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Name : | Kandee W. |
My Reviews
Really loved this book! I don't care if this is written for teens, I loved the entire trilogy and got a bunch of other adults to read it & love it too!
This book really touched my soul. I laughed, cried, was horrified, was embarrassed....every emotion I felt as I read this book. It really spoke to me and my book club liked it too.
I am sure I didn't appreciate this book when I read it in school years & years ago, but when my son was assigned the book this past year, I thought....why not read it as well. I was delighted by the entire book and was so glad I picked it up again so many years later so I could really understand it.
Sometimes there are books that everyone is reading and you think it must be a great read, but then you do and all you think is "eh"....that's what I thought about this book. I read it, found some things interesting but wasn't enthralled by it. Not sure why they are making a movie about it.
This was the first book my entire book club read & everyone showed up to talk about it! While it's not a literary classic, it was a great, quick read that really grabbed you and kept you wanting to turn pages to see what happened next. Through the entire book, I kept asking myself....what would I do in that situation.
This is one of those books that I kept seeing on book club lists and I would read what the book was about and say, No that isn't for me....but finally I caved after seeing it again & again. I am so glad I did. I was truly touched by this book, I laughed, I cried...I looked at my dog differently!
This book sat on my book shelf for over a year as I thought it would be too depressing. While the subject matter is hard to think about, this is a beautifully written book told from the perspective of a patient with early-onset Alzheimer's. I was blown away by this story & it haunted be for several weeks.
This was the first non-fiction book that my book club read and we all loved it. I'm not a person that gravitates to non-fiction but this was truly a beautiful & inspiring story.
This book took me a long while to get into but the last 200 pages I couldn't put it down. Unsure yet if I want to tackle the other two in this trilogy.
While I can't say I liked this book at all, this still remains the book our book club talked the most about because of the interpretable although I wouldn't read it again, I did enjoy talking about it. Sometimes books that aren't liked can make for some interesting discussions.
I kept expecting this book to be better
While there are no answers in this book just more questions, it will make a good discussion at your book club.
I had much more fun with the Twilight books.
I love time traveling books...I started off really liking this book but at the end of the book, I didn't like it anymore...and I have no idea why.
By happenstance, this became the first book we read as a book club and we all just adored it! There are so many quirky characters that become an unlikely family. There is so much to discuss in this book!
A good read when you are snowed in, but I wouldn't use it for my book club.
I think the author took a short story and added pages to it to make it a short novel. While it seemed like a cool concept, the main character thinks that he is being written just didn't work as a book.
This is an amazing story & the author found an extremely effective way to tell the story using the voice of the 5 year old. Our entire book club fell in love with this book. It's extremely discussable and even though it's a hard subject matter it's an incredibly lovely book.
Didn't like this book at all...and no one in our book club did. Too confusing, timeline was crazy...seemed like a short story that was made longer so they could sell as a novel.
Jodi Picoult books are generally good books to have a book club discussion as she generally presents various sides of the topic. I learned a lot reading this book about Aspbergers. In her books, I always feel sorry for the "normal" child as they always seem to get forgotten.
So I really liked Think Twice by Lisa Scottoline and was hoping this was as good. It's good but read Think Twice instead! That's a much better book for a book club discussion. This seemed more like a beach read...nothing wrong with that but not great for a good book club discussion.
Nice to read a supernatural book that isn't geared to young adults. I like that it combined history, books, witches & vampires together. I wish though that I knew it was the first in a series though. I kept wondering how they were going to wrap everything up as I got towards the end to only discover they weren't and that there must be another book coming.
While it was good, I don't think it's a book for book clubs.
This may be the most charming book I've ever read. It sat on my book shelf for over a year...what a waste. I loved these characters and wanted them to be my friends, I wanted to join their community. I was hesitant about the way this book was written using only letters, but I soooo fell in love with it. It made me sad that the art of letter writing has died. Definitely read this book....don't roll your eyes because of the title. It is so worth your time.
I liked the question raised...if you finally met your soul mate but found out he'd been married eight times, what would you do? I liked the story of Beth & her grandparents better than Beth & Rory. This book was okay but not great.
I thought this book was a book that they should use in high school to have insightful conversations. I am going to recommend this to my book club so we can discuss it. I thought it was really interesting and the author chose a unique way to right this. Hannah's character was intriguing as sometimes I didn't like her at all...and then I felt guilty about that. I kept going back & forth on how I felt about this character. That's why I think it's highly discussable. Hard material to get through but I love the way the author chose to tell the story.
This book was just delicious in it's writing. I savored every sentence and reread a few over & over. While the subject matter is certainly difficult, I wanted to spend a day with Hazel Grace & Gus and talk more about the ghettoization of scrambled eggs (my favorite part of the book).
This book was delicious in so many ways, the writing style was superb and the twists and turns were truly astonishing.
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