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Name : Toni G.

My Reviews

Room: A Novel by Emma Donoghue
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful

I love the fact that it was written in 5 year old speak and told from Jack's perspective. This helped you feel what he must have felt growing up the way he did and finding out about the world.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Interesting, Informative
Love this book!

This is a great blend of some correct history and a novel. Best book I've read in a long time. You have to read this - great discussion book.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer, Annie Barrows
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Fun
Great book!

Inspirational....this book will tell you what things were like during the War, things we can't even imagine having to deal with today. Never heard of this place, but it is real and has great historical detail. Good for your book club.

Life of Pi by Yann Martel
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Interesting, Brilliant
Decent discussion book

This proved a decent discussion book. I just didn't like the goryness of the animals in the story and skimmed much of this. How this dealt with religion on the whole, still not quite sure even though it says that the review.

Romantic, Adventurous, Fun
Highly Anticipated,Highly Disappointed

I was highly anticipating loving this book. It was interesting from the historical perspective. The best part was the Bishops' house which didn't come into it until the last 250 pages or so. I was very bored with some of the detail and the lack of movement of the story. Explanations are wonderful, just don't make me read the same stuff over and over. I also didn't like the cliffhanger - sorry, not going to buy the second one.

Boring, Inspiring, Slow
Disappointment abounds

I never wanted to read this book as it never looked interesting to me. However, when someone selected it for our next book club pick, like any good member, I read it. I was so disappointed and bored. Getting through this book was like hearing nails on a chalkboard. I couldn't wait to get it over with. Don't waste your time.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting
Great history and romance too

This book was really fun and exciting. Who doesn't want' to run away and join the circus! You will find excitement in the circus after you read this one!

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Optimistic, Beautiful
What a life changing book for many people.

This should be read by everyone. If you ever had a doubt about Heaven, you won't after you read this. Loved it.

Romantic, Adventurous, Fun
Interesting, but somewhat slow and boring

Interesting history and somewhat romantic. Overall the most intersting character isn't even a character per se. Disappointing and not planning on reading the next installment.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Poorly Written, Informative
Interesting material, some parts a bit slow

Overall I thought it was an intersting book. Never learned so much about Art. Some parts were a bit slow, but overall not a bad read, very different than I expected.

The Weird Sisters by Eleanor Brown
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Fun, Insightful
Interesting look at a family

This was a fun book. Interesting how they all three are talking/narrating and jumping back and forth. Love the Dad, some Dad's don't talk and other's talk in Iambic Pentameter. Families never seem to change that much over time and this is just a good story.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Inspiring, Optimistic
Fun beach read

This book is just cute. Yes, the initial premise is a bit dark in a sense, but I could see how this could be realistic. It had a little bit of Janet Evanovich fun and an easy read. I liked the ending-a bit of twist - not how you thought it would turn out.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Interesting, Optimistic
Good company to "Heaven is for Real"

I liked this book told from a minister's perspective. I thought it was very believable and there was a purpose. The only drawback was the reitteration of similar things over and over. I know this was his experience, but I wanted a little more from him, however, I'm sure many of these issues he had to deal with over and over, so I can see why he stated them. Inspiration to anyone who had doubts.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Adventurous, Romantic
Fun for Stephanie yet again!

Love Janet and again she doesn't disappoint. If you need a good non-taxing read with fun, sex and it is. Stephanie is at her best in this one and of course who can't forget Ranger and Morelli - both as hot as ever!

Live Wire by Harlan Coben
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting
Harlan doesn't disappoint with Myron as his character!

Loved it. Always fun and exciting and Myron and Winn always a great pair. Great book, not sure about depth of discussion on this one, but a good read.

Motherless Brooklyn by Jonathan Lethem
Fun, Interesting, Confusing
Ugh, slow and unmoving-nothing exciting here

Mafia and thugs - okay, usually interesting and then a little mystery, but I couldn't get into liking any of these characters, prodigies of their environment or not. The Tourette's was an intersting twist, but sometimes very hard to follow the sentence or what Lionel was trying to say. This was not a easy read for me nor did I enjoy it. I say skip it.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
Interesting science

This was very interesting information and gives the average person a perspective and what is informed consent and why it is so important in today's world. Research and medical discoveries would never happen without people working with researchers to help cure illnesses.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dramatic, Dark
Great mystery/thriller

This is surely one of the best mystery/thriller books I've read this year. If you know nothing about what it's like to have amnesia (most of us don't) then you will when you read this book - I felt like I was right there with Christine throughout her journey. Great twist, didn't see it coming. A few parts that were left to you to just accept, but overall excellent read.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Fun
Great for Young Adult/Teens but adults will like it too.

Love Harlen Coben and this is a great book to start his foray into YA. Fun, good mystery.

Delirium by Lauren Oliver
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Romantic
Interesting concept

Very interesting to use this premise as a possible "future event". Could be life changing if you don't think those in power could conceive of such an idea. Very interesting. Good cross-over book for YA and Adults. Great for Parent-Kid book club discussion.

When She Woke by Hillary Jordan
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Interesting
Wow-Scarlet Letter with a Twist

Really liked this one - even if you hated "The Scarlet Letter" you will enjoy this one. Interesting story, but scary of what "could happen".

Life as We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Gloomy, Dark
Life can change in a minute

This book was highly depressing, but unfortunately could happen. I feel that this is a great book for young adults to see how their life would change and that video games and new cell phones really mean nothing. Survival is the most important thing and that's something most kids born after 1980 haven't had to think about, at least not until 2001 and then things were still far away.

Not My Daughter by Barbara Delinsky
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Interesting, Dramatic
No Mother every plans on this.....

I was excited to read this book because I have a teenage daughter and so do many of my friends. I think this is something Mom's don't think could ever happen in this way to their daughters. I was saddened by the people's reaction and how they are all ready to blame the Mother for everything. This is a great discussion book from many viewpoints.

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