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Name : | Annie S. |
My Reviews
We had 2 members rate the book with 5 stars, 4 members gave it 4 stars, and the other 2 members rated it with 3 stars. Interesting format using the letter writing. Personalities of characters came through easily with this format. Most members liked it even thought it took a while to get used to. Letter writing was much more common than now a days since phoning was difficult and computers nonexistent.
Members really liked this book. Would recommend it to other clubs. Rated the book 4.68
Members rated this book 4.15 stars, with several low ratings and several 5 stars. Some of the younger members with small children found it very disturbing and gloomy. This book is mostly about forgiveness and being able to move on with your life. Also being able to overcome great tragedies in your life without going crazy yourself. I think this is called "hope".+
Enjoyed by most of our members.
Member enjoyed the mixing of different cultures in the novel and how characters blended into the different societies. One of our members was able to give us a time warp, as her father was helping build engineering structures in Afghanistan in the late 1940's. She even had pictures of him and the locals.
Our book club rated this book 2.6 out of 5. Members said it was too long. Drug scenes were redundant. The book could have been 400 pages instead of 780. Some parts were interesting but the members didn't think it was a great novel.
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