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Name : Renee P.

My Reviews

One Second After by William R. Forstchen
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Dramatic
One Second After by William Forstchen

The fact that an EMP attack could actually happen in our country is what makes this book scary. It creates many questions. If the threat is real, what is the government doing about this? Why has it not been in the news? Should I prepare for this? How would I react? There is a lot of action in the story, which held my attention. It was a quick read.

Room: A Novel by Emma Donoghue
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful

I enjoyed reading this book, but the beginning was a little slow. Since it was written in the voice and vocabulary of a young child, some sentences I had to re-read to get the jist of what he was talking about or meant. It was very creative.

Delirium of the Brave by William Charles Harris
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Dramatic, Adventurous
Delerium of the Brave

This is the only book that I have ever read two times. I loved it both times. The story has history, friendships, and action that covers three generations of families in Savannah, Georgia. It was a fun book to read!

Sarah's Key by Tatiana de Rosnay
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Dramatic, Insightful
Sarah's Key

I enjoyed reading this book more than I expected. Knowing that some of the events actually happened, was a sad reminder of how cruel and prejudice the world is. I found it hard to sleep and get it out of my head at times.

Confusing, Slow, Interesting
The Tiger's Wife

This book is very hard to describe. It was not my favorite book to read and most of the group did not really care for it. However, we did have a very good discussion about the book regarding death.

And When She Was Good by Laura Lippman
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Graphic, Insightful
And When She was Good

Coming from an abusive childhood and difficult life, Heloise became successful financially, even though not by legal means. Being self-educated, she was smart in many ways, but did not always make the best decisions.

The Shoemaker's Wife by Adriana Trigiani
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Beautiful, Inspiring
The Shoemaker's Wife

This is a hard book to review, for me anyway. I thought the beginning was boring! Until finally, something exciting happened, and the priest was caught kissing the teenage girl! After that it was better. It was a good story. Even though I did not finish it before we met at book club, I did finish it a few days after our meeting.

Forgotten Country by Catherine Chung
Forgotten Country

It was depressing

Burial Rites by Hannah Kent
Dark, Beautiful, Insightful
Burial Rites

Not one of the people in our group liked the book. They thought it was depressing.

Takedown Twenty

Home Front: A Novel by Kristin Hannah
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Inspiring
Home Front

This book gave me a new perspective on military families and what they may go through while their loved ones are away and when they return. It was interesting to see how the characters dealt with these difficulties.

Dark, Slow, Interesting
The Goldfinch

This book was a bit depressing. It seemed the main event was teenagers getting high. Nine people in our book club and nobody liked it. We definitely would not read a sequel.

Forbidden Fruit by Annie Murphy, Peter De Rosa
Insightful, Graphic
Forbidden Fruit

This book was not what I expected. This lady wanted to tell her story about having an affair with a Priest. Most of the book was her describing their intimate details in bed every night. Not my kind of book. I think they were both off their rocker!

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful
The Chimney Sweeper\\\'s Boy

Half of our ladies liked the book and half of them did not. I thought it was an enjoyable read. I was anxious to get to the end to see why Gerald changed his identity, and it was not at all what I expected, and was surprising.

Mean Streak by Sandra Brown
Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Dramatic, Adventurous
Mean Streak

All members of our club liked the book. The ending was a surprise.

Dear Carolina by Kristy Woodson Harvey
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Fun
Dear Carolina

This was an easy read. I liked the characters. Gave me insight as to how difficult peoples lives can be and so different, even coming from the same family. Even though you start out at the bottom, you can end up on top, especially when you have people that care and love you.

Mercy by Jodi Picoult
Insightful, Interesting, Romantic
Mercy by Jodi Picoult

I would rate this book as just OK and most of the ladies felt the same way. It does not grab your interest enough and some of the characters are unrealistic.

The Nightingale: A Novel by Kristin Hannah
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Informative, Inspiring
The Nightingale

This world war two historical novel showed the bravery of women during a perilous time. It was very sad to read what people went through during this time and knowing someone in real life probably experienced this very same thing. Even though it was fiction, it has a believable reality to the story. The end did surprise me. I do think all the ladies in our group enjoyed reading this book.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Persuasive, Fantastic
Catch Me

All of our ladies liked this book. The best part is it kept us guessing till the end. Just when you think you have it figured out, then you find out that you did not.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Interesting, Informative
King Peggy

I thought this was very interesting to learn customs of other countries. I found it very frustrating that there were no consequences for the behavior of the elders of this village. I wanted them to be punished for their crimes. King Peggy showed much control in dealing with them.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
Before We Were Yours

I enjoyed this book very much. I love to read books based on true stories. The fact that this really happened to children is horrendous, but the book did have a good ending. I could not wait to get to the end to see if the sisters were reunited.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Beautiful
The Woman in the Window

This book kept my attention. Very good story. Surprise ending.

The Kitchen House: A Novel by Kathleen Grissom
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful

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