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Name : | Mary Anne K. |
My Reviews
I had enjoyed Angela's Ashes and Tis, so I thought I might also enjoy Teacher Man. Although it was somewhat slow at the beginning, it was interesting to follow Frank's journey to maturity as both a man and a teacher. I connected most with the classroom and student anecdotes. I relished Frank's sharp tongue when it was directed at the pompous and self-important people he came across (school superintendents, principals, R'lene's husband, etc. Frank also opened his students' eyes by sharing his immigrant experiences and they in turn came to understand each other better as students in the NYC "melting pot" schools.
The story was interesting but at times it moved along very slowly. It seemed to take forever to unfold past events. Our club did get some good discussion going.
I could not put this down after I started reading it. The characters all rang true. They all learned so much about themselves by the time the story ended.
Our book club had recently read "The 13th Tale" by Diane Setterfield, which included many references to "Jane Eyre". The discussion questions also referred to "Jane Eyre" and other gothic novels. We discovered that none of us had ever read "Jane Eyre", so I chose it for the June book. I was surprised how engrossed I became in a story written so long ago and which used a much different style of writing than we are used to. I came to enjoy the "flowery and formal" writing style and conversations that the characters had. Jane was ahead of her time in that she didn't give in to social and emotional pressures that were placed on her. She stood up for herself, an unusual characteristic for women of Victorian times. At times she had many inner struggles and I thought she might give in to St John Rivers' demands.I was glad she didn't let him bully her into his proposal. I enjoyed the mystery of Thornfield, although it was fairly tame compared to more modern mystery novels. All in all an enjoyable book.
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