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Name : Carrie M.

My Reviews

Snow Falling on Cedars by David Guterson
Interesting, Gloomy, Dramatic
Stimulated a lot of discussion

The author David Guterson portrays the emotions of the residents of the community.

The Kite Runner by Khaled Hosseini
Insightful, Dramatic, Brilliant
An excellent book for discussion

The readers of the Kite Runner recieve an excellent picture of the country and its people including the social structure and culture.

Each major character in the book is portrayed realistically and the reader can alost hear them speak.

The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks
Romantic, Beautiful, Fantastic
A tender story of enduring love

Excellent for book discussion groups. Readers of The Notebook can easily relate their lives to events in the book.

A group of women and one man meet for six months to discuss the Jane Austen novels--but the book centers around the lives of the members of the groups--their lives and how the group dynamics effect th

Many of the members felt it was a either a boring or difficult read. Perhaps, with more knowledge of Jane Austen novels the book would have been appreciated.

Peace Like a River by Leif Enger
Insightful, Interesting, Dramatic
In Peace Like a River Reuben Land, an eleven-year old asthmatic, narrates the story of his family after his brother Davy kills two bullies who had targeted the family. The family searches for Davy af

An excellent book for discussion because it is both a coming of age story for Reuben and a family saga including the role of religion in family lives.

Interesting, Fun
Lucie Montgormery returns home for her father's funeral to discover the deplorable condition the family winery is in and she must make decisions that go against some of the family wishes.

Excellent book for discussion. Both the characters and the plot provide for lively discussion.

Informative, Dramatic, Interesting
Snow Flowr and and Lilly are paired with a laotong or "old same" that will provide them with a lifetime of emotional support through footbinding, marriage, childbirth and death.

Our book group felt it was one the best books they read. The topics include in the novel provided for great discussion of the women role is society at the time of the book took place in China and today in other cultures.

The Known World by Edward P. Jones
Informative, Difficult, Confusing
Through flashbacks the reader learns about life as a slave on black owned plantation. Henry Townsend was bouth out of slavery and under the tutelage of William Robbins learned how run his plantation

The reader learns so much about life on a Black owned plantation and about slavery in general. the vast set of characters were difficult to follow, which is the major drawback to stimilating read.

Interesting, Insightful, Informative
The novel depicts the lives of Delaney and Kyra, Mossbacher, two well-to-do yuppies, and Candido and America, two illegal immigrants fighting to work and make a life for themselves in a makeshift camp

An excellent book for discussion because every learned soemthing from the book, and even those who did not like the book could identify with the characters.

Pope Joan: A Novel by Donna Cross
Dramatic, Informative, Interesting
Joan, born in 814 disguises herself becomes a priest and eventually the Pope--a work of fiction but the facts seems to make it true.

An excellent book--everyone in the group like the book.

Love Walked In by Marisa De Los Santos
Boring, Dramatic, Romantic
Discover the lives of Cornellia and Clare--how their lives crossed and became intertwined when Cornellia met Martin

Soem members flet it porvided a true perspective how two lives can become interdependent with the needed details. Others felt the book could have been much shorter.

Interesting, Fun, Brilliant
The retelling the tale of Cinderella through the eyes of her "ugly stepsisters."

The most of the members of the book group liked The Confessions on an Ugly Stepsister and the focus of our discussion was attributes of the characters in the book.

The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeannette Walls
Interesting, Inspiring, Dramatic
A memoir written by Jeannette Walls.telling about her unique childhood, sharing her memories of her father and mother. She tells how they refused to conform to society's ideas of responsibility, leav

An excellent book that is hard to put down! The memoir flows and captures your interest from the start to the finish. The book discussion was lively!

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
Informative, Dramatic, Insightful
A Thousand Splendid Suns recounts the experiences and emotions of two Afghani women, Mariam and Laila, whose lives become entangled with the history of recent wars in their country. Mostly bleak and h

Excellent book for discussion-- Afghan history and culture plus the the bonding of the two main women Marian and Laila.

Dramatic, Interesting, Dark
The year is 1918. America is fighting a war on foreign soil that has divided the nation. Meanwhile, rumors of the spread of the deadliest epidemic ever are causing panic on the home front. The uninfec

An excellent book for discussion, there are many morale questions that the characters must face. Our book group found the characters believable and the book though not hapy book one that should be read by many readers.

Maisie Dobbs by Jacqueline Winspear
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
After the death of her mother Maisie Dobbs becomes housemaid with a caring and forward looking family. Through her own natural intelligenceand the patronage of her benevolent employersshe works her wa

A historical mystery with excellent character and plot development which allowed for a great discussion. Many of the members plan to read other books in the series.

Beautiful, Insightful, Inspiring
20-year-old Chinese painter named Stephen who is sent to his family's summer home in a Japanese coastal village to recover from a bout with tuberculosis. Here he is cared for by Matsu, a reticent hou

One of the most insightful book discussions our book group has had. All who attended found the book an easy to read but with many point to ponder. Highly recommended for other book groups.

Slow, Insightful, Pointless
Maggie Moran's mission is to connect and unite people, whether they want to be united or not. Maggie is a meddler and as she and her husband, Ira, drive 90 miles to the funeral of an old friend, Ira c

The members of the book group had mixed reviews of the book but all agreed the characters provided for great discussion and reminded them of people in their lives.

The Shop On Blossom Street by Debbie Macomber
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Interesting, Fun
The Shop on Blossom Street

A good summer read, light but with plenty of charecter development. The interation of the characters was the focus of our discussion.

31 Bond Street by Ellen Horan
Book Club Recommended
31 Bond Steet

A fast paced historical fiction novel based on the actual murder that took place at 31 Bond Street in 1857. Detailed well-researched novel that draws you in and leaves you with the question--who committed the

Secret Daughter: A Novel by Shilpi Somaya Gowda
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Interesting
The Secret Daughter

An excellent read that grabs from the first page. All of members could not put the book down and felt empathy with the characters. Highly recommended.

Pomegranate Soup: A Novel by Marsha Mehran
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Life Changing
Pomegranate Soup

The book group like the book except itwas agreed tighter editing would have been helpful.

The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Interesting, Informative
The Chaperone

The book group felt that was the best book we have read because of the dynamics between louis brooks and Cora(the chaperone). Plus the many topics covered including the orphan trains, homosexuality. etc. a well-written book and one that could not be put down.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Graphic, Insightful
The Midwife of Hope River

An riveting read that non of the book club members could put down, One can perspective of the life of the midwife in the 1930\\\'s in rural West Virginia plus the joys and hardships the rest of the community lived through.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
The Wives of Los Alamos

An excellent fictional account of life the scientific community of Los Alamos during World War II told from the first person plural point of view. The novel drew you into0 the lives of the wive of the scientists who worked there.
An additional, element to our won discussion was an author chat.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Inspiring, Interesting
The Book Woman of Troublesome Creek

An inspiring story of a women who had ambition and courage during a time when women had not been expected to provide services such as book delivery on their own. An insightful and fast-paced novel

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