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Name : | Linda S. |
My Reviews
Noah Walton, the author/scientist, provides a true story of the remarkable life changing habits that turned him into a trim elite athlete. What qualities are necessary to lose over 150 lbs. and go from a couch potato to a competitive triathelete? Follow the journey from obese to ultra fit, while enjoying some humor and getting the facts why diets don't work. What works, for this guy was a unique diet plan and results that changed his life and probably will change a lot of others who read this book. If you look closely, there is depth that is not obvious at first look. What qualities are needed to become your idealized self and what roadblocks stop you? The author's struggle is evident and what he learns about himself changes his life. It is inspirational and impactful. I enjoyed it as a story and as a self help book. Athletes will enjoy the accounts of tribulations of training and racing. This is a very well written book that will appeal to teen to adult audiences due to it's humor and human relations appeal.
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