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Name : Giovanni G.

My Reviews

Edge: A Novel by Jeffery Deaver
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Fantastic, Brilliant
Gelati's Scoop

I just need to get this out from the start: I loved this novel, seriously, loved it! This will definitely be in my top five reads of the year, not the quarter, the year. Synopsis first then let the love fest begin:
“When Washington D.C. police detective Ryan Kessler is targeted by Henry Loving, he and his family are immediately put under government protection. Loving is a ruthless "lifter", hired to extract information from his victims, and he will use whatever means necessary including kidnapping, torturing or killing their family.
Assigned to the Kesslers is protection officer Corte: uncompromising, relentlessly devoted to protecting those in his care and a brilliant game strategist. He also knows just how brutal the lifter can be – six years earlier, Loving killed someone close to him. As tension increases between the family, the situation escalates into a deadly contest between protector and lifter as each tries to outwit the other. And as the lifter closes in on his prey, Corte must decide whether to protect his charges, or expose them to a killer in the name of personal revenge . . . “
I have read many thrillers and not read about a “lifter” or a shepherd. The originality in the characters, their jobs, the inner workings of the agencies they work for kept me enthralled, check it out, I used the word enthralled, first time this year. I have read many Jeffery Deaver novels and was ready for the usual quality work and good read, but he hits this out of the park, grand slam. Edge has just that to it, and it is an amazing plot twister. Just when you think you have it figured out, BAM, right up to the last page. This is great stuff from an author that has pumped out some of fiction’s best characters. The character of Corte is a winner, a game geek, a manipulator, and a shepherd all rolled into one. The plotlines were amazing, the narrative intense; this is one novel that is hard to put down.
Basically I cannot use enough adjectives to describe my enjoyment of this novel. Do not pass this read up, there is too much fun contained in the pages. For those of you that have not read a Jeffery Deaver novel, this is an excellent place to start. I was considering putting up the author’s biography, but honestly it is long and incredible so I am going to leave the link to his official webpage, go for it and enjoy. One note, Jeffery Deaver’s next project, the next James Bond novel. I am sure he will take James Bond to the next level.
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Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Graphic, Fun
Graphic Novel Friday The Best American Comics 2010 Neil Gaiman

Out of the three posts today on the graphic novels this is the one that I would consider more “grownup”. Looking for diversity in your content? Want to see a variety of writing styles? Looking to see as many different art forms in graphic novels as possible in one place? Then this is your graphic novel for all the right reasons. Here is what we have:
“The Best American Comics showcases the work of both established and up-and-coming contributors. Editor Neil Gaiman—one of the top writers in modern comics and the award-winning author of novels and children’s books—has culled the best stories from graphic novels, pamphlet comics, newspapers, magazines, mini-comics, and the Internet to create this cutting-edge collection. With entries from luminaries such as Tim Hensley, Michael Kupperman, and Dash Shaw.”
Where else are you going to get to experience 25 different stories? The emotions of the stories run the gamut: sad, happy, giddy, the whole nine yards. I have to give this compilation props for having as many different themes as it does artists and authors. It is an amazing gathering of talent on all sides of the different projects. Did I really enjoy each and every story? No, but I got to experience something different from what I was used to and learned much in the journey.
Neil Gaiman has put together a graphic novel collection that you can not only read through once, but need to go through again and again there is so much there in content and artwork. It is easy to miss something the first time around and still have a fresh look at on another read through.
What are you reading today? Check us out and become our friend on Shelfari & Linkedin. Go to Goodreads and become our friend there and suggest books for us to read and post on. You can also follow us on Twitter, Wattpad and the Gelati’s Scoop Facebook Fan Page. Did you know you can shop directly on Amazon by clicking the Amazon Banner on our blog? Thanks for stopping by today; We will see you tomorrow. Have a great day.

Nola's Worlds 1: Changing Moon by Mathieu Mariolle
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Fun, Adventurous
Graphic Novel Friday Changing Moon Mathieu Mariolle

Changing Moon is not just French but also a YA graphic Novel at that. I have posted on YA before but not on anything French. Yes, I admit to being that Giovanni Gelati, the one that put up the Monty Python You Tube video entitled ”Taunting The French”: Oops there it is again, my bad. Seriously, this is an excellent graphic novel. I want to give an insight into the plotline and also a little something about the author:
“"In Alta Donna, the weather is great, the sunsets are super, and the stars twinkle brightly. Perfect, right? No! It's super boring. Nothing real ever happens. Everybody says I spend too much time daydreaming in my own little world. At least my dreams are more interesting than Alta Donna.
But what if Alta Donna is hiding a secret? The two new kids in town are up to something. No one could be as good a baseball player as Damiano, and no one could be as charming as Inés. The moment they arrived, life in Alta Donna stopped being perfect and started getting weird. Who are they really?
I always say, if you need a puzzle solved, look for someone with a BIG imagination. And that's me. Nola.”
And now the author:” Mathieu Mariolle was born in 1978 in Paris, France. After studying to be a translator, he returned to his childhood dream of writing books. He had been passionate about graphic novels ever since his father gave him a copy of the long-running Wild West comic book series Blueberry when he was five years old. His graphic novels include the series Pixie (with art by Aurore), published by Delcourt in French and TokyoPop in English. He blogs at”
The entire graphic novel for me was like a breath of fresh air. The artwork, although not usually my cup of tea really was a nice marriage with the dialogue and age group, it was definitely fun. Recently I have been on a quest to find graphic novels that are different and out of my comfort zone. The search hasn’t been difficult and I am amazed at the amount of quality work being done today. Changing Moon is a fine example of what a graphic novel should look like, feel like, and read like when all the right elements are placed together and fit like a glove.
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Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Interesting, Fun
Gelati's Scoop

Being the deep thinker I am, M3 as it will be referred to the rest of the post, surmise that this graphic novel is for the younger audience, thus completing my trifecta of age groups in graphic novels. M3 has a January release date, so this little goodie cannot be placed under the tree by Santa, sorry. Sarah Stephens has others titles though that may be. Let’s get right to the good stuff!
“When the carnival comes to METROPOLIS, BEPPO THE SUPER-MONKEY isn't far behind. This CHIMP OF STEEL can't wait to chow down on chocolate-covered bananas and other fair foods. Unfortunately, the world's evilest ape, GORILLA GRODD, has other plans. He wants to turn this festival of fun into a day of destruction. With a little help from the WONDER TWINS and their space chimp, GLEEK, BEPPO must somehow stop GRODD'S midway monkey madness. “
Please notice the names bandied about the synopsis. It is a marriage between some of the larger DC Comic characters and some of the lesser known ones, but still a nice vehicle to introduce the little ones to a segment of their catalog in a fun way. The artwork is what one might expect for something of this age group and it is all together a nice project. I read it with my grandson on my lap and he was enjoying the different panels and colorful artwork while I read the balloons of dialogue out loud for him. It was fun for both of us, he was engaged, I enjoyed seeing the look on his face, win-win. Midway Monkey Madness is a gamer, the only person this is rigged for is the reader, check it out.
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The Athena Project by Brad Thor
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Brilliant, Adventurous
Gelati's Scoop

Right on the heels of Foreign Influence comes a new project from Brad Thor, The Athena Project. Was I pumped, excited, impatient to get it, ready to read it, looking forward to it? To put it mildly, yes, that and much more, I ran out ways to say how much I wanted to get this novel and read it. I am a big Brad Thor fan and was happy to see him branch out and do something a little different. Let’s get to what the action is all about:
“The world’s most elite counterterrorism unit has just taken its game to an entirely new level. And not a moment too soon . . .
From behind the rows of razor wire, a new breed of counterterrorism operator has emerged.
Just as skilled, just as fearsome, and just as deadly as their colleagues, Delta Force’s newest members have only one thing setting them apart—their gender. Part of a top-secret, all-female program codenamed The Athena Project, four of Delta’s best and brightest women are about to undertake one of the nation’s deadliest assignments.
When a terrorist attack in Rome kills more than twenty Americans, Athena Team members Gretchen Casey, Julie Ericsson, Megan Rhodes, and Alex Cooper are tasked with hunting down the Venetian arms dealer responsible for providing the explosives. But there is more to the story than anyone knows.
In the jungles of South America, a young U.S. intelligence officer has made a grisly discovery. Surrounded by monoliths covered with Runic symbols, one of America’s greatest fears appears to have come true. Simultaneously in Colorado, a foreign spy is close to penetrating the mysterious secret the U.S. government has hidden beneath Denver International Airport.
As Casey, Ericsson, Rhodes, and Cooper close in on their target, they will soon learn that another attack—one of unimaginable proportions—has already been set in motion, and the greatest threat they face may be the secrets kept by their own government.”
Have you read my biography? If you have, and maybe if you have now, you will see that my wife and I have eight children. The reason I bring that up is that seven of them are girls. I enjoy a good novel that has some really good heroines in them, especially the kind that are contained in this novel: intelligent, strong willed, successful just to name a few. Basically the attributes one would hope for in any child. Thor has been able to walk the fine line between cartoonish behavior of the opposite sex and nailing this on the head, and he has nailed this on the head. The dialogue was excellent, the character development was nice for a debut, and he tied everything up in a nice bow for us at the end.
The inclusion of his other characters from his previous novels was a nice bonus and added a nice touch to the plotline. I was grateful Brad Thor added them; it gave the novel a familiar feel and helped settle me in a bit more. Even if you aren’t a father of a girl or girls, this is a fun novel for all the right reasons. If it helps me get the chance to read a Brad Thor novel more than once a year, bring it on. If you are a fan of any size of Brad Thor’s, check out his website it is really nice:
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Book Club Recommended
Fun, Brilliant, Adventurous
Romantic Wednesday Kathryne Kennedy The Fire Lord's Lover

Elven Lords rule the Realms… is what it says on the back cover of this novel. I thought it said Eleven Lords, so I was expecting a different type of romance novel, but to my surprise it was actually pretty neat in an elven sort of way. Kathryne Kennedy creates a totally original, organic, captivating microcosm of insight into the heart in The Fire Lord’s Lover. Here is what to expect:
“Fighting for control of a kingdom that is split into seven domains, Elven warlords use their human slaves to breed an endless supply of soldiers for their armies. Dominic Raikes, the half-blood son of the Elven Lord himself is one such warrior. Betrothed to Lady Cassandra, who has been raised in a convent to keep her pure, he little suspects that she's been secretly trained as an assassin to murder his father and him. Dominic and Cassandra soon discover that each one is not what they seem, but the price of trust may be their very lives, and the destruction of the magical realm each is desperately trying to save.”
I am not too keen on the human slave’s part, but it is a necessary element to the novel to prove the points she wants to make. Affairs of the heart can happen to Elven warlords too, I love it. Being a newbie to this genre I am amazed at the originality and diversity of the plotlines of the different novels. Forgive me for stereotyping, but with the help from different friends on the many websites we are fortunate to be a part of, I have been steered towards some wonderful novels and characters.
Kathryne Kennedy totally won me over with her original plotline, rich characters, vibrant dialogue, action and suspense. Reality is quite a concept, but a novel of this caliber definitely softens and takes away the edges of the day as it whisked me away to a realm I had not ever imagined. She has a new fan in me, and I plan to check out her back catalogue of novels and of course anything she has new that comes out. Bring out more Elves, but be careful, these bad boys don’t bake cookies, cinnamon buns and biscuits like Ernie and another group of you know what.
Here is the link you can use to get to her website: "Sometimes our dreams are all that we have to protect us." From THE FIRE LORD'S LOVER, Book One in THE ELVEN LORDS series.
Here is the link to the official video:

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Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Interesting, Epic
Romantic Wednesday Queen Hereafter Susan Fraser King

If you are looking for some historical romance, step right up this is your novel. Susan Fraser King gives us all history we can handle with a side order of romance, or is it vice versa, in Queen Hereafter. I am going to do things a little backward in this post, so please forgive me and just indulge me a little if you will. I want to go with the author’s biographical information first and I think that will better help explain the novel and its plotline. Here it is:
” SUSAN FRASER KING is a multi-published, bestselling, award-winning author and a former art history lecturer. She holds a B.A. in art and an M.A. and most of a Ph.D. in art history, with postgraduate work in medieval studies. Her books are widely praised for historical detail and a lyrical writing style, and she has won multiple honors and awards for her novels w/a Susan King and Sarah Gabriel. Lady Macbeth: A Novel (Crown Publishing, February 2008) is her first hardcover mainstream novel. Susan visits Scotland as often as possible for research and relaxation, and lives in Maryland with her family.”
The link to her website:
Now here is the inside stuff on Queen Hereafter and I think you can understand why I have done what I have done: ”Refugee. Queen. Saint. In eleventh-century Scotland, a young woman strives to fulfill her destiny despite the risks . . .
Shipwrecked on the Scottish coast, a young Saxon princess and her family—including the outlawed Edgar of England—ask sanctuary of the warrior-king, Malcolm Canmore, who shrewdly sees the political advantage. He promises to aid Edgar and the Saxon cause in return for the hand of Edgar’s sister, Margaret, in marriage.
A foreign queen in a strange land, Margaret adapts to life among the barbarian Scots, bears princes, and shapes the fierce warrior Malcolm into a sophisticated ruler. Yet even as the king and queen build a passionate and tempestuous partnership, the Scots distrust her. When her husband brings Eva, a Celtic bard, to court as a hostage for the good behavior of the formidable Lady Macbeth, Margaret expects trouble. Instead, an unlikely friendship grows between the queen and her bard, though one has a wild Celtic nature and the other follows the demanding path of obligation.
Torn between old and new loyalties, Eva is bound by a vow to betray the king and his Saxon queen. Soon imprisoned and charged with witchcraft and treason, Eva learns that Queen Margaret—counseled by the furious king and his powerful priests—will decide her fate and that of her kinswoman Lady Macbeth. But can the proud queen forgive such deep treachery?
Impeccably researched, a dramatic page-turner, Queen Hereafter is an unforgettable story of shifting alliances and the tension between fear and trust as a young woman finds her way in a dangerous world.”
Serious stuff for a novel that is filled with romance, fulfilling one’s destiny seemed to be a tall order in this story. I enjoyed the history, the action, the tension, the pacing. Susan Fraser King’s ability to describe the land and the people is what ultimately stood tall for me, as she put in a place and time in which I generally have had no interest. She changed my mind on that and had me totally engrossed in the characters and what was ultimately going to happen to them. That was the linchpin in this novel for me. I, for some reason, have been enjoying the historical romances quite a bit, as I have guessed you have noticed. It doesn’t take long to notice the time the author has spent in her research and the manner and ease that she brings it to the page.
Romantic Wednesday is really starting to grow on me. When I decided to start this I didn’t know what direction it may go, but I have begun to see diversity and incredible skill levels among its authors that I really didn’t know was there. I know that reads a bit ignorant, and for that I am sorry, but call me repentant, and let’s call it a day. Holding this novel in my hands I thought it to possibly be a subject and plotline that was not in my wheelhouse. Susan Fraser King has won me over with her incredible style and ability. I tip my hat to her, five stars, no question.
Here is something direct from the author:
For additional news, perhaps you could add that I'm part of a group blog of bestselling historical fiction authors at Word Wenches .

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Kidnap & Ransom by Michelle Gagnon
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Adventurous
Michelle Gagnon Kidnap & Ransom

It seems I have arrived late for the party yet again. Kidnap & Ransom is Michele Gagnon’s fourth novel, The Gatekeeper, Boneyard and The Tunnels are here other works to date. I am going to get right to the rundown of what the novel is about and then we can discuss it:
“When the world's foremost kidnap and ransom negotiator is snatched by a ruthless drug cartel, Jake Riley becomes ensnared in the effort to save him. But he's up against Los Zetas, an elite paramilitary organization renowned for its ferocity and skill. Now he and his colleagues must navigate the dark underbelly of Mexico, from raging street wars to perilous jungles, in an effort to rescue him before time runs out.
After nearly losing her life on her last case, FBI Agent Kelly Jones may never do fieldwork again. Determined to regain her confidence, she joins Jake on his mission—and quickly realizes she's in over her head. Then in the slums of Mexico City, she encounters a former nemesis who's enacting a nightmarish ritual on the weak and vulnerable. Now she has one last, desperate shot to prove herself—by taking down a killer.”
The Tunnels is the other FBI Agent Kelly Jones vehicle, I am going to back track to that, to get the whole story on her. Kidnap& Ransom is a very good character driven novel so this was right up my alley. I dug into this with a fury and the action, suspense, and thrill was better than I expected. Michele Gagnon is now officially on my radar and being the OCD type of guy I am I will go to the novels I missed and then impatiently wait for the newest novel.
I know everyone dollars are tight, Kidnap & Ransom is in paperback and also ereader form. As it says on the Amazon Kindle page, you can be reading this novel in under a minute. I say go rogue and get kidnapped by Michele Gagnon and her heroine FBI Agent Kelly Jones, it will be a pleasant experience.
What are you reading today? Check us out and become our friend on Shelfari & Linkedin. Go to Goodreads and become our friend there and suggest books for us to read and post on. You can also follow us on Twitter, Wattpad and the Gelati’s Scoop Facebook Fan Page. Did you know you can shop directly on Amazon by clicking the Amazon Banner on our blog? Thanks for stopping by today; We will see you tomorrow. Have a great day.

Book Club Recommended
Brilliant, Adventurous
Steve Berry The Emperor's Tomb

Does Cotton Malone ever get to be behind the counter of his book store and actually sell a book to anyone? If so what would the book be and to what famous figure or character would he sell it? Fun thought? Well, since he didn’t sell any books this again, what exactly did he do with his bad self ?
“The tomb of China’s First Emperor, guarded by an underground army of terra-cotta warriors has remained sealed for more than 2,000 years. Though it’s regarded as one of the greatest archaeological sites in the world, the Chinese government won’t allow anyone to open it. Why?
That question is at the heart of a dilemma faced by former Justice Department operative Cotton Malone, whose life is shattered when he receives an anonymous note carrying an unfamiliar Web address. Logging on, he sees Cassiopeia Vitt, a woman who’s saved his life more than once, being tortured at the hands of a mysterious man who has a single demand: Bring me the artifact she’s asked you to keep safe. The only problem is Malone doesn’t have a clue what the man is talking about, since Cassiopeia has left nothing with him. So begins Malone’s most harrowing adventure to date—one that offers up astounding historical revelations, pits him against a ruthless ancient brotherhood, and sends him from Denmark to Belgium to Vietnam then on to China, a vast and mysterious land where danger lurks at every turn. “
The good stuff first, and understand I am giving this five stars; I love the character. Cotton and company are just excellent characters and the dialogue is just really good. I admit to the fact that character driven fiction is my thing and this is right in my wheelhouse. Steve Berry has crafted a truly awesome character in Cotton Malone. The plotline was fun, filled with history and interesting tidbits. One can tell that Mr. Berry did some homework before penning this novel, and the Writer’s Notes clarified a few things for me at the end; I was grateful for them.
The running gag about Cotton not getting the opportunity to sell books is fun. Maybe Mr. Berry can pull a Clive Cussler and be the guy that gets to buy the books from him in the next novel or do something that involves his non-profit organization, History Matters (As a prize, use the winner’s name in the novel, just an idea). Side note: I think that some of Mr. Berry’s readers have to be men and once a guy reads the ritual of the ancient brotherhood, well let’s just say that is all you need; it sticks in your head. I don’t need to have that reinforced throughout the novel, Ouch!!
Check out his website for all things Steve Berry. He is in the middle of a book signing tour right now, get the places and times.
*** This Novel DEBUTS @ #8 on The NYT Bestseller list on 12/12.
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Kill Shakespeare Volume 1 by Conor McCreery, Anthony Del Col, Andy Belanger
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Brilliant
Graphic Novel Friday Kill Shakespeare Conor McCreery/Anthony Del Col

I am going to lead off with this today for a few reasons. Prepare yourself because I am going to be hitting you with a bunch of information on this bad boy. Monday I am also going to lead off with this dynamic duo, Conor McCreery & Anthony Del Col, in a Q&A I was lucky enough to get. The graphic novel is original, fresh, irreverent, and just about all the things I love in a graphic novel. Here is the official press release:
“Canadians Successful in quest to Kill Shakespeare with Release of Graphic Novel Adventure
Toronto, Canada: After a very successful initial run in comics, the creators of the Kill Shakespeare series are happy to announce the release of the first graphic novel, Kill Shakespeare Vol. 1: A Sea of Troubles. Conceived and written by Canadian-based creators Conor McCreery and Anthony Del Col, illustrated by Andy Belanger, and published by IDW Publishing (30 Days of Night, Transformers, True Blood), the graphic novel collects the first six issues of the sold-out twelve-issue series, offering a dark take on Shakespeare and his work, while pitting his greatest heroes against his most menacing villains.
The graphic novel was recently selected by the New York Times for their Holiday Gift Guide, declaring it, “gripping, violent and dark fun”, and nominated for the 2011 YALSA Good Graphic Novels for Teens list. It has received profiles on NPR, CBC Radio 3,, The Globe and Mail and Publisher’s Weekly. The series was the subject of some controversy in April when Shakespearean scholar (and girlfriend of Frank Miller) Kimberly Cox posted a long rant against the series, but artists such as John Layman (Chew), Michael Hirst (The Tudors) and Des McAnuff (The Stratford Shakespeare Festival, Jersey Boys) have praised the series.
The Kill Shakespeare graphic novel, which offers an edgy interpretation of Shakespeare’s most famous characters, brings Hamlet, Juliet, Othello, Richard III, Lady Macbeth, Puck and others together for an epic adventure. In the book, readers encounter a banished Hamlet, who embarks on a quest to resurrect his dead father. But to do so, he must kill a reclusive wizard named… William Shakespeare! The graphic novel features a foreword by award-winning cartoonist Darwyn Cooke (New Frontiers, The Hunter, The Outfit), as well as a brand new five-page story that further explores the mythology of the Kill Shakespeare world.
IDW Publishing is also releasing today (November 30th) the first two issues of the series – which were sold out throughout North America and Europe - digitally through iTunes, to allow readers to sample the series before purchasing the book. “
I think I got the particulars out of the way. Oops, forgot the link:
Alright, let’s get to the graphic novel shall we. The originality of the plotline and the execution is what hit me like an anvil. I just really enjoyed reading this and had a fun time going along for the ride. The dialogue is witty; it is cutting and altogether a rip. Artwork, well I am going to say it fits like a glove and just makes the graphic novel that much better. I have had the opportunity to read many a graphic novel this year and I am going to just say that this was one of the top reads for me this year. I am going to post my best of list next week, and you will definitely see this one in there, no doubt. I see no downside in picking up this graphic novel. I wish I had a shot at this first instead of some of the Shakespeare I had read in High School, it would have made it go down a bit easier.
What are you reading today? Check us out and become our friend on Shelfari & Linkedin. Go to Goodreads and become our friend there and suggest books for us to read and post on. You can also follow us on Twitter, Wattpad and the Gelati’s Scoop Facebook Fan Page. Did you know you can shop directly on Amazon by clicking the Amazon Banner on our blog? Thanks for stopping by today; We will see you tomorrow. Have a great day.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Fun, Adventurous
Graphic Novel Friday Campire Comics Harry Houdini

Check this out, it comes from the back cover of this graphic novel:
“Mission Statement:
To entertain and educate young minds by creating unique illustrated books to recount stories of human values, to arouse curiosity in the world around us, and to inspire by tales of great deeds of unforgettable people.”
Their website is :
The author of this graphic novel is C.E.L. Welsh. I have to admit that I didn’t know much about Harry Houdini other than the fact that he was a famous magician, Welsh took me to school and I really enjoyed it. Here is what you can find in the panels of this graphic novel:
“This is the life story of Ehrich Weiss. If you don't recognize this man's name, that is because the world came to know him as the one and only Harry Houdini. George Bernard Shaw once remarked that Harry Houdini is the third most famous name in history after Jesus Christ and Sherlock Holmes. While that might be a bold and debatable statement, there is no doubt that Houdini is the most famous magician to have ever lived. Almost a hundred years after his death, his name is still synonymous with death-defying stunts and unimaginable escapes. His ability to get out of seemingly impossible situations, along with his knack of dealing with the public and the press, made him a legend in his own time. Some of his most notable escapes, which still cannot be explained, were the Mirror Handcuff Challenge, the Milk Can Escape, the Chinese Water Torture Cell and the Suspended Straitjacket Escape. How did a poor, uneducated boy rise out of poverty and become the greatest illusionist of the 20th century? The story of Houdini's life is not only entertaining, but also educational. His struggles in life and his determination to succeed are a lesson to all.”
It was fun being educated about a historical figure, albeit a magician, excuse me, an illusionist. The artwork was good; it fit the dialogue and plotline very well. C.E.L. Welsh did some serious research, and presented a very nice picture of Houdini and made me understand a figure that has been made to be larger than life, an icon. I can now understand and appreciate his accomplishments more. Houdini is a true success story, which I didn’t know. Campfire truly fulfilled their mission statement. I am passing this among my family; you can share this graphic with all ages safely; that I really appreciate. One other thing they had near the back cover is “Putting the fun back into reading”. They certainly have done that and much more. Next week I am going to post on their version of Moby Dick, I am really looking forward to it after buzzing through this.
What are you reading today? Check us out and become our friend on Shelfari & Linkedin. Go to Goodreads and become our friend there and suggest books for us to read and post on. You can also follow us on Twitter, Wattpad and the Gelati’s Scoop Facebook Fan Page. Did you know you can shop directly on Amazon by clicking the Amazon Banner on our blog? Thanks for stopping by today; We will see you tomorrow. Have a great day.

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Life Changing
Self-Published Sunday Alan Sakowitz Miles Away…Worlds Apart

We have an ambitious tripleheader today, three novels each different, each has a decidedly different flavor, and each is the type of novel that one can take and use for different reasons. Our first novel this morning has its roots in a Ponzi scheme, but that isn’t what I want to focus on, instead I want to focus on the main message Alan Sakowitz is trying to deliver, or at least, I think he is. Here is the synopsis of the novel and I think you may possible see where I am going with this:
“Alan Sakowitz, a whistleblower of a Madoff-like Ponzi scheme masterminded by Scott Rothstein, fraudster extraordinaire, tells the story of his decision to turn in Rothstein regardless of the possible dangerous ramifications of such a decision. The saga of Rothstein's rise and fall which included a Warren Yacht, two Bugattis, Governor Crist, the former Versace mansion, The Eagles, and even the murder of a law partner, is the stuff that Hollywood movies are made from.
Instead of the mere accounting of such a scandal, Sakowitz uses the Rothstein scheme as a cautionary tale in stark contrast to the stories of humble, ethical individuals living within Sakowitz's neighborhood in North Miami Beach, Florida. Sakowitz's neighbors are people who have spent their lives trying to assist others, not line their pockets, and through these stories Sakowitz creates a sharp dichotomy between the greed, of a Rothstein and its mainstream culture of consumption and the charity, kindness and selflessness of a principle-oriented community. Indeed, Sakowitz speaks to the symptoms of a culture that could create a Scott Rothstein, and, though acknowledging that the easy way out is not simple to dismiss, offers remedies to the growing ills of our entitlement society. The answer, Sakowitz says, lies in thinking first of others, and how one's actions should benefit the lives of friends, not one's short-term gratifications. “
I have featured other novels that involved Ponzi schemes, even one novel that was named Ponzied, so I would prefer to stay away from that aspect of the story here. It is that time of year that we are, or at least hope that some of are, thinking of our fellow man and how fortunate we are and possibly looking back on all the positive things that have happened to us this year. I took this book and the other two I am posting today chapter by chapter. I did not consume this all at one time. Is the book that boring? No, I needed at times to reflect on what Alan Sakowitz has done and what he is proposing. He is making an attempt to enrich lives, to help us possibly focus on things in our lives we may at times overlook and think too small to matter, to see life as it could be, the simplicity and joy of it. That, my friends, was something I just didn’t wanted to blow by.
No one is ever going to accuse me of being a deep thinker. Miles Away..Worlds Apart has many levels to it and I was taken in by it, and plan to do just what Alan Sakowitz suggests, share the book with people. I already have a list at home of those family members that want to read it, and are willing to wait their turn, good stuff. Don’t pass on this because it appears to be just another Ponzi scheme, lawyer book, bad news, people get burned type thing. Alan Sakowitz has a real message he is trying to impart that has worth and value, give it a shot. Here are a couple of links the author has set up :
If you have an inspiring story, send it to him: [email protected]
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Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Optimistic, Fun
John Kralik 365 Thank Yous

Life ever kick you in the head? Wonder why the neighbor’s seemingly have it better than you? Down on your luck and just can’t find the right focus? Welcome to John Kralik’s life and times and enjoy the simple solutions and viewpoint he came to adopt to change his life around. I loved this book, I like the time of year it is released( release date is 12/28/2010), and I totally grooved on his newfound perspective. Check out the synopsis:
“One recent December, at age 53, John Kralik found his life at a terrible, frightening low: his small law firm was failing; he was struggling through a painful second divorce; he had grown distant from his two older children and was afraid he might lose contact with his young daughter; he was living in a tiny apartment where he froze in the winter and baked in the summer; he was 40 pounds overweight; his girlfriend had just broken up with him; and overall, his dearest life dreams--including hopes of upholding idealistic legal principles and of becoming a judge--seemed to have slipped beyond his reach.
Then, during a desperate walk in the hills on New Year's Day, John was struck by the belief that his life might become at least tolerable if, instead of focusing on what he didn't have, he could find some way to be grateful for what he had.
Inspired by a beautiful, simple note his ex-girlfriend had sent to thank him for his Christmas gift, John imagined that he might find a way to feel grateful by writing thank-you notes. To keep himself going, he set himself a goal--come what may--of writing 365 thank-you notes in the coming year.
One by one, day after day, he began to handwrite thank yous--for gifts or kindnesses he'd received from loved ones and coworkers, from past business associates and current foes, from college friends and doctors and store clerks and handymen and neighbors, and anyone, really, absolutely anyone, who'd done him a good turn, however large or small. Immediately after he'd sent his very first notes, significant and surprising benefits began to come John's way--from financial gain to true friendship, from weight loss to inner peace. While John wrote his notes, the economy collapsed, the bank across the street from his office failed, but thank-you note by thank-you note, John's whole life turned around.
365 Thank Yous is a rare memoir: its touching, immediately accessible message--and benefits--come to readers from the plainspoken storytelling of an ordinary man. Kralik sets a believable, doable example of how to live a miraculously good life. To read 365 Thank Yous is to be changed.”
The tagline on this book is “Learn how a simple act of gratitude changed one man’s life”. Wouldn’t it be nice if we all did that; performed a simple, random act of kindness. Some people do and we are witnesses to it each day, especially around this time of year. The gist of this book though was about perspective, hope, thankfulness, and belief. John Kralik when we first meet him is not a very thankful guy, he is in the pits of despair and wondering, why him? Well why not him and what exactly does he have to be thankful for. Early on in the book the moment comes to him as he is hiking alone (his girlfriend had just broken up with him). He starts to get lost and is tired, he basically lacks direction. Here then is the text of the book: ”Then I heard a voice” Until you learn to be grateful for the things you have,” it said, ”You will not receive the things you want.”
Simple, profound and amazing all at the same time. The journey John Kralik takes after that is what makes the reading good. The little things he comes to see, the appreciation for things he did not appreciate in the past, the way he viewed others. Is this book a preachy, condescending type book with fire and brimstone? No not at all, it is easy to read and hard to put down. As books go it is small, easy to hold, but the weight of the words and the deep message is what the gold here is. There are some books that you can reference back to once you have read it for something you may have forgotten, this is one that you want to go back to, it is filled with inspiration and insight.
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Vixen (The Flappers) by Jillian Larkin
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Fun, Adventurous
Romantic Wednesday Jillian Larkin The Flappers Vixen

Genre: historical fiction, young adult, romance, but not in any particular order. Vixen is a very nice debut novel from Jillian Larkin. The 20’s roar in this novel and it is altogether a blast. Check out the particulars:
“Jazz . . . Booze . . . Boys . . . It’s a dangerous combination.
Every girl wants what she can’t have. Seventeen-year-old Gloria Carmody wants the flapper lifestyle—and the bobbed hair, cigarettes, and music-filled nights that go with it. Now that she’s engaged to Sebastian Grey, scion of one of Chicago’s most powerful families, Gloria’s party days are over before they’ve even begun . . . or are they?
Clara Knowles, Gloria’s goody-two-shoes cousin, has arrived to make sure the high-society wedding comes off without a hitch—but Clara isn’t as lily-white as she appears. Seems she has some dirty little secrets of her own that she’ll do anything to keep hidden. . . .
Lorraine Dyer, Gloria’s social-climbing best friend, is tired of living in Gloria’s shadow. When Lorraine’s envy spills over into desperate spite, no one is safe. And someone’s going to be very sorry. . . .
From debut author Jillian Larkin, VIXEN is the first novel in the sexy, dangerous, and ridiculously romantic new series set in the Roaring Twenties . . . when anything goes. “
As I have said this is a Young Adult and it is Romance. Are the lines blurred here too much? I am going to say no. I like the alluding to, but not blatant descriptions of the romance, letting imagination work for once. The historical fiction genre has begun to grow on me. The research Jillian Larkin did was evident as I felt part of the time period, getting the feel for the atmosphere, the language, the entirety of the era. According to my kids I am old enough to have lived through the period as my schoolbooks were written on stone tablets. None the less, I got a groove on Vixen as it took me away to a different time period and I got engrossed in the characters and their everyday desires to seem older, act older, and be older. I could have told them it is no fun, to chill and enjoy their time, the creaking bones and other realities are quite the concept.
There is some news to go along with this already. The next installment in the series is called Ingenue, and it is due out in 2011. For all news Flapper go to the official website:
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Hollywood Hills: A Novel by Joseph Wambaugh
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Interesting, Fun
Joseph Wambaugh Hollywood Hills

Back in the day I used to read all of Joseph Wambaugh’s novels: The New Centurions, The Blue Night, The Choirboys, The Black Marble, The Glitter Dome, The Onion Field (non-fiction). It seems I have missed nine novels since and four non-fiction books. I am not going to list them; you can see them on the inside of the novel, Hollywood Hills when you crack it open. Let’s get into the action shall we?
“The legendary Hollywood Hills are home to wealth, fame, and power--passing through the neighborhood, it's hard not to get a little greedy.
LAPD veteran "Hollywood Nate" Weiss could take or leave the opulence, but he wouldn't say no to onscreen fame. He may get his shot when he catches the appreciative eye of B-list director Rudy Ressler, and his troublemaking fiancée, Leona Brueger, the older-but-still-foxy widow of a processed-meat tycoon. Nate tries to elude her crafty seductions, but consents to keep an eye on their estate in the Hollywood Hills while they're away.
Also minding the mansion is Raleigh Dibble, a hapless ex-con trying to put the past behind him. Raleigh is all too happy to be set up for the job--as butler-cum-watchdog--by Nigel Wickland, Leona's impeccably dressed art dealer. What Raleigh doesn't realize is that under the natty clothes and posh accent, Nigel has a nefarious plan: two paintings hanging on the mansion's walls will guarantee them more money than they've ever seen.
Everyone's dreams are just within reach--the only problem is, this is Hollywood. A circle of teenage burglars that the media has dubbed The Bling Ring has taken to pillaging the homes of Hollywood celebutants like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, and when a pair of drug-addled young copycats stumbles upon Nigel's heist, that's just the beginning of the disaster to come. Soon Hollywood Nate, surfer cops Flotsam and Jetsam, and the rest of the team at Hollywood Station have a deadly situation on their hands.”
My little siesta from his work I think worked to my advantage as far as my enjoyment level of this novel. How can you say that Giovanni, really? Joseph Wambaugh was named Grand Master by the Mystery Writers of America in 2004 so it isn’t that he can’t write. My angst and the reason why I stopped reading his work, I think, comes from the old adage that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Everybody has a style, and I enjoy his style; it is pretty awesome. I just think I got into a rut where everybody wanted to be him, the next Joseph Wambaugh. There is only one that I know of.
Hollywood Hills helped me rediscover my enjoyment for what he brings to the table: witty repartee between his characters, off the wall characters, sub-plots galore, and a way to weave them altogether in a very interesting way. Did I keep up with his literary mimics? No. I don’t remember any of them, but after I cracked this open, the reason why he is The Man in this genre came back pretty quick and hard. Being the OCD reader I am, I have just received a wake-up call that I am not going to miss and backtrack to the novels I have passed on and enjoy them. Don’t be like me, be a choirboy and read Hollywood Hills, it won’t leave you crying in The Onion Field over time lost.
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Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Romantic, Fun
Mary Jane Clark To Have and To Kill

To Have and To Kill is the first novel in a new series for Mary Jane Clark. I haven’t had the pleasure of reading one of her novels before so this was a first of firsts for me, I enjoyed it. Clark definitely drew me in right away. Here is what this novel is about:
“My new character, Piper Donovan, is a struggling actress with no immediate prospects and a recently broken engagement. Reluctantly, she moves back in with her parents to take stock of her life. Piper steps tentatively into the family bakery business, and finds herself agreeing to create the wedding cake for the acclaimed star of a daytime television drama. But soon deadly things start happening around the bride-to-be and it seems that somebody is ruthlessly determined to stop the wedding.
With the help of her former neighbor, Jack, a handsome FBI agent with a soft spot for the gorgeous cake-maker, Piper moves closer to the truth. As she narrows in on a suspect, Piper realizes that it's hotter in the kitchen than she may be able to handle...”
All good stuff: bakeries, wedding cakes, FBI agents and mystery abounds. I enjoy reading this type of fun novel at the beach, or now since it is cold, while watching a good fire that I have made. To Have and To Kill was a nice introduction to Mary Jane Clark’s works for me. Her characters seemed to have the right ingredients, the right amount of proofing and they seemed to have been baked just right, with just a hint of some extra spice or spices that only she knows what it is. Piper is a character I grew to care about and I am eager to follow her coming novels. If you have the blog at all, you know that I really enjoy finding new character driven series to follow.
I am going to have to guess that I am in the minority when it comes to having read a novel by this author. It seems that Mary Jane Clark has a few novels under her belt and they are all on display at her website, plus a few other neat things. Have you signed up for her newsletter? I did. Here is here official website address:
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Left Neglected by Lisa Genova
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Inspiring
Gelati's Scoop

Left Neglected is the newly released novel by Lisa Genova author of Still Alice. I have not read the first one, but quite honestly if it is anything like the new one, I am going to put it on my Goodreads –to read – list. Maybe Goodreads should make a new designation, -must read-, to make things easier. Genova seems to have a thing about brains and the injury that can come to them, in Still Alice she tackles Alzheimer’s, in Left Neglected she goes after brain injury via auto accident that leaves our main character without the use of the left side of her brain. Here are the particulars of the novel:
“Sarah Nickerson is like any other career-driven supermom in Welmont, the affluent Boston suburb where she leads a hectic but charmed life with her husband Bob, faithful nanny, and three children—Lucy, Charlie, and nine-month-old Linus.
Between recruiting the best and brightest minds as the vice president of human resources at Berkley Consulting; shuttling the kids to soccer, day care, and piano lessons; convincing her son’s teacher that he may not, in fact, have ADD; and making it home in time for dinner, it’s a wonder this over-scheduled, over-achieving Harvard graduate has time to breathe.
A self-confessed balloon about to burst, Sarah miraculously manages every minute of her life like an air traffic controller. Until one fateful day, while driving to work and trying to make a phone call, she looks away from the road for one second too long. In the blink of an eye, all the rapidly moving parts of her jam-packed life come to a screeching halt.
A traumatic brain injury completely erases the left side of her world, and for once, Sarah relinquishes control to those around her, including her formerly absent mother. Without the ability to even floss her own teeth, she struggles to find answers about her past and her uncertain future.
Now, as she wills herself to regain her independence and heal, Sarah must learn that her real destiny—her new, true life—may in fact lie far from the world of conference calls and spreadsheets. And that a happiness and peace greater than all the success in the world is close within reach, if only she slows down long enough to notice.”
I like the concept and execution of the plotline, Genova follows through with it very well and delivers a very touching, gripping novel. The heartstrings get pulled often and the title although in one way is very literal can be taken in many ways, I really like that. The medical jargon at times goes a bit too far but I can’t help but admire the amount of research she did to prepare for the novel. Overall I would suggest reading this novel if for nothing else other than the different perspective. It allows the reader to gain to a perspective as to what and can be very important in one’s life and the variety of positive choices that can be made with regards to family and quality of life, the basic important things that come free and can’t be bought.
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Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Beautiful
Suzanne Woods Fisher The Search

I have to admit, I am a big fan of good stories written with an Amish backdrop. I don’t know if this comes from having lived my entire life about 90 minutes away from Lancaster, PA and enjoying frequent trips there or my envy of a lifestyle that most of us will never get to experience. I am drawn in by the faith, dedication to family and community, natural beauty, and simplicity of the Amish people.
The words on the back cover of The Search describe this story better than I ever could, “Beautifully written, The Search is a skillfully woven story that takes you through unexpected twists and turns on the long country road toward truth. Immerse yourself in this heartwarming – and surprising – tale of young love¸ forgiveness, and healing.”
The Search is the third book in Suzanne Woods Fisher’s series Lancaster County Secrets. I have not read the first two, but with the author’s great descriptions and attention to detail, I felt as if I was right in the middle of the story. It was as if I knew the characters and their personalities. The feelings of love, forgiveness and especially healing were beautifully portrayed. Throughout are snippets from sermons that really hit home. They pertain to specific situations but could be applied to our lives as well. Here’s an example, “But a few years ago, I went to a church service and the pastor happened to be preaching on the difference between divine forgiveness and human forgiveness. I knew I couldn’t forgive others without God’s help. He said that we fail in the work of grace and love when there is too much of us and not enough of God.” That one made me stop and think.
All in all, The Secret is a really nice blend of a good storyline, likable characters, very detailed descriptions of scenery and personalities, along with many fine examples of how living a life of love and truth will lead to happiness
“Available January 2011 at your favorite bookseller from Revell, a division of Baker Publishing Group.”

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