Member Profile

Name : Sonia B.

My Reviews

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative
More a travelogue than a novel

Unlike our usual reading material, this book is not a novel; there was no “story” as such - we felt it to be more of a travelogue -which made it difficult to review from our book club’s point of view.
Varanasi is a colourful city on the banks of the Ganges river. The author had stayed there briefly previously and fallen in love with it but then had the opportunity to live there for a year.
The book was well written and easy to read in the main. However, there was heavy use of Indian words and terms throughout which some liked as there was a glossary to explain them but others found they interrupted the flow of the writing and would have preferred the English translation to be used in the text.
The stories and personalities he encountered were fascinating; however, the book was generally considered to be interesting rather than engaging due to his lack of personal involvement or interaction with his subjects. It was also notable that, although the book covered an entire year, there were no obvious markers to indicate the passage of time. We found it difficult to locate the area within India and felt that a map of the area and its surrounds would have been helpful.

Overall we felt that it was a competent travel book but lacked sufficient personal information about the author’s time there although one of the group felt it was one of the best books our book club had read!
We gave the book a mark of 5 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Interesting, Dramatic
Burry Port Bookworms review

The group as a whole enjoyed the book. It was easy to get into, well written and an interesting and different storyline although some found the middle section a little slow. Some of us disliked all the characters although the plot was interesting, but others had a liking for Lily. Some admitted to having had interesting conversations with total strangers on long haul flights (though none about murder!) and could quite see that someone in a drunken ramble might admit to wanting to kill his wife, without really believing that anything was going to be done about it. The storyline did degenerate though, as all the main characters turned out to be quite laid back about murder, indeed serial murder. Some did feel that there was a strong undercurrent of misogyny in the book. The female characters are either evil temptresses (Lily and Miranda), sluts (Polly) or doolally (Lily’s mum) whereas the men are decent people who are basically victims who can’t themselves. One very small point – we were intrigued that the Inspector’s cat was called Pyewacket, named after a witch’s familiar spirit and would have thought that would have fitted Lily better! On the whole it was an interesting page turner although the detrimental effect on the Inspector’s career was lamented as it was felt that he was basically a good guy! Perhaps it would have been interesting to see what would have happened if one of the many murderers had gone against the tide and not carried out the deed? Altogether a very enjoyable, easy read and we gave it an overall mark of 7/10

The Prison Book Club by Ann Walmsley
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Optimistic, Informative
The Prison Book Club

The Prison Book club - Ann Walmsley

It was agreed that this book was fairly easy to read and enjoyable. In parts it did cover the same ground over again and this became rather tedious.
Several members commented on the relationship between Ann and Carol -It seems that Ann rather hero worshipped Carol. We would have been interested in their families and home life but we heard little of this.
Another lady commented that Ann and Carol worked long and hard for these book clubs, however, it was thought that there were more worthy charities to which time could be given. Many others agreed with this. Ann’s work was mainly an attempt to get over the trauma of getting mugged, and this seemed to work. It was agreed that many of the prisoners had been abused themselves and the book club could possibly help them to stop their offending. We were surprised at the lack of security Ann found when walking through the prison.
It was thought that if it had been a novel we would have found it rather unbelievable, as the prisoners were so articulate. We did not have a favourite prisoner as they all seemed so similar. We were aware that their names had been changed, but wondered if anything else had been changed about them. We also questioned the popularity of a book club in a halfway house.
Our members enjoyed the book reviews and found the book lists useful – some members have already purchased or re-read books from this list.
In all, most of us enjoyed the book and it scored 5.5 out of 10

From Mandi D:
I have just finished reading The Prison Book Club by Ann Walmsley and wanted to share my first impressions of it. I am pleased that it is a true story and that people like Carol exist. She sets a precendent when her team’s efforts establish a successful and popular reading group in a maximum security prison. Carol nutures her project and new groups in many other prisons build on the lessons learnt and skills implemented on the original project. I was impressed at the speed with which some of the Prison Group members read and yet absorbed the smallest details. The different and sometimes damning perspectives stem perhaps from the privileged backgrounds of Ann and Carol’s home-owning group of lady readers compared to the grim realities of the childhood of men. Amongst them were those who might remain locked behind bars until they died. It was an absorbing read that was designed to share a love of the written or typed word with all walks of life.

From Carolyn W:

I enjoyed this book. I
was intrigued by the idea of a book club in a prison. It felt like something
I wasn't particularly drawn to any of the prisoners. I would have
liked to have found out more about them as for me it was the descriptions and
reviews which dominated the book. I liked this part of it a great deal. It made
me want to read some of them and it was good to have the book list at the
I was impressed by the prisoners reviews. I thought it showed how
thoroughly they had read the books and how committed they were to the book club.
It was interesting that the book club seemed to help the author as much or maybe
more than the prisoners themselves.
It fulfilled my expectations in that it was
an interesting read and it gave an insight into how the prisoners thought. I'd
recommend it to anyone who likes to read about real people living in different
situations from most of us.

Sonia B:
I enjoyed the book for the most part but it would have been more interesting for me if the characters had been fleshed out a bit more - I was having some trouble distinguishing them from each other. (I think that probably reflected Ann's actual lack of interest in them as people rather than aids to her "recovery" and the raw material for a book). I was surprised at the type of book they read but that may be me being a literary snob! They must have selected their participants quite carefully for them to be able to read and critically review most of the titles that they read and they did seem to be more insightful than I would have thought most prisoners would be - presumably if they had had more insight they wouldn't have ended up in prison!. I would also have found it more interesting if I had actually read more of the books myself. I think I expected more of a difference between the prison book club and other book clubs which would have been interesting. I have to say that I found both Carol and Ann's attitudes (particularly Ann's) to be patronising and condescending and they seemed to have the feeling that they personally were lifting the prisoners out of their lowly lives and improving their lot by running the clubs. Not sure about their motives - Ann wanted to write a book and Carol was intent on building a book club empire - but perhaps that doesn't matter. Strangely, although the books reviewed were different in each chapter I began to find it repetitive too. Not as good as I had hoped but I have definitely read worse! I would have given it a 5 out of 10.

Rooms: A Novel by Lauren Oliver
Book Club Recommended
Unconvincing, Confusing, Interesting

Our group agreed that this book was easy to read, although not very memorable. The characters were quite complex but not likeable. There were many things unexplained. The ghosts were not at all frightening and were written in a very ‘matter of fact way.’
The book was not plot driven but relied on the characters, which were well described. There were light-hearted parts to the book.
During the book Trenton changed and matured, Mina changed a little, but the other characters stayed very much the same.
The ‘plot’ was unpredictable, with time going back and forward quite easily. The author tried to make the house a character in the story, but did not really pull this off.
All the characters, including the ghosts were looking for closure of some type and the ending (i.e. the fire) was predictable.
Trenton knew about the ghosts from quite early on in the book this could be because he was going through puberty, or possible because he was slightly brain damaged as a result of the accident he had earlier in his life. This would have made him receptive of the supernatural.
We understand that the author had previously written for teenagers and this came through in this book. If we could ask the author a question, we would like to know if this book was based on her own experience in any way.
A likeable, easy to read book, our group gave it an average mark of slightly above 6.

Alice and the Fly by James Rice
Book Club Recommended
Unconvincing, Gloomy, Difficult
Alice and The Fly

Our book club had quite a wide diversity of views on this book with some really enjoying it and others finding it unmemorable. The explicit and violent parts were unexpected on the whole and felt to be unnecessary.
The inconsistent style of writing made it confusing and although the story was intense the main characters Greg and Alice were stereotypical and unbelievable. Their families are dysfunctional and every one of them has their own demons to fight.
Greg’s father is a plastic surgeon who escapes from everyday reality into the arms of his secretary. By studying x-rays of breast tissue at the kitchen table he can drown out the voice of his wife fully outlining her next majorly expensive decorating project, or pretend not to notice the meal has been exactly same and inedible for a week while she perfects her next dinner party menu.
Alice’s father is a butcher and Greg works in his shop. It is left to the imagination what awful things Alice has to endure at home, but it seemed clear that the relationship between her and her father was abusive. When Greg starts to spy on her at home it does not take him long to form his own damning conclusions.
Greg’s mental health instability seems to resemble epilepsy more than the diagnosed schizophrenia. We found it surprising that he was allowed so much freedom in spite of it. He is basically labelled a ‘Psycho’ by his schoolmates and his family who either ignore him or plead with him to be ‘normal’. He is allowed to travel to school and is left to get on with school life since he is academically sound, except a well-meaning teacher tries unsuccessfully to provide some help. This takes the form of after school talking sessions – “psychotherapy” for which she is not qualified.
There is a police transcript that explains a major incident through the responses of the different characters in the story. Without this most of the group’s readers said they would have struggled to finish the book. We wondered if its target audience who we thought might be young adults might have enjoyed it more than most of us did.
Average score 5/10

A Parcel for Anna Browne by Miranda Dickinson
Unconvincing, Romantic, Slow
A Parcel for Anna Browne

A benefactor with seemingly psychic empathy starts sending Anna Browne, a conscientious and introverted receptionist, luxurious gifts. Predictably, receiving anonymous parcels has mixed blessings and despite initially feeling good about being in the limelight, there are skeletons that Anna would rather leave in the closet.

Early on, and still with about 350 pages to go, some of our reading group had guessed the identity of the mystery philanthropist. We discussed the height of the reception desks in London tower blocks and whether the staff behind them were really visible enough that you could spot a new brooch at twenty paces. Anna’s friendly colleagues seem uncharacteristically enthralled by and attracted to each new addition to her appearance. It was disappointing at the end when the mystery gift giver is revealed but there is no explanation as to why she chose the gifts that so resonated with aspects of Anna’s past life – we felt that perhaps Anna read some special meaning into what were in fact very random presents

This was an easy-to-read, unmemorable adult fairy story. A good holiday read perhaps but on the whole not for our group

Average score 4/10

Boring, Slow, Unconvincing
Among the Ten Thousand Things

About 50% of our members managed to finish this book, although it was quite a struggle for most of them. In particular the extreme bad language at the beginning of the book most of us found offputting and unnecessary. It added nothing and seemed out of step with the rest of the book.
It was thought that this book was difficult to retain; the problem was mostly the changing of times, although some of our members do like this style of writing it was felt that it did not go smoothly in this case.
It was felt that the characters were not particularly likeable, leaving our members not really caring as to the outcome of the story. They had not been very well developed and were not easy to visualise.
The grandmother was a stereotypical Jewish mother and the mother seemed to be determined to stay married, whatever her husband did. As a couple they did not connect and the whole family were isolated from one another. Did the husband regret the affair? no we felt that he did not, he only regretted getting caught.
It was commented that the happenings in their lives were not really interesting and it seemed that the mother did not look after her children after the arrival of the emails. We felt that she would have been more caring towards them.
We did read reviews indicating that the novel was about loneliness, we did not agree with this; we felt it was more about isolation.
Although this book mirrored real life more than some books, we felt that the characters were not compelling. The time movement did not add to the story and we felt, was not particularly well done. The ending, which was in the middle of the book, fizzled out, we felt.
We also thought that health and Safety would have something to say about the art installation!
Our score out of 10 was 3½

Cold Cold Heart by Tami Hoag
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dramatic, Optimistic
Cold Cold Heart

Most of our book club members finished and enjoyed this book and we felt it was well written. The plot was strong and we were impressed with the personalities of the main characters. The book was easy to read from the start and was quite a page turner. Although it was not a quick read, we mostly felt that we needed to see what had happened.
No one liked Dana as a person, either before or after her experience. Her rudeness and disability was discussed and we did know of instances where some of this had happened.
There was one comment that the book was predictable and that Tim Carver was the obvious culprit. Others did not spot him as a suspect until later on, although there were questions about why he left West Point, and he was rather a ‘golden boy’
Mum was a believable character, who calmed down as the book continued. She was understandably over- protective of her daughter.
Roger again was not a likeable character and most of us felt that he may have been the father of Casey’s baby and her murderer.
John and his alcoholic father were red herrings, although John had a bad time as a child and he did not trust anyone. I think we all realised that the body in the barrel was John’s mum rather than Casey.
We felt on the whole that the ending was realistic and liked the fact that the author resisted any temptation to tie up all loose ends Out of 10 we scored the book 7.5

The Girls by Emma Cline
Graphic, Dark, Insightful
The Girls - not our cup of tea

Many of our group found the writing too flowery for their taste and there was general consensus that the writing style was not popular.

As we were all aware of the Manson story, we found ourselves waiting for something in a similar vein to happen and after waiting until almost the end of the book we found the events to be rather anti-climactic

This book focussed more on the personalities involved. Evie was not happy with her life, her best friend Connie had a new best friend and she felt excluded Evie wanted to be the centre of attention and did most things for the effect that they would have on others so it was not suprising that as a 14 year old she was flattered by the attention given to her by the older girls. This was to have a profound and mostly negative impact on her life.

We felt that the mother was odd as she was not in the least concerned about the whereabouts of her daughter and did not check on her. Evie’s father was too involved with his new life to be much help, he was more concerned with his new young wife.

Russell, who seemed to be the centre of the cult that Evie was introduced into, had the girls running around after him, but did not seem concerned with them as individuals.

When the events at the end of the book finally happened we were unsure of Suzanne’s motives in excluding Evie at the last moment. We could not make up our minds whether she was helping Evie by not allowing her to be there, or perhaps she was fed up with the younger girl and just wanted rid of her. Whatever the reason, as it turned out Evie was lucky not to be involved.

Altogether most of us found it an unsatisfactory book on many levels and most of our book club members would not want to read another book by this author. This was very disappointing as it was hyped up to quite a degree so expectations were high.

Out of 10 we gave the book a score of 4.5.

Dead Secret by Ava McCarthy
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Dramatic
Dead Secret by Eva McCarthy

Most of our group finished this book and found it a quick enjoyable read. A well written ‘who-dun-it’
We were engaged immediately with the story, but felt it went downhill a little in the middle, mainly because of the amazing recuperative abilities of Jodie {the main character}. This made it a little cartoonish – as in Tom and Jerry. Her physical abilities after her hospital stay were rather unbelievable. Jodie was a powerful woman, perhaps too powerful to get our sympathies and none of us felt an empathy with her. We felt that we would like to have had more information on the controlling behaviour included in the book and felt that many things were glossed over with none of the characters really being “fleshed out” sufficiently. Perhaps Ms McCarthy was trying to include too many strands into the book. The ending was a surprise to most although many had already guessed that the daughter was still alive.
Whilst verging on the fantastic in some places the general consensus was that it was a well written, easy to read, page turner and we did enjoy the book. We gave it a mark of 7 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Dramatic
The Improbability of Love

Most enjoyed this book thoroughly and liked the painting having it's own voice. Perhaps too many characters introduced who were not developed so could be a little confusing at times. On the whole a good read Score 7 out of 10

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Confusing, Interesting
Blue Light Yokohama

Blue Light Yokohama by Nicholas Obregon

The main comment about this book was the difficulty with the Japanese names. It was felt that a list of characters and possibly a map of the area would have been a welcome addition .
We did learn quite a lot about the Japanese way of life, particularly the pecking order in the police service but were surprised that the seemingly ultra-respectful language and behaviour masked an underlying cynicism and misogynism.
Most of us found the detective’s childhood interesting, but the fact that we did not link the child to the adult until it was clearly spelled out was confusing. The time frame went back and forth without warning and it was disjointed and made for difficult reading at times.
Most of our group were engaged immediately but less so as the book continued. Some found that the book lacked substance and therefore interest but others though that the plot was interesting for the most part.
The main character was complicated and quite difficult to understand and we felt that there were deliberate and unnecessary complications included in the story with characters and storylines that went nowhere.
The main theme, the cult of the black sun, was again confusing but the plot twists were unexpected and interesting for most.
We found the novel was atmospheric and we learned a little about life in Japan.
Our score out of ten was 6 out of 10

The African Equation by Yasmina Khadra
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Boring, Dramatic
The African Equation

The African Equation - Yasmina Khadra

Everyone agreed that this book was beautifully written and easy to read however the majority of readers did not find it particularly interesting.
Some of our members were gripped from the beginning and enjoyed the book to the end. They felt they had been transported immediately into the heart of the story and were kept enthralled up to the rather disappointing ending. Others were switched off at the moment of the kidnapping so opinion was very split on this one.
Many of the group did not like the main characters and therefore were not engaged in their stories
It was slightly disappointing for some that the obvious clichés of magical happenings and romantic interest had not been avoided and it was felt that they detracted from what was an extremely good story.
Out of 10 our average score was 6

The Beauty of the End by Debbie Howells
Boring, Unconvincing, Confusing
The Beauty of the End

Those of our group who started the book, read on to the end. They found the plot weak and forgettable. It took a while to get into the book and was disappointing even when it got going.
We felt that April seemed to be an unlikely goddess and that Noah must have been in his own little world and rather drippy not to have noticed what she was like.
The characters did not change during the book. We felt that we would have liked to know more of the murder of April’s stepfather and also we thought that Ella could have been developed more than she was, as she was the real victim in the story. Will was the baddy from the start, so no surprises there.
It was felt that the storyline went to and from the past rather too often, and with no warning.
We were puzzled by the relevance of the title, but thought it was possibly something to do with the letter from April at the end of the book.
We felt that the book was disappointing and would not recommend it to others, although we understand from one of our number that the author’s first book is better.
Out of ten, we scored this book as a 6

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Confusing, Interesting
The Crime Writer

Most of our number, who started this book, did finish it, as it was quite an easy read. Some thought it became a little tedious at times, but it picked up again. We wondered how Jill Dawson managed to imply that Ms Highsmith committed a murder – or did she. It was not clear if the events were real or written as a dream sequence.
We all thought it was clever to have written the book in the style of Patricia Highsmith and we understand that many of the small details in the book were correct, for example, her fascination with snails and the fact that she went to a function with a rotting head of lettuce and snails in her handbag. She was a complex character and this came through in the writing. It appeared that she had a troubled childhood and did not get on with her mother. On the one hand Patricia was reported to be mean, cruel, unloved and unloving but on the other more positive side she was considered plain spoken, dryly funny, difficult, but a brilliant writer.
Most of the characters were really quite unlikeable but we did like the character Ronnie, as he came across as sympathetic to her, perhaps the only person in the book who liked her, not just for what she could give them. We were confused however as to how he became such a close confidante so quickly as she appears to have only met after recently moving to the village
To sum up, we quite enjoyed the book and did feel inclined to find out more about Patricia Highsmith. Writing in the style of the main character, we thought was clever. Out of 10, we scored it a 6.

The Cutaway: A Thriller by Christina Kovac
Book Club Recommended
Confusing, Interesting, Informative
The Cutaway

We had a mixture of opinions on this book. Many enjoyed it very much, as they liked hearing about the politics of the newsroom whereas others found that less interesting
The in fighting in the newsroom made some of the characters look perfect, but underneath they were interesting but flawed. We felt that the murder was just a hook for the story of the newsroom politics, although some of us felt that we would have liked to hear more about it.
We found the start of the book rather confusing, but that was probably because we were thinking too much about the missing person.
Although the main characters did not change we began to see them develop and realise their true colours towards the end of the book
The title was interesting but the relevance of it was not clear to everyone although some found it clever and the cover was eye catching but perhaps not as relevant to the story.
We liked the ending and for some of us it was a pleasant change to avoid the usual predictable sentimentality .
We found the book well written and fairly interesting, particularly the introduction of "dark money" and some of us would have liked to heard more of the story of Evelyn Carney.
Out of 10, we scored this book 6

The Marble Collector by Cecelia Ahern
Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Insightful, Interesting

We found the characters in this book interesting and well drawn. It was easy to read, although perhaps a little slow to start. Most of us read the book to the end.
Fergus Bloggs has had a severe stroke and, going through his belongings, his daughter Sabrina finds boxes of marbles. This coincides with a rare day off from work for her and she sets about finding out more about her father and the marbles both of which were a mystery to her.
Fergus was a secretive man. He was ashamed of his family, even of his wife later in life so he invents a different life for himself, using the name of his idolised dead brother. He was a champion at marbles, but his family knew nothing of this side of his life. Sabrina’s character developed during the book as she was struggling to find out what had happened in her father’s life and what had happened to the two valuable marbles she had discovered were missing from his collection that she had found. It seems for a long time that these missing marbles had been sold – and indeed it seems that Fergus believed this to be the case as he had given them to his last love - Cat - to sell to make the money that he was desperately in need of but it transpires that Cat had not sold them and had given him the money herself. She knew how much the marbles meant to Fergus so kept them for him.
There were several passages that we felt were well written and that we enjoyed. We found the passage at the start of the book, where Fergus’ mother loses her longed for baby girl at birth, very sad and well written and we liked the fact that she got on with life after this tragedy. Fergus’ stroke and subsequent loss of memory was also sad but we found his brothers coming to the care home to see him in the end very pleasing and again well written.
Sabrina’s husband was interesting as he seemed t be making up for his extra marital affair by being kind and supportive during Sabrina’s search for her family history. Sabrina was able to let go of this and finally answer some questions about herself too. We felt that Sabrina would have been keen to search her family history, as she did have a rather boring job, although we did like the elderly man who kept trying to drown himself.
We found the story character driven and interesting, delving in to the subject of family secrets and lies. We learned about the games and making of marbles and felt that the loose ends were well tied up at the end if the book. Some of our readers were interested enough in the subject to Google’ Marbles as a game for adults,’ which we had not come across before, it being a game for children as far as we were concerned. One striking and perhaps slightly odd note was that although the cover makes much of the fact that the story takes place in one day we none of us felt that this came across at all in the reading.
Our score for this book was 6.5 out of 10

The Birdwatcher by William Shaw
Book Club Recommended
Dark, Interesting, Dramatic
The Birdwatcher by William Shaw

This book was well received by the majority of our readers. They felt the writing conveyed the bleakness and atmosphere of the area, Dungeness, very well and it was easy to read. The story of the investigation of a murder by a community policeman, William South, in conjunction with Cupidi a police woman new to the area was interesting and well written. South’s relationship with Cupidi’s daughter as they shared his passion for birdwatching was particularly well drawn. The murder investigation uncovered links to the murder of South’s father in Northern Ireland during the troubles. However we were unsure how Cupidi was led to connect the two murders and to determine how South was involved.
The overall feeling was that the first two thirds of the book were interesting and believable but that the final third felt rushed with too many bodies and conclusions reached with what appeared to be no real evidence. Having said that most said they would like to read more by this author and would recommend the book to others. We gave it an overall score of 6.5 out of 10.

The Girl in the Glass Tower by Elizabeth Fremantle
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Interesting, Informative
The Girl in the Glass Tower

This is a story of a little known woman, Arbella Stuart, who was born as an heir to the throne after Elizabeth I died childless and of Amelia, a poet, who met her at court and later fell on hard times. For the most part we enjoyed the book and most of us finished it although some found it slow and a little boring with nothing much happening until the latter part.
The book showed the intrigue of the court and the people in power. No-one was a true friend or to be trusted and as Amelia found out it was easy to be banished from the court and left with nothing. really trust. Amelia found out how easy it was to be ousted from court, and left with nothing.
There were many interesting facts around the court and the times including how the ladies in waiting were expected to fund themselves and the – to us – unknown fact that anorexia existed in those times and is not merely a modern complaint.
Some of us found it difficult to follow as people were referred to very often by their title rather than their name which made it too impersonal. We thought Arbella’s life was rather sad. She was only of importance because of her links to the throne and once it was obvious that she would not become Queen she was cast aside.
The escape and the consequent happenings were interesting but we felt we would have liked to know more about what happened to Will Seymour. Most of us would like to read other work by this author and would probably recommend the book to others.
We scored this book 6.5 out of 10

Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Dramatic, Interesting
The Girl Before

This was a mildly disturbing and rather creepy book which, however, was very easy to read. Most of our members finished and enjoyed the book but did not like the characters. Those who did not enjoy the book very much did finish reading it because they had to know what happened in the end.
All of the characters had their secrets and the book kept us guessing as to what they really were which certainly kept everyone’s interest. The plot, although quite slow, was engaging, concentrating on how the characters reacted to events.
The flat was interesting, but we felt would be difficult to live in. We could not imagine getting rid of everything that makes us an individual. Emma did cheat, because she was at heart untidy, but she would accept any rules to live in a nice flat, in a good area, in the middle of London.
In answer to the question ‘what would you ask the author’ we wanted to know what sort of house he lived in, is it minimalist and modern as in the book, or cluttered and cosy, or somewhere in between. Also we wondered if there is going to be a sequel with the new girl.
Altogether we felt the book was well written, engaging and interesting and all of us wanted to know how it ended. Although we were mostly in agreement there was still plenty to discuss about the characters and the events.
Out of ten we scored this book 6.5

Spoonbenders: A novel by Daryl Gregory
Interesting, Fun
The Spoonbenders

This book provoked a majority of negative responses with the exception of one member who loved it. For that person it was a slow starter but once the characters and story were established they found it really interesting and engaging.
More of us did not get past the first 50-100 pages however and it was generally agreed even by those who did finish the book that it was a confusing and disjointed read, moving backwards and forwards from character to character and backwards and forwards in time too.
On the whole we agreed that Buddy was probably the only likeable character but he could not make up for the deficiencies of the book as a whole.
A very disappointing read as the cover “blurb” made it sound interesting and different – it was certainly the latter but not necessarily in a good way!
We gave it a score of 4.5 out of 10.

The Lost Girl by Carol Drinkwater
Poorly Written, Romantic, Interesting
The Lost Girl

This book divided our book club; some really liked it and others not so much.
Those who enjoyed it found it an easy read, very interesting enjoying both the stories. They enjoyed the different time lines and found both love story lines equally interesting.
Those who didn't found the writing style poor and both the story lines depending on too many unlikely scenarios and coincidences to be believable.
Most of the group finished the story as they wanted to find out what happened but unfortunately mostwere disappointed with what they considered an unbelievable ending. Both groups however would have liked to have more information about deserters.

The average score was 6 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Brilliant, Dark
Behind Her Eyes

Behind Her Eyes was a difficult book to get into but, once there, the majority of our members really enjoyed.
We found the beginning parts quite slow and tedious and it was difficult to keep track of who was who and what time zone we were in. None of the characters were particularly likeable and David seemed an almost shadowy figure compared to the others. However we found the story as a whole unusual and interesting and we all thought the twist at the end was particularly clever and unexpected.
We all thought it was well written but it was suggested that perhaps it had been written “backwards” i.e. the author had started with an ending and then written the rest of it.
We thought it was cleverly marketed and the cover was particularly striking and would have tempted us to buy off the shelf.
All in all we enjoyed it and gave it an average mark of 6 out of 10.

Spaceman of Bohemia by Jaroslav Kalfar
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Fantastic, Interesting
The Spaceman of Bohemia by Jaroslav Kalfar

Most of our number finished the book and the vast majority thought it well written although the contents divided us with some thinking it was very good and others not enjoying it at all. Some felt that it took some getting into and that once in it was worthwhile whereas others found it an unrewarding slog. A few of us really enjoyed it from start to finish finding the subject matter interesting particularly the background of the astronaut and the nutella eating spider was enjoyed by all.
We found the contents amusing, if not laughing out loud funny. and the ending fitting . On the whole we are looking forward to further work from this author.
We gave it an average score of 7 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
Unconvincing, Confusing
The Other Mrs Walker

This book had varying reviews from our book club. Some really loved it and scored it 8 out of 10 while others did not and scored it only 2. The story was confusing most of us felt, with times and characters moving backwards and forwards very rapidly – not just between the past and the present but between multiple time zones in each of those. The storyline was interesting but the characters neither likeable nor particularly well developed and it did not appear that any of the particular story threads were properly explored or concluded. It would have been helpful if the ending was less trite and better explained – some of us were left not really knowing who was dead and who wasn’t! The reference at the end to “the Other Mrs Walker” was not relevant some felt as that was not actually the name of the person being referred to. Overall it could have been much clearer and more interesting if the characters had been more defined and some felt that the number of coincidences made it a little less believable.

The average score was 6 out of 10

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Optimistic, Interesting
The Seven Imperfect Rules of Elvira Carr

Everyone in our club read, finished and enjoyed this book which is a recommendation and a rarity! It was well written, easy to read, funny and sad in equal parts and with an interesting story running through it. We thought the rules were those which most people automatically know and try to adhere to but even “normal/typicals” struggle with the one that says you have to adapt them to suit the situation. Not being familiar with this type of situation we were unsure whether the way the story developed was entirely realistic but it was very enjoyable. The parenting of both mother and father left a lot to be desired and Elvira managed to grow up and eventually function at a reasonable level in general society in spite of their efforts rather than because of them. In the case of teaching her the nuances of male/female relationships her upbringing left a lot to be desired and caused Elvira considerable difficulty.

The characters were well drawn and developed and the story drew us in making us want to know what happened next. Altogether a very enjoyable read and we scored it a very healthy 7.5 out of 10.

Copycat by Alex Lake
Fantastic, Unconvincing, Boring
Copy Cat by Eve Lake

This book divided the group into two distinct groups – a small group that really loved it and “couldn’t put it down” and another larger group who regretted picking it up! The “likers” thought it was exciting, gripping, and kept them wondering to the end. The “others” thought it formulaic, predictable and quite silly in its expectation that the readers would be intrigued. The characters were two dimensional at best and the “surprises” signposted and with a klaxon announcing them!
Those who liked it thought it was a timely and prescient book in this facebook world; those who didn’t had expected it to be timely and prescient but were sadly disappointed.
The few who liked it would seek out other books by this author and would recommend it to their friends; those who didn’t would not do either.
Unfortunately all those who professed to enjoy the book were unable to be at the meeting and had submitted their reviews by email so there was no opportunity to explore in more depth the reasons for and against which may well have led to a more interesting discussion.
The average score was 5.5 out of 10

The Invitation by Lucy Foley
Book Club Recommended
Unconvincing, Romantic, Optimistic
The Invitation by Lucy Foley

This book divided our group with some really enjoying it and others not so much! However all were agreed that it makes a good “summer read” and should be enjoyed as that. Those who disliked it found the characters and plot thin and the storyline was unbelievable, particularly the ending. Those who liked it enjoyed the glamour, setting and romance of the book although again most thought the ending a little rushed and contrived. No-one thought it really memorable. A good summer read but nothing more. The average score was 7 out of 10

City of Friends by Joanna Trollope
Pointless, Unconvincing, Boring
City of Friends by Joanna Trollope

Only 1 out of our book club group really liked this book and only she and one other would be interested in reading more by this author. Most were very disappointed by the storyline, lack of character definition and lacklustre writing, and most had been expecting much more from this book and this author.

We felt generally speaking that it was a bit of a “nothing” story – middle class affluent women, all with what appear to be very similar careers, experience a setback but triumph over this minor adversity and end up much where they started. The only exception to this was Beth the academic lesbian but the ending to her story left us all perplexed and unsatisfied. Unfortunately we neither liked nor sympathised with any of them and we gave it an average score of 4 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
Graphic, Confusing, Interesting
The Fabulous O'Learys by Caron Freeborn

After some trepidation because of the very strong language and tricky subject matter this book was chosen for our book club to review and it proved to be an extremely good choice – although it divided opinion it also provided an enormous amount for discussion. One thing we were all agreed on was the strength of the writing both in style and substance.
Most of us found the different characters hard to identify at first and perhaps a family tree at the front of the book may have been helpful here. However, those who prefer character driven books found it extremely interesting whereas those preferring plot driven were left wanting. We all agreed that the characters were extremely well drawn (all with their own peculiarities and idiosyncracies) and also that we have our own strangeness – some more than others!
This was a marmite book but well worth trying and certainly well worth reading as a book club pick. We gave it a 6 out of 10.

Artemis: A Novel by Andy Weir
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Informative, Interesting
Artemis by Andy Weir

This book was of a genre not usually read by our members so it was with some caution that we chose it. However, most of us really enjoyed it once we had got past the “science” - I think most of us quite quickly realised that to enjoy the book properly it was necessary to “ignore” the “science” and concentrate on the story and this tactic generally0 paid off.

We all agreed it was well written and an interesting concept being set on another planet in another time . Although the central character Jazz was not particularly likeable, she (and that surprised most of us as we thought “she” was a “he” to start with) was interesting and the concept of the “slightly” crooked operator saving the planet from the “really crooked” operators was a unique one. We liked that although she did not make her fortune as anticipated in the beginning she kept going and was ever hopeful.
Most of us thought it would perhaps make a better film than a book where the “science” would be more easily understood.
Altogether an interesting and enjoyable read for most of us – we gave it an average score of 6 out of 10.

You Were Made for This by Michelle Sacks
Book Club Recommended
Dark, Interesting, Dramatic
You Were Made For This by Michelle Sacks

We all agreed that this was an easy read and most of us were interested and wanted to know how the story developed. Although none of the characters were considered likeable, it was intriguing to see their fairy tale lives unravel to show the darkness underneath for all of them. The ending was a surprise for most of us and we found the very last paragraph creepy and a little distasteful. Some of us loved the whole story but others not so much so overall we gave it 6 out of 10

Book Club Recommended
Unconvincing, Confusing
The Quality Street Girls by Penny Thorpe

Everyone agreed that this was a very suitable book to read over the Christmas period although not everyone enjoyed it as much as they had hoped. Those who did not like it thought the writing was not as good as it might have been and that there were just too many characters with too many different story lines to make a cohesive whole. None of the characters were particularly likeable and some thought that the portrayal of the role of women at that period of time was perhaps exaggerated. However, we all felt that the depiction of the living and social conditions prevailing at the time in which it was set was realistic and well described and we enjoyed the part at the end where the author displayed her knowledge of the real history of Quality Street confectionery itself. It was easy enough to read overall although it would not encourage us to read any other work by this author. We gave it a 6 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Dramatic, Interesting
The Beguiled by Thomas Cullinan

There was a big drawback to the enjoyment of this book for many of our members which was that the type used was just far too small. Quite a few who started reading the book and who would have liked to continue just had to give up because they could not deal with the small text – what a shame.
There was one other factor which some of us found difficult was the number of characters and all their back stories which could make the beginning feel disjointed and confusing. However, those of us who did struggle on were in the main rewarded with an enjoyable story with enough in it to make it well worth while. We felt it was very well written invoking the feel of the south and the horrors of the ongoing battle with the north. Despite being written by a man we felt that he captured very well what it was to be a teenage girl in those times, isolated from the mainstream and with no men around. Johnny was believable as the dashing young soldier, wounded and in need of loving care and attention, and his effect on this feminine household was well depicted and believable. He found each one’s weakness and exploited it to the full whilst maintaining that they were the only one he really loved. The amputation scene, we felt, reflected the times they lived in and how they just had to deal with whatever life threw at them.
The story unfolded well and the eventual inevitable ending felt right and just given all that had happened and might still happen. The final part threw a different light on things and they may have acted differently had they known before but hindsight is such a wonderful thing!
We gave it an average mark of 6 out of 10 from those who were able to read at least the majority of it.

All Among the Barley by Melissa Harrison
Slow, Unconvincing, Boring
All Among The Barley by Melissa Harrison

Our bookclub found this - with only one exception - to be a very disappointing book. The most often used adjective was “boring” unfortunately and overall there was very little of any interest in it for us. Even the farmers amongst us did not warm to either the characters or the storyline - the characters being one dimensional and the storyline uninspiring. The writing was good enough but sadly did not make up for the overall tediousness of the story. We gave it an average score of 3.5

Book Club Recommended
Brilliant, Interesting, Dramatic
You Let Me In by Lucy Clark

When this book was first given out as the book for review this month one or two were very doubtful if they would enjoy or even be able to read it based on the cover “blurb” and that it did not appear to be the sort of book they normally enjoyed. However, much to some readers’ surprise, this really turned out to be a page turner for most of the group – great build up of tension and well disguised protagonist and plot so very much enjoyed by most of us. One or two guessed the “baddie” but not the reason for their actions and all thought it well written with interesting, if not particularly likeable, characters. One of the group had already starting reading another book by this author and most of us would recommend it to others. Good choice for a book club and we gave it an average score of 7 out of 10.

Dark, Unconvincing, Interesting
I Know Who You Are by Alice Feeney

This book was difficult for our book club to review. We were encouraged by the praise heaped on her first novel and expected much of this one. Almost all of us thought it was well written and wanted to read to the end to find out what happened; however, that is where the problems began. We enjoyed the narration of the different timelines explaining how events had led up to the current crisis - Aimee’s husband Ben has disappeared along with the contents of her bank account. It appears that she herself emptied the account although she knows that not to be true. There begins a tail of mysterious and puzzling events which Aimee struggles to understand until the final denouement explains everything: except it doesn’t. The whole group found the ending very rushed, disappointing and completely unbelievable. None of the characters were likeable unfortunately and some of the incidents from “Aimee’s” childhood were distinctly unpleasant but these could have been forgiven had the story blossomed into something more credible. We would not recommend this book to others sadly and the score given was 5 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Difficult, Dramatic
A Well Behaved Woman by Therese Anne Fowler

Our book club thought this was a well written, interesting and enjoyable book. Although none of the characters were particularly likeable their stories were engrossing. The realities of the class system in America at that point in time – late 19th early 20th centuries – was a surprise to us as we had not expected that it was as important as it appears to have been. We were also surprised at how the women seemed to run the society with men appearing to just provide the money. Some of Alva’s actions in relation to her daughter seemed at odds with her later disregard for societal norms and her fervent belief and activism in the women’s suffrage movement but these sorts of contradictions in terms of what women are expected to do and what they really want to do still exist of course. Altogether an interesting and enjoyable read and we gave it a mark of 7 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting
I Looked Away

We found this a gripping story and well written. Even though no-one character was particularly likeable the story itself we found interesting. Although the group had guessed some of the revelations at the end we all thought it was a little too neatly and quickly tied up. Kept us all interested to the end so a success as far as our group was concerned. We gave it a 7 out of 10 on average.

How to Stop Time by Matt Haig
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Brilliant
How to Stop Time by Matt Haig

This book was loved by our book group. They found the writing easy and the story and characters interesting and enjoyable. Although the story constantly shifts back and forth in time they did not find this a problem as it sometimes can be . The different periods of history and the characters from them were well written and the consensus was that it was a fun, light hearted and entertaining novel.
Altogether one of our favourite group reads and it scored an average of 8 out of 10.

A Single Source by Peter Hanington
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Dramatic
A Single Source by Peter Hanington

This book split our group clearly into two camps; half of us really enjoyed it and the other half were not at all impressed. The 3 thread story for some was too confusing and disjointed but others found it very interesting, especially to see how all stories came together in the end: the reporters following the Arab Spring and the locals assisting them; the civil servants in London and the contentious arms sales; and the two Eritrean brothers being promised a golden future as refugees in the UK. A well written and easy to read book about events happening within our lifetime made for an interesting read for some but with not enough interest to engage the others. Overall we scored it a 7 out of 10.

This Little Dark Place by Hatch A. S.
Book Club Recommended
Dark, Dramatic, Interesting
This Little Dark Place

This Little Dark Place by A.S. Hatch
I quite enjoyed this book, and it’s the first book that I’ve finished in a long time. I liked the fact that it was quite a direct book and straight to the point. I don’t like the excessive use of flowery language and descriptions. I liked the description of the cabin and I could almost see it.  I’d even give this book an 8 I liked it that much

I enjoyed reading this little dark space as it was such a page turner
All characters I could relate to
My emotions keep switching from one character to another
I originally thought Lucy was going to end up being Dans inmate pen pal
Good ending in a way as it was quite dark but left you with hope for all their futures except of course poor Ruby
I’d give it 8

Quite enjoyed this book. The story line kept me interested and I liked the way the story was told through the letter although I did sometimes get a little confused about the time line. I did keep wondering where he was writing the letter from until nearly the end!
I didn't particularly like any of the characters but thought they were well described.
I felt that the Halloween preparation was a little over the top, I'm sure that he would have been found guilty with less evidence.
A good book that helped pass the time.
I  would give it  6.5

I was drawn in from the word go.

It had so many twists and turns and the characters were well described and it was a big surprise to me that Lucy was in fact his daughter.

I felt sorry for Daniel life wasn’t brilliant for him his stepfather is a monster his wife walks out on him and then....  Ruby lands in his life, I had Ruby down as the baddie right up until she ended up in the trunk.

Very well written and I think it would make a good film.

7 out of 10

I thought this book was ok for a quick read but it wasn't very thrilling. There were a lot of red herrings like the bikers and Dan's first wife who was quite obsessive and I thought she had killed Oscar the parrot for a while.Then when Ruby came out of prison Dan was very suspicious of her. He seemed a very odd character as did most of the others.
I quite liked how the story was told by Dan writing to his daughter but it didn't come together very well.

I give it 4

I would give the book 5/10. I was interested enough to finish but didn’t like any of the characters at all, and found the bit where Ruby tracked him down and then when he locked her  in a box totally unbelievable.  Although the author tried to create a twist with Ruby it wasn’t very good! Can’t believe the parrot had to be a victim either - too predictable!! 
So not great really!

This was a dark psychological thriller, but became rather muddled at times.  This could be because I read it on a Kindle edition and was unable to turn back and forward as I would have liked.  The story was predictable and it did not take much to guess at the ending.  I quite liked the way it was written in the form of letter to and from a prison. I found the book easy to read, but perhaps it glossed over some areas.  I would mark it as a 7.

I’ve just finished the book- read in 48 hours. It was a rocky start. I was getting confused by the women’s names and didn’t like the uncertainty of where Daniel was- in jail, in a mental institution, in a care home? Once I got past that and in to the build up of the characters though, it started to flow. I didn’t particularly like any of the characters and didn’t feel any sympathy for them. I found the fact that Ruby slipped in to the trunk to be unbelievable.  But how believable is Daniel as a narrator? Was his description of that part true? The curse of reading so many books is that there is rarely a “twist”. I had guessed that Lucy was Daniel’s daughter very early on, so Victoria’s bump at the court house was unsurprising. The biggest twist for me, I suppose, is that it wasn’t as crazy and frantic an ending as I expected. I expected a manic, knife wielding Ruby attacking a defenceless Daniel or Victoria. No such drama.

7 out of 10 from me. Considered 6, but I did read it quickly and I was kept engrossed and entertained, which has to be worth an extra point.

Margaret M
I enjoyed this book and found it surprisingly easy to deal with the different times 
It was good at holding my attention and I thought the unveiling of the motives and character of the main protagonists was well done

Can't remember anything about it but I know I really enjoyed it and would give it an 8.

I enjoyed this book - well written, good plot and surprising twists along the way. Really thought that Lucy was a prison pen pal as he, Daniel, had been earlier in the story. Although the baddie could only really have been one of two characters it was still interesting enough to keep my attention.  I thought all the characters were a bit flaky - particularly Daniel with his chopping and changing of who he considered to be his "true love" (which was a part of the book I found a little unlikely) it was all in all quite an interesting read, well written and went at a pace that was reasonable.  Interesting that his day job in politics played no part in his writing.  

I would give it - if I'm feeling generous - a 7 out of 10.

Dramatic, Romantic, Confusing
Her Last Promise

I tried so hard to like this! I enjoyed Kathryn Hughes’ last two books. This one, I read as far as when the Spanish lad proposed (I can’t even remember his name ????) and I put it down. Picked it up again a few days ago to try again and I just couldn’t get in to it. I feel it wouldn’t be fair to give it a rating as I did not read enough. But on I have it 1* because I could not finish it!

This is not the type of book I typically select but I was pleasantly surprised to find I enjoyed it a lot. It was very easy to read and with likeable (or dis-likeable as intended!) characters. I found it was a perfect book for an afternoon in the garden. I liked the jumps between time periods, I’m interested in the social history elements that were scattered through. Although the plot was to an extent predictable there were enough tiny twists to keep my interest. My mum would also have loved this one! 8/10

Not one of my favourite books, I managed to finish it but only because I wanted to see how it could all possibly come together. Didn't like the different time lines, found it confusing, and found the story very improbable.
I would give it a 4

Margaret M
I confess I read it as soon as I got it so it’s all a bit hazy by now
I enjoyed and and liked the different threads - do all books do this now rather than have a linear story?
I found the characters likeable and their strong relationships well drawn
Quite fancied the monk!
I’ll give it 8:10

The book is difficulty to read in short spells as time zones change and I think it’s taken ages to figure out the story line
I will finish it although not found it gripping as the cover says
So far I’d give it 5 but as I say I’ve not finished it

It was an easy read, which in the times we find ourselves is a plus for me.
I wasn't blown away by it but having said that I was wanting to know how the Italian and Tara's story came to be linked. I liked Alf and her Man very much, I wish it had gone a bit further into the future and gave an insight of how things worked out between her and her Mum. I'll give it a 7

Her Last Promise was an entertaining, easy read which kept my attention throughout. The dates helped to keep me focussed on the characters and events as they unfolded. Tara and Violet's enduring bond was central to the book's theme and underpinned all subsequent events and developments which took place.
An excellent holiday read.
I give it a mark of 7.

A nice quick easy read and no loose ends. I give it 5.

I finished this book this morning. I’m slightly worried as it’s another book that I’ve finished. Initially I struggled, and was ready to give up, slightly too jumpy for me, but it all came together at the end and sort of made sense. Two things completely confused me though. The first was that monk Isidore, is he the one that found Leo and Gabriella at their engagement? But then he found violet and turned into Leo at the end? The other is Matteo and Leo we’re always close so I didn’t understand why Leo would kill Matteo by running him over in the car, it kind of spoilt it.
Think I’ll give it an 8

I found this book very light and easy to read, quite a page turner.
I did read it on Kindle, which was not a great idea, as at first the stories did get a little mixed up and there were times when it would have been useful to be able to flick back a few pages to check where I was in the story. However, the mixing of the time frames I found interesting and did not get who things were until the end, or nearly.
I thought the characters were likeable and did not change too much during the story. Even the ‘baddie’, Larry got his comeuppance in the end and there were no loose ends to wonder about. At the end of the book, I did wonder if there was some fault attached to Diablo, the horse, but it seemed that he lived a good life and was buried with love. The story about killing the child was sad and it is understandable that his brother totally blamed himself. I did feel that the mother was over the top in her love for him and should have been glad that his elder brother also loved him. I liked the character of Alf, who took them in and they became a surrogate family.
This was a light book, which suits me at the moment, so I would award it an 8

Read it a while ago so couldn't remember much except that she loved it and would give it an 8

I am afraid this was not my kind of book at all. I found the timeline difficult to follow, the characters stereotypical and the plot formulaic so definitely not an enjoyable read. Left to my own devices I would not have finished it but felt I must to be fair and to be able to comment. It promised a lot but delivered very little so I can only give it a 3 out of 10.

Average score : 6 out of 10

Treasons Spring by Wilton Robert
Difficult, Confusing
Treason's Spring

Only 3 of us managed to finish this book which tells you that it was not for most of us. Those that did appreciated the research that went into it and were interested in the period but that did not make up for the disjointed story lines. Would make a better TV or film drama than a book. Average score 4.5 out of 10

The Family by Jensen Louise
Book Club Recommended
Unconvincing, Boring, Brilliant
Split Opinions

This book elicited a very diverse range of opinion from our book club; some really enjoyed it, others felt it was a mediocre read, and some did not enjoy it at all. The style of writing split opinion, as did the storyline, and opinions on the end “twist” were equally divided. No-one was familiar with the author’s previous work so could not make any comparison but very few were encouraged to seek them out. The average score was 6 out of 10.

This Is Happiness by Niall Williams
Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Romantic, Inspiring
This is Happiness

On the face of it a story about bringing electricity to a rural part of West Ireland would not sound very appealing but in fact this book was so well written, the characters and environment so well portrayed that it was a real pleasure to read for some in our group although about half of us felt the opposite and didn't engage with or finish reading it. Of those who did read it the average score was 8 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dramatic, Confusing
Heaven My Home

As usual the group were divided in their opinions but overall the feeling was that it was a page turner, well written, atmospheric and well plotted. Counter views were that the number of characters introduced made it confusing and difficult to follow for some. Our average score was 7 out of 10

Treasure and Dirt by Hammer Chris
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dark, Addictive

For the great majority of our reading group this was a much enjoyed book. It was beautifully written and the description of the locale brought it vividly to life. We could feel the draining heat and the dust whilst sitting in our chairs! Interesting and engaging plot and characters well drawn. We really wanted to know how it all turned out and was not disappointed. Very good. 8 out of 10.

I Give It to You: A Novel by Valerie Martin
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Informative, Interesting
I Give It To You

Our book club's reviews as follows

A well written novel with vivid descriptions of the Tuscan property and landscape. I particularly enjoyed the historical aspect and the mystery and intrigue surrounding the events associated with the Fascist era.The tensions within the family on several levels were well depicted but I did not find the main characters to be particularly interesting especially as the story unfolded.The ending was intriguing and left a sense of betrayal.
An enjoyable read all in all. I give it 8.

I found it difficult to get into this book. There were lots of bits that weren't interesting. The parts set in the 2nd World War were ok but there wasn't enough story for the length of the book. It felt like the writer had an idea for the book but hadn't developed it.

I give it 2

Found this book easy to read and loved it being set in Italy
Found the characters believable but it was strangely dissatisfying in that it lacked understanding of the motivation of most of the Italian cast

Apologies for the fact that yet again, I have failed to finish this book. I read for a while, kept re-starting, but just could not get involved.
It seemed easy enough to read, but for the life of me, I could not find a story. It seemed to me to be a cross between a travelogue and a history of Mussolini, neither of which were of interest to me. I will be interested in the opinions of others, maybe I should try again.
I would only give a score of 3, but not really fair to register this as I don’t feel I read enough

I am really enjoying this book, I thought before I started it that it might be hard going as it didn't seem to be plot based but I got into it straight away. The characters are well described and it was interesting to find out about Italian history and the landscape.
I will give it 8

I did enjoy reading Who owns the story .
It was in parts a dreamy read of the demise of a grand Italian family but the ending of the story was disappointing
It was almost a quick conclusion!
But I’ll still give it 7

On the whole the book held my attention. I did love the fact that it was set in Italy the description of the countryside took my thoughts back to that beautiful scenery, the Italian history in the Second World War was also interesting . I enjoyed the story of the demise from being a wealthy powerful aristocratic family to having nothing. I liked the description of family members and felt for poor Uncle Sandro so harshly treated by his father and brother.

For me a disappointing ending . Because of that I mark it a 5.

This is a book I should have like but gave up at page 124. It wasn't a very long book, but it couldn't keep me engaged .

Well, not sure what to say about this book.
The start of the book reads more like a
travelogue, but then I got more into the story. I enjoyed the story but found I got lost when there was a time change. It wasn't always easy to know which person was writing it. Because of this I will only give it a 5/10

I really enjoyed this book and it kept me engaged throughout. The descriptions of the Italian locations were very evocative and the storyline during the war years was interesting and informative. Above all it was a story of friendship that endured over the years but faltered badly at the end - mainly due to the intervention of third parties. A typical misunderstanding that could have been righted with better and more direct communication. I found it sad that it came to the ending that it did. A well written and thought provoking story for me. I give it 7 out of 10.

The average score was between 5.5 and 6 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Interesting, Insightful
Professor Chandra Follows His Bliss


Three things happen in Chandra's life at the beginning of the book. He falls off his bike,
has a heart attack and has missed the coveted Nobel prize yet again. Not a lot else could go wrong one would think. He has spent so much time working hard, his wife left him and not all of his three grown up children are speaking to him. He revaluates his life and wonders if he could take a break away from students and his now lonely life. He was advised to take a break and to find his Bliss.
He eventually finds happiness and peace but he has a long road ahead of him before he attains it. He attends a retreat and meditates to find himself. His children realise how hard he is trying to be an understanding father, and eventually it pays off and the children start to come around to look on him with more understanding.
The book was interesting and I enjoyed reading it. I was a little disappointed as I thought it was going to have more humour. Several of the short review's said it was hilarious and very funny. I didn't laugh once.
I give this book 7/10

The blurb of this book told us that it was ‘searingly funny’ , witty, hilarious etc. I found it none of these things. In fact not comic in any way, as far as I was concerned. However, I did enjoy the book.
I found it easy to read with a gentle story. In my opinion it was not funny but rather sad in places, as Chandra tried to change his life, and his family, who did not want to be changed.
The characters and family members were not particularly likeable, which seems to be the trend in books lately, however there was always the hope that they might conform to the life Chandra wanted to live. The book was slow to read in places, possibly because I did not find it humorous at all. I have read a few reviews and I think it was just me that found no humour. I would give it a score of 7

I found this book so easy to read that I finished it quite a long time ago
I enjoyed it and found the characters believable
The contrast between the logical professor and the world of feelings he was forced into was well written and the inter- generational differences rang true A pretty good book but not very memorable
That may be my declining faculties! 7/10

I tried. Really, I did. I just found the book so bland. Actually, I found the professor so bland. I didn’t like the characters- his daughter, his ex wife and her husband, the other students. I gave up, unfortunately. So, I best not give it a score as I didn’t read it all.

I found this easy to read and quite enjoyed it. It was funny but had a serious side to it as well. I liked Chandra and felt for him with his relationships with his children. I give it 6

Professor Chandra's Dr tells him that the stressful life he is leading is slowly killing him, he advises him to stop working and go and find his bliss. This takes us on his very bumpy journey to achieve it.
His reflections on his life and his attempts to regain his families love and favour are uplifting and often funny.He does get there in the end having learnt that a life loving and nurturing his family would have been so much more fulfilling than his work and his many fruitless attempts to win the elusive Nobel Prize. I did liked the book and give it a 7.

From the blurb, I thought this would be a light, easy read. However, I found that the text covered some profound aspects of disappointment and disillusion e.g. disappointment in his career, disappointment at the breakdown of his marriage and disappointment as to the relationship with his children. This was not a light- hearted read. Nevertheless the Professor's droll and dry wit made me laugh at times. All in all I enjoyed the Professor's journey of self discovery.I give it a 6.

I'm going to be honest I decided I didn't like the book based on the title and the write up of it so I didn't bother downloading it. So I'm giving this book a miss.

Sorry but I haven't read enough of the book to give a review. Started to read it and got into it quite easily and found bits quite funny and thought I would enjoy it but soon got bored with it. The characters were quite complex and I found that I couldn't relate to them

I really enjoyed this book. Although the plot was a simple one about a small family, the writing was really good, with plenty of clever observations. It allowed you to like, dislike and empathise with all of the characters as they dealt with the ups and downs of their family life. I think that the Professor and his family all evolved over the course of the book to become better, happier versions of themselves, and I was keen to find out what happened to them all. 8/10

I could not get engaged with this book at all and found myself skim reading a lot of it. Very bland just not my kind of book and certainly did not live up to the hype on the cover. Just a 3 out of 10 from me.

Average score approximately 6.5 out of 10

The Last Wife: A Novel by Hamilton Karen
Boring, Unconvincing, Confusing
The Last Wife

This is a simple case of “Be careful what you wish for” I found this book easy to read, although maybe not as exciting as I would Have hoped.
I felt that the author was trying very hard to make more of the plot than was actually there. The plot was twisting and turning, but still coming back to the beginning. There are only so many ways to go with this scenario and I think the author tried them all.
On getting herself into this situation of this plot, Marie could not have known that Nina’s seemingly perfect life was not as straight forward as she thought. It was set in the South of England, although it felt more like a small town in America, with the book club and mothers meeting outside the school, and everyone having an opinion on the lives of others.
It was an interesting book to read, however, I feel it could have been made to be more exciting towards the end when Marie found out about Charlie’s death. I also felt that Greg was a ‘nothing’ type of character.
I can’t think of any reason to give this book a bad mark as it was – all right, maybe a little disappointing. I would give it a score of 6

A very easy read
But although I like twists this seemed excessive!
The character of Greg seemed to me to be introduced solely so Camilla could be a murderer

I tried my best but I just couldn't get going on this book, it might be my frame of mind right now the more I read the less I wanted to carry on.

I haven't read enough to qualify to score it, I'm sorry Sonia .

When I read the prologue I thought here was a promising start. Unfortunately, I found the book to be slow, uninteresting and long winded. I did not care for the bland characters who did not convince me at all.The mystery of Charlie's death was protracted and I lost interest. The ending tied everything up neatly and the phrase "revenge is sweet" comes to mind.
I give it a 4.

When Nina died of Cancer her friend Marie took over the task of looking after her children. Taking them to school and generally stepping into her friends shoes.
Marie was always jealous of the perfect life Nina had. A good husband, lovely children and a beautiful house. While she was living with Ben and was trying so hard to have a baby of her own.

What Marie didn't know, was the grass in the other field isn't always greener. She marries Stuart and thinks everything is going to be wonderful. She now has his two children to call her own. Things are not so perfect as she finds Nina had a terrible secret. Nina and another friend had gone out in a boat taking Marie's boy friend with them. They have a lot to drink and the boyfriend is struck on the head, dropped overboard and is drowned.

As the book continues, there are many twists and turns to keep the reader turning the pages. I enjoyed it very much and I give it 8/10

It was easy to read and I wanted to find out what happened in the end. I thought Marie getting pregnant with Stuart was a bit predictable. She had wanted Nina's life but wasn't so happy when she got it. None of the characters were likeable, even Stuart turned out to be controlling. A nice quick read though. I give it a 6.

I would only give it a 4. The writing was clear and I wanted to know what happened, but I didn’t like any of the characters and found the plot to be totally unbelievable. I’m still unsure as to what the big secret/ promise was so was left feeling that a book that started with promise finished leaving me unfulfilled.

I'm 3/4 of the way through and although I got into quite easily I'm now finding it a bit long winded and boring. I don't like any of the characters and know that there are still twists and turns but I don't really care enough about any of them to want to know what they are. Will finish it though as its quite well written.
I will give it a 5

I’m not sure this book The Last wife was a thriller .It was rather an adult fairy tale but.......
It did engage me and it was easy to read and hopefully the princess lived happily ever after !!!!!
I would score it five out of ten as I really didn’t get into the plot for a long time.

I read this book early in the month and remember quite enjoying it, thinking it was well written and scoring it around 5 out of 10 - however when I came to write the review at the end of the month I could not remember a single thing about it - not one single thing!! Now whether that is me or the book I have no idea - even skim re-reading it I still had no recollection so, obviously, although enjoyable enough at the time, a completely forgettable book!!

Average score for this book is 5 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
Brilliant, Inspiring, Beautiful
Death in the Dordogne

I really enjoyed this book. I found the characters engaging and the writing evoked the setting very clearly - I could picture the village and the French culture. I enjoyed the storyline, and thought that the ending was appropriate. I’d like to know more about the history underpinning this story as I was unaware of this and would also read more in this series. 9/10

I found this book very bland and it was difficult to get really engaged with either the characters or the storyline. As I have zero interest in food and alcohol I found the emphasis on that throughout, and the concentration on women's appearance and attractiveness, quite tedious and the progress of the investigation too slow. Sadly not one for me although I know I am not in the majority here! I would give it a 4 out of 10 as it was a relatively easy read.

Really enjoyed this book. It was well written and an easy read and you couldn't help but like Bruno. The WW2 history was interesting and the descriptions of the area and the food and wine gave an insight into life into rural France albeit probably a little romanticised.
I found the twist in the plot at the end about who had committed the murder well thought out and unexpected.
I will give it 8

This book gave me great pleasure to read. I loved the portrayal of the peaceful French hamlet which was majorly changed when a grisly murder takes place . The main character Bruno the policeman was a joy, as was reading the book it was a complete escape from our Covid world.

I will be reading more books from this series I wish they would make it into a tv series where we could escape into the beautiful French countryside and it's way of life and enjoy a good detective story as well.

I give it 8.

I found Death in the Dordogne easy to read. I liked Bruno. He was organised and efficient and seemed to have a good work-life balance unlike a lot of fictional detectives who drink a lot and are miserable.The violent murder was a bit surprising, possible because of the quiet rural setting where the people seemed friendly and accepting of each other.
The WW2 connection was interesting and the plot quite well thought out. I liked it and give it 6.

I’ve only managed to get up to chapter 8 as I started reading it late in the month having just joined. At the moment I’m struggling to get into the book - although I do feel the story is now starting to pick up. I think part of this is being thrown so many characters in the first few chapters… the writer has introduced many village members and at chapter 8 I’m not sure how relevant this is but it’s made it a bit hard for me to follow. Feel it’s a bit unfair for me to give a rating at the moment so early on - however, I will keep reading

This story was taken in a little town in France where everybody knows all about their neighbours and nothing happens that can remain a secret. That is, until a dreadful murder has been committed. The murder was horrific as the elderly man had had his stomach cut open and on his chest the murderer had cut into it the sign of the hated swastica. For a town where everyone knows everyone else, this man was not known. Only going to his family for his meals, being driven between both homes. Bruno, the towns policeman didn't know where to start looking.

The old man came out into the town to watch a procession and was recognised by the murders as the man who, during the second world war sent thousands of Jews to their deaths. They decided to take matters into their own hands to avenge the thousands of Jews he had killed.

As the murderers were old men, it was decided between the Mayer and the policeman not to arrest them as they didn't have many years left and they would be judged by a higher authority when they died.

This was a really good read and I enjoyed it. 8/10

I enjoyed this book. It was easy to read. I thought the plot was clever, interweaving it with the problem the village was having with the EU regulations. The story about the resistance fighters, still being against one another after the war was very unusual. I understand that this is the first in a line of detective books by Mr Martin and I would be pleased to read more. It looks like Bruno is sure to have more romances and we are sure to learn more about him.
I would give this book the score of 8

I loved it
The descriptions of life in la France Profonde were so beautiful and the way the people got round the rules they regarded as petty and bureaucratic was a delight
It also cast a light on the long shadow of conflict and division within the community
I shall seek out more in the series to remind me of why I like France

I loved reading this book The intrigue of French rural politics was wonderful
Having had two holidays in the Dordongne I can picture the settings
Indeed there were lots of little ceremonies going on whilst I was there
He writes with humour and I can’t wait to read his next book
Loved it
9 out of ten for me

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Insightful, Informative
Ellie and the Harpmaker

This book was very well received by the majority of our book club. They thought it well written, easy to read with a lovely storyline and characters. The portrayal of Dan was particularly well done and showed a side of people on the spectrum which is not normally evident in literature in that he was so very kind. The rest of the group found it unrealistic and formulaic as a story and the characters apart from Dan were unlikeable and the book did not live up to the hype. The ending split opinion in the same way that the rest of the book did. Everyone found the description of harp making interesting particularly the wood involved and the different sounds it makes. The average score we gave was 6 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
A Marmite Book

This book was not to everyone's taste it has to be said although all agreed that it was well written. The lack of speech marks was difficult for some to follow and not too many found the will to read to the end. One thing that was unclear was where the Kibsu originated and whether the Trackers were from the same lineage. The mixture of fact and fiction was appreciated and the time shifts helped to explain the main purpose of Mia and Sarah and to outline just how long they had been working towards their goal. The references to climate change were pertinent and enlightening again to show how long the problem has been recognised and necessary actions considered. We felt the story ended too abruptly but then realised that it was intended to be the first of a trilogy. Very few felt they would read the next books. We gave it a score of 6 out of 10 which reflected some who scored it very highly and those who did the opposite. A marmite book.

Book Club Recommended
Unconvincing, Interesting, Dramatic
The Girl from Widow Hills

This book was enjoyed by most of the group and one member loved it so much she has already read two more by the same author although no one else in the group would rush to do the same!

Most agreed it was a little confusing to start but that the pace picked up in the middle section; however the ending was felt to be a little rushed. A few found the ending implausible. The majority found the characters to be unsympathetic and the lead character to be over dramatic. Some felt that to a certain extent the plot was given away early on by the quote by Arden/Olivia's mother that "she knew she was gone before she knew she was gone" which brought up possible comparisons with a similar disappearance of a child in the UK.

We felt that the writing was good but that the storyline could have been clearer and the ending less rushed. It seemed that random characters were introduced to act as red herrings and not much else.

Our overall score out of 10 was 6.6

The Storyteller by Kate Armstrong
Book Club Recommended
Pointless, Confusing, Beautiful
The Storyteller

This book only enjoyed by a very small minority of our book club. Most could not get very far into the book before giving up completely; two read it all the way through and really enjoyed it but it was very much a marmite book so not one for our book club sadly.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Dramatic
The Man on Hackpen Hill

With the exception of one, our group really enjoyed this book although a few of them did think they should have realised what was going on a little earlier. They found the story around Porton Down believable and were interested in the characters and the storyline. One member found the central premise unbelievable and compared it unfavourably to Shutter Island. Overall our score was 7 out of 10

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Insightful, Beautiful
The Truth Must Dazzle Gradually

Most of our members thought this to be a beautifully written, sensitive portrayal of mental ill health and the aftermath of a suicide. The storyline was interesting and all the characters were well portrayed and developed. The difference between the treatment of depression then and now was noted. The one quibble most had was that the ending seemed a little too neat but apart from that the book was thoroughly enjoyed by most. Our average mark was 6 out of 10

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Dramatic
The 'Whistleblower by Robert Peston

This book was enjoyed by the majority of our readers but it seemed to separate those who are interested in politics and those who aren't. All to believable for most of us unfortunately. Good characters, interesting plot and interplay between the various factions but let down in part by spelling and grammatical errors - need a better proof reader! Average score was 7 out of 10

The Lost Diary of Venice by Margaux DeRoux
Book Club Recommended
Slow, Romantic, Epic
The Lost Diary of Venice

Definitely a slow burner. It took a good 100 pages until I became invested in the story and the characters. While the authors style was not particularly to my taste, the theme of love and loss was definitely something I could relate to. Upon reading the the last couple of chapters I was left with a heaviness in my chest and an overwhelming feeling of sadness. If I were to mark it out of 10, I would give it 5 and half.

This book was an enjoyable read for me as I love any book that has historical interest and being set in 16th century Venice was most enjoyable it was easy to imagine it all happening there.
I liked the two love stories connect through history brought together by the manuscript . A good page Turner.
I give it a 7.

Here we go with a Short review done on my phone.
This book said in the blurb that it is a page Turner. I fear I do not agree. I found it tedious and I had to force myself into reading it. I have a few chapters left to read and cannot face reading more. The characters did not change through the book. In fact they were all rather 'beige. It was a good idea as a story line, but it did not seem to be going anywhere. I may have missed something as the reviews were good. However for myself I can only give it a 3.

I found this book really slow to get into. It didn't get going until fairly near the end. I had to keep reading parts again because my mind had wandered. Might have just been me. Having said that, I did find some bits interesting, the war against the Ottoman empire and the Venetian galleasses. Also the restoration of the diary. The romantic stories didn't do it for me.
I give it 5.

I enjoyed this book. I liked the concept of the historical story combined with the present day. The historical narrative was far better in my opinion, with a strong female lead character and interesting sub characters, and the social context well described. The modern-day narrative was a bit insipid in comparison. Whilst Chiara followed her dreams and pursued a career against all odds, the modern-day Rose's story was an obvious 'woman needs man' romance, despite her talents in her own career. The brutal violence described in horrifying detail during the historical battle was unexpected! I'm not sure it belonged in this book. Overall though, very readable 7/10

I quite enjoyed this book, I found the different time lines worked well, although the present day was a bit too much of a romance for me. The historical storyline took a while to get into as I found the names confusing but it became more interesting as the story developed. A well researched book and well written. I will give it a 7

I tried… But I made the mistake of picking up the audio book (because I had a busy driving week) and the narrator’s voice was awful! Totally put me off.

I didn't or couldn't get into it..
I found it a variation on a theme.
I have read many books in a similar story line 4/10

I love Historical novels and this book ticks all the boxes. I have been to Venice and I could picture the sights and sounds. I couldn't get to grips with the book to start with. All the foreign names etc, but that was because I couldn't concentrate fully. I soon got into the story and I couldn't put the book down. I liked the idea of the two eras and moving from one time to the other. I liked the characters and felt so sorry that Giovanni was going blind. I learned so much from this book, about the war and the people. It just transported me into another world. I am happy to give it 9/10

I’m half way through, I should finish it as I’m off this week. Its probably not the best book I’ve read, but the fact that I want to finish it says something as I haven’t managed to finish a book this ear yet.
All I can say is that it’s a nice easy read and not overly complicated, just what I need at the moment.

I will start by saying this isn't the normal type of genre that I would chose to read. However, it was chosen for a book club I have started and being an eclectic reader I thought I would give it a go. I must admit it took me a while to get into as I was very confused about what was happening where until I realised each chapter alternated between present day and the 1570's. Once I had worked this out it became more enjoyable. I enjoyed reading the present day storyline more than the 1570's but I did also enjoy the historical aspect and the authors notes at the end were also quite intriguing. The book was well written and focuses on 2 forbidden romances, one in present day between a married artist William and a single book shop owner Rose and the other between Giovanna an artist and Chiara a courtesan. Giovanna's forbidden love becomes mirrored by Rose's and the storylines intertwine perfectly. The characters were well defined and realistic. I was invested in Rose, Giovanna and Chiara but thoroughly disliked William after he treated Rose. There was also a bombshell dropped in which was surprising and unexpected. Overall an intriguing historical romance that I would give a rating of 8/10

I really liked the premise of this story and I thought the prose was pretty and descriptive, although strayed into cheesiness at times. I'm not a fan of 'instant love' as a trope, so William and Rose's intense, immediate connection felt a little silly, and never even went anywhere anyway. It was interesting that Rose ended up with Lucas instead, but the author didn't flesh out his character enough for me to really care about him. Everything just felt very low stakes as nothing really happened.
The plotline set in Venice was interesting, and I liked how real life issues were woven into the story, but I found Chiara as a character to be a bit too perfect. I didn't like that Gio essentially decided not to be with Chiara because he was going blind - quite an ableist message! 5 out of 10

This book was not for me sadly despite my initial feeling that it would be - history, mystery and set in Italy what's not to like? Unfortunately there was something about the writing style - and I can't identify what - that left me cold and I found it very difficult to engage with the characters or the story. Putting in two love stories did not help me either as that is not my favourite genre. I struggled on against my better judgement but it did not improve and I was glad when I was finished! What a missed opportunity for this writer - all the ingredients were there for a really good story but it just did not deliver at all and was a chore rather than a pleasure. I can only give it a 3 out of 10 and that is being generous.

Grandmothers by Salley Vickers
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Brilliant, Beautiful

#This book was loved by the vast majority of our bookclub and scored very highly. They thought the depiction of the various grandmothers or surrogate grandmothers was well done and the whole book was thoroughly enjoyed by most. The average score was 7 out of 10.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Epic
Hope Nicely's Lessons for Life

I couldn’t put the book down, and I’m not too sure why. Yes I liked the story and even grew to like the characters. At times the author jumped so much I had to put aside all my questions and roll with it, the ending was the same, I went scroll to the next page but there wasn’t another page. The story felt incomplete but kept me captivated. I would give it a 7/10.

I wasn't drawn into this book straightaway. It's not one I would normally pick. I wasn't keen on having the two strands, they seemed to interrupt each other to start with. It was better as it went on.
I liked the idea that the pandemic was caused by global warming and the ending was clever. Harry seemed a bit of an idiot and I'm not sure he could have buried the cow in that way. I liked the robot. He told it like it is, humans never do the best for the planet, just the best for themselves. Mainly I enjoyed it and give it 7.

This was a very interesting read! I started this book without any idea of the genre, and during the first chapter I thought that this was going to be a very different sort of book. The end of the first chapter felt like a nice twist. I really liked the dual perspective of Harry and the scientists. although the interaction with the computer dragged sometimes, and I found myself skimming those bits. I enjoyed the pace of the book overall, and I was always genuinely curious as to what the ending would be. The characters were interesting and likable. The only downside for me was the fact that some questions were raised and not answered, such as Harry remarking that the relationship between the two sisters seemed odd. I expected an explanation for that. It was a bleak ending, but I would be interested in reading a sequel! 8/10

I enjoyed Under the Blue. I found the main character's (Harry's) personality really original and interesting, as was his uncomfortable relationship to the two girls. It was funny that he didn't notice the pandemic starting... working from home I can empathize with that possibility.
The development of the AI was suitably unnerving.
I think it could have been made clearer what was happening at times (in particular with the people working with the AI and the ending) but overall I found this to be a good page turner. 7/10.

A very brief “6” from me. Wasn’t the most exciting read but I read it and was interested throughout. I do have a penchant for a post apocalyptic novel, so this was a good choice.

I did enjoy this book and found it hard to put down. I found the first part with the robot a bit boring but the rest of the book was very interesting. It made you think just how we are ruining this beautiful world we live in. It was strange how the book was written before Coronavirus hit us.

I found the main characters very interesting and could identify with them. It shows how Coronavirus/or other, without any medical help could just about wipe out humanity. A very scary thought.

Although I found the robot went over the same ground over again and again (and I did read it all) I still enjoyed the rest of the book to the extent of giving the book 8/10

I did not enjoy this book at first, I found it difficult to understand. However, I carried on and eventually rather enjoyed the story about the man and two women, who were trying to get to Africa away from the nuclear reactors. I found this part of the story enjoyable, if rather frightening as it was rather realistic. The computers however, I found difficult to understand and found them less interesting. The story about the pandemic and global warming is of course very up to date and certainly makes us think about the future. I would not call this book enjoyable exactly, but certainly interesting. The only drawback being the muddled writing about the computers. I would score it - 5

I really enjoyed this book and appreciated how the various strands of a pandemic, artificial intelligence development and the challenges of a global warming were woven together. I was actually more interested in the development of the robot's intelligence and particularly how the concept of ethics gradually evolved - something that seems to have bypassed our government! Interesting to see how individuals might or might not cope with global warming. I found it an absorbing read and would give it 7 out of 10.

Chris, Yvonne and Mabe
Chris skip read parts and gave it 5. Yvonne and Mabe didn't read enough so no score

Average score was 6.5

Book Club Recommended
Brilliant, Interesting, Informative
Hope Lively's Lessons for Life

I warmed to Hope's character from the start and appreciated her way of seeing the world. I had limited knowledge of FASD and it's effect on a child's development. The book was an easy read written with understanding of the challenges faced and the coping strategies which helped Hope to cope with day to day living. I enjoyed the book and give it a 9

I’m sorry I didn’t connect with the book at all from the get go. I only got a few chapters in before I couldn’t go any further. The repetitive narrative- though it was explained why, I just didn’t get along with it. No score

I really enjoyed the way this book was written as it felt like not only was Hope talking directly to me but I liked that she also said her thoughts out loud which I do quite a lot too!!! However, I did start getting a bit fed up with some of the repetition in regards to her internal dialogue.
Not many people have heard about FAS so this is a great way for people to not only discover it but to see how it feels from someone who was born with it. I have previously worked with someone who has FAS and he was also abandoned by his mother. It is sad that they are the ones who have caused damage and yet they are the ones who escape. I found the storyline itself heartwarming, thought provoking, heartbreaking and funny at times (so quite a large range of emotions). It was quite slow to begin with but did start getting a bit more fast paced later on when certain events started taking place.
The characters were strong and realistic with the main ones being Hope and her mum Jenny but the secondary characters were all realistic with a mix of personalities. This is one of those books that will stay with me for a while. I would have to rate this book 7/10

I adored this book. It took me a couple of pages to orient myself because of the internal monologue, but once I got in tune with Hope, I loved it. Her character is heart-warming and captivating, and most of the other characters are likable and interesting, too. There were plenty of unanswered questions that kept me turning the pages, and I really liked how everything was wrapped up in the end. Beautifully written - I highly recommend it! 10/10

I loved this book! Taking on a neurodivergent voice was a risky thing to do and could have gone horribly wrong but as the blurb at the back of the book showed, Caroline Day clearly did her research and the genuine tone of the book was appreciated by people who have FASD. I found the story absorbing, funny and emotional. It felt refreshing to be looking at the world through a different perspective. 8/10

I found the book very slow to start with and it didn't have much story. It could have been a bit shorter.
On the plus side I didn't know much about FASD before I read it and if the book makes more people aware that would obviously be good. I give it 5

This is another book that I thought I would not like – but I loved it.
I felt for the mother – Jenny – she had a very hard life bringing up Hope, and yet she succeeded very well. I know little about FASD, but it sounds difficult. I imagine that Caroline Day did a lot of research into this condition. Even when Jenny was very ill, Hope was really only concerned with her own life, living with this and still loving Hope would not have been easy.
The Novel explored friendship, as the writing group really seemed to get behind Hope to help her with her ambitions. The only one that did not was the man with the knotted scarf, who quite reasonably I think; thought as he had paid for the writing course, was entitled to full attention from the tutor. Hope likes words; she translates the names of the other course members into funny words or something she can relate to. Eventually, she relies on Connor Flynn, not such a good idea, as he has his own problems. Again, difficult situation to be coped with by the rest of his family, which they also do with love.
I liked the way that this novel was written in Hope’s voice, it made it all seem more realistic. It certainly made you think about your own life and how lucky you have been not to have these problems. Charming though Hope was, she certainly made her mother’s life difficult. The golden rules at the back of the book were very good and could very well apply to most children. I am sure we could all write a set of golden rules, with kindness being right at the top. I did enjoy this book and would give it a score of 10

I wasn’t sure I would enjoy this book - it felt like it was going to follow a very familiar plot and reminded me of other novels I’ve read before. However I found it impossible not to like Hope as a character. Although there weren’t many unpredictable twists and turns, the story itself was well written and enjoyable, not my usual genre but a nice change. The topic of FASD is something I’ve heard of but didn’t know a great deal about so that was also interesting. Plus no dog died! 8/10

I found it a little slow at the start of the book and then it got more interesting. I found there was a lot of repetition but I certainly learnt more about what can happen if an expecting mother drinks alcohol when pregnant, and what could happen to her baby. I loved Hope and her lovely mother, and it was good that Hope found such a loving home. I also found it amusing that she thought she had a boyfriend but wasn't sure, as she didn't know quite what it meant to have a boyfriendat all. So bitter sweet, learning to be in an adult world.
I found the book was well written and went into the illness in great detail. I thought the author went into a lot of research for this book. 7/10

I really enjoyed this book. I knew nothing about FASD and found it very educational and informative. A really interesting and enjoyable read. I would give it 8 out of 10.

I found this a very disappointing book. The premise at the start was that Hope was writing a first person stream of consciousness account of part of her life; it was clear in the first few chapters that this was (as I had suspected as I have some knowledge of FASD) not something that would make a readable book. It was clear that Hope had a degree of brain dysfunction which made it impossible for her to write a comprehensible account. After the first 2 or 3 chapters the writing became much more fluent and the story became clearer which for me rendered the premise of the book null and void. It became a story written in the style of someone writing about someone who had FASD rather than the sufferer herself. For that reason I could only skim read the rest of the book and did not enjoy it at all. For me, the book has to live up to the original premise or it simply does not work. Had it started from the viewpoint of a storyteller recounting Hope's experience then I probably would have enjoyed it - I will never know! Very disappointing hence my score of 2 out of 10.

Average Score - 7.5

Book Club Recommended
Unconvincing, Gloomy
The Beauty of Impossible Things

The general consensus seems to have been that this was an inoffensive if not exciting or inspiring book and the average score was 5.5. Individual reviews are below.

Very evocative with pretty prose. I felt myself wanting to spend the summer in the town! I liked the protagonist grappling with her emotions and her relationships with the other characters - but the plotline with the lights fell a bit flat and petered out. I thought the story would have been better without it. The pacing also felt a bit slow at times. I also found the relationship between Natasha and Marcus a bit confusing, not really understanding why they stopped being friends. 7/10

Beauty of the Impossible Things. I read most of this book but really could not bring myself to finish it. I found that towards the end, the dialogue became so similar that it was impossible to know if I was reading something I had read before. The characters were rather wishy washy, none of them particularly likeable or not likeable. It was an easy book to read, but I fear it did not encourage me to finish the book, as nothing seemed to happen and the conversations were so similar. Disappointingly, I can only give it a score of 3.

I will give it 5/10. I found it an easy read but with not much substance.

I enjoyed this book. Most of the characters were odd or written in an odd way. The supernatural element of the story was held in doubt all the way through but maybe what mattered more was how the main character Natasha felt about her 'gift' rather than whether it was real or not. I didn't see the point of the therapist meetings - they didn't seem to add anything to the story or enlighten us in any way. I felt that the story of what happened was enough. I thought the atmosphere of the seaside town was brilliantly done. There was a bit too much of a build up of 'what happened that summer' so it felt a bit anti-climactic but still a good read so 6/10

This was not a genre that I would normally read and had no idea what to expect. The story centres around just one summer in the life of Natasha, a 15 year old girl who has precognitive abilities. It is told retrospectively 30 years later when Natasha looks back on her life during sessions with her Therapist.
She is a lonely child, living with her young, beautiful, Mother who keeps herself and Natasha isolated, seemingly because she is ashamed of being an unmarried Mother. The story is set in a small seaside town in Ireland where such things possibly assume greater importance than readers elsewhere would expect.
Characters in the book are described only from Natasha’s perspective and lack any real depth. They are there only as a backdrop to the events that are unleashed as a result of decisions made by Natasha over that one fateful summer.
How Natasha reacts to her abilities, coupled with the difficulties of adolescence, cause anguish both to herself and to her Mother, as jealousy, fear of separation and manipulation by others all play their part. All of those things are relevant to the decisions she then makes.
It was not a ‘page turner’ but neither was it a difficult read. I read to lose myself in a good story and whilst I found the basis for this one quite interesting, for me it needed to go deeper. I did not feel involved. The impact of all that had happened was never really felt. The therapy angle suggested that the repercussions were huge, but these were never explored. I wanted to know more about what happened afterwards (and even before), both to Natasha and all the other characters, that fateful summer. For that reason I felt very dissatisfied when I came to the end.
This would not be an author from whom I’d eagerly be awaiting the next novel, or one I’d pick up out of choice. I award it only 5 for that reason. I could not identify with the main character and really did not like her very much - but maybe that was the point?

Within the opening pages I thought this book would be right up my street, especially with the mention of therapist and client- a link to my job! But alas that didn’t last, the therapist made only had a handful of mentions in the book.

It was an interesting idea, and I liked all the characters and the heaviness to their lives. Yet, the story felt incomplete at the end. I still had so many questions. I do think it was a well written story, likeable characters, an interesting dynamic between mother and daughter- I just wanted a little more from the story.

I’d give the book a 7/10


Although I wouldn't normally have chosen The Beauty of Impossible Things to read I found it easy and quick to read and quite enjoyed it. I liked most of the characters and felt sympathetic towards Natasha who had a lot going on in her head, her Dad leaving, thinking she wasn't as attractive as her Mum, foreseeing events, guilt about Marcus and Lewis dad's deaths etc.
Doctor Black seemed a bit odd and not very helpful. I didn't find it haunting or scary though.
I give it 6

I did not expect to like this book as it is not a genre I would normally pick but I found that as it went on the more I enjoyed it but I would find it hard to explain why!. None of the characters were particularly likeable but that didn't matter and I found Natasha cruel in many ways. Several of the characters seemed a bit pointless to me - Dr Black for one and the therapist for another. Both seemed to come in and then out of the story without adding to it and the lights seemed irrelevant in the end. A strange story but not unpleasant, well written and easy to read. I would give it a 5

Book Club Recommended
Curtain Call at the Seaview Hotelo

Not sure if I will become a big fan of "Cosy Crime mysteries " but it was an easy read and the characters were well described and mostly believable. The plot was a bit slow to develop and the police procedures seemed to be questionable but overall it was an enjoyable read. I will give it a 6

This would be a good holiday read if you wanted something light and easy. There was a lot about food in it especially cake. I don't mind reading about cake but not so much. I liked it being set in Scarborough, I have been there. I quite enjoyed and give it 5.

When I first started reading this book, I thought oh wow, she needs to read Hope Nicely's rule of 'show don't tell'. I thought it was going to be a painful read. However, even though the writing was stilted and generally cliched, I actually really enjoyed it. It was like comfort food. The plot was not remotely believable, but definately wasn't meant to be and it was actually quite gripping. The characters were fun and colourful. They were all so odd I felt like any of them could have been the killer so that kept the suspense going! I was mildly annoyed by the description of Jean the cook. I liked her as a character but describing Northerners as 'down to earth' is just boring. Also, the writer making a big deal out of veganism was also pretty silly. It's 2022 I think we're quite used to the idea of vegan sausages now. Overall though a lovely bit of escapism and has made me want to go to the library and get some more light-hearted murder mysteries. 6/10.

As I continued to read I hoped that the story would move faster, but it continued to move at such a slow pace for me. There were many likeable characters from Helen to a few of the actors, but for me this didn’t save the book.
I’d give it a 4 out of 10.

I may be labelled as shallow but I did really enjoy this book. The author was not trying to prove how much cleverer she was than me, she simply told an entertaining story. The characters were easy to like or dislike and the story easy to follow. From the first chapter I was encouraged to read on and did not once feel like giving up. I understand that this is one of a series and would certainly be encouraged to read more by Glenda Young. Setting the series in a hotel seems to be a good idea as there would be a variety of characters and situations acted out there. I would assume that the relationship between the hotel owner Helen Dexter and the local policeman is an ongoing story and this works well.
I would give this book a score of 9 plus 1 for not killing the dog - a total of 10.

I found this an easy book to read and an enjoyable one. There was a lot of twists and turns and something going on all the time.

The theatre group that was staying in this hotel took over the whole area and used the lounge to rehearse in. The owner of the hotel was called Helen and the director used her as prompter for the Actor's. The star of the show was what I would call a diva. Not an easy sort of lady to get along with. There was twist and turns in the plot after she was killed. Who killed her? There were a few Actor's in the frame with love and love triangles going on. Poor Helen so wanted to to have her hotel to become 4star rating but with all the problems of the police, and reporters that are camped outside she felt the 4 stars were not going to be hers.
There was also a lot of laughter and internal fighting. It was such a good book to read and I will give it a 8/10

I found this book very lighthearted, compared to my usual tastes. I could not really engage with the story or the characters and found the landlady, Helen, quite irritating, interfering and ‘nosey’. I was very impressed that the Cook managed to make all those breakfasts single handedly and still had time to bake wonderfully iced cakes and so forth all before coffee time! The woman was a marvel! It was readable enough, definitely not a page turner. Had I picked it up as a holiday read (and I’m guessing that’s the kind of market it’s aimed at) I’d have happily flicked through it, but not really cared if I’d not had time to finish it. Easily read and easily forgotten and would not tempt me to read more in the same series. Harmless, frothy, predictable and a bit silly. Characters more like caricatures. Taylor Caffrey with his ‘anyhoo’ and Gav with his ‘Missus” were particularly grating and seemed to belong to another era. One bit made me laugh out loud - Helen was walking Suki and the author mentioned that Helen was walking so fast that Suki was having difficulty keeping up….IT’S A GREYHOUND for goodness sake! Out of 10, 4 from me. I like something with a bit more depth.

I thought it an enjoyable read all the characters were varied and interesting, the plot kept me guessing till the end and I got it wrong!
It was nice to read a straight forward story a perfect read for me .
Score. 8

As described on the cover this was a cosy club mystery. It was easy to read with an eclectic mix of characters.I enjoyed reading it but found very little mystery and intrigue.It was slow moving in parts. Nevertheless, I read it all!.
I give it a 7.

I wasn't a fan of this book. I felt the characters were all a bit flat, and many seemed to be stereotypes rather than fleshed out people. I didn't really care for the main character, who I found annoying, patronising and hypocritical. Do most hotel owners even care if a guest brings someone back to their room?

A lot of the minor details also seemed very silly, like Carmen having an obsession with men with increasingly large moustaches, Paul having a mother and aunty who stalked him from a distance wherever he went, a policeman who was constantly mixing up the name of celebrities e.g Carmen Delray and Carmen Miranda, and emotional turmoil over whether someone can cook pancakes.

A major conflict in the novel, that in the relationship between Helen and Jimmy, hinges on failure to communicate, which is always frustrating to read. It's also quite a slow read, as the murder doesn't take place until over a third of the way through the book. Helen's decision not to listen to Jimmy, and his to be deliberately elusive, is almost as annoying as Helen's decision to withhold information from the police because she 'doesn't like to pry'.

I also found the constant description of clothing to be a bit tedious, and rolled my eyes at the suggestion that women who wear jeans and a t- shirt are dowdy.

The numerous romantic relationships were equally boring, and I found Helen and Jimmy being wrapped together by Suki's lead saccharine. 3/10

I found this book to be an easy read. I wanted to find out whodunnit and enjoyed the descriptions of Scarborough. The plot was undemanding, the characters were uncomplicated and the story followed a pretty predictable direction. I’m glad Suki saved the day. I wouldn't say that this book was thought-provoking, but I don’t think it intended to be, and overall I enjoyed the story. I would say the book cover describes this well as ‘cosy crime’ and would give it 6/1

I could not get engaged with this book, the story or the characters, at all sadly. I could not work out in which era it was set as it seemed to me to be written in the fifties although of course it was 2022. The cliches and obvious set ups and denouements were too much for me so, although I finished it, none of it registered and I can only give it 3 out of 10.

Average score 6.5 out of 10

The Electric by Edward Hogan
Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Interesting
The Electric

So sorry after trying a few times I just couldn't get past 100 pages on this one. Not for me

I found this quite an unsettling read. I thought the beginning was very strong, and I was drawn into the story immediately. I really liked the character of Daisy. I quite liked Paul, although he seemed a bit two-dimensional. He seemed to exist just as a love interest and not much else. I couldn't stand Robert, and don't really understand why Daisy decided to stay with him. I thought the love triangle between Mike, Cassie and Lucas was very strange. The bizarre friendship between Mike and Stephen, however, was very compelling. Overall, I think I liked it. 7/10

The Electric was easy to read although it did flick about from person to person and back and forth through time. There were a lot of characters who all seemed very troubled. The parts where Mike was being beaten were uncomfortable to read. I liked Daisy, she came across as a strong person and I felt for Lucas who because of being deaf had difficulties fitting in at school. I didn't really like or dislike it. I give it 5.

I thought the characters were great. The story was interesting but didn't fulfil my expectations. I didn't really feel like there was a plot arc. It all felt on a similar level of sadness from beginning to end. The ending felt anticlimactic but also fitted in with the rest of the book. 5/10

I found the book easy to read. The characters and the story seemed rather bland. There were aspects of the story that could have been interesting, but we're glossed over. I felt for the deaf boy trying to learn in a mainstream school. The fact that some of the teachers had beards was something I had not thought of before. It also seemed unkind of his mother not to want him to use sign language. The book was quite short, so I feel it could have been extended to make a more exciting read. I would like to have read more about the policemen at the beginning of the story. I would give it a 6.

A well written book dealing with the ups and downs of family life. I was drawn to Daisy and could empathise with her struggles as a policeman's wife and the need to escape from time to time to the glamorous world of films.Also, Lucas's experiences of being a deaf boy in a main stream school setting and his coping strategies were very credible. Here was a family across many generations dealing with trauma and loss.I found the time span, from the Fifties to the Nineties unsettling at times. A book of intrigue moving from reality to fiction with ease.
I give it a 7.

Arleen (from the best of her recollection and from her sickbed!)
I enjoyed the book very much but got a bit confused towards the end with the different characters. 8 out of 10

I really enjoyed this book - it was well written and the characters all well drawn. I enjoyed the parts about Daisy, Robert and Paul more than the stories around their children Mike and Linda but the grandson Lucas brought my interest back. The contrast between Robert in the first part where they were in Brighton and he was a loving, kind and caring man and the Robert that he became after their move to London was stark and you could feel how his character slowly deteriorated with his desire to make more money and have more power. Daisy's love of the cinema and the rekindling of her early friendship with Paul was fascinating to follow and the way in which they became her saviour and joy was moving. Similarly Lucas's struggle with his deafness and the differing expectations of his grandmother, parents and then the teaching assistant Cassie was well written and touching. The storyline of Mike and Stephen and their violent encounters was difficult to read and I found a little too unpleasant. The story of the Daisy and Robert's death and the eventual uncovering of the truth was well handled and believable. Altogether an enjoyable read, holding my attention throughout and I give it 7 out of 10

Average score 6.5

Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Interesting, Adventurous
The Trivia Night

I found this book easy to read, and undemanding in terms of the following the plot. I did find it quite engaging as a light read, but I can’t say that I liked any of the characters at all. The parts about the school/ parental politics were believable, but I wasn’t so sure about the swinging. I’m not sure that added anything much to the mix. I read to the end but I wasn’t gripped. And of course, poor pup.
I’d give this a 5/10

This book is written in first person perspective with the main protagonists being Amanda Blackland, Alice Daniels and Zoe Makin. The benefits of books written in first person perspective are as long as they are well written it makes you feel that you are being spoken to by the protagonist and it can create more of a bond between yourselves and them. If there are several protagonists you also get to see more of what is going on.

This book is extremely well written with vivid descriptions that really set the scene and kept me on the edge of my seat. The cover and synopsis suited the storyline perfectly.

An absolutely must read, addictive, unputdownable and memorable page turner!!!

Love, LOVE, LOVED this absolute page turner!! It may be the first book I have read by Ali but I can promise you it won't be the last!!! As soon as I've written this up I'm off to add all her books to my wishlist. The storyline is absolutely ram packed with mystery, tension, lies, romance, suspense and OMG the twists just kept on coming again and again!!! Every time I kept telling myself one more chapter the one I was in ended at a point where there was no way I could stop reading so I absolutely devoured it in one sitting!! I absolutely LOVED the school setting which made this book all the more realistic. I loved the unique storyline, an absolutely fantastic idea for a book. I WAS absolutely blown away by the twists and considering I read approximately 30 books a month that is certainly no easy feat so a HUGE congratulations on that Ali. If you are looking for something unique, filled with suspense and that will blow your mind then this is definitely the book for you!! This book really does go to show how one night and one idea can change so many lives.

I absolutely love the fact that this book is written in several different formats which is another reason it is so unique as I have never seen a book that does this. Amanda's perspective is written as if she is speaking to the reader, we see Zoe's perspective from emails that she has written to her sister and Alice's perspective is told to us via a transcript taken in the office of a Dr Martha Davis. It is a fantastic way to write a book and makes it all the more realistic. I also loved the addition of the table plan for the trivia night for table 6 at the start of the book.


I wasn't just 100% invested in the storyline but also in the characters. Every single one of the characters were well defined, realistic and strong. They all had their good and bad sides and I enjoyed watching how the different women reacted to each other at the school, the event and afterwards. My heart absolutely went out to a few of the characters. I can't say I felt sorry for all the characters but I also won't say anymore as I don't want to spoil it for future readers. I loved how Ali brought the characters to life and many are so realistic to what parents at school runs and events are genuinely like. However, you can't get along with everyone and each of these characters had the perfect personalities to make this book as addictive as it was!! These characters were so strong with such large personalities they won't be forgotten by me anytime soon!!

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Ali on what promises to be a massive best seller!!! I WAS absolutely blown away by the twist was absolutely shocking!!! I can't say anything else but when you've read it you'll know!!! Welcome to my favourite author list Ali and here's to your next explosive success ????!!!

Overall an absolutely addictive, mind blowing page turner filled with secrets, romance, family, friends, suspense, tension and everything you could want in a book that will keep you up with a racing heart until you've finished!!!

Well I read this book in one sitting, I just couldn’t put it down. I struggled a little with Amanda, I couldn’t quite workout what was going on with her, but connecting her story to her mothers cleared that up. I enjoyed moving between the women every chapter, getting to know their viewpoint of what happened at trivia night. The author did well to change the style of voice for the different characters narrating their chapters. Just for personal preference Zoe’s chapters annoyed me a little as she often wen off on a tangent, but overall I really enjoyed this book and loved the letter at the end written by the arch nemesis Victoria.
Overall an 8/10 from me.

I found this book very easy to read, but with a cast of unlikeable characters. During the course of the book, they changed from fun loving swingers to regretful self righteous housewives and husbands. Somehow they all regretted their part in the trivia night. I thought the story was fairly weak, the only twist being the murder of Victoria's husband at the beginning of the story.
This book would not encourage me to read any other book by this author.
I should deduct a point as the dog died, but will give it a 4 as I think it is an easy non-demanding read .

I didn't really like this book and found it hard to get into. I thought I might have to give up but it was a little better after the trivia night. I thought it was too long, unbelievable and the characters were unlikable. The ending was quite predictable as well. I give it 3.

I couldn’t put this book down. I was drawn in by all the characters and their various problems straight away, and the writer very skilfully drip-fed the information, so we got the whole picture piece by piece. The protagonists were very flawed, but relatable and likeable. Victoria was a fascinating character, and you could tell from the beginning that there was more to her than met the eye. Even though I guessed the ending, it was still highly satisfying to read, and the foreshadowing was woven well into the story. I would definitely read more of this author’s work! 10/10

Well haha???? a lot happened in this book. I feel like it was terrible but so entertaining I enjoyed it anyway! The most (only?) realistic part was the portrayal of the cliquey school mum groups. I don't really know what Ali Lowe was aiming for. It was a strange mix of ludicrous and sad events. The explicit sex chapter was beyond cringe and I was so glad that didn't continue for the whole book. Victoria's character was the most bizarre of all. Why was she so demonic? Overall a page turner, but mainly out of disbelief. 6/10 from me.

I don't know where to start with this review. The story line of partner swapping shenanigans was not my type of read at all but the actual story line was compelling as I wanted to see how it all turned out and so I read it to the end.
I give it 4.

Well I'm not quite sure what to make of this. It was easy to read and I certainly wanted to know what happened in the end and it was interesting inasmuch as I have no experience of this sort of behaviour myself! I did find it difficult to keep up with who was married to who in the beginning and then when I had mastered that I got confused all over again by who was doing what with who. Found the ending quite trite. Overall well written and enjoyable in a strange kind of way so I will give it a 6.

Overall score of 6.5

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Fun, Optimistic
100 years of Lenni and Margot

I’ve spent the entire afternoon and evening ready ‘The One Hundred Years of Lenni and Margot’ and it’s my favourite book yet by far!
I don’t have much to say about it, it touched on so much of my work, I think it was a truest special story.
Simply beautiful. 10/10

I found this book easy enough to read and did finish it but didn't really connect with it. It seemed to jump about a bit and there was a lot about the life of Margot that I didn't find very interesting. 4/10

I loved this book, even though I cried pretty much solidly for the last third of it. Lenni and Margot were such engaging characters. I found it really interesting to see how the world changed around Margot, from the Second World War, to the sixties and to present day. I also saw thought that it was beautifully written, and I loved the relationship between Lenni and Arthur. I loved the ending, too, partially devastating, but still with some hope. There were a couple of things which didn’t quite work, such as Lenin telling her father not to visit anymore and him agreeing, because we’re meant to believe he’s a good father, and the fact that Margot finds something which makes her happy when she’s sixty-nine, then waits another fourteen years to pursue it. 9/10

This was an easy to read tearjerker. The stories and history of Lenni and Margot were interesting but in my opinion did not flow well. I liked the character of Father Arthur, but did not find either of the main characters particularly likeable, although I think I was supposed to. I found the book rather disappointing and give a score of 5

No review from me, Sonia. I couldn’t get past the first few pages. Think that might have been me rather than the book though!

What a story .
It was filled with love ,friendship. humor and of course sadness at the end. I loved the beautiful way this journey for Lenni and Margot was told by glimpsing into their past it drew a perfect picture of what their long and sadly short lives had been like and when Lenni came to her final days she was surrounded by love from all the friends she had made within the hospital walls .
I loved it I won't forget this book and so don't hesitate to give it a resounding 10

I really enjoyed this book. It was interesting, well written and a page turner. The friendship between Lenni and Margot was beautiful but also fun. I really liked the side characters as well, in particular the vicar and Margot's second husband. I thought it was very clever how M & L's life stories were woven into the present through their art project. I did get slightly confused between the temp and the art teacher but I think that was my fault. A fantastic read, 8/10.

This book is devastatingly heart-breaking and beautiful. I absolutely love the unique storyline and the fact that two women with such a large age gap create this beautiful friendship is just gorgeous. There are very few books I have come across with a young and elderly protagonist becoming such good friends and I absolutely loved it!! It is an absolute rollercoaster ride of emotions filled with love, hate, romance, heartbreak, anger, laughter, regrets, family, love, loss, secrets, friendship and so much more. It is one of the most unforgettable books I have ever read!! It tells the story of 17 year old Lenni and 83 year old Margot and how they meet in the hospital. Lenni has cancer and Margot heart problems. Between them they have loved 100 years and want to celebrate this by painting a picture for each year of their lives. They tell the stories of their past lives, loves and regrets and Marieanne's evocative writing skills sucks the reader straight into the storyline with the characters, hospital and the past coming to life around them. I was absolutely mind blown when I realised this was her debut novel!! I mean WOW!! If this is her first book I just cannot wait to read her future books and if they are a quarter as amazing as this one they are guaranteed to be absolute page turners!!! This is just one of those rare books that words just cannot express how powerful and emotional it is. It will make you cry both tears of happiness and sadness. The fact that Marianne has done her research absolutely shines through so a huge congratulations Marianne! One of my pet hates is when authors don't research their topics and then the book is littered with unnecessary mistakes which can spoil the story for me. The multiple narrative brings the story to life along with the descriptions and ensures the reader can see everything that is going on and what the characters are thinking and feeling. When I was reading this book I could feel my heartbeat speeding up as I was getting a dark sense of foreboding the deeper into the book I got and I ended up with tears streaming down my face so make sure you get those tissues ready!! It is one of those books that I just simply could not put down and I walked around everywhere with my kindle and the book. Every chapter ended in a way that I had to know what was going to happen next and then it would move on to the next chapter and do the same so I blew through this in one sitting. Reading this book really does make you feel that you are standing with them and going through their pain, love, and suffering. While you are reading this you are going through a journey of love and loss, heartbreak, secrets, love, and regrets and so, so much more. It really is a rollercoaster ride of emotions. I was utterly glued to the pages and I could not bring myself to put it down. I was carrying the book around to read it every chance that I got. You need to clear your schedules and get the tissues at the ready because you will not be able to put this book down. There are some tough topics are explored with realism and sensitivity, that all culminated in a very gripping and powerful page turner. This is one of those books that will stay with me for a long time and although it could be a difficult read at times with emotions running high I would seriously recommend it to anyone and everyone!!

The characters were all very strong and realistic and Marianne's writing ensured they jumped off the pages at me. My heart went out to each of the main protagonists for different reasons during different chapters. I absolutely loved Lenni's absolutely fantastic, strong and attitude filled personality. She doesn't want to die and fights every chance she gets to live as much as she can with the restrictions she is meant to stick to, but doesn't always. She is such a strong young woman and my heart bled for her. The fact that she refuses to lie down and let what she has left to live pass her by but to make the most of it makes her such a strong female role model to so many people both in her situation and not. She is such a smart and mature woman who is an adult not only for herself but for her father too which I found deeply sad. Lenni tells us about her short 17 years, her first and last kiss, her father who leaves her side as he "can't see her like this" and her alcoholic mother. I must admit her father really annoyed me with his attitude and "can't see you like this" attitude and I have spoken to other cancer survivors who told me their friends didn't visit for that same joke of a reason. It is never nice to see someone you love suffer but they are the ones suffering and to use this as an excuse to abandon them makes me sick!! Anyway, enough of my rant but it does make me love her even more. Lenni made me laugh so many times with some of the things she came out with I had tears running down my face. What an amazing woman!!! On the other side of the age spectrum we have the absolutely fantastic Margot who may be 83 but she does not suffer fools gladly and has the same spunk as 17 year old Lenni. Margot is full of life and I absolutely lost myself in her storytelling about her childhood, her father who was left distraught after the war, her marriage ripped apart by tragedy, heartache and loss and new love found. An absolutely amazing woman and if I grow to be half as feisty as her I will be very happy!! If your expecting a sweet little old lady then you will be shocked by this purple coated strong lady who also refuses to back down. The friendship between these two women is absolutely stunning and something that everyone would be grateful to have. They are bonded by tragedy but wrapped in love, the adopted mother and daughter pair which proves blood is not always thicker than water!! Among Margot and Lenni we also meet Father Arthur and New Nurse among many others but these are the ones who stuck out to me the most. I absolutely loved how Lenni and Father Arthur also develop this unlikely bond that is filled with laughter, random questions and love and he is definitely another unforgettable character who will always stay with me. I also enjoyed meeting New Nurse who gets to see Lenni at her weakest and strongest but also Learns from her and they also develop a beautiful unforgettable bond. Arthur and New Nurse are both beautiful and caring people who want the best for Lenni although she doesn't always see it this way. I won't say anymore about the characters as I don't want to go into too much detail at the risk of spoiling it for other readers but Marianne has done an amazing job at bringing each of the characters to life. 10/10

This was a beautiful book from start to finish written so well that it was hard to believe it was a first novel! All the characters fully fleshed out and interesting from Lenni and Margot to Arthur and New Nurse and all the others - wonderful. That the author was able to make it humorous as well as so moving and believable was a particularly skilful piece of writing. Not a book I would have been drawn to from the cover and the blurb but by goodness it was so well worth reading. For me there was nothing that jarred or felt out of place or not quite believable - absolutely brilliant work. I have very rarely laughed or cried at a book but I did both for this one.I am not surprised that it is already scheduled to be made into a film and I can't wait for her next book. I have no hesitation in giving it a 10 out of 10.

Average Score 8

Black Buck by Mateo Askaripour
Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Informative, Interesting
Black Buck

I loved this book! It was clever, fast-paced and had interesting characters. The main character, while sometimes frustrating in terms of the decisions he makes, feels very authentic, and his flaws feel human. Some of the secondary characters can feel a bit like caricatures, but then I think that’s the point.

I always find books that explore a certain culture or sub-culture fascinating, and this one did so expertly! I didn’t manage to guess who the traitor was in the end (I thought it was going to be Brian). One thing I wasn’t keen on about the ending is I didn’t think that Darren and Soraya should have resumed their relationship, given the message the writer was giving seemed to be that you can build a new future but you can’t return to the past. Other than that, the ending was excellent and highlights a real social problem while making great use of non-linear narration.

A couple of things seemed a bit unrealistic- like kidnapping an extremely wealthy and privileged person, torturing them, and there being no direct consequences - but that didn’t take away from my enjoyment of the book.

I would give it a 10/10 because the minor issues didn’t stop me being 100% immersed while reading and were simply things that occurred to me later upon reflection.

I have to say I was not happy with the start of the book. Too many 'f' words for my liking. I decided to read a little more and wasn't impressed with the awful way people were treated as they joined the sales team.
My working life revolved around looking after children which I loved. I just couldn't understand the cut and thrust of sales. It was a living hell. Darren, or should we now call him Buck, as the story unfolds.

Buck worked in Starbucks and was very good at his job. He was 22 years and lived with his mother. He had a lovely girlfriend, and good friends, and life was good. That is until he meets a man who is impressed with his work and offers him a job in sales at a much higher wage than he was getting at Starbucks'. I was surprised how nasty and mean most people were. Now Buck was the only black man working there. He eventually started a new group of none whites to get them jobs so they were able to earn as much as the whites were earning.

Unfortunatly it didn't turn out too well and Buck ends up in prison. I won't go any further as I don't want to spoil it for anyone who hasn't as yet finished the book. Still too much swearing for my taste.

I can't say I enjoyed this book but am pleased I did read to the end. I will give it 5/10.

I must admit I found it hard work to read the first half of the book. I didn’t find many of the characters likeable and found the story rather unbelievable. The world of sales doesn’t appeal to me too much manipulation and fakery for me. The second half of the book held my attention much more. I did see a development of character in Buck and even Jason to a point. I was able to connect to the sadness in Buck with the loss of his mother but that was all.
On the whole it was a well written book, and I think the author wrote about ethnic minorities in the workplace very well. It isn’t usually a bio I’d have chosen to read and I don't think I would read something similar in the future.
I would give the book a 5 out of 10.

I really tried to stick with it but I'm afraid it's just not for me. So I won't put in a review as I would bring the mark down unfairly.

I don't consider myself particularly PC - however, I did not like the language in this book, in the days when they are trying to rewrite Roald Dahl and even Agatha Christie, I wondered how it got to print. The author himself was coloured, of course. I fear I did not finish the book, mainly because there were times that I really could not understand what on earth they were talking about. This is probably not a book aimed at the South Wales community. I can only give it a score of 1, but only read half the book, so maybe unfair.

I didn't immediately click with this book as Askaripour made it clear this was a book for Black people, and to read it you should "picture yourself as Black". This made me feel slightly irritated as I don't normally think about skin colour when I'm reading. Then I felt guilty about feeling irritated. Then irritated that I felt guilty. So, after that battle however, I decided to read the first 100 pages and soon remembered that the reason I don't think about skin colour is because I don't experience racism. This is something I already knew in theory of course but which the book really made me actually feel - as it was supposed to! I became totally involved in the story. Darren, the main character, felt so real, I was really rooting for him. It was fast paced, funny and painfully sad at times. I think the writer challenged my perspective as a white reader and I appreciate that. It's good to be confronted and made to think about the world from other people's perspectives. 7/10.

Although this book wasn't what I'd usually read I did enjoy it. I liked Buck and felt his downfall wasn't all his own fault. He was bullied and manipulated and ended up in prison after being tricked. He was happy at the start of the book and happy at the end even though he was in prison. He was still trying to help other people. It was easy to read and I give it 7.

I found this book hard going to read at the start and was only going to read 100 pages but then I got more interested in it and did finish it. The beginning with all the "black" speech I found difficult to read and the subject of sales and money is one that I find particularly uninteresting. The way Darren was initially recruited I found implausible and the emphasis on manipulation of people distasteful - I could feel myself cringing as I read. As that got even worse as the book continued so did my distaste and that Darren - Buck - turned that from customers to colleagues was unpleasant for me. Not a book I enjoyed I'm afraid. Some reviewers have likened it to The Wolf of Wall Street but for me it did not have the same level of humour nor did it have the benefit of being based on a true story and the results of which we had actually lived through. This book became more readable after the first few chapters but unfortunately not more enjoyable. I can only give it a 3 out of 10.

Found this book easy to get into and the way the storyline kept moving forward kept my interest. The story line seemed a bit far fetched although being American perhaps not!
The characters were well described and although not all were likeable, I did feel sorry for Buck at times.
I will give it 8

I loved this book. I found the storyline novel and engaging. It wasn’t something I would have picked from the shelf so it was an opportunity to explore some different issues. I was interested in seeing the journey Darren made throughout the story - and thought the ending was a good one. I really liked the style of the book - I thought Darren’s notes to the reader were sharply focused. 9/10

Average Score 6.75

The Gifts: A Novel by Liz Hyder
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dark, Fantastic
The Gifts by Liz Ryder

I must say I was not taken by this story. I’m uncertain what the point of the whole book was. I believe it could have been a series of novels exploring so much more than the surface of the characters and the mismatch story. While I did enjoy the authors style of writing that is all I’ve taken from it.

Unfortunately it’s a 2/10 for me.

I did manage to finish this book, using quite a lot of speed reading. This was because I found it rather boring at times. There were several interesting characters, but these were not developed. The story jumped from theme to theme and between characters to such an extent that the individual stories got lost. Unfortunately I found that although this was an interesting idea, it was not well developed. As a whole I felt that the book could have been a great deal shorter, I certainly lost interest at times. The stories of the 2 angels might have been interesting, had it been given more time. I would give it a mark of 3

Given that this book was a fantasy about women growing wings I did still quite enjoy it and found it easy to read. I thought Edward was a strange mix of religion and science. He seemed reasonable at the start but became increasingly unhinged as the story progressed. I wasn't comfortable with him cutting off the woman's wings. The four women were strong. The ending was a bit too neat and I found it hard to imagine Etta flying about. I suppose it was about women overcoming obstacles put in place by men and living their own lives. I give it 7.

This is the most I've enjoyed a book in ages. A gothic, feminist, fantasy novel with interesting characters and a very original plot. I was hooked all the way through. 9/10.

I didn’t expect to enjoy this book, but I was intrigued from the start. Suspending disbelief, I found the story engaging, and I was rooting for the strong female characters from the start. I didn’t read deeply into the story, I just enjoyed it for what it was, which was a well-told tale with a twist. I did skim through the stories told by one of the main characters as I found they didn't add much to the actual story.
Awful about the dogs of course, but I was able to get past this and I’m glad I did. 8/10

I wasn't quite sure what to think of this when I first started it. It did take a while for me to get into but I persevered longer than I normally would due to the unique storyline. I'm pleased that I did as although I didn't love to I did quite enjoy most of it, although not all. It was definitely something different to the genres I am used to and it's always nice to have a change now and again! The characters were all very strong with their own individual personality and different lives and Liz really captivated each of their differences perfect. Her evocative writing skills dragged me deep into the storyline where I could see everything come to life. It was also very thought provoking and intriguing with its subject matter. I enjoyed reading from the different characters perspectives although it did take me a while to get into who was who which was frustrating at times. I absolutely despised the animal cruelty which I found unnecessary and didn't help my enjoyment of the book at all, doing just the opposite. I enjoyed the multiple themes written throughout the book which were interesting. Although hard to score this one for multiple reasons as some parts I enjoyed, others I hated I think it will have to be a 5/10 for me

Average score is 5.5

Book Club Recommended
Dark, Interesting, Adventurous
The Silence Project

I absolutely loved this book and thought it was well worth it to pay a little bit more rather than get a 99p book on Amazon. The biography style prose with footnotes and links almost had me wondering if this was a real world event that I'd somehow missed. There was so much emotional depth to the story, and I really felt the protagonist's conflict and turmoil, and the insidious nature of the Community was so cleverly written. The moral message felt clear without being heavy handed.

I'm sorry the silence project is not my kind of read.
I'm not into cults and I found it rather boring in parts .
Score 3

Another fairly easy to read book. Stupidly I started at the beginning and not read the bit at the end, where it tells you that this is a story when I started the book it was so convincing that I googled a couple of things I thought the book seemed very real. I can see it happening. It would have ruined the girls life and although she did it for good reason - it wasn't good for everyone working for the charity later in life was an error for her daughter as she was not comfortable with her mothers notoriety.
I enjoyed the book, it was well thought out and the author quite cleverly made it seem real.
I will score it 8

I am sorry to say that I only managed 130 pages. I found this book so boring and unbelievable that I just couldn't read any more. I will give it 3/10

I didn't really enjoy The Silence Project. It took quite a while to read and I found it quite hard going. The last third was better but it just wasn't my thing. I give it 5

I have mixed feelings about this book. On the one hand, Hailey attempted to create a world with very different values from the one we live in. I just couldn't buy into the premise that a cult which promotes suicide would become mainstream and powerful in our society. On the other hand, I did enjoy some of her writing, specifically her description of the rainforest in the Congo.
I also never felt like I had properly understood - or that she had properly explained - what the actual purpose of the silence project was. Overall I think that although Hailey is a potentially good writer, the plot was too ambitious and required me to suspend belief too much for it to work. 5/10

A very different read for me and one which I enjoyed. I liked that it was written as a biography and was drawn into it from the start.
I will give it 8

This was a very well written book, so much so that it really did feel as though I was reading about a real event and I had to keep reminding myself that it was fiction! I found the story interesting and it held my attention until the end when it was extremely disappointing that the issue of Rachel's diaries came up again and it was clear that Emilia had not read them when they were first given to her. I found the fact that she had not done so frustrating and difficult to understand as they would have given her so much more of an insight into what Rachel really wanted to achieve rather than listening to her followers views without being able to correct them. It shows clearly that followers of any particular belief system can distort or pervert the teachings to suit themselves and explains how vastly different religions for example develop from one set of basic premises. So, it was interesting and different but the ending was so frustrating that I can only give it a 6 out of 10.

Average Score 6 out of 10

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Inspiring, Beautiful
Tell Me How This Ends

I enjoyed this book very much. It was an easy to read book with a believable story. The characters were pleasant and well meaning and it was easy to imagine the scenario. Annie had
Lived a hard life without much in the way of love. A similar story for henrietta who had been unfairly blamed for the death of her baby brother. I imagine it was the autism or whatever it was that gave henrietta the tenacity to continue and find the answer in the end it was a good ending, although I felt all along that kath was not dead. Everything turned out well in the end,which i know is not necessarily the case in real life- but made this a pleasant book to read. I also liked the outcome for Dave as he happily qualified as a therapy dog which he enjoyed I would give this book 10

I found this book an easy book to read. I wasn't too sure I was going to read it as I had lost a loved one to Cancer only recently. I did find the book was very well written and quite matter of fact, not dwelling too much on suffering and death.
The character's were very likeable and Henrietta and Annie were the main characters in the story. I liked the way Henrietta went out of her way to find Annie's lost sister. Altogether an interesting story of friendship and caring.
I will give this book 9/10

I didn't think I was going to like this book and it took a while to get into it but I did quite enjoy it. It was easy enough to read and there weren't too many characters. I liked Annie and after her husband died she became more the person she would have been if she hadn't been controlled and abused by him. There was a lot a guilt in the story even by Henrietta who shouldn't have been guilty. Her parents had blamed her for the death of her brother when it was their responsibility. She had carried that guilt all her life and it had changed her. It was Annie who told her it wasn't her fault.
I give it 6

I loved this book. I thought the mystery/detective element was great, nicely suspenseful and unexpected. I loved the characters, especially Henrietta. I thought her character development throughout was really well done too. It was entertaining, moving and really well written. 9/10

I loved this book and give it 8 out of 10.

I enjoyed this book. It isn't a genre that I normally read, but I found it easy to get into the story. I thought Henrietta and Annie were characters who were described well. I quite liked them, and wanted to find out more about their developing friendship. I think that other characters were a bit too stereotypical, but I thought Dave was a good dog.
The book covered elements of loss and grief that did at times feel well thought through, and quite touching. Although the storyline was a definite work of fiction, I still wanted to find out what happened to them all. The ending was a bit too neat, but I didn't really mind that. 8/10

I wouldn’t say I loved this book, but it was an easy and enjoyable read. While some characters felt like caricatures at times (Henrietta could be a bit too obviously robotic and Terry was cartoonishly villainous), the story was also very moving. I felt genuinely sad for Annie and how she felt she had wasted her life. I can see how several characters in awful situations felt trapped with no way out and the writing at time was heart-wrenching and poignant. 7/10

I was absolutely mind blown when I had finished this epic page turner and I went to add the rest of her books to my Amazon wish list only to discover that THIS is her DEBUT novel!! I mean just WOW fair play!!! I absolutely loved this addictive, compelling, mysterious and fascinating page turner!!! I honestly loved absolutely everything about it from the characters to the settings. It was just one heck of an amazing read!!! This book begins to telling Henrietta's story. Henrietta is a strange character with many quirks and very stilted conversation skills. However, I absolutely loved how she is so matter of fact about things and does not understand pointless conversation. I had the impression that she may have autism with how she took everything so literally. Henrietta gets a job working in The Rosendale drop-In Centre as an interviewer and transcriber for The Life Stories Project. The Life Stories Project is an absolutely wonderful idea and it did make me wonder if there is something like that in place at the moment and if not then Jo should definitely start it. the Life Stories Project is a way to tell your life story to your family so they can have something that tells your story after you pass away. The Rosendale drop in centre is for those with cancer and Henrietta's first Life Story customer is Annie. Annie starts telling her life story but when she gets to the part where her sister Kath drowned Henrietta is determined to find out what happened to her. Throughout the book Henrietta and Annie form an absolutely amazing multi generational friendship which is completely unexpected by them both. The reader gets to go back in to Annie's past to 1974 where what truly happened to Kath is slowly revealed and it was nothing like what I expected!! I loved the multi generational friendship that is formed, the fact that we get to see what is going on from multiple perspectives and that we travel into both Kath and Henrietta's pasts. They both have heart-breaking histories for similar reasons. Their parents were all awful people, they were both made to feel guilty for something that they were innocent of and they both lead isolated lives. It is a rollercoaster ride of emotions from happiness to anger, joy to heartbreak and so, so much more. Jo deals with several difficult topics which include domestic abuse, blackmail, rape, childhood trauma, drowning, cancer and the horrendous treatment of children by their parents. Jo does an absolutely amazing job of weaving these subjects into an absolutely amazing storyline and the fact that she has experience and researched these areas absolutely shine through the pages. Filled with suspense, mystery, family, friendship, heartbreak and so much more this book is an absolutely addictive and epic read!! I absolutely love, love, LOVED the unique storyline!! I have read so many books that it is getting harder and harder for me to find a truly unique plot but Jo absolutely smashes it out of the park with this one!! The storyline is absolutely action packed. I completely devoured it in a few hours and loved absolutely every second of it!! There was no way I could put this book down until I had finished it. I picked it up and even though I kept telling myself just one more chapter I just could not put it down as every time I went to something happened which meant I had to read just one more again until I ended up reading it in one sitting having been glued to my book for a few hours!! Jo's evocative writing skills and descriptions really brought the storyline to life and I just cannot wait to get hooked into his next book!!! This book will suck you in and keep you gripped in the pages until your thrown out at the end with a racing heart!! A truly unforgettable one in a million page turner!!!! I absolutely loved meeting and getting to know Henrietta, Annie and of course Dave as individuals as well as together as friends along with the many other fascinating characters throughout the book including Audrey, 'Upstairs Woman' lol, Mia, Cath, Cerys and many others, some not so much! I enjoyed watching Henrietta and Annie meet and bond while getting closer while trying to complete Annie's life book and also solve the mystery of Kath before it's too late for them all. I was completely invested in them all throughout and Jo's fantastic evocative writing skills and descriptions ensured they all came to life in front of my eyes. The fact that this is Jo's debut novel yet she has managed to create these amazing, unique and strong characters is just absolutely amazing!!! They were all absolutely fascinating, intriguing and unforgettable!!!I really enjoyed getting to meet most of them and learning all about their histories and discovering their stories. I would absolutely LOVE to see this book turned into a series with more Life Stories being written!! Hint hint Jo ???? !!! I genuinely loved getting to know most of the characters and was completely invested throughout!! It just goes to show how fantastic Jo's writing skills are as she completely brought them all to life for me. An absolutely fantastic selection of unique characters that all worked together perfectly to create an absolutely chilling and addictive page turner!!!
Definitely a 10/10 from me!!

I really enjoyed this book although I would not have picked it up off the shelf! It was very well written and the characters well drawn and developed. From a slow and uncertain start, Henrietta and Annie developed a real, caring friendship which supported them both. It was interesting to see how a death by drowning and how that was originally - wrongly - perceived affected each of them and how the unravelling of the truth eventually enabled each of them to find some peace - Henrietta was able to begin a more productive life and Annie was able to have a peaceful death. It was too neatly tied up at the end but that did not jar too much. However, I did find it a little unbelievable that Dave was able to transform himself enough from an extremely aggressive and difficult to control dog to become a therapy dog! I give this book a 7 out of 10.

Average score 8 out of 10

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Adventurous, Insightful
The Little Wartime Library

I found it slow to get into but once I got to know the main characters I quite enjoyed it. The fact that it was based on true events made it more interesting. I will give it an 8 out of 10

I very much enjoyed this read as it was based on a true story about the London Blitz causing it's inhabitants to rush for safety in the underground tunnels .
I am happy to give it a 10

I enjoyed the historical elements, and wanted to know more about the real story behind the underground community. I thought the book was easy to read, and accessibly written, but that the characters were too stereotypical and the story was very predictable. Because of that I felt that I had read the plot before, just set in different contexts. However, saying that, I did want to finish it, and then enjoyed the additional information that was provided at the end.
I'd give it a 6

I had never heard of the library in the under ground, and thought it was wonderful to think people could still be able to get the books they wanted to read. Not only books but a theater as well. I loved the humour of the Londoners and how everyone pulled together in times of hardship.
I was also so pleased to think all the children wanted to read books and they were well and truly catered for. I was an avid reader as a child but there wasn't a library until Boots the chemist opened up their upper room to be used as such.
I loved all the characters, well most of them!
The reality of war, the people who were bombed out of their homes and still kept going. Using the library as a place to keep warm and of course loose themselves in the books.
I was pleased the book mentioned the Channel Islands, so often they were overlooked
I enjoyed this book so much I will give it 10/10

I really enjoyed this book. Although sometimes it did feel a little formulaic and corny, it was also vividly written and very engaging. Clara and Ruby are both great characters and I loved the underground library. The fact that it was based on a true story felt quite inspirational too. It's nearly a 7 but not quite so 6/10.

The Little Wartime library was easy to read and I liked that it was based on a true story and the notes at the end were really interesting too. I hadn't heard about the underground library before but what a great idea it was. I liked most of the characters, especially Sparrow and Tubby. I was a bit surprised that quite a lot of men and even some women in the forties still thought reading wasn't good for women and girls. I enjoyed it and give it 7.

I really enjoyed this book. It was easy to escape into the world of clara Button. I enjoyed the chapters ar the end where we were told which parts of the story were based on real is odd to realise the value of books then - when you think that now books are relegated to charity shops or even recycling. I felt sorry for the women of that time who were totally under the thumb of their menfolk , many of whom were self opinionated bullies .
The chapters about the channel islands were interesting as many books are not so realistic.
I would certainly read more books by this author and would recommend this book and give it a score of 10.

This book is very powerful and extremely well written. It is devastatingly heart-breaking and beautiful at the same time. The storyline of this book is fiction but the actual historical events are all based on facts and history which is another thing that drew me to read it. It is absolutely rammed with emotions that will make you smile, cry and laugh on the roller-coaster ride to hell that is World War 2 and the Blitz along with persecution and murder of the Jews and many others. Nothing is left out and Kate has done an immense amount of research and brings Clara and Ruby's stories to life along with the Little Wartime Library. Clara and Ruby's library story is based on that of the borough librarian George F. Vale and his deputy Stanley Smith who actually did set up and run the little wartime library on Bethnal Green Underground. Kate used her creativity to bring George and Stanley back to life through Clara and Ruby. I must admit that this book really has got to be one of, if not the, best historical book I have ever read!! As a bibliophile myself to find a book that is based on and in libraries and books really is a readers dream!! I was absolutely fascinated with not just the storyline itself which I found to be unique but also all the historical facts and information included both in the storyline and in the back of the book where Kate gives the reader further information, photos and details on where she found her information. The fact that she made the main protagonists female living during the war and in a time where, although women were doing the same roles that men would have done they were still not seen as being able to do a males role to the same standard and the discrimination and prejudice that Clara and Ruby receive, especially from a certain horrid Mr Pinkerton-Smythe is absolutely disgraceful but true to those times. I loved going back in time from 2023 , shortly to 2020 (thankfully) and then to 1944 and back again. The prologue and epilogue are both set during 2020 when the COVID pandemic kept us in lockdown and destroyed many lives and the parallels between how people would lose themselves in the fictional world of books during lockdown and also during the war are fascinating.

I absolutely loved the amazing idea that Kate had to start each chapter of her book with a quote from a real librarian which I found all to be very true but the ones that stood out the most to me just have to be 'If you have a book you have a friend. As an only child, reading gave me a friend ALL the time' quoted from Andrea Homer, former Saturday Girl At Cradley Library in Halesowen, ' That moment, where something clicks, and you know you've made a reader of a child. Pure magic' quoted from Donna Byrne, Reader Developmental Librarian for Havering Libraries (as a mum of three boys myself I can definitely relate to this one and absolutely love in when I see my eldest son lost in the magic of a book), I adored the story from Anne Cunningham who was told it was pointless her being given the job as library assistant as she would only leave to go off and have babies to then end up with her interviewers job years later, 'There's no such thing as a child who doesn't like reading, just a child who hasn't found the right book' quoted from Nicola 'Ninja Librarian' Pollard who is a school librarian in Harrogate (my partner who rarely reads actually agreed with this one and, again, as parents we both found this to be very true' and the final ones, which I am tempted to have tattooed to me next to my other book tattoos are 'Want to see the world? Don't join the army, become a librarian' from Denise Bangs, Idea Store Libraries in London and my final favourite and one I definitely agree with was spoken by the Mayor of St Pancras, London and is ' People Without books are like houses without windows'!!

I also received a book group kit with my book which I also found fascinating as it included information and photos of the areas mentioned in Kate's book as well as many other fascinating facts and things to do. My heart broke but at the same time soared at the end of this beautiful story filled with romance, passion, war, love, horror, suspense, tension, books, determination and just absolutely everything you could ask for in an emotional rollercoaster page turning historical novel. I cannot wait to read Kate's next guaranteed success and at the back of her book she mentions that after talking to Jackie Stanfield who is a librarian at HMP Hyde bank Women's Prison in Belfast she found talking to her so fascinating it made her want to set a book in a women's prison library and I really, really hope that she goes ahead with this as I for one would love to read that!!
I wont go into too much detail about the characters as I will leave them for you to discover, plus I have already written way more than I was planning to but there is just so much I could say about how absolutely amazing this book is that I really could carry on for hours! Each of the characters in the book came completely to life thanks to Kate's amazing evocative writing skills and several of them were based on people who lived during this time, their experiences and lives and a mix of their personalities and although I could not stand several of them such as Mr Pinkerton Smyth, Victor, Clara's joke of a mother and mother in law, there were characters that were absolutely amazing and unforgettable that apart from our main hero's Clara and Ruby, the Bethnal Green Bookworms such as Pat, Queenie, Irene and Dot, charming and aging Mr Pepper, ruthless but with a heart of gold Mrs Chumbley, handsome, brave and sweet Billy and GI Eddie, Ruby's poor mother Netty, the absolutely lovable and naughty Tube Rats including Sparrow, Tubby, Beatty and Marie along with the fantastic Minister Rupert Montague (especially after putting Pinkerton in his place!) and last but definitely not least the Library Cat!!!! These amazing characters made me angry, joyful, sad, blissful, hopeful and so, so much more in between!!! They most definitely wont be forgotten by me anytime soon!! Kate does an amazing job building her each of these truly amazing characters and her fantastic evocative writing skills brings each and every one of them to life.

Overall an unforgettable, unputdownable, absolutely beautifully devastating story from an amazingly talented author. This book is an absolute must read for anyone and everyone!! Most definitely a 10 from me!!

I was looking forward to reading this book but in truth it was a little disappointing. The back story of the underground library was fantastic and is what kept me reading to the end but the characters were so stereotypical and the events and storyline so cliched and formulaic that it spoilt the overall enjoyment. It was easy to read and reasonably well written but could have been so much better if the personal stories had been more true to life and not required to have a sentimental happy ending. What a shame.
I had no idea that this library had existed and the author's story was really interesting as was the war story which was well written and believable. Although I was aware that Jersey had been invaded by the Nazis I had not known any detail so that was interesting too.
Overall I can only give it a 6 out of 10.

Average score : 8 out of 10

Careless by Capes Kirsty
Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Interesting, Insightful

When I read the reviews at the front of the book from the staff at Orion, from the managing Director until possably the tea lady. I thought I was in for a good read. I started the book but almost gave up with the many F words and a couple of C words as well. I found the story boring and not to my taste. Until, it all started to came together and then I was pleased I had continued.

I was amazed that if you have a foster child you mustn't hug or tell the child you love them, I found that dreadful. No wonder Bess found 'love' with Boy. The consequence of that being an unwanted pregnancy. Living with foster parents who then had their own child was very difficult for Bess. She really was the odd one out. Kisses and cuddles for Riss but none for her as it wasn't allowed. There must be a reason for that rule but I can't understand it. Her saving grace was her friend Eshal and her family. At least she had someone to confide in.
The abortion clinic was very well written and I was shocked, as I had no idea what went on to expel a foetus. My heart went out to Bess to go through that. I am pleased that the book ends with Bess going to college and following her dream.
I give it 7/10

I loved this book so much. I was absolutely hooked and couldn’t stop reading. My heart just went out so much to Bess, who has been dealt such a difficult hand. I couldn’t stand Lisa, obviously, and Rory was a complete coward. Clarissa seemed very sweet, though, and was the only one who thought of Bess as her family. I hated Boy from the start, but understood how Bess, vulnerable and starved of affection as she was, could be sucked into a relationship with him. I loved how all the characters, however good or bad they were, felt human and authentic. The style of writing was beautiful and captivating and the plot was heartbreaking. Loved every second.

I found this book sad. Bess had not ever been loved in her 15 years, it seemed that all she ever wanted was a normal family life, which included love she thought she had found this in Boy, unfortunately he was far too self centred and a flawed person himself.
The story of the arranged marriage seemed to be well dealt with, although I felt that the mother dealt rather kindly with Eshal when she refused.
The book ended well with the girls still close friends. Bess was lucky to get a social worker that helped her rather that the first one, Henry, who did not understand her at all. The abortion was quite scarey and Bess must have been in a bad way to contemplate doing this to herself. This book was worth reading- not sure if I would call it enjoyable, it is a difficult read. I would give it a score of 8

Just to say I really couldn't get into this book and only managed about 100 pages before I gave up. Not sure if I should give a score but it would be a 3.

I must be honest and admit that it took me about 50/60 pages before I really started getting into this book. I struggled at first with the dialogue and the lack of apostrophes during conversations. It's only when I realised it was actually in a type of diary format that this made more sense. What I loved about this book is how Kirsty covers so many 'forbidden' and/or sensitive topics such as grooming, racism, forced marriage, the care system and abortion and manages to weave it into an interesting and thought provoking storyline. It is not the sort of book I would have thought to pick up and neither is it the type of book I would go out of my way to recommend to someone. However, on saying that I do think it is a book that should be made available in all secondary schools due to the topics it covers. There was a great variety of characters and I changed my thoughts and feelings on them as I went through the book. I wasn't a huge fan of Bess at the start but she grew on me and my heart went out to her the more I got to know her life. It made me sick how her foster mother blatantly treated her differently from Clarissa. I was also saddened to read that as a foster parent that she wasn't allowed to hug her either. Mind you, I don't think she would have even if she could!! I could not abide the way her eyes lit up at the thought of more money from Bess having a child and how she was more concerned about that than what Beth was going through. I really admired Clarissa for her maturity, understanding and the way she looked out for Bess. Considering she is only 11 years old she definitely had a grown up head on her shoulders. I was absolutely disgusted by Boy and his actions throughout the book. I loved seeing the friendship between Bess and Eshal develop throughout the book. My heart did go out to Eshal as she was in such an awkward position with her family and I was annoyed with Bess on several occasions as she overlooked her friends problems. I was both shocked and pleased by the reactions of Eshal's parents who I really liked from the start. I found them to be much better parents towards Bess than her own so called foster parents were. Overall I found it to be an eye opening and intriguing read that covered an excellent amount of topics that need to be discussed more openly.
I would give this book a 7

Although I am not fond of this style of writing - first person, present tense - I did quite enjoy it in the end. I confess to being able to skim read most of it without losing any of the sense and although I did not find it riveting or a page turner it was quite an interesting story and felt very true to life in many ways. Of necessity I suppose many strands of the story were designed to pull at the heart strings but it was not overly sentimental and felt quite realistic. (It would be very interesting to see what an American author would make of this story - I suspect we might have ended up with a very different book but that as they say is another story.) I would give it almost 6 out of 10.

Average score : 7 out of 10

The Mysterious Case of the Alperton Angels

I found this book easy to read at first and liked the way that it was written in emails and texts. However, as the book went on I found it difficult. Again, at first I found the story easy, but after a while it seemed to turn rather supernatural and the story not so believable. I read some reports on line, but it seemed to have little sense . Although I read all the book , I did not seem to get much sense from it. Overall I found the book disappointing and would give it a score of 4.

I'm afraid I didn't like this book I struggled with the format and I dislike books about cults.
So it a 0 from me.

I read this book and at the start I enjoyed the different sources that were used to tell the story. I have read one other book by this author which was similar in style. I thought the plot twist at the end was clever, it was unexpected and did like the exchanges with the person doing the interview transcriptions. However, I felt that the book was overlong and the style made it hard to follow at times, and so found myself skimming some sections. Overall I would give it 5/10

Chris/Arleen (via Eve)
5 of us met to discuss this book - 3 sent in separate reviews We were not keen on the format of the book as it became rather wearing after a while. The ending was quite difficult to understand, even with the help of Google. The duchess of Wessex was mentioned during the book and we discussed whether or not it was legal to mention an actual personal a book or do you need permission to use someone's name. Mostly we found the book disappointing and from just our number it scored 2.5

I was a bit unsure about the format of the book but found it easier to read than I initially thought. I was a bit confused by all the different people though and was never quite sure whether they were lying, misremembering or telling the truth. Also did Oliver kill Amanda or was that a cover up by the police as well? It was cleverly worked out. I give it 7.

The format of the book was interesting and new but eventually ended up making it difficult to follow for me. So many characters introduced in so many different formats that I am afraid I lost track of who was who in the end. The story was interesting and enjoyable and the twists at the end were unexpected and clever. Not the type of book I would want to read again if it was in the same sort of format though. I give it a 5 out of 10.

Well, this book is most definitely unique!! When I first had a flick through it I was a bit concerned in the way it is formatted being entirely composed using WhatsApp messaging, Emails and other communications as well as scripts from other 'books'. I have never come across anything like it before and considering I have read hundreds of books that is quite a feat!! I became hooked on the storyline immediately and was surprised to find that I was actually enjoying reading the storyline in the different media formats as it gave a larger picture of what peoples thoughts and ideas were from many different perspectives!! It is definitely a gripping storyline and I was completely invested from the beginning to the end. Once I started reading it I just did not want to put it down and was glued to the pages every time I got a moment to read through. I love the fact that because of the way it is formatted that even though there are only 8 actual chapters you can stop the book at many different places without feeling lost as to where you were in the book. The storyline is packed full of mystery, the supernatural, manipulation, suspense, deceit, crime, cover ups, friendship and it really makes you question what is actually going on. Janice also uses the topic of manipulation and how easy it is for someone to manipulate somebody who is vulnerable with nobody to talk to and how it is so easy for crimes such as grooming and child abuse to go so unnoticed in the world we live in now. I love that everything is wrapped up in the end leaving no plot holes as that is a pet hate of mine when it comes to reading mystery books when something is mentioned then seems to be entirely forgotten by the end of the book. Janice weaves several links and storylines together absolutely perfectly keeping the reader drawn in hook, line and sinker!! Janice has a fantastic imagination and I was absolutely gobsmacked when the ending happened as well as some of the truths being revealed. There was no way I would have expected any of it, which is again another fantastic achievement as it does get harder and harder to shock me the more books I read!!! This truly is a fantastic work of art in book form and I will be recommending it to anyone and everyone!! An absolutely incredible, complex, twisted, addictive and explosive work of art written in the form of multiple media that will have you questioning yourself by the end. An absolute must read that I could never score less than a 10/10!! I cannot wait to read more books by this incredible author!!!

Average score : 4 out of 10

Pointless, Boring, Confusing
The Making of Mrs Petrakis

I enjoyed this book very much. I found the start quite hard to read with all the names of the people who were going into Mrs Petrakis bakery. it was hard to know who was who. I thought the book would be good if only one was a Greek Cypriot. I eventually go into the story and I found I felt part of the community, I could picture walking along the road and turning into the bakery with all the wonderful different smells of the beautiful assorted cakes and bread. The Author took you straight into the heart of the family.
I found I enjoyed the diverse customers going into Maria's shop.

The story goes on to explain how Maria came to England with her family to escape
the war and opened a bakery. She settled in England although found it very cold. Her Daughter-in-law suffered with deep depression after having each of her two babies. So Maria was kept busy between running her bakery and helping her family.
The story was very good, I felt so much a part of it. I will give it 9/10

I found this book rather confusing.- the time line skipped all over the place, the characters were not straight forward and even at times it was difficult to realise what country you were in. None of the characters were particularly likeable so reading to the end of the book was rather a chore. I felt it only was worth a 4.

I found this book quite hard going although I did finish it.It was difficult to follow as it jumped between times and places and people. I kept forgetting whose husband had been stuffed down the well.It was quite uninteresting a lot of the time. I give it 4.

Unfortunately this was not a book that I found that I could get into. I stopped and started several times and managed to get as far as 170 pages but I really could not go any further. Although the synopsis looked intriguing and I was looking forward to it I just found that the storyline was just too slow paced for my liking. I also struggled with the constant timeline and protagonist changes feeling that there was too much about one character's timeline and not enough of the next one. There were several times I had to go back to check which timeline I was reading about and whose point of view I was reading from. From the amount I managed to read though I will say that the evocative descriptions were brilliant and the author really brings the surroundings of both Cyprus and London to life along with the history of the areas and the characters. I also found that I could smell and see the delicious foods that Maria was baking and that was being brought to life throughout the book. Mary's emotive writing skills also brings the emotions felt by the characters straight to the readers mind ensuring they feel the sorrow, love, hopelessness, anger and everything else the characters feel through the storyline. I struggled with what to actually rate this as i would normally just give a 1 for a book that I did not manage to finish but I think it deserves more than that as what I read was from a great imagination, the storyline was brought to life and the premise was intriguing but it was just too slow and confusing for me unfortunately. Although I feel this way do not allow that to put you off the book as there are many mixed reviews and everybody has their own tastes.

Rating 3/10

Average Score 5 out of 10

Coming to Find You by Jane Corry
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Dramatic
Coming to Find You

This book was hard to put down once I started reading it. There was so many twist and turns and took the reader through the lives of the family's who lived in the house called Tall Chimneys. It was easy to follow the different era as each time change had the name at the top of the page of Elizabeth and Nancy. It was a book that I would recommend to friends and I will give it 10/10 it was a brilliant book.

I enjoyed this book. I like the time differences going through a story and the 3 generations of the same family. It did get a little muddled on occasions, but mainly it was easy to follow. It was also easy to either like or dislike, as appropriate, the characters. I would like to read more from this author and give it a 9/10.

This story kept me gripped throughout. The modern day thriller was combined a suspenseful story of life during WWII. A great read. My score 9
I thoroughly enjoyed this brilliant page turner!! This is my first book from this author but I will definitely be reading more. I enjoyed the fact that it has the multiple narratives, timelines and protagonists. The story is told from the point of view of Nancy and in the present timeline and Elizabeth where Jane takes us to WW2. Jane weaves the storylines, protagonists and history together ensuring the reader gets the bigger picture of what is and was going on and how they are thinking and feeling. Jane discusses and includes some difficult topics which may be unsuitable and upsetting for some readers. These topics include the war, PTSD, sexual abuse, post natal depression and murder. Jane manages to weave these topics into this incredible storyline in a sensitive way while still ensuring the reader still sees the impacts of these things. Her evocative and emotive descriptions really brings the storyline to life making sure the reader sees and feels everything the characters are seeing and feeling from pain to love, happiness to despair. It is a story filled with history, tension, love, emotions that will keep you glued to the pages needing to know what will happen next. I am looking forward to reading more books by Jane and would rate this 8/10

I enjoyed the book. It was a good easy read and I liked the parts about WW2 and the secret army. I give it a 7.

I found this book to be well written, and it was an easy read in terms of following the plot and the style, although the issues covered were potentially harrowing. I wanted to know what happened to the characters, although I didn’t warm to any in particular. Although the story jumped about in time this was easy to follow. I thought that the parts of the story set during the war were the most interesting, but those set in modern times were less compelling, and less believable. I would read other books by this author. 7/10

This was an easy read and easy enough to follow although written in two different time zones. However, the storyline of Elizabeth, set in WW2, was very much more interesting than that of the modern day Nancy although I thought none of the characters were particularly likeable. The book was spoilt for me by the constant trailing of the "trauma" that was the actual cause of the later dramatic events, and which ruined Nancy's entire life apparently, was not exactly earth shattering when it was finally revealed. I find this style of writing irritating so can only give it a (in my view generous) 5 out of 10

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Brilliant, Insightful
Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow

I didn't expect to like this book but I did.That it was about gaming didn't really matter to me. It was more about the relationships between the three main characters Sam, Sadie and Marx. They weren't flawless but that made them more real. I liked Marx especially as he always tried to bring the other two together. I liked the end because Sam and Sadie reached a point where they were happy with each other and were good friends which they had been at the start.
I give it 8.

I am afraid to say that I did not finish the reading of this book. I found the book rather boring in the way it was written and I did not find the subject matter particularly interesting.
I understand that Sadie and Sam were good friends without being lovers but I did not like them as people. As they were so very interested in computer games, they seemed to lack personality. Therefore this book was nit for me and I would give it a score of 2.

Although I started to get in to this straight away, it fizzled out at about 20% of the way through. I nearly gave up- it lost momentum and I didn’t particularly care about the characters or what was going to happen next. But, I checked out some reviews online and a lot said to persevere. I did. Did it get better? Maybe. Did I start to care about the characters? Not particularly. Did I start to care about what was going to happen? A little, yes. I didn’t feel anything for the characters or their relationships. Sam was extremely unlikeable and Sadie wasn’t much better. I think the only person I might have had any response to was Marx. The events at the offices, that lead to his death, and the reasons behind it were perhaps the most interesting part of the book. Gaming is not really my thing so I must confess I skim-read large chunks of the book. For me, 6/10.

I really enjoyed this book. I would not have picked it up from the shelf if I was in a book shop as the cover made me think of sci-fi which I’m not keen on, but I would have missed out!
I thought that what was, in effect a simple story of individuals making their way though their early adulthood was told really well. The life events the characters encountered were realistic and not over dramatic and they were explored sympathetically. I don’t know anything about gaming, but that didn’t matter, the author made this accessible. I thought the characters were well developed, and even the tragedy in the office was all too real, but told in a sympathetic way so that even the perpetrators could be understood. 9/10

Found this book easy to get into and the characters were well described. Thought the story was engaging but found the computer games element boring for me and did skim read parts of it. I give it 6 out of 10

Much to my surprise I really enjoyed this book. I know nothing about gaming and would never have chosen to read a book with that storyline but I actually found it very interesting and the descriptions of how the games were developed and produced fascinating. I liked all the characters and thought they were well developed although it was quite clear from the beginning that Sam's was going to be an unrequited love for Sadie. It kept my interest all the way through and the ending was satisfactory for me. A very enjoyable well written book and I would recommend that anyone at least try it. A very satisfactory 8 out of 10.

Average score : 6.5 out of 10

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Romantic, Beautiful
The Leftover Woman

Can remember that I liked the book and that I gave it an 8 but struggling to remember the plot. Think I found the ending a bit overdramatic!

I score it a 7

I enjoyed the book. I found the story to be a bit predictable, but it was well written and kept my interest to the end (although that was a little too much of a fairy tale for my liking). There was a lot of potential in the storyline, but I think overall this remained an easy to read novel rather than anything too profound. For instance, I found the issues relating to adoption, especially around culture, to be interesting and thought the book only really touched the surface of these. Overall I would give this an 8.

7/10 for me not finished yet so not a complete review, sorry

I enjoyed this book and loved the story line.
I didn't want to put the book down and would certainly recommend it to friends. I give it 8/10

I found the Leftover Woman to be quite readable and finished it quite quickly. I think I was expecting it to be more of a thriller. The characters weren't particularly likeable. It was clever, I hadn't guessed that Jasmine was the nanny.
I give it 6.

I found this book easy to read and the subject interesting. It was sad that women had to give up their babies because they were girls rather than the boy that their husband wanted. The wishes of the man was the only important thing and he made up his mind what should happen to the female child
Jasmine thought she had found the perfect way of looking after Fiona and Fiona was very fond of her. However she had no control of the men in her life and certainly not of the Snake heads.
The story progressed to a satisfactory conclusion although I found the characters rather bland. It was obvious that the child would be well looked after but I just found everyone unlikeable. I would score this book 6

Jean's amazing, beautiful and evocative writing skills really brought everything to life all throughout this fantastic book dropping you straight into the storyline where you will see, feel and hear everything that the characters are thinking, feeling, seeing and hearing including these absolutely amazing characters that I will not be forgetting for a very long time, if I ever do!!! This book really has been one of the best and most memorable books I have ever read!!! With a fast paced storyline filled with drama, love, family, friendship, emotion, twists, secrets, gangsters, revenge, a mothers love and so, so much more what are you waiting for? Jean weaves so many important themes into this remarkable story including, but no limited to, motherhood, illegal immigration, culture, love, family, law, race, identity and so much more!! Being a mother myself my heart went out to both Jasmine and Rebecca and this book really does make you feel so grateful if you are not limited to laws such as China's One-Child ones. I must admit I have heard of this before although have not really thought much about it in terms of the affects it must have on people until I read this book and I think it is brilliant how Jean has brought such a large and important yet not much talked about law from China into this book and spread awareness of it. Jean's writing skills are truly captivating and regardless of where or when you are reading this she will transport you to New York and next to Jasmine and/or Rebecca at the turn of the page where their emotions jump put of the pages and into her readers. It really is a true emotional rollercoaster ride rammed with hope, love, heartache, joy, friendship, despair, anger and so much more so make sure you have those tissues at the ready!! I genuinely could not put this book down and ended up devouring it in one sitting of several hours!! A truly remarkable and atmospheric page turner that will keep any reader hooked from beginning to end!! I am definitely looking forward to reading more books by this very talented author! With an absolutely gorgeous and unforgettable storyline ram packed with emotions, isolation, love, family, dedication, fears, difficult decisions, friendship, heartache, loneliness, care, loyalty, hope, dreams and so, so much more!! It has everything plus even more than you could ever ask for in a beautiful book so what are you waiting for? I would also like to add that I loved how strong both of the female protagonists are and being female myself I always enjoy seeing women like this shine through in novels showing strength, determination and more including the fact that several of the females in this book looked out for each other when the tides turned. It is such a down to Earth and realistic everyday storyline but one filled with emotions that I could see it all play out in front of my eyes. Jean covers a number of sensitive topics as previously mentioned and weaves it all into a beautiful storyline covering each of the topics sensitively whilst also highlighting the difficulties people struggle with each. Jean does an amazing job of creating such realistic characters so we see and feel what they are feeling and doing throughout the storyline while also living their lives along with them. Every single one of the characters are realistic, well developed and strong. The fact that Jean genuinely cares about her characters absolutely shines through the book as does the fact that she has done plenty of research or has experience about a variety of topics. It is a pet hate when an author does little or no research into their chosen topics as it then runs the risk of their books being littered with mistakes and spoiling what could otherwise be a very good story but Jean has completely avoided this by doing plenty of research! The storyline was realistic which I always prefer as it makes it more enjoyable to read when you can see that it is something that could happen. This book is well constructed and was absolutely ram packed with so much going on that you will just fly through the pages!!! It is multi layered with all the fantastic characters backgrounds and personalities coming out and each and every character has their own personalities. It was a very compelling and addictive read!!! The storyline is absolutely unique having never come across anything like it before and I doubt I will again. I have read hundreds and hundreds of books so it is getting so difficult to find a book with a unique storyline but Jean absolutely managed not only that but a storyline I truly believe will stay with me for life!
Definitely a 10/10 from me!!!

Average Score : 8 out of 10

Book Club Recommended
Slow, Adventurous, Interesting
The Last Murder at the End of The World

I enjoyed this book and read it cover to cover. I found the first part of the book very confusing but I kept going and once it had all fitted into place it was very clear what was going on. It was very thought provoking as it made one wonder if this sort of thing could ever happen when the world would be controlled by non humans. I have given the book 7/10, I think that is a bit mean as it was well written and the Author's imagination was brilliant. As I said before, it wasn't easy to get into. Also there were so many wasted paper which made the book very heavy.

Although generally I enjoyed the book I thought it was a bit long and also a bit confusing at times.
I score it 6.

When i started to read this book - I felt as if I had begun to read the book from the.middle. nothing seemed to make any sense. There was a large cast of characters, some human and some AI , this was confusing. Even at the end of the book there did not seem to be an answer
Or a future for those characters
The book was easy enough to read, just very confusing. Did I enjoy the book ? I really don't know ! I doubt if I would want to read another by this author and mark this one as 3

Enjoyed the book but thought it too long in parts with rather too many characters. 8 out of 10

I must admit I really was dubious about this one as I have been about previous ones but this is what I always say I love about book club that you get given a book and give it a chance where you normally may not. I certainly wouldn't have picked this book up in a book shop especially due to the length too. I really, really enjoyed it though. I was a bit nervy when it went down the AI/Sci fi route but really that only came with Abi. The storyline was intriguing with lots of mystery and a very large range of different characters. Loved the twists which I was not expecting at all. The plot was unique and I was really invested in it. Once I started it I found that I kept thinking about it when I wasn't reading it which for me is a sign of a very good book. The storyline and characters will stay with me for a long time. I would actually give this one a 10!!

I found this book very confusing to start with as there were so many characters, all with unfamiliar names which made it difficult to work out who was who for me. It became more interesting as it went along but was overly long and quite slow in parts. I felt it could have been a much more interesting book as the subject is fascinating but it fell a little flat for me. I would score it 5 out of 10.

Average score : 6 out of 10

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