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Name : Tiffay K.

My Reviews

The Help by Kathryn Stockett
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Interesting
Beautiful Story

I thought this book was a beautiful, well written story. I couln't put it down. It was an easy, fun read but it inspired a lot of different opinions at our book club. It was fun to see the different views of the characters.

Unconvincing, Interesting, Optimistic

Although I read this book fairly quick because it was an easy read, it just never "got there" for me. I wanted to like it but there was no depth to the characters and at times was easy to get lost in the conversations of the characters. I almost felt like I could see the author playing the conversations out in her head while no one else understands what she's saying because she's leaving out important tid bits. I wanted to like Rory because he had the most history but Beth the main character isn't even vanilla, she's cardboard.

Interesting, Adventurous, Fun
Could have been longer

I thought this book was a fun summer read (don't expect a life changing book). It was just a fun read that in my opinion was a little too short. I liked the story and the characters and thought that it could have been much longer because there was so much going on. It seemed like the majority of the book was setting up the story so I was wondering how it was going to end when I was getting close the last pages of the book with so many loose ends. For the most part everything wrapped up but too quickly. I thought the end was interesting but so rushed. I would have liked to see more played out. I hope the next installment will be longer and give more background on the character's past. I have never read this author before.

A Stolen Life: A Memoir by Jaycee Dugard
Poorly Written, Insightful, Life Changing
Didn't know where it left me

Sometimes after reading a book I feel deeply impacted, good or bad. I wasn't sure how I felt when I finished this book. I was so sad that this happened to a little girl and that this girl, now woman, will have to live with this the rest of her life. I was sad for her two little girls and for the family that was left wondering for so long. It disgust me that there are people in the world that can cause this much hurt. My book club read this and although the book was interesting, I don't think we got into discussion as much as we have with other books. The fun of a book club is discussing our different takes on a story and our opinions. For the most part I think we all had a shared opinion.

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