt

The Black Book by James Patterson
Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Dramatic, Interesting
The black book is a good mystery

The black book is a good mystery, and it will keep you turning pages until the end.

Addictive, Adventurous, Unconvincing
vanish as a whole is a fun read.

The mystery and plot keep you interested, but parts of it make the story dumb and unbelievable. For Maura and Jane readers, a must.

Beartown: A Novel by Fredrik Backman
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Addictive
Beartown is a great read.

This book is engrossing and keep you interested from start to finish. The hockey backdrop might be changed for any other sport.

Book Club Recommended
Scary, Interesting, Adventurous
the surgeon cuts it

This mystery cuts it. Great suspense

Book Club Recommended
Dark, Adventurous, Addictive
Rather be the devil satisfies Rebus fans

Rebus can't retire and neither can the villIans he persues. True Rankin

The Midwife of Venice by Roberta Rich
Interesting, Romantic, Unconvincing
The midwife of Venice is a safe read.

It won't hurt to read this book, but it was all over the place. It was as if ms Rich had a dictionary from the 1500s and put as many old words in her story as she could. Nothing special, and less than 400 pages.

Still Life by Louise Penny
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Fun, Addictive
Still life is a mystery to read

It is what it is, a fun mystery to follow. Easy to read and follow the story it is well written in the sense, classic literature it is not. If you are from the Montreal region it is fun to be in the townships in the fall.

Truly Madly Guilty by Liane Moriarty
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Slow
Truly madly guilty is not a mystery

The title makes you think this is a mystery, but it is not. Moriarty 's chatty style of writing allows you to follow 3 couples before and after a bbq , where something happens.. Like big liitle lies, her characters are complex endearing and fun to get to know.

Into the Water by Paula Hawkins
Confusing, Addictive, Dark
The water is ok.

The way this book is written, from present to past and to historical past makes it choppy and confusing. I got through it just to answer the wtf factor.

Maybe in Another Life: A Novel by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Fun, Insightful
Maybe in another life is a fun easy read

Maybe in another life is a good read. It askes the question WHAT IF Many times. Gaby and Hannah say they are independent but their behaviour is written differently. All in all a fun book

The Great Alone: A Novel by Kristin Hannah
Adventurous, Dramatic, Addictive

The Good Liar by Catherine McKenzie
Pointless, Dramatic, Boring
Don't be fooled by the good liar

Don't be fooled by the good liar. It was all over the place the documentary script really? What was wit that..

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Addictive, Fun
A stranger in the house, alright

This book keeps you turning pages! You don't know who you should like or hate. The ending leaves you wanting a sequel.

Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Dark, Interesting
Then she was gone and so was every one else

This book is unsettling but adictive. There is definitely athread of creepiness woven throughout. Each character will make your arm hair stand on end at some point.

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Romantic
The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B is strong

Great story. Kids just being kids. Kids with issues. REALLY WELL WRITTEN. Complex love,with OCD.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Unconvincing
Past Tense does not conjugate correctly, but I like Jack.

Ok, story A is basically a kidnapping hostage situation. story B is the beloved Jack Reacher at libraries and county offices doing research on his family. The links between the two plots were weak. A love story sprinkled in for good measure. Ok the end.

Educated: A Memoir by Tara Westover
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Inspiring, Dramatic
Educated Teaches and you Learn

Book Club Recommended
Dead Simple is a simple police mystery

Dead Simple is a simple police mystery introducing Roy Grace. If you like British crime writers, Peter James wrote a good story here.

Book Club Recommended
Graphic, Interesting, Addictive
Looking Good is a good read

Looking good dead a a good soft-more effort for Roy Grace. He gets lucky this time!

Book Club Recommended
Not dead enough is enough to. ..

Not dead enough is enough to keep you reading. .squared.

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Interesting, Inspiring
Where the Crawdads Sing must be read!

Where the Crawdads Sing must be read! Any review I write here will not do Delia Owens prose justice. What a writer! What a story! One of the best books I have read in a while...

The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides
Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Interesting, Dramatic
The Silent Patient is ......a work of art

shhh the silent patient will keep you guessing . What a great mystery and it does not revolve around a police investigation !

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Informative, Inspiring
The Tattooist is good and hard to read

The Tattooist is good and hard to read. 100% Worth the read. Love to read about true human heroes It is a wonderfully penned story at the beginning, really interesting. The end was very linear. " this happened then this happened" Enjoyed the comments from the son.

Ghosted: A Novel by Rosie Walsh
Dramatic, Addictive, Unconvincing
Ghosted does not haunt

There are too many story lines. Setting up a small business of clowning with sick kids? Moving across the Atlantic? Falling in love? Losing love? Living with mental health issues within a family? Forgiveness? Supportive friends? Don't know if Is categorized as a romance novel or a mystery?

Archer's Voice by Mia Sheridan
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Adventurous, Graphic
Archer's voice is predictable

Many stereotypes in this story, but a fun romantic read, non the less.

One Good Deed by David Baldacci
Addictive, Dramatic, Adventurous
David, what happened? What good deed?

Mr. Baldacci was not up to par on this one. Boring unconvincing story. What was with all the fashion statements? I didn't get the link...Every other book of David Baldacci was much more fun and interesting.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dramatic, Insightful
Little Fire everywhere is a surprisingly good read.

From the beginning you never know where this book will take you. It starts with the end and brings you back again, hopping from place to place, and person to person, child to child. Towards the middle I could not put it down,

Roses Are Red (Alex Cross) by James Patterson
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Fun, Addictive
Roses are red ....

Violets are blue
I liked this mystery
And so will you

Unconvincing, Pointless, Romantic
Countess who.?

Dumb love story, reading it helped my insomnia

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Addictive, Adventurous
The night fire will keep you awake

Good ol Harry Bosch can't stop. Retirement and knee surgery or not. A fire at night lands Renee Ballard a good crime and Harry helps. Good who done it.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Addictive
A Nearly Normal Family from all perspectives

A Nearly Normal Family from all perspectives. A good read. What a mother! What a father! What a daughter, STELLAAA!

Women Talking by Miriam Toews
Book Club Recommended
Boring, Slow, Informative
Read women talking...

Read women talking it never ends. It is written from an interesting perspective, as it written from meeting mtinutes. It raises good questions about love and faith and family. The ending is a non ending. There is no closure to the story!

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Addictive
Everything gained from nothing ventured

Jeffery Archer is a great story teller as he introduces a new detective. A real page turner. Fun to look up the artwork described on line while reading to get the true portrait of the story's mystery.

The Bride Test by Helen Hoang
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Beautiful, Addictive
The wife test is a cute love story.

A cute love story an easy read. A true diversion. Interesting side story of the quirks some autistic people live with and why.

Book Club Recommended
Brilliant, Dark, Interesting
The Lullaby will not put you to sleep.

Originally published in French as Chanson Douce, or the Lullaby, The Perfect Nanny will keep you awake at night. It is well written, (well translated too) and disturbing. Definitely not a pick me up book. Be prepared to be upset.

Book Club Recommended
Scary, Adventurous, Addictive
Not so simple as simple dead

Scary, keeps you awake at night. Great Peter James

Revenge by Patterson James; Holmes Andrew
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Addictive, Unconvincing
Revenge ?

Revenge of the revengers, revenged. Short chapters makes it easier to get through. Not james' best.

Pointless, Confusing, Boring
Engulfed in Flames no more

I couldn't get through this book. I was looking for alight funny book and some one recommend engulfed in flames. Didn't realize it was short stories. Dumb. Not funny. Stopped at 45%.

Unconvincing, Slow, Pointless
Be Dumb

Dumb. Even for a Silly Romance

Westwind by Rankin Ian
Dramatic, Slow, Confusing
Westwind which way

Westwind which way? I love Ian Rankin. This is not his best. Read everything else he wrote and skip this one. Unless for the historical perspective of the 1980s, skip it.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Informative, Optimistic
The day the world came to town is optimism

The day the world came to town is optimization defined. The writing is upbeat. A biography of one of many. Of a town. Afeel good true story.

City of Girls: A Novel by Elizabeth Gilbert
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Adventurous
City of girls gets three"I"s

Interesting insightful and informative. The writing style was pleasant. I loved how we didnt know who vivian was writing about until later.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Slow, Dramatic
The Sweeney Sisters are boring

The Sweeney sisters are boring. It did not hold my attention. 40% into it I still felt like I was in the introduction phase. As the intro to Friends says ''always stuck in second gear". Or Elaine Bennis in Seinfeld Yata yata yata...set the table. the end.

Camino Island: A Novel by John Grisham
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Adventurous, Unconvincing
Camino Island is a great place to read a good book

Camino Island is a great place to read a good book. This is a fun story with all sorts of twists and turns

Camino Winds by Grisham John
Adventurous, Unconvincing, Pointless
Camino Winds is full of hot air

Camino Winds is essentially part 2 of Camino Island. Do not read Winds unless you first read Island. That said WInds is boring and unconvincing

Void Moon by Michael Connelly
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Adventurous, Unconvincing
The Void Moon is ok.

I recently read this Connelly book, written in 2000. Its is dated, and not his best writing, never the less, the story held my interest.

Interesting, Slow, Informative
The LastTrain to London is nothing special.

Although I enjoyed learning aboutpre WW2 Austria, Netherlands and Germany this book is just ok. I had to read it with with my translation app nearby for all the German words..Again good to know, but boring.

The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams
Book Club Recommended
Unconvincing, Fun, Romantic
The Bromance Book Club is far fetched

This is a silly far fetched story. The plot is not easy to believe. I would rather read a period romance. Baseball players would never do things this club did. Thatsaid, I liked it a little.

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Dramatic, Interesting
The vanishing half like a lost sock.

we all start off with 2 socks. Why do we lose one and not another.? Why do some turn up in odd places and some do not turn up at all. We all have 2 stories. One side we show others more than the other. The vanishing half is about the lives we live and the lives we hide. Enjoyable reading and reflection.

Normal People: A Novel by Sally Rooney
Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Addictive, Pointless
Normal people inlove

well written love story. First love. Secret love.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Epic
The Game of Thrones book is better

The Game of Thrones book is better than the TV show! It is well written and allows you to the get into the hearts and minds of the characters

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Informative, Interesting
The Pull of the Stars is an interesting read

The Pull of the Stars is an interesting read. Published just before the Covid 19 global pandemic in February 2020, it is eerie to read this book of fiction set in 1918. What the writer writes about, we are living today. Over crowed hospitals, tired front line workers and neglected rules. The main protagonist Julia and her relationships are comforting.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Persuasive, Addictive
Rebus in A House of Lies

a good who done it, especially for Ian Rankin readers,

Ruby by Andrews V.C.
Unconvincing, Pointless
Ruby go home

the first part of the story with Ruby living in the Bayou was light and upbeat. Once she travels to New Orleans the story goes down hill fast. Don't bother.

Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Insightful, Informative
If I knew then is a book for middle age.

any fan of jan arden will see how well this book is written. It is melodic and heartfelt.

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Interesting, Fun
hygge add it to your vocabulary

a nice simple easy read. No surprises. Very comfortable.

The Silver Star: A Novel by Jeannette Walls
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Unconvincing
The Silver Star is an easy read

The Silver Star is an easy read. Walls words allow the flow of the story holding the reader to her pages. Liz and Bean are likable girls with grit. There are many things going on in the story, but it doesn't detract from the main plot of perseverance and survival.

Book Club Recommended
Dark, Romantic, Addictive
Reading The Risk is an easy way to spend an afternoon

The Risk is an easy way to spend an afternoon. It is a silly, scary sexy story about a serial killer. TRUE FICTION. If you read it with a grain of salt, you will have fun.

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Insightful, Fun
Major Pettigrew's Last Stand is not to be missed

Major Pettigrew's Last Stand is not to be missed. Simonson's words flow freely wrapping the reader into the story. Such rich characters, strong and flawed! Beginning to end, wonderful !

A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick
Dark, Dramatic, Interesting
A reliable wife?

what the heck? This story was all over the place. Don't bother.

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Interesting, Insightful
a major enjoyment

The major Pettigrew is such a charming character with all his flaws and qualities. Small town life big time love.

The Never List by Koethi Zan
Scary, Addictive, Interesting
The never list tries too hard

this book tries too hard to be sensational. Should have stuck with plot of 2 girls post car crash

Book Club Recommended
Confusing, Interesting, Informative
The island of the Sea women is ok

the story arc of this book is inserted with bits of history. The history and the fiction do not always transition smoothly.

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Beautiful, Brilliant
To Kill a Mockingbird - a timeless classic

If, like me, you never read this book in high school, you should read it now. Harper's depiction through the eyes of a young girl in a southern town in the 1930s is insightful to read especially when you consider is was written over 60 years ago, A good book is a good book. It makes you think.

Wildflower by Drew Barrymore
Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Fun, Insightful
Wildflower is calming

I picked this book from a shelf at a rental cottage. What a nice collection of stories from Drew's life until 2015. She has such strength of character and a positive outlook. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Adventurous
The Rose, what a code!

An interesting bit of historical fiction. You will love the three code breakers, their work and their friendships. Happy, sad, oppressive and rejoiceful. The things we never learned in history class. Very informative, interesting and adventurous.

Four Winds by Kristin Hannah
Informative, Insightful, Beautiful
The Four Winds won't blow you over

Hannah's good writing is the only thing going for this book. Boring, gloomy, but yes informative, still did not make me like this story. Skip it

Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Informative, Fun
the bone code is worth the read

the bone code is worth the read. Have fun with Temperance on both side of the border.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Beautiful, Informative
The henna artist paints a picture

The henna artist paints a collage of designs, all the characters are connected,

Leaving Time: A Novel by Jodi Picoult
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
Leaving Time is hard to put down

Picoult is a good writer, no doubt about it. The mystery of Alice's whereabouts and the stories of the elephants weave together seamlessly to keep you curious. Such love of community.

Reasons to Be Cheerful by Nina Stibbe
Book Club Recommended
Reasons to be Cheerful won't make you LOL

It was supposed to be funny, guess we have different senses of humour. Yes I chuckled at times, smiled frequently but never did I LOL. I found there to be an underlying sadness in all the characters that weighed down silly scenes. Set in the 1980s some of the pop references of the time, were likely lost on me, I am passing it on to others
because it is well written and still worth the read for its efforts at humour.

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Romantic, Inspiring
The art of hearing heartbeats is in all of us

Great love story of devotion. Happy and sad all the while being positive. Likeable characters, well written easy to read .

The Guncle by Steven Rowley
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Optimistic, Fantastic
The man from GUNCLE will make you giggle

GUNCLE can stand for Great United Network Command for Love and Empathy. Uncle Patrick and his family get through a rough summer togther relying on love to get them through

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Informative, Insightful
The Silent Wife is silent no more

The Silent Wife is silent no more....but to which wife does the title refer? 3+ wives and how their familes insiteful story of love (or not?) and commitment (or not?) to each other. Not a mystery but mysterious noen the less.

Never: A Novel by Ken Follett
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Epic
Never think it can't happen again.

Three storylines all related, intertwined yet different. Very interesting good Follett

The Dutch House: A Novel by Ann Patchett
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Dramatic
The door to The Dutch House is always open?

This story, as told by Danny through the windows of the dutch house, is quite different in its approach. Easy reading with good flowing phrases.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Unconvincing, Beautiful
Simple Wild is Simple

Simple to read, easy to predict. Simple writing. Fun to read nonetheless.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Optimistic
Mrs Harris goes to Paris and does it

Great fun story about 1960s working class London. Much of the vocabulary is local had to look up some terms. MRS Harris 's circle of friends are a delight

Lost by O. James Born James; Patterson
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dark, Addictive
Lost is found

Classic Patterson. Short chapters move the mystery quickly along.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Scary
Playing with Fire is a good read.

As a first time Peter Robinson reader, I enjoyed this mystery. You will too. Not knowing this author before, it would likely have been better to read Robinson 's other Alan Bank's novels first. Having not done so however did not take away from this exciting story.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Addictive, Dark
Who who want to be on the island with these guest listed people?

You never know when your past will catch up to you. The guest list is a well written, creepy story of that perfect couple and their wedding. A real page turner since you don't know who was killed until the near end. So as the plot thickens, the hints of the killer's identity take you to the edge and back.

The Switch by Lynsay Sands
Boring, Unconvincing, Pointless
I never finished The Switch.

I never finished The Switch. I love a good silly romance, this one was dumb. Even bringing it on vacation, I couldn't. I left it at the resort.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Gloomy, Insightful
There is a lot more sorrow than bliss.

There is a lot more sorrow than bliss, but man is this book is funny. The author's writing style draws you into Martha's love and hate. And love and hate. And hate and love. She really toes the line with each step. How mental illness is a family affair. I found this book on a shelf at a resort in South East Asia and although not really a vacation read, I couldn't put it down.

Book Club Recommended
Confusing, Fun, Adventurous
Dream Town has lots going on

Archer book. OK story. Lots going on. Not my favorite Baldacci character.

Dramatic, Unconvincing, Gloomy
Who needs Conversations with Friends like these

The only thing going for this book is that Sally Rooney is an excellent writer. She conveys the conversations with friends well, but I would not want to be friends with these people. If you haven't read Rooney's other book, NORMAL PEOPLE, read it instead. That one was excellent!

Shantaram: A Novel by Gregory David Roberts
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Inspiring, Insightful
Shanteram is wonderful

This is a wonderfully written, interesting book. Roberts has a way of telling a story full of thoughts and feelings. A real page turner mostly, but slow at times.. Hard to believe it's a true story about Dale - Lin- Shanteram.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Insightful, Dramatic
The Lincoln Highway is a winding road.

The Lincoln Highway is a winding road, alright! Amazing read!

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dramatic, Adventurous
Naked in death is a good mystery

A good mystery page turner., some sexy scenes but a great mystery mostly

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Fun
Are you there God...

53 years later the themes are still relevant. Having read it as a young girl myself, now as a mother of a 20 something daughter a new perspective is obvious

Looking for Jane: A Novel by Heather Marshall
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Insightful, Informative
Be happy looking for Jane

Great story on many levels. Parts of Canadian health history are plugged into the plot but never distract from the story.. Janes be proud

Now You See Her - Free Preview: The First 29 Chapters by James Patterson, Michael Ledwidge
Pointless, Dramatic, Unconvincing
Now You See Her is not Patterson's best

This story and writing does not live up to James Patterson's usual thriller. It is all over the place and not believable

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Scary, Romantic
Immortal in Death is OK

Immortal in Death is OK. It is fun to continue the story lines from books 1 and 2

Meet Me at the Lake by Carley Fortune
Book Club Recommended
Unconvincing, Fun, Romantic
Meet Me at the Lake, but know you'll be late

Meet Me at the Lake is an OK read for a summer read. All elements of the story are predictable, including the true to form summer-read-sex. All characters are likable, yet the main love interest Will is hard to figure out. Don't miss the The "Behind the book" section at the end. It is heartwarming

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Difficult, Confusing
Heart full of headstones blah

Not Rankin's best

Anxious People: A Novel by Backman Fredrik
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Insightful
Anxious People are in all of us

The beginning chapters starts and stops can be frustrating like when starting a jigsaw puzzle: Once the edges are complete....WOW! What a story of insecurities, love, health and community. Every character is likable for different reasons

Addictive, Fun, Interesting
An innocent client is ok

An ok read written 10+ years ago.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Dramatic, Insightful
Heaven and Earth is all over the place

This book was all over the place. It was ok. Not sure what its focus was

I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jennette McCurdy
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Difficult
3 Is

Insightful information inspiring
Jennette articulates her experience as a child actor. Having watched her shows or not, you can feel her pain through her words,

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Fun, Optimistic
17 + 83 = 100

Lenni and Margot will steal your hearts. As will Father Arthur,The Temp and New Nurse. The Rose Room is a place where you you want to be. Laugh and cry in 1 sentence

The Women: A Novel by Kristin Hannah
Informative, Insightful, Interesting
WIMP couldn't do it

could not finish it. I am a Nurse and the women in this booked bugged me to no end

Book Club Recommended
Unconvincing, Interesting, Insightful
I'll Take You There - Where?

Lamb uses several sous entendu some of which I cought some not -so-much. The story Felix a film teacher who reflects on his family's life with the help of ghosts. Yes ghosts. If you can believe it, its a good book

Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Dramatic, Inspiring
The Briar Club cook book

The story as told by each tenant of the boarding house on the corner of Briar and Wood streets. And recipes included. Not sure about format of the mystery in between the chapters . All in all a good book

Nightwatching: A Novel by Tracy Sierra
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Persuasive, Scary
Who is Night Watching ?

Who is watching the house at night? A tragic scary story of living in fear.

Resurrection Walk by Michael Connelly
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Adventurous, Addictive
Reserection Walk is a page turner

Follow the half brothers of Mickey the lawyer and Harry the retired detective as they try to right a wrongful conviction - a habeas. Each chapter brings new light to a 5 yr old case, Thrilling easy read fun who dunnit

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Adventurous, Scary
Don't wait to read The Waiting

A classic Michael Connolly page turner.

All the Colors of the Dark by Chris Whitaker
Book Club Recommended
Dark, Slow, Beautiful
All the Colours of the Dark is bright

All the colours of the dark is a beautifully written story of love, perseverence and trauma. It slows at times, but whose life story does not? The short chapters help the reader stay on track.

Fun, Slow, Unconvincing
There goes the bride

RSVP 0 ( zero ) to attend the wedding in The Wedding People. I could not believe the story or identity with its characters. Who can possibly have 1 week of pre wedding days? Spends so much ? Dumb. But I kept reading to end. Not boring too much to put it down.

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