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Name : Lori H.

My Reviews

Little Bee: A Novel by Chris Cleave
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Interesting
Loved the book and thought it was insightful and meaningful....Would reccommend to any reading group

A Secret Kept by Tatiana de Rosnay
Gloomy, Boring, Unconvincing
Not A Great Read especially how good her first book is....

After reading such a great book Sarah's Key this fell short. Long boring and hard to get through it. To much cheating and felt rushed and did not get into the theme.....

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Adventurous
Was a Suprise it was so good

Our book club enjoyed the book. We found the middle to be difficult to get through but after that could not put the book down needed to read the end to find out what happened. Enjoyed the book and we rated between 4-5 stars.

Unconvincing, Boring, Slow
Ok-Some parts were great but overall disappointment

We gave it an overall 5 out of 10 rating. We thought the author was self absorbed and the book did have good moments but we wanted more out of the book. Lots of detail and some untapped. We wanted to hear more about Paula and have the mother share more about their life together etc.

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Interesting, Inspiring

Our Group had a mixed review some loved it and gave it 9 others a 5. We loved the information about Leprosy and wanted to know more about their lives. We wanted to understand more about the disease affecting them. Some felt the author did not really come around to see the other side and he still didn't think he did anything wrong. He always showed himself in the good light throughout the book. We felt we loved the stories with Ella and Link and made the book more interesting. We felt the author is not a writer but wanted to relief himself of his story.

Dramatic, Informative, Interesting
Years of Wonder

Our bookclub felt it was 5 out of 10....We all hated the ending and felt the author could of done more. We did not feel connected to the people....Difficult to finish....

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
Interesting but wanting more

Our Club rated it between 6-9. We enjoyed the first half of the book and wanted more by the end of the book.. We had a great discussion on topic of ethical, money from selling HeLa etc...Would reccomend to other book clubs.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Romantic, Interesting

Our bookclub for the most enjoyed the book and gave it 8 out 10 stars. Some did not rate as high. We all enjoyed the book overall but we felt the author could of done a better job in editing her book. Some areas to much information and leaving other areas under developed. Easy read and not much historical fiction to the book beside describing the house which our bookclub felt the author described in much detail. At times slow and very predictable.

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