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The book flits back and forth between Effie's college life and her family situation or lack thereof. It made our group wonder how this book ended up being published. We thought perhaps it would be better understood by someone from Scotland who could better relate to the descriptions of the area. Three out of the four of our group did not read the entire book because they could not get through it.
This is a great time to be reading this book to get to know one of our presidential hopefuls. The work gives some interesting insights into Barack's past and how it may have affected his current beliefs and ideology.
Our members were skeptical and wondered why we chose this book. But once they got into the book, each of them enjoyed it in their own way. We had an interesting discussion about how each of us feels about using computers. I also mentioned a few things that have changed at Google since the book was written and how things there change pretty much every day. It was an interesting departure from everyday fiction and we all learned something!
If your group is really into Shakespeare, this may not be the choice - any of his other works might be better. If your group is not into Shakespeare, don't try this. All of ended up either reading the Cliff Notes or watching the movie to try to understand this work; and even then had trouble deciphering what was actually going on. We tried....
Our book club had a lively discussion about this work. One of the members described reading this type of book as "an antibiotic for Alzheimer's". Blink had us talking about topics ranging from relationships to fainting goats....
Our group has learned that, like movie reviews, a good book review doesn't always translate to a good book. We have been looking for an uplifing memoir from an author from another country and have not been successful in finding one. This selection was not uplifting and the format was rather confusing -- she went back and forth from her life to the life of Dostoevsky's mistriss Polina.
This was a handy book for beginners or those who have been living under a rock for the last few years. Many of the tips were things we've all heard a million times - use the efficient light bulbs, unplug electric appliances, don't use household cleaners, etc, etc, etc. It was a good starting point for our group to discuss what we are doing and I think everyone got some good ideas on things that they would aspire to do.... And we also talked about the ultimate in recycling - consignment shops - and where the best ones are in the area.
Some interesting stories about average people in Florida and how they survived in the early years. Interesting for residents of Florida who like history.
This book was enjoyed by all members of our group. It was very well written and offered some insightful views on the Chinese culture.
All members said they would not have read this title had it not been selected for our book club - and they are very glad they did! Daddy Long Legs is a heartwarming 'Cinderella' story of a young orphan girl given the gift of education. Even though it was written in 1912 (almost 100 years ago), the ideas and lessons learned are still very applicable to today. I would recommend this book for everyone but especially for young ladies about to attend college.
Our members all felt that Irving created some very memorable characters in this story. He described them in great detail so that by the end of the book you felt like you really knew them and how they were feeling. It is an inspiring if a bit long read. We all wish they would make it into a movie.
Everyone in our group enjoyed this book, it was a fast and gripping read. Members commented on the author's ability to develop complex characters to the point that you felt you truly knew them. Some members had difficulty following the plot twists and the ending was truly a surprise to most. We would recommend this title if you are looking for a good mystery that you won't want to put down until it's finished.
Some members were a bit leery about this selection at first. When we met most were surprised that they really liked the book. There were many points to start a discussion about and each member told an interesting story about themselves related to the book.
American Gods was not an easy read but it was very worthwhile. The entire group really liked the book even through some found it challenging to get through. We had a lively discussion and didn't even need the questions to guide us.
Everyone enjoyed learning the other side of the Hemingway story from Hadley's perspective. We talked about other Hemingway works, his family and the 1920's in general. This work made for a lively and interesting discussion.
Most of our club members couldn't make it through the book. It was full of information, maybe too much. Also the idea of memorizing huge lists of random numbers just didn't seem practical to any of us - we have much better things to do with our time!
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